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January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…,11 { I, 1) 4 rrna r al r f DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE : ... 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN; SUNDAY, JANUARY 18, 1920. PR 'V!. FmN i .. - rna~Ti TC"i-' trtIXD f l,.YC V I I Taft Favors League of Nations; Approves College Referendum - - - DAY II COMPOSE Because e No "I am in favor of the League of Na- tions even if we should have to a6- cept it unamended, but I believe in modifying it to suit myself if I can," Hon. William Howard Taf...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…;' )t Monday during the Univer- )f Student Publications. SOCIATED PRESS sively entitled to the use for' credited to it or not otherwise n ews published therein. in Arbor, Michigan, as second Secondly, there are many who are ready to scoff or to throw stones at a movenept of which they know nothing except what they have inadvertently heard. Needless-to say, the sources of their knowl- edge are usually questionable. This class is ever ready to...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…ar. A he is said to be doing e Rec- to fairly easy picking for the University. In the indoor meet the going was somewhat harder, but nevertheless, the meet resulted in a 44 to 33 verdict in favor of the Maize and Blue. Mich- igan won five of the eight firsts and of these five, Johnson took three. The Varsity scored a slam in the 50 yard dash. The outdoor meet for last year was run off at Ferry field. Again the team was on the long end of th...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…Parties OR, M. 1. BURTON TALKS Of AIS AND MBiTIONS SGIVES REASONS FOR PREFERRING TO CONE TO MICHIGAN UNIVERSITY I Week Furnished By Lyceum Service Finzel's, of Detroit, and others PHONE 783 cers Vand other !Attractions, F I rY i A'rIWY IT RECEIVED. rge shipment of :e collar attach- .S rs bi Ltton down -,g r _ the Arcade 11ItII I 111liili l~illnIIIllIll 11ii';: atI ' R'S GRILL, rifled Porterhouse Steaks x In an interview with L...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 5

…Advertisers.-Adv. ER & SEYFRIED JEWELERS - of - Quality and. Service 113 E. Liberty St. Ann Arbor, Mich. To LECTURE HERE Following the lecture of Dr. Wil- liam Roscoe Thayer, two other faM- NEW DANCE SCHEDE ANNOUNCED By UNION /999 1I U a -----/ 99 ous historians are scheduled to ap- pear at the University this month. Prof. Arthur Percival Newton will lecture Jan. 21 on the "British Em- pire," and Dean Charles Haskins Jan. 27 on "The.P...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

…I l 1... lV l i £Al 1 YAV(A l VI/ C-11. SS, AY 7:30 o'i new init sium With the beginning of the second y_ on semester, the Union expects to revive a pre-war custom of open houses on hsc g Sunday afternoons, at which Speech- es will be given and a general get- together meeting held. The enter- tainment committee is at work on clock programs for the various gatherings, mega and they expect to offer a variety of bates entertainments. Speeches...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…An entirely new kitchen crew will work in the Union after Friday morn- ing. Dennis Donovan, steward, just returned from Chicago where he suc- ceeded in obtaining the new men to replace the unsatisfactory staff, em- ployed up to Thursday. Tuesday Ld iu :et" ' om o m of eS )CS. A R C ADE Shows at 3:00; 7:00 8:30 Phones: Theatre, ag6-M Mgr's Res., 2316-M. Today-Tomorrow EUGUNE O'BRIEN in f "The Broken Melody'' WUERTH THEATRE Sun-Mon-Tues - 1...…

January 18, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…j d. with interest Mr. Hur- tion of the presence of d "flunkey" in the front the Union. But is Mr. ly frank in what he says, other reasons which he estly refrains from men- ose offered are not en- cing. eeper, we are told, is to Union from becoming "a;. andladies and their re- eep out "shouting child- ," anc thus preserve the "Michigan Men, Everywhere." Now, there are other doors to the Union besides the front door, but the writer has seen n...…

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