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January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Da il Ann Arbot, MI( icigan, t. oi day, Jtiuarti 1,-1908.. %Vait.. XJJ No. 81. MICHIGAN SCORES a llpomtei nf monand peet i o"I 11.Robrts, for Nortecstern, con- 1~(TIIIF~ VI ~T~RV tnded that public sentiment today hs l canged i(1 ,a tlt frotm that of the past feIars (l, al that the people of each Varsity Debaters Win Decision state ar tmaingi such chage in their OverNortwestrn Wile ol~star lues a they hind the netds of th Ove N...…

January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICH-IGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpaly Tle Largst Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemlen's ear Every thing rquired o Suts, Overtoat.,, 'an etin ctto and 'lrosein I Oandof ihigh c as fahrics and speial styles Full Dress Sits a Specialty 0. H. Wild Colpally 31t South State Street A Few 50C Michigan Calendars For 25c Each wshil tey lastI lies are the oiginat Michigan Caiendars ontaning about go avcewa of Ani Arbor We ht...…

January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…THE MXGfI[GAN DAILY Pt RtZDTP; STARTED FOOT- but thec dispute seas finallysesttled antd ALL 11.tA, REFORM 1.IN 149; M.ichigan reanledlwith thie westerners -- ----until the recceintbreak. I' : pirit of reform in athletics among sthlwesen colleges dtes farther back ____________________ thin the Angell comference of 1904, the AD. SGT i IE M lisoyof which was recounted recently VAND T1 GNYT -\NI NE"'s" The College 'i hstetub.Tl ilso t'l tndrTend ...…

January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THE, fMICHtbAS DiAILY ,..,., . . .. .. Souventir Post Cards See the large display in our rear room opposite the stamp department, Local View Cards Birthday Cards College Pennant Cards <Num-Skull" Cards Folding Cards 13. E. CALKINS, Druggist. 324 South State Street. AMUSEMENT S ALWAYS LOOK FOR MAJESTIC PENNANT " . .l TI For Entire Week of January 13th Asisilrt- il'i-auc Rssiins Singing and Dhobo -ifrecltromt Isippri odrome (O(ieet e blesto...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…-The Michigan Daily VOL. XV II . Ica. fit. MICHIGAN TEAM DEBATES WITH CHICAGO TONIGHT Both Teams Confident and Ready For the Contest-Visiting Deat- ers Arrived Last Night. liveryhingisin re it''. 1r.hed1 bate wiathcao toS h held itn IUlu i v it y- 1 all8 tonight811 'll,1 Mi1higa it 8lstprc ie tiand wiltsent he ay il oditi81118818 tetl 111. ztitiiiieitill take tii 118818 t litan strogst tef ortto i.STheta get. nd(it i eI tc at a large auie1...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…'tilt M!I'tHMA?4DAILY Fancy Vesting and Troilseringi Window Display The largest and jno,;t con- p1lete line in the city in both Scotch and Worsted trous- erings.You waill also find our prices right. We guar- antee perfect satisfaction. (G. H. WILD) CO. 311 S tateSt. SweatAer Vest Now it ;t h ti i1 Iit I Sit li{t Ves cifI Ii isy xss ,int tolor,; gre1y, b lu ri s Iii It. fPrIt short titlw it a4tt SHEEHAN & CO03 The Stutdentts' Bookstore THE MI...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…_____ H~E MIc~iIGAi4'DAILY Sam Burehlleld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver the Goods SAM BURCHFIELD & CON 106 EAST HURON STREET HOME COOKING .Inl iMacks Tea Room 1,1 tioNI Mado Bntr'ad and 1l'a r ; r, helat: , i ehetalle", 'mum. ow- homiiie iokm-t Fd dpalatable. Xot-dri'ii e i_ ilrt t, eninlimt able appioint mentSandtn ike s-'riitndiii,-., tin l"e a l oomnisaverY poptila]v s4iththe citie~s a d ; deits it A n t \-bor. LUNCHES SERVED A LA CA...…

January 18, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…-ri4p- mLi(4IAN fDAILY GRABS Al H hi or 1 v L t,1 1soi evr getol good. inn,;; ill 1 jirtItIc11ts, Dry C,- C hin i , Panty ,- Ar- ticlc ,, jewclnrN', StatincrS 'dnch I tttrijutents In the lotar :in 1thcr" mortitl p to Ii' l it ii"i1 .11 it 111 y HOAG'S HOME SUPPLY SiTOKE Occidental Hotel We Cate r tO Banquets, Etc. Hixson Lunch- Ypsilanti Ntot "HOW MUCH" a Cigar Costs But "HOW GOOD" it Smokes. Winner Pittsburg Stogies 4 for 5c. $1.10 per Rox ...…

January 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ily OL. XVL. ANN ARBOR, ?IlClI IC::\. Ti'il"[: 1)iaY, J\NL"''A18 jo(st PRACTICE IS ENDED- DEBATERS GO TODAY Coach Tueblood and Team Leave For Chicago at 2:35-=Strenuous Prac- tice Held Last Night. 'Te last rctitce is overanstd at 2:35 this stftertoonasssichtigast's aehatitg teams, Alaclit. Legg asd Rstwlits actim- paniedsilbitCitalhTrIuetblootd sill leaav fo tCiagotos mteet te ita asti (t e-i atssilthesartwn rtttda ficsha- i~g...…

January 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…r mtc14tAN 1)ATL Y Leading jMERCHANT TAILORS I The largest stock in the City of exclusive I styles in Woolens for j Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for eta- dents. 0. H. Wild Co. 311 S. State St. THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Arbo s asssS A ii ssttes 's Pubished daily(Moneday s cetsrt)sisrisg th oleeyar, at st7 test \t'cigt ont strset. Bell phoes8g2. Homste phoe76s. Mansaging Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Manager, WALTER R. HAN...…

January 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…T14t MtdCHIOIGAN Ali.V INSURANCE ae++ i +a +.+++++ s t e Geo. J. Hallaer ~Co. *+A S O & bWII o&4 OorF REALhT E +< jtooin 1-4 xlx0 ++ + ,MCam pus B arber Shop ++O +++ A.M Et0 .Uiest v .'he records of January and Febroary Sales fairly erlipsedl. Ihe overstock, ; tdue to the Mild winter, most he disposeri of quoick. Prices hav e been cut i .TO The Ann Arbor Savings Bank many instances to half and less. The variety offered for selection has ixev...…

January 18, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rockillg Valley Ry. CONTINI.TPfS ITS l: XI'1LEt~NT TRAIN TStiUIWEf You will fid Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depots in Toledo and ('o- lumnbus S. E. CLARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. Allegretti Chocolate Creams We have the exclusive agency in Ann Arbor for the Original Alle- gretti Chocolates. 60c per lb. E. E. CALKINS Drugjs- - I 320 South Stat...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 1

…The Mnichigan -kDaily ANN ARBOR, MICH., WI DNESDAY , JANT'ARY iS, 1905. NO. 7 7 PRIOF. IYOOGE HONORED FAIR JOURNALISTS A LECTURE TOUR WARNER WILL PRESIDE be American Archaeological Representatjve to Congress at Athens 11111 010)M 1 ", 0, /t l'~ oll 11 tll 11 elk- t1i 1 11il 10 h't il t lIt "ll t r cc , i ( lt tt tthe Jtl t rtit Is in tt o til N 1111 , 1I(V w l t it li t o e e t c p o a aiIl Ci'ee''tttt it - i-al , o kic~c 111C ii .1(1th itie W...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 2

…. r THSl MICHIGAN DAILY _-- r~s a. ,ae * ** 1T II E71 CI AN DAILY. SW E WOULD HAV EA!C-Clr . i II atrat0 theiArte TIYOU TO KNOWB : -_-- -- __ __ erllG i~ * Tht w ar nong ltt~ti~S ~ Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. t OUR NE STORE ness Man ager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. 311 South State Street 0 Athleics---------------CLYDE L. DOW N ies ------------ARTHUR C. 1OUND 4 * I ' l 5 .............Joseph Y. Kerr *Womte.........Ida N. Brownrtig EITORIAL STAFF...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RtBulhfield's Fine Tai oiin~ Fall Fashions are 1Ripe IJTade Guarantees... ,~ You themoust skillful -ind i-t:.i C st-ice toh: had ansywhie ~Suits - TopCas=Ri Cot eu.te have th's -- fs aNc Ca-tom Shirts From the wholesale tailorisng house of S and can show s-ou aI ac ;e, Is is sid cur-:isline of shirt- ooL. ADLER BROS. 6& Co.4 u s- erfesit itting., Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 LI. Kuron 4: ,, oc°te, N.Y Illustrating ...…

January 18, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 77) • Page Image 4

…fi B Yt;HitAN DAILY j ~ Hungryj *PETER'SL jSWISS MILK CCHOCOLATE V el Nourishin, Sustaining1 L DELICIOUS. l Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near ly two milliont men. Sony fier Ash or Pin Taray Given awy with e'y 0.ur chastor o'er at LARLING & MALLEAUX Antlsepic BARBER SHOP=, and BATa ROMS. 2J. R. Tojaoskci, 322 Soutt State St. .................. $ Scotts Academy o Dnn T'I ...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ANN ARB3OR, MICH., SUNDAY, JAXtJ~iY ]Is, 19013 "sit AR. Net. 5k 'BACKBONE" Practice Try-out Meet ROBERTSOELECTED Re 'I'se lfist prelimsiary' iiy- tisit 51t l-bso "tsCh anateristic is Necessary for frtelisrsy rt-iti a' Presdet of Junior Literary Class is sr yot ra afternoon istIthe yms innisAsiisi dung Man Who is to Succeed- ''hrr iwes-ritaisr'-v snitlwrsor'coin Chosen1'Varsity Football Mana- uu ti ftune by Mr. Thomas Di...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…I'l EMICIII(TA N l)\lL) -NEWT , R E 4fF Y F. E C 'y ' Y; 4 F ra 4 _ C4 :' 5n t" , C Il AID E 1 i!(l t in I 1 111 l o {1' Il . iAi'.' m i ) Tile I.(- Bct P r"~ Paoir i'f :' r ' <i1 , ~ ' 1 Im EAIl AN b:l1. otll-' 1N, 1.211.1 1 I1 . IN Il A hl t VcIsA 10 0) A 110iI hI n f \.ia I( f1. X' .iiigor S Dr. \Newell D wight [lulls: BOOKSi 1~ea Tools111 'I,,Li I e co .1 201 I Ii 1 Ir e" rr'r III II l o .. 1 fX I)tci' 111c o t K n;. . . . - c rI III 1111'...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…_. I I!1 if11 16 A D[A I I Y-N F N L I% Pt i ed CokTip. THE RIGHT 1HJNC"S AN ENOUG OF THEM1 fi / Sut. 'rcot-1kt , C 5 113COti xII S.M i' a ~ r - 1i l'l ; r jl t &" 1S1t BHIl i L4- ' _ o 'i 0 01 4ts . F 1 , 1 I', Illli Atliclic Iil 6 44441, L~av i ;ii> 31(jua l lii,,. C 11100e1.. , it 3... A> 0 \ 1 11t"I '":''i ii~ l ' .444A' 4. v , 1f 4 ll I W li r The Schooli 1 ,r Dancing CR N(i 'W Ground Floor. 312 Maynard Street, TUTTLE LOWNFY'S (llO(OLAI[S...…

January 18, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICLI 1(-Ai t)A I1Y-.NE\ (luring this mlonth, all custom mEade. 5p1ecial sale of white and fancy vests. SPECIAL SHIRT SALE CUTrIN~G-., RFYE2-~crI. d, G. J BUS, Maager109 and 111 East Washington Street GLOVES 'G E N D I2tTi~L 2 .I1')rt1f i~t 1IT1iITI( kI'1IAM1HENG ;111vt .0.M. MARTIN... A 1OIOt11h11.TN(ItA i FUNERAL tveII's Corner Store Cot.'MainFnd Huron St;. gllra 3Y), 3 rio'gs. DIRECTOR Ofle215. 4th Ave. 'Phone3. Ites'- 342 S. State St....…

January 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 1

…--___YEAR. ININ AItDO RMAICII., 'SATURDAY. JANUJARY' Is1 vs 1 tvr IUK WEKS. Chosaby Committee as te oe Whose 1am 5i to Appear on the Cup Of'red by Dr. Carrw. 212 ('2122.1 til, cu ite 'n,111. of 12r1 31'11 _ ti'. ct 121 2.22 el: 1 12 22! 1 is ! 11dta Bid o 21212, 21 ':4112 ' ll 2ct l \ : s o'. . is red in2fee2222222. art uP2th 12 221 22' 22 2221211 22, 2122'te, t 22 1222 2222 u ' 2 '.1222221a) 22' 22t 122)22] 2122 .(l 11e 12.222"2g,i c 22o 1,12...…

January 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 2

…THE Mt~ctIIGjAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ORFALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THlE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. 'The largest assortment in: the state. WILD 60. io8 lE. WashingtonSt Trowbridge's Chocolate 40c lb. The U, of Al. DAILY, 12th Yeart. The 'VARSITY NEWS, Ist Ycttr. Pulse itl lItysecert d dr.l MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS P...…

January 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 3

…THE M1UHIGAN2DAILY-NEWS ' ' ' iaai 'i' ° '' 'T'"T ' T'T "j' ''t' '°i"'a' 'I"is'r " '+";°' "';°'';i°ja'i'"' ' ' ° ";"" ' T . i.'Z"i ' ";" "i' + s_ AH, U HYAR ADE! Our new assortment of Idith Robes, Lounging Gowns and Smoking Jackets. All that yo-i could desire of our stock is complete in these lines asd it will be to your advantage to look them through bofore buying your holi- (lay presents. -z- - r - s- -: . z-rz *,' 400-.202 S. Main Street. :...…

January 18, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 81) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -NEWS (BCANDIES KODALKSid t lit dainilty packageso f all sizes. We Winter scenery' acrd wainter 5artieo imake o )akin., tt11 park fur shipment withount chare.... iefrtehiay. W aealteneppaterns. Q + ee thiemi in our windaw. per cent. discuint on kodaks. ~CALIKmINS' PHARMACY 324 50. STATE ST. riGkwiGk IBilliard Prl~ors addBowling 707 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!! Th:, e oith t o f oo t o n SERV~lIEEQIPMi ENT...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 1

…;be Rf? 9~Pail. VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 1901. No 8¢ ........_.. _ Announcement I~Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of i900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The ame careful attention is given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for business purposes or for full dressf occasions. . H. WILD GO., sob E. Washington St. WI LDER'S PHARMACY VOU KN...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 2

…> THE UNIVE hESITY 01' MICHLOAIN DALY g iP'ograms for Literary Societies RAIN OR SHINE - - The literary and law societies will The "100" $3.00 Shoe is the shoe Published Daily (Mondayseas pted)darig iold their regular meetings this -week. to wear when the weather is uncer- Coil a ear,at The Adephi society wilt also eect tan. A little rain doesn't hurt it THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN thi-e fies while it affords plenty of comfort On Mas oSre. The...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 3

…TE UMVEBSI Y OF MICRIG A tiDAILY. iii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii * *i W iii ii ii ii ii iii Dont e 63Ik Thiere won't be many days 'tween now and the end of our 63c shirt, sal-, I f' you are going to choose from some of the best made shirts and m ad c. (t finse material, at a bargain price you must do it NOW. Fact is at these prices it will pay you to lay in an extra supply. 4, 4. T. 117 MAIN ST. GOO DSPEED'S l11t MAIN ST. ;w r 'F'F...…

January 18, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 84) • Page Image 4

…THE UYIVEJ~bITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS Perfect Tailoring--Shape Retaining ECA WORTH READING The ardnola sslihex, Heny Hsr and Is a quality often wanting in Men's Suits, but our tailors Brine in y The ~ arlna's nuf~box flnryHarand- - an offer. ea the Wngs Otsns Joel Chandler Harris have mastered tie secret of imparting this characteristic Te fearts Highway Mary E. Wiliis to tegret made for us. Every Garment is made ex- 3e2dqSa The Inane t...…

January 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…Wbet2]of 9 fu>VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, ICH., THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1900 No. 2. REGENTS MEET. toward him. I hope for ism ttat the Fire in the Phi Delta Phi House. _____skiosxwiil brihten bye and bye.' WL DRegent Cocker: "1 tinks that is the Shortly before six o'clock yesterday noiiaAddress-Degrees Abol- sentiment of all of ux afternoon a fire broke ot n the Phi !she -Reigntion.-Stn" Tie first buanesa was the appointtDeta Phi chapter hose on the erner...…

January 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UN I V EE SITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 2 THE UN VERfITY O} MICHIGAN DAILY Pu Mtee d Daily (Sendaysp excepted) dring the Cllege yer, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0 rcc: The tnled Pess, tenig Blck. Bth tPhaaes. Ca. MIANAGING 'ItTOR. FEGELHARDc0IL. Ii 5NESS MANAGER . 11. t1cA, '0 L. &TILETIUS, . . D. IlcacacT, '01 E 17. C.,Waacccac, '51L. A. tI. McD~lasccL, 'it E A. . Bcsaa, o. 0. . I.. WOD, )0 L. J,.o+MaEcaaca,'1, IVc. ltccv), '0M, Teceuhici...…

January 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY.4 4 _ _ __ 1HILDEBRA MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Fails Route." CEONTRASL ST'ANDARDPTIME. Taping f'eet November 19, 1899. Deteroit Night E pes....... ... 5 55o.RI Atlantoicxpes..7 45" Grnd Rapids hExpr'es..........11 10" Mail an Exp esi ........... .... 04 It . N. Y. BostnSpecial........... 4 58 Fast Ea'tcr .... ........ .... 943 Botstn, N. Y. andticaego....... 805" Fast 1<4esten Exprss......... 1 G....…

January 18, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H a;FIV~~T D. R. TINKE2R & SON Aiday !l ATLJ K it5 HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for U ~ Sremember that we can supply you with a $1.00 HATS, CAPS, 1MEN'sFNS HIFeoSna Fountain Pen, the Laughlin or Waterman, wehich udopouietrsse we fully gouarantee. Whatt cn you askTrus Goons andt SEATESas. AGENCY FOR LONGLEY HATS NOT THE L R334 South State Stree CHIEAPEST DOWN TOWN, N ,sC 6 SOUTH MAIN ST. STORE;_____...…

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