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January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 1

…FRENCH COURSES See Page 4 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :43 xilu WINDY, CLOUDY High-30 Low-18 Growing colder tonight, clearing tomorrow III, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES V-o Hedge~s on Income Ta x * * * * * * * * * eague Council Adopts ove Abolishing LSTOR'S CONFERENCE: Ambassador Cites African Attitudes By JOHN McREYNOLDS and ROBERT SELWA "Africa is not only...…

January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY,. vv.".".", r s r. " ::wvrx v ::vrso". rraxvr "h ,:xrv " c x". vvv ""a" srr. "."."n hr..^.as r s rH...rws vvro "r" ." vhv. "ed.".-rv " .." ;". '++iS":'" . t{{{K '".. }:4sa:.. " '{" s hx:"." st " nvt :"hs"+r.". "rh+:"r v: r. ?. rrr..", ..} fiF.{"{ :ir11." "A'".. h. 'Y:.h v.a"" asv- " rrv ": " r x .: r .."r: ors ^. h .:.vw'" ......... ........?....".. 4... ..:. r. r.{ r}.... }}..... {" ".'v:{{" ....…

January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILYPA enga's Dream: T oo Much? i NOTE: As Peter Grose, LEOPOLD VILLE - Pro-Com- without Gizenga's help-the Stan- Press Correspondent in lyil ee a ntobe filed this analysis, re- munist Antoine Gizenga gambled leyville rebel was in trouble. received from Leopold- his ambitions on the issue of Ka- Dramatic Eclipse atoine Gizenga has been his post as deputy pre- tanga, and as long as Moise This is the way diplomats and astigating "...…

January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 4

…p Etdygt Daily Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. OSA IN TRANSITION: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY ...…

January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 5

…x7,1982 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 17 92TH _HGA AL DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad .Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00*P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'tii 11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 4) Application of Plasma Physics" at p.m. in 311 West Engrg. Bldg. Applied. Mathematics Joint Seminar: of. Sidney Chapman, formerly of Cam- idge University, will speak on "Cos- ological Aspects of Plasma Physics" Thurs., J...…

January 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 79) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA AY, JANUARY I eweomers Key to 'M' Cagers' Success i v , By JOE APPELT Perhaps the answer to why the Michigan basketball fortunes have taken on a bright aspect after turning in a good game against Ohio State and upsetting Iowa Monday night can be attributed to the improved play of the new- comers in this year's lineup. Monday night the Wolverines did not succumb to the tendency to fade under the pressure of a clo...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…GOOF uj Sysditoan Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :Iait See Page 4 VOL. LXXH, No. 95 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1962 Regents React 'U' President Praises 'Warmly' to OSA * * * * * * 'Excellent Philosophy' Reed Committee Document Awaits More Discussion, Possible Revision By MICHAEL OLINICK The University's top policy makers gave a general endorsement to the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee r...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SEE NEW CHOICES: Name- Department Chairmen - - -- - Continued from Page 1) Prof. Haber on his "dis- ed record as a teacher, ator' and public servant. tribution to the University ni invaluable." Orren C. Mohler of the my department, director of Vlath-Hulbert Observatory, pointed chairman of that ient and director of Uni- observatories for five Wide Contacts Heyns' report to the Re- >ted that Prof. Mohler 'hasj an internati...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…17,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 17, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY expect U.S. To Triple New Republican Tax Bills Would Kill Swainson's Plan UNITED NATIONS: Castro Defeat Shows Change ength of Tour of Duty .or Viet Nam Soldiers f Q' Would Affect 'Key'People, Army Pilots Official Information Kept Classified SAIGON (AM)-The United States is going to triple the length of service of some of its Army men here, an informed source reported yesterday. ...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…I c ire rf igttn ttit}j ~1 Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVSrrT OF MJCHIGAx UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS here Opinions Are Fe STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. a ANN ARBOR, MICH. 0 Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. . '' . "'" ., ..,.q,; ""'r.. r...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…17, 1982 THE MICHIGAN DAILY M0~~t.?v,.A, .4 ., DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17 General Notices The Make-up Examination for stu-...…

February 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDA, FE ners Top Spartans Wood and Mike Wood had broken who predicted, "We'll get 'em yet. for second, however, despite miss- the listed collegiate record in that We're just starting to sprint." ing a back dive badly. event with a 3:15.8 against In- Better Strategy? Mike Wood had one of his best diana. Last night Spartan Coach Stager pointed out after the nights, swimming away early from Charles McCaffree pulled a switc...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…TIRRELL EDIT: "MISUNDERSTANDING' See Page 4 Y SirCi~1 :4Iat, SUNNY AND COOLER HIgh-41 Low-24 Fair today with westerly winds 8-12 mph. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1962 SEVEN CENTS SIX PA( - S 0 Regents To View OSA Proposals Board To Formulate Conclusions; Lewis To Analyze Suggestions By PHILIP SHERMAN City Editor The Regents will consider a broad selection of rec...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY CULTY CHANGES: Regents Approve Appointments, Leaves At their regular meeting yes- erday, the Regents approved ap- ointments, promotions and leaves f absence. Jarvis M. Babcock of Iowa State Jniversity was appointed assist- mt professor of economics, effec- ive at the beginning of the fall emester, for a three-year term. Charles M. Butter of the Na- ,onal Institute of Health at Beth- sda, Md., was appointed to a hree-year t...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY KHRUSHCHE C I S E SUPER- E PO Says 'Global Rocket' Out-Dates Defenses Russian Leader Also Warns U.S. On Disarmament, Testing, Berlin MOSCOW (P--Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev claimed yesterday the Soviet Union has created a new "global rocket" which is invulnerable to anti-missile weapons and can attack the United States from any direction. The new rocket, he said, out-dates the United States' elaborate radar a...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS re Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 ruth Will Prevail" fitorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, MARCH 17, 1962 NGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OINICK SEARCH FOR MET...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY --,,.-W. Regents at New Mexico Back NDEA Affidavit DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. '{ By SANDRA SANDELL The Board of Regents of the University of New Mexico early this week passed two resolutions which support the disclaimer af- fidavit which must be signed by all students who apply for loans under...…

March 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIIGAN DAILY Relay; Two-Mile Relay Team Second AT VARSITY POOL: Wolverine Swimmers Face Power ful H oosiers V By BILL BULLARD Many superlatives have been used to describe this season's In- diana swimming team. But swimming fans will have an opportunity to see and judge the renowned Hoosiers for them- selves this afternoon at 3 p.m. in the Varsity Pool in a dual meet with the Michigan Wolverines. World record-holders Chet Jas- tre...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 1

…SENATE BLO By FRED RUSSELL KRAMER A new state taxation structure, keyed to a flat-rate personal income tax, will be passed in the Senate today. This is the prediction of Sen. Stanley G. Thayer (R=Ann Arbor), leader of a coalition of Democrats and moderate Republicans who last night introduced amendments to Gov. John B. Swainson's tax program that represent a compromise between the governor's pro- gram and one introduced into the House by Rep. ...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…9.TIWn THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,AP IL PREFLIGHT EXPERIENCE: Voas Analyzes Space Training Myerson Explains Goals O f World Youth Festival By DONNA ROBINSON The principal job of the train- ing program for astronauts is to produce a man capable of taking over control of the space'vehicle If the automatic systems should fail, Dr. Robert Voas said yester- day. Because the astronaut must be capable of performing well during his first genuine...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…PRIL 17,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY GOP By MICHAEL HARRAH Special To The Daily LANSING - With sentiments favor of a statewide income t waning throughout the Legisl ture, some House Republioans l week unveiled a $97.6 milli package of luxury taxes to "bre the fiscal log jam." Gov. John B. Swainson has ready promised to veto the bill it stands, but Majority Floor Lea er Allison Green (R-Kingsto and Speaker Pro-Tem Wilfred Bassett (R-Jackson) claim...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Second Year EDITED ANDHMANAGED Y STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "Perhaps You'd Like To See Some thing Less Exp ensive-"...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

…,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1962 TilE MICHIGAN DAILY Center Reports Education Gets Large Share of Grants A recently released Foundation Library Center report shows that education received 54 per cent of all grants made by the 154 larg- est foundations/ in the United States in 1960. The Foundation's nation - wide survey indicated that $389 million was distributed out of the foun- dations' total assets of $12.3 bil- lion. Of the grants, 20 per ...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUa ESDAY, APRIL 17, HOME SWEET HOME: Hawks Have Advantage To Even Cup Playoffs WSU Ball Game Opens Season Jst Jo0 CHICAGO W) - The Stanley Cup Hockey Playoffs are proving there is no place like home, and the Chicago Black Hawks were preparing themselves mentally yesterday to follow this theme. After blanking the Toronto Ma- ple Leafs 3-0 Sunday night in the Chicago Stadium, the Hawks are thinking in terms of another ho...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

….TUESDAY, APRIL 17,192 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE S'. Hyman s Health Much Improved NO MORE SPRINTING: Hunter Re-Pulls Leg Muscle Special To The Daily ALBUQUERQUE - Michigan gymnast Lew Hyman made his most encouraging sign of recovery yesterday when he emerged from the coma he has been in since March 31 after undergoing a four- hour brain operation. He was out of bed briefly Sun-- day and has been able to feed himself and respond, to requests ...…

April 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

…PAGEMEGHT THE MICHIGAN DAILY v:. .v n x ... DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN :Ml 3.4: An. n. 'n ....".. a,:? ...f.5 ...._ :..... . . ....... t .... V ~ .... ... . n~.... .:Y4in v v: . ,nSS 'K ..O.@:.. . .h: ., :. . ..... . . ..... . .. . . 3. .n v ..... ., . TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1962 (Continued from Page 4) The persons listed below have been selected as ushers for the May Festi- val, and must pick up their usher tick- ets at the box office of Hill Aud...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… Administrators To, Submit Tuition Hike Plans Cy Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom 74Iaitt To Minimize Costs For Instate Students Plans Contain Out-of-State Hike, Graduate School Student Fee Boost By MICHAEL OLINICK and RONALD WILTON University administrators this week are expected to present the Regents with proposals for raising tuition geared to minimize added expenses for instate students. The fee hike plans--which could n...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…t FACE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1982 r4 Visits League NSA REFERENDUM: Young Conservatives SInvade' Oklahoma (Continued from Page 1) had not warned them with a "beeper" tone, he had acted il- legally. They reported the episode to the district attorney in Oklahoma City and the Federal Bureau of Investi- gation. They said they had not heard since from the YAF officers. For two weeks before this, Stan- ley and Cotter ha...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, MAY 17,1962 THE. MN TTECAN UbATTV THURSD Y, MA 17, 162 - - .. ,.u as mnua ~.p u H U cu AL.A PAGE THREE t Soviet New N Union Fuclear Preparing Laos Rebels Want To Talk Test C Union Wants Less Work, No Pay Cut ATLANTIC CITY RP) - The Amalgamated Clothing Workers Union made it clear yesterday that it wants a 35-hour work week with no reduction in pay, regardless of the wishes of the Kennedy Ad- ministration. Delegates to t...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. " Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" - OSA IN TRANSiTION: Faculty Comnents On Reed Report J Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or, the editors. This must be noted in all rep...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 5

… DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEME PAGE FI;VE~ FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND MUST SELL 1 of 2-157 Chevy 6, $550; LOST-White Tonneau cover. Phone NO '57 MGA, $950. NO 3-7966. B41 3-1511, Ext. 3221. 1 to 5 p.m. A25 TV-16", only $35. Call NO 5-0373, 5-7 FOUND-Student's horn-rimmed glasses p.m. B40 at Michigan European Car. Al 1951 MG-PD roadster, mechanically per- fect. NO 2-3111. B21 AMPLIFIER, pre-amplifier, and speakerj in corner enclosure at bar...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SCX THE MICHIGAN DAILY TRiTR!CflAV_ MA'V 1"l 14419. PAGESIX ~lEMICHGAN AIr XL5IbLZLAI3.Lti'AXa.I1£, .lbbz Something N E w from LEVI'S, Wolverines Down Badgers; MEMORABLE MOMENTS: Murphy Recalls Special To The Daily MINNEAPOLIS -- Michigan's unbeaten tennis team will seek its fourth consecutive Big Ten title on the clay courts in Minneapolis this afternoon. The Wolverines stretched their win streak to eight, while at the same ti...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

…THURSDAY,MAY 17,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Notre Dame Offers Tune-Up for Weekend PAGE SEI By MIKE BLOCK Special To The Daily SOUTH BEND-Michigan's Wol- verines, hot on the trail of their second consecutive Big' Ten base- ball championship, arrived here today for a non-conference bout with the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame.' The game today is the first on a three-day road trip which pro- vides the Wolverines with a single' contest tomorrow at N...…

May 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 163) • Page Image 8

…PAGE ETGHT THE MICHIGAN DAUX trTITTUCIMAW "Aw *n yndon PAGE EIGHT TU1~a .a ~f liM!CWaiEAN 'fLAly fWWf C la'p-- u TilURSDAY, MAY 17, 1962 III I DISCRIMINATION: Detroit .Group Uncovers Segregation in Schools Racial segregation and discrim- ination in teacher placement was found to exist in the Detroit pub- lic school system by the Citizens' Advisory Committee on Equal Ed- ucational Opportunities after a two year study of the situation. Th...…

July 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…1'. THE COMMUNIST CHALLENGE See Page 2 Y Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom AOF 743 40 atty CLOUDY High-82 Low-57 Partly cloudy with little temperature change VOL. LXXII, No. 15-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1962 SEVEN CENTS ! I FOUR PAGES MEET THE PRESS - Russian Premier Khrushchev greets Paul Miller, president of Gannett News- papers. In the background are Vermont Royster, Wall Street Journal and Lee Hills, Knight News...…

July 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: CYNTHIA NEU Pic...…

July 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…TUESDA ft JULY 17,1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY WAEf Wu~w5 11 £5LZ .USDY JL 1,192 H MCIGNDA1 rA(in ints AID TO EDUCATION: Hook Cites National Efforts By JOHN CONLEY math, and foreign languages, The United States Office of which all received federal funds in Education is NOT interested in a the nost-Snutnik fervor to im- national curriculum. It does NOT want to control education. It DOES want to cooperate in raising school standards and urge...…

July 17, 1962 (vol. 72, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN UA Tl'.v PAEFa UI 11MV~rU1IHA1 nAKN ? TUESDAY, JULY 17, 4962 Shop with your "Friendly Dealer" FOR ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT Gof- Tennis- Badmin ton--. Swimming- STEIN & GOETZ Sporting Goods 206 E. Washington St. - Downtown Ann Arbor II DIRECTORY ON SALE WEDNESDAY SPORTS SHORTS: Yacht Race Boats In By The Associated Press MACKINAC ISLAND - The sloop Gypsy sailed across the fin- ish line first last night in the 235- mile...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…MEMBERSHIP STATEMENTS See Editorial Page Y £IW 43a :43 a i1 MOSTLY FAIR Nigh--G" Low--42 Little change through tonight. Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIII, No. 28 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 SEVEN CENTS C EIGHT PAGES 'NOT IN CONTEMPT': Barnett States Opinions JACKSON A'-Gov. Ross Barnett said yesterday he never has claimed he purged himself of contempt in the James H. Meredith case-nor has he any apo...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN UATlr.V TXTVVA7L'0TAY9 A*%r4rlMdV'fIMlft"vW yAAi1'. PAGE TO THE iCUJIll(11 BATIV WED.PNSDAY~, OCTOBERK 17, 1962 Speaker Advocates Teaching Capitalism APA in Melodrama Spoof SOUTHERN SCHOOLS: Article Deseribes Academic Freedom t+>- State universities should be "ar- dent advocates of free enterprise" teaching "the principles that made this nation great," George A. New- ton, former president of the In- vestment Bank...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17,1962_ THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE U.S., Britain Welcome Katanga, Congo Pact To Halt All Hostilities New Jewish Bible By LEE LINDER Associated Press Religion Writer PHILADELPHIA-A new Jewish Bible, first ever translated into modern English directly from the ancient Hebrew text, says Moses didn't really cross the Red Sea and revises the Third Command- ment...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 4

…1r idli ant4#tg Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN __ - UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are 'r STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Trutb Will Prevail"- Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 NIGHT EDIT...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 5

…TIKE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE PTVE TIlE MICHIGAN flAILYPAGE UIYK .. Limeliters Display Dual Role Knox College Enters New HUAC Dispute L IfllEflSr By BETSEY KENYON Backstage in the numbered sec- onds before they left to. catch a plane to Cincinnati, Ohio, the Limeliters discussed their dual personalities as academicians- performers. "Folk music and fifteenth cen- tury cyclic masses, the subject of my doctoral thesis, were simultan- eous occu...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 6

…PAGE 8IX THE MI~tCHlIG~AN t iAI ITT, rkILTri OV% A b 1'1I'9 /1'IliT. 7Mf. -I W .-A- 1 a.-. 1111V1L1Vti 1 LHiLl 1 1 WEDINESD.AY, UOCTOBERX17, 1962 STUDENTS' ATTITUDES: Advertiser Discusses Survey Madden, Potter Debate NSA at SGC Program By EDWARD HER STEIN By GERALD STORCH Although 22 per cent of certain college students in the state feel that advertising tends to be mis- leading, repetitious or insulting to the intelligence, 68 per ce...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, x.962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVE1~ Yankees Win 20th Series, WELL-BALANCED: Purdue Hopes To Rebound from Loss 4> " Giants Don't Score; Won Last in 1922 (Continued from Page 1) Ralph Houk, the Yankee man- ager, came out to talk to his pitcher with McCovey, a 6-4, 200- pound left-handed slugger, next at bat. McCovey had hit a towering home run off Terry ...…

October 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 28) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT TAFl1MIf'UI~F A Nl) &TT.V Y 7"k'AT\1TT CY 9+f t 1 A eYMYh A1A nw a w w .. w. a. 1AG1EIHTL' 1111 J,.RLitu., zui if£3 if ULU k NJ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 2 Text of President's Stateof U Message C "n (EDITOR'S NOTE: At the sugges- tion of Prof. Wesley Maurer of the journalism department, The Daily publishes herewith the Text of the President's State of the University message, delivered to the faculty in Rackham And, on Oct...…

November 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…olverines Seek Second Big Ten ictory Today Legislators Give Views on Campus Speaker Bans By DAVID MARCUS State legislators, according to a Daily survey, do not like the idea of Communists speaking on Communism or advocating violent overthrow of the government on the campuses of state supported colleges and universities. Twenty seven legislators, 16 Republicans and 11 Democrats, all members of the outgoing Legislature, replied to the...…

November 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…1 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY RAT" DA A T*5.A~ , 'ySUVLJJEZb trl 4, t«1 Dt PAE W ATTh - -V ~ sraiun tiY, vVL'1V113 tG 17, 1967. i GIFTS, BEQUESTS: Regents AcceptGrants Legislators Give Views on Bans __ Bernstein Views U.S. Status In International Economics ANN ARBOR-Gifts, grants and bequests totalling $151,960.74 were accepted by the Regents yesterday. The largest amount was $48,- 201.39 from the estate of Mary McKibben Harper to ...…

November 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…'URDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1962 THE MICHIGAN DAILY in anm m riV W" URDY, OVEBER17,196 TH MIHIGN IAIJ PAGETHREEJL~ I Indian Battle Rages In Northeastern Area -4, Fltacks Cites. Peace Stand Helpfulness By PHILIP SUTIN Campaigning on a peace plat- form did not help or hurt the so- called "peace candidates" in the recent election, Richard Flacks, Grad, director of Students for a Democratic Society's peace proj- ect, .said, Thomas Payne, the ...…

November 17, 1962 (vol. 73, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…Seventy-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNvERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS W7here Opinions A re STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 'Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: ELLEN SILVERMAN "In...…

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