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November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…T_he MchignDay VOL XV ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1904. No. 45 RES[RV[S GET "R" JUNIOR LAWS WIN ( lcCUICI1[ON POPULAR jIIIROU6fl fMAROON [YES Uof M. Reservesto Play the Re- Fle Team Work Rolls Up a Chicago Tribune Cartoonist Well Michigan-Chicago Game Review- e-)ri- esea-)'re or tichian-i Serves of Northwestern- Score of 17 to 0 Against Received Last Night-An JitAun mkr Thanksgiving at Grand S enior Lits AmsnIcdntaheJit _lmimkr Ra...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…TeMichigan Dil V01,, XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1904. No. 11tn PRIMARY REFORM. YOST FOR NEXT FIVE YEARS! JUNIORS VICTORIOUS. a5 Talk LaFollette Gives Impro- ' - Opening Basketball (lame Goe t tTakafter Thursday Night's Manager Baird Announces at Football Banquet that ost Will Juniors--Final Score 8 to 3. LectureHow Direct Nonil- Coach Michigan Teams for Five Years More -- nations Won a Victory in Wisconsin. Banquet Was a Hugh...…

January 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…The Mic higan Daily Vot. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICE., SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 1904. No. 78 NEW TRACK ATH[LETES. ATHLETIC MEETING j MINNESOTA DEBATE. The University Athletic Asciation__ Promising Matrial Among the New heltraniomthant meeting ayesterday Michigan Debaters Won Annual De afternoontl at wich an amendment Men-Exceptionally Large Num was made to the constitution provid- bating Contest at Minneapolis- ber of Freshmen Candidates ing for appoi...…

February 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…The icigan Daily Voi,. XIV. ANN XK1 UkICH-.. \VEDNII*SDAX, VFEBRUARY 17, 1904. NO. u4 TRACK "E[N BUiSY. fAY IIISTIVAL. Are Hard at Work for Saturdays Last Years 'avarites Wil Again Ap-j Meet-Large Number of Entries fear This Year - Complete Pro- Expected-Class Relay Trials tram of Festival Concerts- in Progress. Choral Union Tonight. 'Ile rak tte tllit Soti lrd This all 1-tos at 2 ant 3 oiclsok, stor yeteray ll ls'15e5 is to 1 rofestesorIt...…

March 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail -VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1904. No. 119 '04 LAWS AND '06 ENGS WON POWERFUL RADIUfI THE [INAL CONTEST. DIXON WILL LECURE. In the Semi-Finals in the Relay Races Metal of One Million Times Activity Class Orators Will Speak in Universi- Professor of Political Economy at Yesterday-Final Race Saturday Purchased by Dr. R. H. Stevens ty Hall, Friday Night-All Men of Dartmouth to Speak on Topics of Night-Off...…

May 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1904 No. 162 CHANCE FOR SENIORS YEAR BOOK OUT TODAY Civil Service Examination to Secure 1904's Michiganensian On Sale Today Eligibles for Assistants in Phil- On the Campus-Characterized ne Service-Chance for by Exceptionally Good Draw- $tY00 mgs-Other Features. $1200-$1400 a Year. The Michiganensian of the class of President Angell has recently re- nineteen-for, the appearance...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL! r , ,, H , ~oa + * T H E :1I+C I GI AN I)AILY .sI re-in irtIaittinal. 1Th1i t liilt Ii at N 111111 a nt iiiin tIhriceh 1 Iv W E V OULD-/HAVE istttctni tte5 iilxli!'11(12J atil a fil Atiile 1ri YOU TOoKNO -tii jcoch Ys col no talt noief__- _ --- _- ---__- Oh inm, IFearlelis, brave and darny. i- Plliilwi d il ilcria excejr( l)jllln te ilayetd wnub a fierceee that wiould " t),w'tl'3tt, ~i. Y11t ~rtlitt)t'llt moaTannniai ni;ittt...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…T HS MICHIGAN DAILY .....~.. THE MICHMGAN DAILY. TiO ETiiiv i IW E WOULD HAVE EtFedasseond-i7001 1 I a th Am (ontnud frol~n pagone.0) The Student' Souventir YOU TO NO 11 17171' 1a tt 1 177117717 77 ' l r mt. a l (0 1<)0=,'1 1, Vtllrolll~lSltF.- That we are doing business at MaaigEioJ TNE AE. S llcl kl ''I,1. +Il<lI Art Calendar. OUR NEW STORE I1 ~ '1'Iiz~~t;l ,k 311 South State Street "I ''Ilt l'c h t f (c crtc' of [vents 1)17c1111 7 1177 7777...…

January 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Reduction I ft Sale p As we have too large a 4f stock of fancy * SUITINOS AND T ROUSERINGiS Z on hand we will sell f them at reduced prices Z to make room for our f Spring and Sum m e r I Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place* * your order..2t .4$-4 . sG. H. WILD & CO.,_ m E I. WASHINGTON STRET T TH E GREAT G A ME 2 EXCIlTING F U N 2 ® FOE EVERYONR o A *l A ! p A ." A. D 0 C. E H.MJOE COMN Y Brtitic IDecorators Spe...…

February 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

…THE UeICHIt.AN DAILY.. Z THEMICHIGAN D~AILY a wvity and eloquent manner Our: to vl~~~asonic Chib," R. tE.De Ryn0 a; * n lEwn xerd a, snd t 5,mater at the tn "The Square and Compass"Potes : e uc o hUUUIrIIUII ori. yl t. or BSM. Thompson; Our Sistrs Pu uherdaiy iondfy ecepedidurigt th St s. I. S. Copeland; Otr! 'ollee yeas],,,t )t E. Fah'nt street, Fture," G. A Malcom, Class oratori bassrs in lor. vide s'Siat'e) Pte 52 }r I of the '14 Lis; ".Fr...…

March 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEE MICHIGAN DAILY 6 C 2 Entered as second-clasa tter at the Ann Reduction Arbdor Msteatthe Published daily (Mondayexceptedbduring the college year, at 117 E. Washington street, (basementfloor,aisle entrance) Phone8392-3r -- - - - - -- - - - - - this calls up we are not able to say. It is rumored, nevertheless, that the students have invested their extra coins in membership tickets to the political clubs which will make ...…

May 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 0. g. Wild Gomlpally ILeading Merchant Tailors: SPRING WOOLENS i / t 1 For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers. Full dress suits a specialty. Let us show you our. London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures,, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- II lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. H. Wild Comipany 108 .. WA$HMNOTON STREET. ...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THIE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y T hire lievx r wasi inadea ediy popnlar OV[RCOA NI K &Xi cizx Rti O w iha stele of iits iiiii I that Miakes a mail thinkv lie putsIt oil. See thl lii LUTZ, U' I...Money Loaned...:4 Onl Watitics. D[anionis. lewll ii and all II[- 1ja i 'a c ham + and (Collateral ici + i W. J. LOURIM. Business Strictly Consfidential. -is Hot Ltxnch At ba~ttle's. 338 S. State j uarry S hetter, nor a in lonig, loose, ci ii1i a quiaiity [l weii ...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…" THU MICHIGAN DAILY [ iy- .... a [ "(", 4 MI~e[ On aeeiiunt of the late se ason Youn;;et O1-11 PR)FIT IWI 3m, -on all OX PttCsAT5S. This includes Hari, Sehaltner Mariik italie, lotsg, loose, stylish garments. All1$24.00 ar~d $25.00 OVERCOATS rzo' $20.00 All $20.00 avid $22.00 OVERCOATS ro $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS flow~s $15.00 All $15.00 OVERCOATS ncow $12.00 All $12.00 OVERCOATS rzow $10.00 DON'T WAIT!I COME NO#!'' LUTZ, the Clothier, 217...…

January 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCOTH INGNJZT sadust.4 CLHR.3HFNRe INVENTORY SALE M ARX GOODS ~ Du rintgthe tht lotf Jtanuary we will sell +AllV24 and $25 Suitsand Overcoast...s.$20 00 UTZ . .Al$8 and VO Suits and Oercsat. ....t 15 00 ' IR Clothier ~ All $t5 Suits and Overcoats at........ 12 50 .. + 4 Bath R bes R~t Cost .It Sut a i Sl .ti . { REDUCED PRICES IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS IDress and Street Gloves, Bath Robes, Dress and IFancy Shirts, Hosiery and ...…

February 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHI4GAN DAILY, JUlST IN A new lot ofte Ion . . Black Suits A LLS ITN inVeti t ,'he tahios a.d ortes d. *Dorothiy D d s d sIH E in single ir doublerIn vtel. 9R ayamitie 3$3.00 FOR [AD[S $3.00 $1, $18, $20 TI r7 ± The only shoe In the world desigined by a sic. all uisect the0 ir. le lotierwomen ---fo womlen. scl. aiaalloi217 booth]h ran tret. I fMACK( CO., - - Sole Agents R D L0'° Established 1881 106 Huron Street, Eas J RNDALT~l r BURCHFI...…

March 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…TH. I M-,CIIZCANFDAIL. State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCIOFF, SBoot rCTOJno. V. Seehan LORL15T. SWm. A rnold Dr V. C. Vaughan Jas.H. Wde E. F. Mills COIECt LW73&PAOT ot..of . . C rhart Chapin St., between HuronS U a nd Miller Ave. rank P. GI azier Christian Martn Phone 809 i MAT .j A The Place To Eat. For information relative to dancing. or music for receptions, banquets, or dancing parties, call on RUSS GRANGER 310-312 Maynard Street. Phone...…

May 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THE 'MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. GEORGE BISCIIOFF Correct Clothes for Menl W. rodI Dr.o. C aa 1 o .Tio Sheehan 'L1ZkL5T. - NCA N.D Y r Jobn ElaaMi tIs ECUT 'LOW$S & PLAN TTYLE is essential -irnk P 01zer CrstronMrtin Ihone 809(.itsntery It is not necessary to speak of f *,...,. thing. How they the variety of our candy stock,I fit youandw ar hut just a-word as to the qual- HOC(KING VA[[[T y Co ties Its Excellent areqlyIm Rv RI EVC a r qal...…

November 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…"HL MICHiWAN CAlL'! : ForyIen and Women $4.00 - - Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label ., -}< w I a ' rd"in seasn gtinto a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, ' y, double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, f f thoroughly viscolized. HE~AVY WINTER CO RS.1 1SotANYan tret OERI UBESO Study wiha Good Light THE WIbALRLAI)INGi LAMP V. ~ ~ I 11 .1 >"1' 41.1: 51.1. 1RICE'S. The Ann Artior (as Company. P PHO TOGRItA PHER. Sp...…

December 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MIC;HII(iAP DAILY yw7wwwv T7lq RANTOI ,f If s f 3ALL f f RAPHER. j+ If Study with a Good Light There is no better tight thano 3i THE WELSBACH- READING LAMP ALL STYLES AT ALI.PRICES. .. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. Used IbySit Leading Colleges Foot BalPants e-- ay-fon. f p r tipts tnd tktes padtied wt rt. tl fioe cturlet hair. and thighs A. GI. SPALDING & BROS, Inc. TRAINS EVERY HOUR New Yotrk Chicago Denier To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE ORE Sp...…

January 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. CletPeabody & 'Co.'s Arrow and : Dwight E. Watkins,~ 1 ~TY1PE&W1.T1NG Crown Brand 1 5c Collars for St rdduvr se sc ftroaorswr.rk ff ~4 10 PPA q'~ 4Dollar Alarm Clocks --AT- +,,'s "-4 American & [uropean Motel Openna~y aend 11Nt 3\~ j.~ X ~ 10WLa'L 1AL LY AND UtY°ML. l ot ll.oefrom 3:30 to 6. )lo-hedt'ot- .. , toes and Brown Gravy. Try our faiono tooderloilo steak~s !4 4T4. -4441--I- 444 T s '5 4 ys'_ 44'-'i . - + ...…

February 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. SIf You Need Anything for FUO W + FUTN FOR A CROWD iHi1[J-1 X In the Line of Men's Toggery Go to the Sale ~ F O B L ' POKER... - -ATCombines all the interest and ~CUTTING, REYER & CO. great Amnerican 109-11 1 East Washington gms S' PrainS and Shht-War Bruises.swxgT B. EW'aTkins, ENTDIWNBOB O. Drp lt, Ia: d o323 S. Main St.* 44 Alsfit.. Chiaaa ~DfLEI.,eyloe if P anatrnsen o ort oLeah r h e ikl -r- t c -iyeia tE ani a ?:llc...…

March 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…THBr MICIII-GAN DAILY W 0 -- 0 -- -- 0 9 wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -0-40- From tory to i unioan Shoes 4 r Sprinlg Styles Arriv- ing~ E i gE Qrok'n in Turkey. Perfected in Lgypt. DZnjoyed in America. i "rMOdUL SMOKE. MAKLS LCYTIAN SMOKL"- Saethe Coupons. 1 COLLEGE BASEBALL and all other college sport is fnlly covered in text and illnstra- tion by THE ILLS~CTRATED SPORIcrNG NEWS, which is the ONLY publication giving special attention to co...…

May 17, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4. - - - :f® N OTICE Spring Line of P aritan Shoes and Oxfords now in. See our new Tans in window, 'button or lace1r111 the "New Spud Last." MOGuUL LYT IAN (jrolvn in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America. "t4OGUL SMOaL HAKLS EGYPTIAN SPIOKLRS3 to for,p sets. For the benefit of our customers wve wish to say that the Puritan Shoe Co. has been made very much stronger by going into the hanids of tbe factory-Geo...…

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