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January 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…n.. AOL t YuL. VIII. No. 76. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1898. PRICE-3 CiENT& r . _. ,.... ,. , ,v , .. WILD. Sas received a full line of Novelties for Fall and Winter in :uits, Trousers, and Overcoatings 110. 108 E. WASHINTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of New PipesI Ht ad Cold Lunche...…

January 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITYUOF MICHIGAN DAILY , 2 TH UNVEEILTYOI? JCHGA~ AIL Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durig the College year a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Tes building. 32 S. Main S. be- tween Liberty and Wiliaea St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TOosAS. '00 L. BUISINESS M5ANAGER . H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS H.1B. SKILM~AN, '55 L., Athletics. E. L. Gonoen, '00 L. . D. HIDIUTT. '00. BuTLn LAMB, '0 T. S. Wosnuow, '8 . .. AMrI5LL,'00. A. CAMurnm.....…

January 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 Great Redvtction Sale - For One Week Only SWEATERS GLOVES.. GOLF HOSE $4.50 for $3.45--$4.00 for $3.00 $3.50 for $2.85-$2.00 for $ 1.39 $2.00 for $1.87-$1.75 for $1.49 $ 1.50 for $1.42---$1.00 for 69c $2.25 for $1.75-$1.75 for $1.50 $ 1.50 for $.25--$1.00 for 89c Neckwear, $1 for 63c-75c for 43c Fancy Nose, 75c for 63c==50c, for 43c Fancy Shirts--the best 90c ' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR PAJAMAS INs OUTING ...…

January 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

… THE UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store LAS ' WET SO i'. Deprtmn. $2,70 The ad j oinng cuts represent 2 of our many styles o ' ADIES WELT SHOES Smoking Jackets! Ready for You. Best effects for season '97-Black, Blue, Brown, Drab, Grey and fancies - perfectly tailored-- $5 to $20. 1O ODAPITEE.S 117 M AIN STREET. Stuens'Lecture Association Powers ...... .....--.------------------------.......Jan. 22 Washington. . . . ...----------------...…

March 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

… VOL. VIII. No. 119. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1898. PRICE-o CENT. A t X il ' ORATORICAL CONTEST. A Narrow Escape. i DEIES THE RUMOR. Brie Sktlhofsf There ame very near iing a aevi Sprng eletios JstarrvedBri SktchofSome o the Con of asbettces in the cliss rolls of te Manager of :Musical Club rays it from the Fast Call and testants T 01fill yesterday morning. Thie Delta , is False. inspect i's opened the spring oason ...…

March 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERbITY.OF MICHIGAN DAILY nique, c. eenly'nlenes ipti c e; I w wou alltf.of4 1. ii1'iill b welto comed agan.-N. I'. Mail 3f r, a Vrn o Artistic, witty.,ipleasing, ntirealina7, Ta eIN Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during teletnt.-Albanty (N. Y. ) inn . the College year, at Vertty ine, ol that oneidesit'dt-l THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Itnehentee (N. V.) 17nlet and Adver'- i eT h L m OrrFIen Times building, '3241 S. Main St. be- od....…

March 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…..... ..... ...... .... .. . . . .. ..... .. . . . ... . . .. . _ .. I.. .. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIIA. 1898 - - Spring Novelties - 1898 Negligee Shirts, Madras, Percale and Cheviots. Finest line of Spring Neckwear in city. Gloves, Golf Hose, Fancy Half Hose. Compares with others. Money saved is money made. Men's Furnishings!i OUR GOODS GUARANTEEDW Bu Th Bet KINDERGARTEN, 0 ".<uOlIOPst.CHFING DISHES,! FULLER & BERANEK, JUST OUT Call and ...…

March 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…f1 nE UIMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. V. J. MOOTH. Pres. 0W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres J. V. SREEBANs. 3d Vice-pres. JOaH' C. WALe. Asst. Cashier. h# tre k IHO 0LM E S'LI VERY State - aiv - Bail. -515 East Liberty St. Transacts a general Banking basi ness. APhane 100 BEST SERVICE IN T"tE CITY. _________________ Token of Spring' We have just received large shipment of W RIGHT, PETERS &C1 FO OTWEAI FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting To1 $3.00, $4.00...…

May 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…tIjc U. of . VOL. VIII. No. 171. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1898 -,PciE-3 CENT . At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..----- Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. N 1lO8 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Palmer's Pharmacy IS NOW- Wilder's Pharmacy The store is undergoing a thorough renovation, and the stock is being sorted and increased. Precsrip- tons a specialty. Geo. P. Wilder. PIPE SIALE TI FOR T...…

May 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERiLTY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. -ih Published Daily (Sundays excepted) durt the College year, at TIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ,Orrica Times building, 329 S. MainS Telephone (New State) 189. MANAGING EDITOR- J. F. THoMAS,00 L. BUSINESS SMANAISEB O. H. HANs,'00 L. EDITORS H. B. SKILLMAN, '8 L., Athletics. 9, L. Garsmsa, '9 L (0. D. HONUTT, T. R. WOonuow, '98 F. FNOoLH ARD,9 F. D. EAMAIS,0S ,S. DANFORTH, P. W. Joons, '99. C. H. LUND,'00 M A. H. ...…

May 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILT. Novelties in Spring Clothes OUNG MENT'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash- suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2. ...…

May 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. _" \ a LARGESS SNOWING NEWEST FANCIES In Hats, Flowers, Plumes, Ribbons, Feathers, Orna- ments, Etc., selected by our trimmer in New York, under whose direction hats and bon- nets sold are trimmed. Do you want to see all the latest, correct ideas, of Spring millinaery? Visit this depart- ment, 2d floor, this week. Citeo etWeareo" We throw in this Latin motto with every pair of our celebrated CornellShoes FO...…

June 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 197) • Page Image 1

…oil ; ' ; ! +; 1 ' I " VOL. VIII. No. 197. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1898 PRICE-3 CENTS. __ i t At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN The kind that wears well an I gives satisfaction. A new line just received of all sizes and prices from five cents up. Wilde 's Pharmacy Keep Cool... Get Your ICE CREAM SODA WATER, C...…

June 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 197) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Olee year, ai THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIAN. OFrfc: Times building, 329 S. Main St. Telephone(New Statet189. MANAGING EDITOR J, F. THOMAS, '00 L. BUSINESS NANAGER O. H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS , B. SKILLMAN,'98 L., Athletics, E. L. GEosmER, '93 L G. D. HUDNUTT, '00 T. R. WooDnow, '98 F. ENGELHARD, '98. F. D. EAMAN,,'00 R.S.DDANFORTH,'98S P. W. JONES, '99. 0. H. LUND, ' ....…

June 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 197) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILI. Novelties in Spring Clothes YOUNG MEN'S NATTY SCOTCH CHEVIOT AND SERGE SUITS, GOLF SUITS, TENNIS SUITS, BICYCLE, CRASH AND LINEN SUITS. All wool serge suits $7.50, $10 and $12; Crash suits at $6.50; Linen suits at $5; White duck tennis pants at $1.50; White duck golf pants $3.50; All wool bicycle pants $3.50; Youth's all wool fancy suits $10 and $7.50; Men's all wool serge coats $4.50; Men's alpaca coats $2.00...…

June 17, 1898 (vol. 8, iss. 197) • Page Image 4

…THE.=UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Millinery Department ! vas < 2nd Floor FOR- Bargains! Shoe Department!i 1st Floor. LADIES ShOES OXFORDS and SLIPPERS At a Reduction. "See our Three Buckle Bicycle Boot " MACK & Cos Golf Suits, Crash Suits, White Duck, Tennis and Golf Trousers. MACK & CO., third floor, elevator. Remember! We handle a fine line of ,Clothing, Men's and Boys, as well as iHaberdashery. Clothing on third floor. MACK & CO. Special ...…

October 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

… I, o r: F, C.AL* 0 VOL. IX, No. 19. ANN ARBOR, MICH., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1898. FouR PAGES. W ILII- T L 0 R FINE FALL SUITINGS. WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T H E T I L 0 R Y You May Have $ Forgotten f YOUR TOOTH BRUSH, YOUR BLACKING BRUSH, f or YOUR WHISK-BROOM, f -OR- + The one you ave may be worn but, and yoay wantertrepaeit. We haseh alhe i nup-to-date sle. Ou line of Druggist's Sundries is como...…

October 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I Published Daily.(Sundays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: The Inland Press, enning Blockl. Both tPhones 147 MANAGING EDITOR. F. ENaELHARD, '01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. o. H. HANS, '00 L. EDITORS. Athletic Editor, T. R. WooDROw, '00 L. P. W. JONES, '99, A. H. McDOUALL, '01 E F. D.EAMAN, '01 L, C. H. LUND, '00 M, G. D. HUDNUTT, '01E. The subscription price of the DAILY...…

October 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 8 THE THE fi 9S4LOOK-WELL SHOES. 1 9S. MAIN ST. M HI GE NI TI l L ALARM CLOCKS, $1.00. Students ! Students! U. OF M. PINS, 50 Cents. If dissatisfied with your laundry service come "The Niagara Falls Route." FineWatch Repairinga Specialty, EXCE tLSIOeLAUNDRY CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. A. F. COVERT, Prop., 209 E. Wash. St. Taking Effect Aug. 14, 1898. J. L."CHAPMAN.Telephone No. 211,2 Rings. 206 Soute Main Street...…

October 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ' WATERMAN'S IDEAL FOUNTAIN PEN MAKES ITS MARK All around the world. Every One Warranted for Five Years. Don't be deceived by fake signs and advertisements offering the Wat- erman Pen from $1.00 up, as there is no Waterman Pen made at that price. We have the so-called Waterman Pen, which is extensively advertised and which leads the unsuspecting public to believe that they are getting the Waterman Ideal a...…

November 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…VOL. IX, No. 46. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THIURSDAY, NOVE]MBER 17, 1898. Focn PAGE. U 3 REGENTS MEETING. glory of the university if we can be Stagg Ma Get Tm Eastern Games. ____enabled to do our fol part in this The Univerity of Chicago may President Angell Makes His Annual honorable work. We shall certainly play games ith two estern football Report sffer in rmptation, usefuness and teams next year, instead of one. Be- T Boardinfluence if we are unab...…

November 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…Pahlicehed Daity (Sunayexcetpted) ducing the Coltege year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. 'recE: The Inand Preast, Hening Btatk. Bath Phones tat M)ANAGINGtEDITOR. F. EaaeLIIAae, '01 L. BUIatNESS CMANAGERC. a). 11. ttANS, 00 L. 1A)ITOtt5. AthleticE tditoe, T. 11. WOWa00tOL. P. W. JaNaS, '99, Alt. MeDOenAcLc, 'tt E, F. D. E AM A, 0tL; X..LUNDa200tM, G. D.tteexcee,t01. The estescription teicetfte~e ILtise2.5t tee he coalte year. witt a aregutte d...…

November 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 T SHORTS RUB ERLONGS. l~ N U BOOTS* AN _________________ S Students' Laundry AssociationAN Woe. VOUGHT-Wom. R. FOX, ageots tor CORRECT AN ITYLISH1 IRILUBING, THE GRAND LAUNDRY, of DE TROIT The best high grade laundey io tho State. The(( only machinedomestic fnislh en the Wet{ Glov'e finish alsoe given. All wvnrk promptly,. R neatly and carefully done. WYe operate the finest tailoring trade lintte city, an...…

November 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. H ~ WEMOR X06 S. MAIN ST., and ew V00MSO*E, 342 S. STATE St., Cor. William St., UNIVERSITY 1JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, JOS. W. KOLLAUF, TAILOR, Makes a speciality of ________Note Books and Students' Supplies, of all kinds, Fine Black Suits, TePiipnIsadFountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, AlWorkmeanshiip. Hope the Hermit, by DeanC. Wercester AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Waehington...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…J, i { , i '' r l VOL. IX, No. 70. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1898. THREE CENTS. W~ll Ji) ATHLETIC FINANC Statement oif Expenditures T T H FINE WINTER SUITINGS H E \f E T WE CARRY THE LARGEST T A STOCK A I IN THE CITY. 0 0 R 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. Nv x ][B ceipts Since April5 The tinancial statement Athletic Asseciation has jo finised by the Financial 8E Leonard ID. Verdier. The r sbonitted contains detailei meats of the e...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSI'TY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. ,(ym CUNNINGHAM ON ALL-AMERICAN.W CabSS dDRi &5alay' 'nisd) dring hie faculty, andl especially in Stagg, ap- ~ TEUIESTOFMCIA. "I wish toi adld, thait]i filling pavesig THE NIVESIT OF ICHIAN. tians, I consider the cndidillte's dll- (liv: cehI PlsiaC-, HInning Ituea. roudl sill and judgemient,his ethics, l mN OD E Em W E A r Blth linon"147'iandlhis ante-('elie nts It i lnt myl 1'.NatAGN,'0JiLT. ntiol eleven...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 14111 D I\JD 'HE NEW TAILOR, ~9 110 F. Washington St. Students' Laundry Association TYII TIAV1,EBuY OU SEEN We i'ej~ecilltsl MH I 611 6 1 N [ N DLo I 101 ..l iiiet iid ylekp resdadiilplr Iii )s wLcbS otco l "h etihe ga la lndr o teM. Th e ar. 1AN.2,AST INGS? on mchineJIA1 ST'cfni)sh int11111 s Toe kin lgien. Allr. rmty 14.55 (6E uoi e SaePoe4.0 ~ M R I n.aty. &n afly don ea. aW prt h ie alrI ,taei h iy n 18 ...…

December 17, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 111 WET nn~r o6 S. MAIN ST., andIf A l/ I li flu 342 S. STATE St., Cor. Wijliamn St., JVSvW.rj FL-, H nP i"l ^CARRIES 'A IgOR UNIVERSIT'Y JEXI BOOKS, Second-hand and New, Fin esBlaspckaltyso NateBoos ad Sudets'Supplies, of alkns lc Sis Al FNDS l ' 7 ieSO iPl Sll Fountain Pens and Miscellaneous Books, Al Workaushitp. OF .. ". .. . AND OFFERS ALL AT THE LOWEST PRICES. 214 East Washington St., ner, 5th Ave. ...…

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