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February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 1

… SIGMA KAPPA: DIVERGENT ACTIONS Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom t1 CLOUDY, SNOW High-30 Low--25 Little change in temperature today turning colder tomorrow See Page 4 VOl LXX, No. 90 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PA Congress Awaits No R Aid Bill; Asks Grant For Foreigi Assistance Mansfield Propose Less Outright Gif More Joint Effort WASHINGTON () - Pres Dwight D. Eisenhower's $4 000,0...…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 2

…IWo THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDfNESDlAYV 1RUAR 1~1. IMIA - w 1:e8/1 l.LpYA.4 CL'Dh{ltfhi l ".1 JQV'- 1 1 " " r GARGOYLE BUSINESS STAFF TRYOUTS MEETING Tonight at 7:30 SORORITY RUSHEES- TOMORROW 4:30 STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BUILDING EUROPE FOR LESS ALL-STUDENT TRIPS, Travel on an AMERICAN YOUTH ABROAD trip in a small group with other college students. See the once-in-a-decade Passion Play -at Oberammergau .. . tickets included on all AYA trips. Li...…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 3

… _ Trujillo Battles To Retain Dictatorship CIVIL RIGHTS BILL: SenateRejects Southern P By MORRIS W. ROSENBERG Associated Press Writer PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti-The old man of the Caribbean, 68- year - old Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo, is battling for survival. Forces that have overthrown four Latin American dictatorships in the last five years are now threatening Trujillo's 30 - year, iron-fisted rule df the Dominican Republic. The pattern i...…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 4

…"Artes, Scientia, Veritas" Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 hee Opinions Are Free Troth will Prevail" AT HILL AUDITORIUM: Bach Aria Group 'A Imost Exquisite' THERE ARE relatively few people who can sit thrbugh two and one half hours of Bach, and vocal Bach at that. Those who ...…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday,and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30 A.M. (Continued from Page 4) McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., New York N.Y. Location of work: New York City, N.Y. Graduates: June. Men with a degree in Liberal Arts, Economics, Science, Business Administration, Jour- nalism, or Engineering for...…

February 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 90) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGA A1 f&TT.V erEd os treak; y utskate Spartans, 5-3 .r.. 5DAY, FEBRUARY 17, .19601 ,f...' s x (Continued from Page 1) ng a goal in their first shift it took them exactly three Ids longer than the first line ;ht the red lamp. renson skated around the of Van Spybrook's net and d out to Lunghamer, who the State goalie from directly ont a 2:51. e Spartans, who had been on Hockey Statistics HIGAN MICHIGAN STATE le G Van- Spybrook ;eka ...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…MISUNDERSTANDING RUINS IQ C CONSENSUS L Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom ~ai4 LIGHT SNOWV High--30 LoW-26 Cloudy with chance of freezing rain. or drizzle. VOL .LXX, No. 117 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAr, MARCH 17, 1960 FIVE CENTS SR PAG G71[# :i :i Zx S u I v * * * * * * * * * * SFour Incumbents Re-Elected t Hadley, Rosenbaum Made New Members Feldkamp, Seasonwein, Hanson, Shah Returned in Record Low Vote By JEA...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…T H E M I C H I G A N D A I LYT st U' Fraternities, Colonies Pledge 407 Rushees s S eatuun~unin,,,.o.,.'A .... The University's 42 undergradu- ate social fraternities and colo- t nies pledged 407 men during the 4 spring rush period. . Their names follow: ACACIA . Robert Stanton Bristol, '63; Doug- - las Joseph Carlisle, '63; Malcolm e Danforth, '61SM; Gayle Helf, '62SM; Willard Byron Pearson, . '62SM; Leslie Smith, '63. ALPHA DELTA PHI Hal M...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

… Adenauer Propose ri' Ben' S Vote' On west -Associated Press Wirephoto TOAST--West German Chancellor Kcnrad Adenauer drinks a toast during a visit to the AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington. Top union leaders were his hosts. DISARMAMENT: Russians Reveal Proposals GENEVA (A) - The Russians yesterday proposed an interna- tional control system to police a general disarmament agreement, but insisted on the right to veto any charges of viola...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…/ "Wake Me When You Get It Worked Out, Son" seventietbYear EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OP STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PutLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 When Opinions Are Free Tuth win Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. URSDAY, MARCH 17...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 5

…ARCH 17, 1960 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Lab Playbill Sets Comedy For Today U.S. Policy, " de.' Sy+ " y titi r. .? r.. J xw C Z, "'"" ".,'" ' 'i GJJYr G :?Jt"{c ""'v. +'tr"rJ+ :": .., .. ., ". d .. J..._... ._,:- ........,,.. ..: -.. :rYJsh J..J..s:.. ......,,.f S?. : v}rT.. .. ,..,. .a raihhkir'i, ,.......:a: .. ..s rJa.. r. {) DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN .f k' ! rtc r '. " }' ',},"."'.,:;4:}N.v:.!.:". ::"t. ._ " ..':'.{.r'M1 :4 ; ...…

March 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 117) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY,I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAYS , iPJ Finalists Square Off at Open-House Tonight _. Freshman Skier Wins Central States Tourney I RETURN PERFORMANCES-Former Michigan stars M. C. Bur- ton and Pete Tillotson will be eyeing opposing baskets tonight when they take the floor for opposite teams in the professional fraternity play-off game. Burton is a mainstay for the Falcons, while Tillotson has been a season-lon...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 1

…FOREIGN ATHLETES IPORTANT HERE See Page 4 YI t Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom :4uii4 SHOWERS, COOLER hu r h-70 LOW-4$ Occasional showers turning to thundershowers this afternoon. Al '""^ AD ^ T'f/' + A y ^-n0 VOL. LXX, No. 136 Legislature Leaves 'U' Budget Hanging Postpone Adjournment Until May: Session Stalls on Salaries, Outlays LANSING (P)-Unable to come to terms on pay raises for them- selves and on spending for higher educati...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T EP's Gain Local Status As Fraternity By ROBERT FARRELL Four years ago a group of five University students started a cam- paign to create a chapter of Tau Epsilon Phi fraternity on this campus. Wednesday, they saw their cam- paign culminate with Student Government Council recognition of TrEP as the 45th fraternity at the University. During the four-year period be- tween the creation of the idea and its fulfillment, the gro...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 3

…,.. South Africa Agei icy Sets Boycott HOFFA CHALLENGES JUDGE: Leader Asks Disqualificatioi Warning Against Undergr ou Negroes Ask Work Cease Government Ignores Effect on Economy JOHANNESBURG (W)-Negroes were warned by the government yesterday they may be banished to backwoods reserves if they obey the underground call for a work boycott next week. The department of Bantu (na- tive) Administration and Devel- opment issued the warning...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 4

…I, 14I14guTit Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MiCHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 IFC Fp - woomm-pp- - -S -.Am "When Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ;'"_ 34, ...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN St. Clair Shores, Mich. (So. Lake Sch.) -Elementary (K-6). Warren, Mich. (Fitzgerald Schs.) Elementary. Fri., April 22 Fort Wayne, Ind. -= Elem.; Art, For. Lang., Eng., Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Math, Music, Phys. Ed., Soc. Stud.; Physical Sci. Grand Rapids, Mich. - Elementary; Graphic Arts; Spec. Ed. Holly,Mich. - Elem.; Ment. Hdcp.; HS Gen.e Sci./Boys Couns., Eng/Girls Couns., French or French/Latin. I...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 136) • Page Image 6

…9 x TIDE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 17,1 1960 SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, APRIL 17. 1960 ' +s lnnesota Favored in Big Ten 9 FRESHMEN STAR: Whites Maul Blues, 48-0, in Scrimmage CHICAGO (P) -- Minnesota isv seeking a third straight Big Ten baseball title this year and if the league's pitching prowess is all it is cracked up to be, the other nine teams are expected to put up a merry chase. Except for the champion Go- phers, every t...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 7

…- -, .--1,-,---71w1w- ,om-o- 't. Mor -- o. V Vol. VI, No. 8 hri'~gan Sunday, April 17, 1960 MAGAi car by olfa romeo; student by dint of hard work; HANDI-HAMPER courtesy of GREENE'S THEY SAID IT COULDN'T BE DONE! And they were so right! Even these imported cars won't fit into a Handi-Hamper .. . but then the Handi-Hamper won't fit in the imported cars, either. So there you are! Talk about convenient, this dry cleaning enthusiast h...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 8

… I Vi) C CD to 0 m W m n) cN '7 S CD tI- CD CD 7r- ND Vi O C CD 0 3~ 3) 0 '-i -0 CO0 * 3 G « 0o " - « 3) Q p z -.3< * U) * 90 L* -J V1 DT m z Z m 9. s m :3 44 M, N 0 -s CL Z 0« Q3 . . s " R w e, 0" C) 0n 3 " w s s M " r+ " " " #" * W ('0Jr 0 m m m 0 C* CD 0 :5o 0CD t 0 11 ID C+ CD11 CDCU- 0 ,- R ID r- m n CD CA Pcl a n0 R naQ5n pi C 0 0C P- 5'- i wao (P C+ P M~c1 CL L-1 0 0rA C W o P...: 0 :3,0 C . C+ nrP0(Po (( p. ta ID ~ w' r ...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 9

…1 0 C 0 H 00 C C 0 0 {w~ b O CU +3 ;. ! 4 4I 1) t -tt Q )a t i + Q) 4) 00-.4-434. ) a ) 4-4-4 Q cd cd m 0 4J (3 a) 4,#)V (3 D 4-" 0 ;4o0 ad ' 0 W 0 0 >?0 0O c A 0 4) +w i.4 tc &0 ) td -.0a).+G7(y ZvaH ca14 S a)- 4 .a00 Ea 0 W .$ 0- P-4s R 0 U V ' Ga iU 0 p4 z 0 U 4 07 cd 8 0 $4,. as .a42 U * ctdIa + 0 v . rrl 'Cf 'b a 00) . N em IX ;al 04:~ U -4 'Q.4r. 4-33 aaa)4-4 gyn. 4. ID a U wt x , c3s:30db~t e +3t' n C .. O C 6 C s t tawa - Q...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 10

…w MM + M " " P b t* bl mm .- j CD CD n m C+ 0 0 CD si, D 4r 0 rn ±D C+00 C- 0 10, M cr C3 ia 'CD0. :fa0 , t nC+-0'1et , O r c P 00np CD 0 0 r .-.+ 0 ! 1 " 'b O D "3 OO M.0( po M IQ -. co ti (D0 p 1l D P-I *12+I 'II0O sue $ o " " c.? OcD oti'CD" QOC , 00w. CD% ( r~. O-Ond d Q L - (DO CD sz (D 'o0 0 0.1 ~ to - a v d t ' , or . C Dr o w. ~i t- p'0 '- + LO O s. M-0P P0.cnR 0 0 C to pCD d 0 r PCD-00.cogs 00-'rn o- . - d -, P0 + s . fb go C+ C+ C...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 11

…Vow, F- .----- - w - t, Hubert Humphrey-Contender for The Presidency Lyndon Johnson: Mr. Demo The Senate Majority Leader Acts as Focal Point of Policy C By KARL LAMB W HEN Minnesota Senator Hu- bert Humphrey first entered the Senate in 1949, one writer de- scribed his initial impact on the Senate as follows: "Here, intense, brilliant and "Staccato. was a new voice, the voice of an ideological liberal, child of the depression and the dust...…

April 17, 1960 (vol. 6, iss. 8) • Page Image 12

… -1 ---- .7--- - 11 1 -, --pt w RWM these mean about him as a Presi- dent. Nixon and I of ---- I. - - -j I - .1..fw . 09, Mmwi f His Critics: Li beral IS afna inae penae ni THEY ARE NOT so much con- cerned with the charge itself " that the Democrats are soft on Seek To Find the Man Communism. They are more inter- ested'in the implications such a charge holds for the individual Ithe Political M ask who made it. They are worried about a ...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…WHY NEGRO PARTICIPATION? See Page 4 ;Y Seventieth Year of Editorial Freedom Da111& MOSTLY CLOUDY High-69. Low--5s Showers and thundershowers clearing by early afternoon. SIX r.~ VOL. LX, No. 161 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1960 FIVE CENTS SIX PA HOFFMAN SPEAKS: UN Should Direct Aid Officials Discuss Budget Plan 4 By MICHAEL HARRAH "The single most important thing about underdeveloped countries is that only they themsel...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY,MAY1' B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION announces is Night and Installation of Officers This evening at 8 Program and Reception Open. to Al l 1429 Hill Street .. InternatIonal Coordinating Board A great chance to learn more about all the facets of the International life FALLING WATER-One of the most famous residences in the world, this house, near Bear Run, Pa., was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for Edgar Kauf...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

… iennedy, Morse Wind Up e Dampaigns in T THULE. Air Force To Employz Missile Warning System Two States! THULE, Greenland (M - On a rocky Arctic hilltop the 1irst elec- tronic alarm station intended toe warn against rockets from Russia is nearing readiness. This ballistic missile early warn- ing system (BMEWS) base ,has been built in an air of urgency- sharpened in recent days by an- other spectacular demonstration of Soviet skill in tech...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…Seventieth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.0 Phone NO 2-3241 Vic tory from Summit Ruins? .- when Opinions Are Free Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. .Y, MAY 17, 1960 NIGHT...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 5

…Z 1L'IAA ./UAWP N iHz~azzjii. PAGE ~. .~ )~ _ f a . . .''. .-.. r 'svt*,. '.*'"s: t 'N" ..__o __ ;9 I (Continued from Page 4) are being made by the International Center: Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. Miss Rebeka Tiomny, Chief, Reference and Loan Section Library of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 15-20. Miss Patricia J. Higginbotham, Prin- eIpal Lecturer in Education and Math- ematics at Stockwell Teachers' Train- ing Co...…

May 17, 1960 (vol. 70, iss. 161) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAYMA aC otre Dame Tops Netmen Golfer Everhardus Adds Needed Team Balance 'M'-WMU To Clash Here Today 1.1 U On the brighter side were the SOUTHBEND-- A strong Not e showings made by John Wiley, )ame tennis team yesterday edged Jim Tenney, and Bruce MacDon- (ichigan, 5-4, In a dual' meet at ald. All three netters have been iouth Bend. undefeated since the spring trip Both Jerry Dubie and Frank and were again impres...…

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…STUDENTS WRONG RADICAL SOURCE S. Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4Dati4 PARTLY CLOUDY High-48 Low-37 Chance of light showers continuig through tomorrow VOL. LXXI, No. 51 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1960 FIVE CENTS six PA 1 Porter Asks, wSU Speaker Ba Threatens To End Tax Suppor ,, -Daily--David Giltrow SGC OFFICERS--Seated left, Per Hanson, '62, executive vice- president; right John Feldkamp, '...…

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY --Daily-Henry Ye DANCING LESSON-Cast members of "Bells Are Ringing" became cha, cha experts during tiIs scene from the 1960 Soph Show, which' will be presented at 8:30 tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Michigan League. S*G*C* TONIGHT and Friday at 7 and 9 SATURDAY and Sunday at 7 and 9:35 tonley Kramer's production of Carson McMullers'RI HD II u! IM Al NPUN w &NIPSm MAn Ium …

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .ool Integration Rioting ALGERIAN SELF-GOVERNMENT: French To Vote on P 4~ Continues in New Orleans CENSUS State Gains Extra Seat In House Michigan will gain a new seat{ in the United States House of Representatives-its nineteenth- as a result of population increases disclosed Tuesday by the Com- merce Department's 1960 census report. Sometime before mid-1963 it must redistrict the state to make room for the new cong...…

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 4

…"There's Nothing Like A Good Smoke, Men" Pt Izr cian Batty Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OFTE UNIVMsrY OF MICHIGAN iinas Are FreUNDER A6THORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS 411 Prevai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG,. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 s printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. AT THE STATE: 'Epitaph' Ski...…

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY I Prints MODERN LITERATURE: Indian Novelist Views Language Difficulties L re DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN 11 I <' For Holiday A sale of prints for Christmas being conducted by the Univer- ity Museum of Art until Dec. 7. Prints are available to students the University during the entire eriod of the sale. Beginning Dec. prints will also be available to he faculty, staff and the general ub~lic. The sale is open from 2 p.m. t...…

November 17, 1960 (vol. 71, iss. 51) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEMI TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOVEM TOPS LIONS GROUND ATTACK: Pietrosante Not H it by Sophomore Slump Special1/alue! By FRED STEINHARDT No one can say that the Nation- al Football League's "Rookie of the Year" for 1959 is suffering from a sophomore slump. Nick Pietrosante, the youthful Detroit Lion fullback who receiv- ed the award last season via the Sporting News poll, is currently the team's top gro...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 1

…)LLEGE TEACHERS: FROM WHENCEZ see page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom DUIIAt OVERCAST High-.41 Low-21 Light showers, continued n$iid, fr'"T is an XL No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1961 FIVE CENTS Ioi P U' Officials Praise. Cohen Appointment Cite Qualifications, Experience Of New HEW Assistant Director By JEROME WEINSTEIN The appointment of Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the school of so- ial work to be Assistant...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Gulek Seeks Stro Business Sch )ng U.S. Tie New Degree linal and Yet Turkey is also helping her- By PHILIP SHERMAN ook over self, he said. "The new constitu- The business administration aent and tion, when finished, should pro- school will put into effect a new duce a strong government allied set of under graduate degree re- he Con- solidly with the United States." quirements next semester, more for adequate - the purpose o...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 3

…THEL MICHIGAN DAILY t To Aid Laos Premier Police Fire On Rioters In Belgium BRUSSELS (A - State police fired on 300 rioters in the big in- dustrial city of Liege yesterday, wounding 2. Two others were injured when the police answered a barrage of rocks by wading in with rifle butts. The rioting provided a jarring note on a day that saw most Bel- gian workers back on their jobs after 28 days of strikes against the government's austerity pro- ...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 4

…"Briefly, It's Up To You To Clean Up The Success In Washington" Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrrY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Crut will revaA- STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.* Phone NO 2-3241 litorials printed an The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ...ii'QY ; J:+f 1+(..rPC7S iiZ ''Ar'''C.~k :C"i~ ~~tiiei' ' +te :m+. m: r::il"R' " DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ment of Chemistry (opinion) (commit- tee of the whole); Joint Judiciary Council-(motion); Course Evaluation Booklet-(motion). Constituents and Members' Tine. Announcements. Adjournment. Coming on Feb. 15, "Operation Aboli- tion' Appointment of International Relations Board Chmn. Appointment of Internati...…

January 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 85) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Cagers Bow toM Hot First Half Gives Spartans Win As Late Wolverine Spurt Falls Short IU Wrestlers Fitzgerald Registers A Quick Pin 'M' Wrestlers Take Six Out of Eig (Continued from Page 1) (Continued from Page 1) the basket, one of six he made from close under during the course of the evening. Cole then pulled off a pretty three-point play and Tidwell again slipped away from the Spartan de- fenders to put the Wolverine...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

…ERLEIN-LOBSINGER: ACADEMC JOKE? See Page 4 lu~w uja :4Iuii4t Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom XI, No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 O I II I I I I I q Y1111 May Consider Lesidence Plan May Incorporate Foreign Students Into Projected Graduate Qu-arters By FAITH WEINSTEIN, 'he University administration will consider a compromise pro- for incorporating foreign students into a projected graduate stu- housing unit. '...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

… the regular Panhel schedule, be- ginning at the same time as Pan- hel's third set. The first party will be Feb. 26. The second, a Bermuda party, will be Feb. 28 and the final desserts will be Mar. 2 and 3.. TONIGHTCoCinema and 9 De icas UBERO DLAVENDER HILL MOB' with~ ... with Alec Guinness, Stanley Holloway, I I …

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY rrian-Asian Nations icker w Reds wr Congo Peace Plan EMERGENCY MEASURES: Kennedy Suggests Plan To Aid Grain Farmers, WASHINGTON (A)-President John F. Kennedy asked Congress yesterday to junk the Eisenhower administration's feed program and adopt an emergency plan aimed at raising producer incomes. Secretary of Agriculture Orville L. Freeman said the Kennedy pro- posal for 1961 would be expected to bring a 10-to-15 per ce...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…STATE COLLEGE CRISIS: Seventy-First Year _ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Preva&" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. *"Phone NO 2-3241, Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Higher Education in New York t, ...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN bAILY I i For Direct Classifuied Ad- Servie, Phone NO 2 -478 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'till 11:30 A.M. PERSONAL MUSICAL MDSE., BARGAIN CORNER ROOM AND BOARD I FOR RENT ENGAGED:- Herb S. and Sara R. of RADIOS, REPAIRSOfod-.9;skaBADR WNT -Clstwrat SINGLES FOR RENT. For ?01 East U.-Congratulations,_____kids. ARMY-NAVY typeOxod-$.5sckBARESWND-alterdt' 70 EstU-Cngaultin, id.39c; shorts 69c; mil...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

…G~AN DAILY___ MIXERS, MIXERS, MIXERS... By JUDITH OPPENHEIM At 7:15 p.m. today, 1,457 wo- men will appear at the doors of the University's 22 sororities for the first set of mixers of the 1961 Panhellenic rush calendar. Two weeks of intensive rushing will follow without interruption, culminating in pledging March 5. Rushees will begin by attending mixers at all campus houses: five tonight; five tomorrow afternoon; four tomorrow evening; four...…

February 17, 1961 (vol. 71, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 'M' Swimmers Invade Indiana fti1 SPO 1 by HAROLD APPLEBAUM C freestyle relay, 200-yd. breast stroke, 200-yd. individual medley, and 220 and 440 yd. freestyle races loom as the deciding factors. Relay Could Decide In the freestyle relay, the last event on the program, Coach Gus Stager will choose his four swim- mers from a group including Cap- tain Frank Legacki, Dave Heizer, John McGuire, Steve Thrasher, and Owen Klie...…

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