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January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 1

…The Weathier Snow or rain, rising tempera- ture today; tomorrow probably rain. L A6PF Ar Datt w Editorials Communists Back In The Fold ... VOL. XLVII No. 82 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pucksters Rebound Sit-Downers' Continues As Coach To Crush Gophers, 8-1, In Fast Contest, BeginExodus From Plants G.M., Union Leaders Show Optimism As Negotiation Procedure Is Outlined Knudsen, Martin Plan Daily Parleys ...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO U SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY publican Club to an audience of about' 3,000.I In an election post-mortem Ham- ilton said in the course of his speech! Of Th DAYthat the Republican party had come Of The DA Y tobe regarded as a "closedhcorpora- tion," and at another point, ob- viously referring to the party Old (By The Associated Press) Guard, he remarked: "Liberal is as liberal does." Republicans Told To Approach Labor ...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAN. 17, 137 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGETHIA a PAGE T1U~E~ Gilbert Foregoes Babs Ballad' To Do 'Yeoman Of The Guard' Authors Of Next Offering By Play Production Had Stormy Partnership By ELSIE ROXBOROUGH "Screws may twist and racks may turn, And men may bleed and men may burn, O'er London tow'r and its golden board, I keep my silent watch and ward ." Thus run Gilbert's merry lines to Sullivan's music, marking the first time, that he ...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR SUNDAY JAN. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY -,-- urr M6 Member 1937 AIssociaed Golfe 6 aie Press Distributors of Co aeDi6es Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use tor republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise ...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE PAGE FIVE Union To Hold First Of Buffet SuppersToday Affair To Be Social Hour For Faculty Members And All Students Campbell In Charge Ballroom To Be Furnished As Lounge; Game Halls To Be Open To Women The first Union buffet supper will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. today in the main dining room of the Union, according to Howard M. Campbell, '38, chairman of the supper. Special invitations h...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 6

…PAGE :SIX ' THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNI AY,' JAN. 17 '.1937' I~AGE SIX SUNDAY, JAN. 17, 1937 Wolverine Cagers Def eat isconsin, 43 To 31, Before 4,500 Michigan Five Scores Second BigTen Win Varsity Uses Short Shots To Chalk Up Margin Against Badgers Mitchell Top Scorer By RAY GOODMAN MADISON, Wis., Jan. 16.-(Spe- cial to The Daily)-After playing sloppily for 28 minutes, the Michigan basketball team came to life to down an outclassed Wiscons...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, JAN. 17; 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN, THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN, Wolverine Swimmers Easily Trounce Indiana, 64-20 N~iever .rush~ed Natators Win In Every Event Single Pool Record Falls As Medley Team Ends I In Fast Time Tank Summaries Varsity In lop shape Tlo Upen 1.7 TPoc v13 300-yard medley relay: Won by Y1 0"5 1t1Lt -VJ ILLJA' iIJJ1 (IJ.M"F I Michigan (Cody, Kasley and Bry- anH edc) Time: 3avis, Coon By FRED DE L...…

January 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 82) • Page Image 8

…-PAGE EIGHT rTl T.TI ASTPTTTP A IV I"1 A TT'V 17NnAY. JAV. 17. 1.937 IN THE WORLD OF BOOKS oullilt7x, Jt]ly. 1/ ia70/ I "All Right, Have It Your Way, You Did Hear A Seal Bark!" EINSTEIN Short History Of Music' Women Are Blissfully Romantic In Far Too Subjective Verses THE ENJOYMENT OF LAUGHTER By Max Eastman. Simon an( Schuster, New York. $3.75. 367 pps By JOSEPH GIES Max Eastman, that peerless en j oyer of laughter and remarkabl c...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Generally fair with rising emperature today; tomorrow ncreasing cloudiness L E A60' A6F I Ar Editorials Tribute To Professor Reeves ... Dealers In Death .. . Dead End..,. PRICE FIVE CENTS ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Y.. VYTT on 4i 1. ,. a~vLA iVvo - _ - Ruthven Plans For Religious Program Here, Put In Action Student Christian Trustees Give Lane Hall Building To University Society T...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . .. .... . a .. .. ia. .a v a..a ... .s.. i.i Z it i " _._ _.. ._._ ___ objections" to the other proposals of t President Roosevelt's for the Federal judiciary and in fact thinks they may well be desirable. "The Attorney-General of the United States," he said, "should have notice of all suits involving questions of Federal Constitutional law. It may be said, however, that there has been no difficulty in the Attorney-Gen-...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…FEB. 17, 1967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY eber Named Tournament Manager For Big Ten Mat I I pe nCg Meet Varsity Squad -0 Rated Favorite To Win Crown Speicher, Bissell, Danner Renain Unbeaten; Meet Ohio State Feb. 22 Coach Wally Weber, backfield mentor of Michigan's football forces, will be tournament manager of the Big Ten wrestling meet to be held here March 12 and 13, it was an- nounced yesterday. Weber will serve as director of pub- licity and w...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…f THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY . - + . ""l lMember 1937 AssoC dia C CdIle 'iae Press Distributors of Qe .fie D~est Published every morning except Monday during the University- year and Summer Session by the hoard in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use (or republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspa...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…', 967 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE HVE 4 net Karlson, '38, Elected General Chairman Of 1937Assernbly Ball Petitioning Held For Committee Positions Today Sale Of Tickets To Begin Saturday; Interviewing Will Be HeldFriday The election of Janet Karlson, '38, as general chairman of the third an- nual Assembly Ball, to be held Fri- day, March 5, in the League Ball- room, was announced yesterday by Mary Andrew, '37, Assembly presi- depnt. Preuss...…

February 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WED~NESDA, ON 23rdHighway Meeting Hears Federal Agent State Highway Department And Engineering College Sponsor Conference (Continued from Page 1) cent increase in the past four years' revenues, the state highway depart- ment has available only some $600,- 000 for right-of-way, planning, sur- veying, inspection and emergency ex- penses during the year, Russell A. An- derson, director of finance for the department, explain...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Fair, slowly rising tempera- ture today; tomorrow occasion- al rain or snow; warmer. L Sir ~igau A461wr jDattij VOL. XLVII No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1937 Sit - Downers At Chrysler's FirmIn Face Of, Deadline Strikers To Face Contempt Charges If They Fail To Evacuate Plants Workers Indicate Refusal To Leave DETROIT, March 16.-()-Sit- down strikers facing a choice of evac- uating eight big Chrysler Co...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THE M ICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, '9M7 University Glee Club Will Give Musical Program Tomorrow In Hill Auditorium P ^h T sG. -.} i" L- i - - h 1 Fourth Raw: R. L. Brrtt, W. A.yFurfeler, ..C.jKowskaS.P.mrtn,.Robrt,0. MorH. WliTs . RasontomerB.ya,.H.LT uionriaerJ. iBe. Tyrrell and E. D. Racz. Fifth Row: Robert 0. Manley, James E. Gardner, Wilfred E. Morris, H. F. Twyman, Frederick M. Epstein, Stuart 0. Hirshberg, E. J. Vandenburg, Ra...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…,1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 3he I-M Department Holds Annual Open House Tonight PRESS ANGLE By GEro6E J. AN oS - (Dai lyrs m...., Some Trouble Ahead -...- DESPITE PUBLISHED reports to the contrary, Michigan's swim- ming team will not win the National Collegiate Championships as easily as it won the Big Ten meet last Satur- day. Hal Ulen has brought eastern Intercollegiate swimming out of the doldrums with a Harvard squad that will cause Ma...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…_THE MICHIGAN DAILY WENESBAY, MARCH1 FE MICHIGAN DAILY .4- III Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1936-37 Published every morning except Monday during the 01niversity year and Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use frrepubication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaperl A rights of rep...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

…17; 1937 THE MI 1I -1 G A-N' D ILY 'AGE ?=lE TIL.MCHGA DIL M-. Annual Supper Will Be Given Wonen Of '37 Caps, Gowns To Be Worn For Initial Time Tonight; Usual Events Featured Senior women will wear their caps and gowns for the first time at the annual Senior Supper, traditional affair honoring fourth-year women, to be held at 6 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. Featured on the program will be a skit, several songs and a specialty dance f...…

March 17, 1937 (vol. 47, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…TH E MICHIGAN IYAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17, 1937 Ruthven Names Committeemen For Centennial Community Dinner, June 14, Initiates Celebration Of 100thAnniversary (Continued from Page 1) Taxicab Crowded Into Lake Michigan In Strike Disorder I I G Berman Plans Fight And Sex Most Popular For Summer Newspaper Topics, Brumm Says nession tjivenj I Papers To Be For Not Foil Crininal Stor activities in all department, consti- tuting an "open h...…

July 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Cloudy, possible rains today; tomorrow fair and warmer. C, 4r lfilfr iga ~iat ,Editorials Your Last Chance To Help .. . Newspapers And Community Service.. Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Main Armies Nearing Fight In ChinaaWar Crack Nanking Regiments Believed Moving North To Meet Japanese Fear Major Battle After Movements NEIPING, July ...…

July 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 17) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Official Publication of the Summer Session I 'r , 'S. icism and loss of faith in the press. But no matter what the cause, the change is desirable. It does not require that a newspaper be eternally crusading, but it does call for a recognition of the sore spots of the locality and the taking of vigorous steps to correct them. It requires a determination by the paper...…

July 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 17) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAt, JULY 17, 1937 T HE MICHIGAN DAILY .. NEWS Of The DAY (By The Associated Press) Japanese Ambassador Reviews Cherry Festival TRAVERSE CITY, July 16.--()- Hirosi Saito, Japanese ambassador to the United States, and Gov. Frank Murphy reviewed a parade of 45 flowered-bedecked floats and 13 bands in the national cherry festival's an- nual parade today. Police estimated that 100,000 per- sons stood along the line of march. The festival ...…

July 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 17) • Page Image 4

…FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, JULY 17, 1937 U Discontinuation Of Federal Job Service Denied Detroit Office Of National Reemployment Service Has No Word So Far DETROIT, July 10---(Special to The Daily)-Although W. Frank Per- sons, director of the United States Employment Service, told reporters sevearal days ago in Washington, D. C. that the National Reemployment Service in Michigan would be dis- ontinued in the immediate future, no wo...…

August 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Continued warm; possible showers tomorrow. C, 1 40 r mit igan :43att . Editorials Remedying An Old Problem ... I Official Publication Of The Summer Session VOL. XLVI. No. 43 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUG. 17. 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Friction Starts Over Black's Confirmation To HighCourt Dietrich, Burke Almost Reach Blows In Bitter Senate Quarrel Committee Favors Nomination, 13 To 4 WASHINGTON, Aug. 16.-()-A fist fight a...…

August 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1937 1, with the vague idea that I'd seen Pinafore dozens of times and was pretty bored with it. After taking in Mr. Windt's production, I decided to face facts, and realized that actually I had seen Pinafore performed only twice before, and then not as well as it could have been. Somebody is always doing Pinafore-one week the church choir and the next week the Elks- but how many of us have really se...…

August 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1987 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE NEWS Of The DAY (By The Associated Press) Refuse To Cooperate With CIO INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 16.-()- Charging an "invasion" of its juris- diction by John L. Lewis' Committee for Industrial Organization, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America ordered mem- bers of all its local unions in the United States and Canada today to refuse to work with materials fur- nished by un...…

August 17, 1937 (vol. 46, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1937 U Max Eastman Fights- Black Sees Constitution Flexible Enough To Fit Twentieth Century WASHINGTON, D.C., Aug. 15.-(/P) ate for five years. -Like a lot of other folks, Hugo Likewise he thinks the wage and, Black has a pet idea. hour law he 'succeeded in getting He thinks old Dame Democracy can through the senate this year, will not go modern without losing her place abruptly alter the lives and b...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Occasional rain today and to- morrow; slowly rising tempera- ture. cl 4r Li4t igau ttij Editorials Here's A New Idea... VOL. XLVII. No. 19 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 1937 PRIE FIVE CENTS Italy Is Willing To Recall Part Of Volunteers From Spa in Grandi Says Withdrawals Must Be Made Equally On Both Sides Of War Offer Is Received With Skepticism LONDON, Oct. 16.-()-Italy to- day offered to make a conditional "token"...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY, SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 1931 Concrete Demonstration Rev. Kantoner To Be Given Tomorrow Mixing and placing of concrete for To Give Talks buildings will be the subject of at practical demonstration at 7:30 p.m. Cit T a M onday in Room 231 Angell H all, it w s a n u c d y te a . was announced yesterday. I t s I Ly ollowing list. Any active organiza- tion not listed should apply for of- ficial recognition at once. J. A. Bursley,...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…4 OCT. 17, 1937 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL KULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Delta Omega Delta Sigma Rho Deutscher Verein Druids Eastern Society Engineering Council *Engineering Honor Committee Eta Kappa Nu Farmer-Labor Club *Forestry Club Freshman Luncheon Club Galens *Gamma Alpha G enesee Club of Michigan Graduate Outing Club Hiawatha Club *Hillel Foundation Hillel Independents *Hillel Players Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences *Inte...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY Can Sanctions Halt Japanese Invasion Of China--Or Must World War Result? MUSIC In The Air DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of The ftverslty. Copy received at the epee at the Assiteat to the Pre..Mda muCr 3:30; 11:00 am. on Saturdy. !°I II , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY League Heads Plan eason's Social Events Duties Of Two Committees Added; Clearing - House For Tickets Planned By JENNY PETERSEN With the beginning of the fourth week of school, all the committees of the League have plans under way for a busy season of activity, according to Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League. Helen Louise Arner, '38, recently appointed third vice-president of the League, in charge of candy bootns, an...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 6

…IME TITI Hi AN ATLY SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY ~T3NDAY, OCT. 17, 1137 5 ARKANSAS .... 6 SYRACUSE .... 14 NAVY. 15 TEXAS .. .. .. . .. CORNELL.. . ....6 HARVARD 0 INDIANA 0. . . ILLINOIS .13 N'WESTERN ... 14 PRINCETON ... 16 WISCONSIN ... .6 PURDUE .......7 CHICAGO ..... 7 IOWA........ 13 6 4 Spadaccini Sparkles i S ASIDE LINEF=S Old Eli BeatsArmy, 15-7 NEW HAVEN, Oct. 16.-(A)-Yale's scored the other touchdown for th...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 7

…SoDAYr O~vT61, laTHE M ICHIGAN DAILY NOTRE DAME .. 7 TULANE ...... 7 FORDHA . .....0 U.C.L.A.........7 OKLAHOMA .... 0 WASINGTON-U. .7 U.S.C. ..... . ...34 K CARNEGE TECH . 9 COLGATE ..... 6 ..1PITT .... . . ....0 OREGON STATE . 7 NEBRASKA .... 0 WASH. STATE .. 7 OREGON .......14 M PAGE, SEV9N A SAS STATE.1, ARQUETTE .3 Minnesota's Powerhouse Runs Through Game Is Rout After First 12 Minutes Play Unstoppable Attack Gives Visitors 19 First D...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 8

…TH.E MICHIGAN DAILY suNAY, OCT.17 IIN THE WORLD OF BOO-KS a BEMELMiqNSFound Yankee Miltarism Difficult.To Fathom ... American Artist Describes Effect ! ,T OM YC !f1n AS ih r Y T !At! MY WAR WITH THE UNITED .sylums are in danger of going in- STATES, by Ludwig Bemelmans. sane themselves, and after a few Viking Press, New York. $2.50. weeks of service Bemelmans finds By IRVING M. COPILOWISH In December, 1914, at the age of 16,I Ludwig ...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 9

…CHORALEUNION SUPPLEMENT *ir 43U t 4:Iai1j SECTION II. I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCT. 17, 1937 Rachraninoff Will Open Choral Union Concerts Oct . 27; Series Gives Ann Arbor National Fame As Music Cente Artists And Organizations Are Eager For' Places On Programs Here Local Performances Vie WithBig Cities Hill Auditorium Crowds Often Exceed Numbers Found Anywhere Else By PROF. JOSEPH BRINKMAN The Choral Union Concert Series, clima...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NDAY, O )T. 17, 193 .t Hark All Gentle Ladies Ere Yet Ye Tread The Concert Aisle RECORDS It I By TOM M9CANN I work on the recordings of Victor will! s an artist Sergei Rfachmaninoff make his genius realized forever. t the peak of his brilliant career, Evidences of his technical skill can . as a composer he has similarly be seen in his interpretations of De- i.nguished himself.' His recordings bussy's "En Bateau" and "...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 11

….7~~ 191TT1 MICHIIGAN DATILY A EfR 4XE TE=l Quality is Keynote Of Past Concerts, Says Sind In Reviewing Choral History Scheduled To Appear In Ann Arbor Feb. 17 (Continued from Pale 11 Mark Hambourg, Myra Hess, Joseph Hofmann. Vladimir Horowitz, Ernest Hutche- son, Jose Iturbi, Rafael Joseffy, Frank La Forge, Ethel Leginska, Tina Ler- ner, Mischa Levitzki, Josef Lhevinne, Yolanda Mero, Guiomar Novaes, Ig- nace J. Paderewski, Raoul Pugno, Se...…

October 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 19) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Civic Orchestra Program Is More Auspicious Than Original c'oore cAbout cJYx siC1 By William Lichtenwanger Elsewhere in this supplement men- blue-bloods among Germany's hogs tion is made of the extremely cosmo- are 3,600,000 belonging to a race politan character of American mu- which is aristocratically labeled as sical activities, especially as regards 'German Noble White Hog." Rachmaninof;f Johnson Discusses Comparison ...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow flurries today and tomorrow; somewhat colder in extreme southeast today. L 41k iga ~Iat Editorials When The Bus And Bears Weep .". . Ho-Hum No. 2 .. . r- - VOL. XLVIIL No. 45 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1938 PRICE FIVE CENTS I Chlinese Fle eSlusser Praises War Posters, AntiLnchi German RoyaltyTRIE FIE AdmN B First Feature Of Spanish Week| Killed As Plane From Nanking eat-eIy Two Spanish War Films an ...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…T H E MICH IGAN D AILY WEBNESDAY, NOV. 17, 1937 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I Three Envoys Debate At Nine Power Conference CLASSIFIED AIERteNd France. England and America talked over the Sino-Japanese war in Brussels last week in the person of these three diplomats: left to right, Anthony Eden, foreign minister of Great Britain! Norman Davis, U.S. ambassador-at-lar...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…wW"L""a", NOV. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THEEI Varsity Expected To Be In Top Shape For Regulars Are Sent Through Offensive Drill' Stanton Regains Starting Fullback Post; Ritchie Stars As Passer The Varsity gridders, finished their second workout yesterday in prep- ~aatiorn fo-r theB uekeiprtrcP tYAiy Ae t .l 0: ASIDE LINES Chi Psi Downs Phi Sigs; Gains L d1 i WANTED: A board job for six-foot, 192 pound half- back. Fast, s...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17, 19 THE MICHIGAN DAILY {= ,,.;-/ 3-1I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not ot...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 5

…TOE MICHIGAN DAILY f Reggie Childs Is Chosen For Soph Prom By Campus Poll Chairman Set s Ticket Sale Date For Tomorrow Sophomores Must Have' Identification C a r d s;' Tickets Are $2.75 ! Tailored Jackets Popular Exchange Student Tells Of Life At Lingnan University In Canton Engagement Announced Joan Hanson, Robert Lodge m n r n o Students elected Reggie Childs' : band from a group of five to play forX the annual Soph Prom in a campu...…

November 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 45) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Three Teams Of Architects Vie For Prize Rome American Academy Gives $1250 Fellowship For College Architects Three teams of four men each will! represent the College of Architecture in this year's collaborative competi- tion sponsored by the American Acad- emy in Rome. Each member of a team covers one of four allied arts-architecture, landscape architecture, painting and sculpturing. The project of the competition thist y...…

December 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 70) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Mostly cloudy, probably local rain or snow today; tomorrow, cloudy'; little change. . L17 r A6F 4 410 -Adkh mmw-qmWv .4iltr t an KIai Editorials None But i ool want 11'.r, tint . Congraulations, halamazoo College .., VOL. XLVIII. No. 70 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Lewis Doubts Peace Between. CIO And AFL Union Head Also Claims Congress Is Ignoring 'Menacing Problems' Says Green Refuses To Absor...…

December 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 70) • Page Image 2

…THE MI:CHI GAN DAILY FRIDAY, DEC. 17. 1937 NLRB Examiner Explains How Wagner Act Works In Practice Stays I Nanking voting and representation in these cases. The unit may be the craft, the plant or the whole industry. The ziecessity of making this decision throws the Boardinto the AFL-CIO' controversy over craft or industrial unionism." The criteria by which the Board judges the appropriate unit for vot- ing, Mr. Casselman said, are "em- ...…

December 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 70) • Page Image 3

…I I FRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i .__ _ ..__ _ .._ _....- _ _ _ - i I _ ._-_ ASI DE LINES - 7$y IRVIN LISAGOR - The Herald Angels . . TEACE ON EARTH, goodwill to- ward men .. Cynicism has no place in the at- tractiveness of youth, we've heard, but pick up a metropolitan and get a eyeful of its headlines and then contemplate the biting mockery of the lines above. War, robbery, coach- mng squabbles and other repulsive items sm...…

December 17, 1937 (vol. 48, iss. 70) • Page Image 4

…PAGE, FOUR - THE MICHIGAN DAILY TIRIDAY, DEC. 17, 1937 PAQE F0133 l~IIflAY, DEC. 17, 1937 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Ii r= and subsequent depressions. We realize that tied up in the Far East are tremendous investments of American capitalists and the life possessions of a great number of middle class tradesmen and business managers. We must weigh these two decisions. Can there be any doubt as to which end of the scale is the lower? If we do not...…

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