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December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…_____UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. SE1o)ND YEAR. ANN AlfbB(I1,N lI( I1 WFIDNI D Y.N !t N 1-kl1E ITV Pi N. W) AGREEMENT IS REACHED jf~l N 1l F - ,1 tM,- V P r ER A FOOTSALL E o- EVJM ih aS-ON ns1-igti By the Board o Col I " wl tub ll 1l , on p( S T [e'"o1rd 911i l on the Lonn-Staii, i g li 1ttit, [-,r ~~.i i Hs l ' t l, Band W~il GO it hitrll, "i ,.tieHt4t on K l[i "Ait itti ~ I r e t' ii ti Iti li titt l . i t - - 3upervi51 t1 j i'i- ill tiltt itI1 ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…11 V4 XN; D trous rs DAIC- EW S S The. ' 1TY «1 L4';E1- f 11thol ti er ( 11r7ll l 1. l. S it 1 l lt Il t e :t'. 11tl 1 AT G.H.WILD" cog 108 E. Washington St J'ilMAN lIlNO 111)1 [1), BUSsNE~S I'nANAGFkI, 13ISO COE 'T1)N, ().I 11.3. UrtK. lf,(Wo Ula. (i134IRAL NEFWS 1 111/01 11 R.e13 r ,_ s i i i i 1'mi Uhf '.1, 111 r~l~ lf .X1 A i l(-Y 111d II 'l o f the 111 3 1 , sirr t , ,3 A nit11by 11KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. 11 $1I20net AlT jWAHTS BIMK...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…THE MICflIGANDALLY-NEWS5 N1 i I Wagner 0Pen IEvenings D A I~THE RIGHT TINGS AND ENOUGH OF THEM S asCa uts, Overcoats, Hatsp, and all the newest Men's FurnishingIj @ yG C o . mitliiNw i li I i ]).i4t 11 in f~l it. it' n tt~ t f... I ii ii 1 t 121-123 Main streetWADHAMS RYAN & RE VIE. ni' of joy ' great at j the a:nn O Catcuius. BURCHFIELD'S FINE TAILORING TRADE. Lk ike t,.:the cremation ofat ; a M'Y *. igartt. But 1'h ti ii t l t o ii -i' ltoi ...…

December 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…THh MICHIGAN I)AILY-NEWS What It Means Simply this: That here you can find the newest facts; the correct styles in colorings and effects becoming for any man. Same as in the large Haberdashery establish- ments in larger cities. The only difference is the price. COME IN AND SEE US. C L'TrrI'cG, RF.;YEL i CDM 30°,.Vy G. J. BUSS, Manager 109 and 111 East Washington Street GiLOVES CLEANED I RENTSCIILUR. NITI'I'( RAMING ".M MRI. AT iIIoTOGRIAPHIEII...…

October 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…k~M I'~CD F MG A N _77 -17- E[ms. C.. A1.?,bC ., .,}L .. ' t}i1 ~.ttlzi't a ,v ;t:ld ii i. il I :lli t't 'tlii' C ill:f.+ AI : ;Itlli bttll " ll i:3 i: ili Ill'' Noll * . 1 1 r' r z. ; 1( i 1 C i " t lI + " i t i t of i cadN for Chicrago N'3 -' I l 11 3 r ' ! i t t I l ' ' 'i. ; Er 'inif, Notc, A1n i t t l + t" : it .~ .I i- ii N~ l f N i tl'II . 311'V N Il. Nil t t' " 1 '.I ( -1fti, f NI I ' t NItNI't1INNandI1NI.. 11WNNINt -N. i ] o " N01 lt...…

October 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…TIIDE M ICIIIGAN DAILYA N E tk V1 37 aS4u III at . ( n il lchant Tailors.... have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The l a rg est assort- ment in -,-he city AT I Th . \Vasiiigtou St 1h AN'A R Ni:N MA SNCS NANADIOR, IE-IITOIN, OFNII lAL NE VSN -i~ i t { ' 1 1 1 . l i t l i II i ii_, +' I1", ,lMi t ,1 400 "Our (ou u Dt'IC I }1!~u cAu) r r i 21 ' .rli " fa' +ll 1 I .1 11I ,"}i. _ i i l " t i I 1 t t ' l -, ' "Why(osdrie"...…

October 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THlE ICIlIGAINDAILY--NI'EWh - -_ _ -_ Extract from the Laws of the THF RIGHT THNS N URNSA.Srale of New York. ;TIC. D ±tli I1 fest S'i t!I Istt Su( i ts 0 Ico tkflts, apdand°1 J , frrJ __ Ya ,'t i s I l i io I ; 1 p ? ' it'n ie ie a )'i t 1 l I t1 t t xtt ll l e 11 't i 1 t 1{I I At KEBA D Bakr olasae tme Lnni t't'-llt'i c 0ticNII (, ))1ui i iiiiie~WAHMrYAN11& REULE.i There isno bettor co opany :I4Vo a good cigarette. t <j oS are the p: a'o' os...…

October 17, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…TIIE MICIAN DAILY-NEWS Is the latest style. W have a large Wr It , assortmen f'r!t of Alfred Ienjamin7s 1\' Custm Mdemost perr'ect ftting line shown.All yuwitis "your sie uing our remwv.: slet hey /are che)aper than aqarter c.: MANAN ASIGONSRET,1AI II 'N I 4a >4' lre41 IIoT( I ; I' l I I :" iT S i( F ill A I \T I' IL I ' MI"AM1AN: 4111 41 M i l; I ' ;m l . I l r: (I' Home Supply Store. & t44' . Il4.444 SI See us for Pad Locks, [lanimer is,...…

May 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…CBp }r e .'r. +" F .; t YESTERDYS CONCERTS Th e'day Festival Still Give, Great Satisfaction to Large Audiences '-Anita Rio the Favorite 1 1' 11d ot'I t ;t150 15 io 11 l1't wts- 11,3 c l ' 1 1 ' : Isc c - c d t t Xl lz t11 1 n. 1 '1 IN il 0 I ( dtrI f 1"uiii rv IIII1 rh 'iV ll rk I t" liii 11> r V ; s W ilth 1.c 0 1 t 1itI I 111pubic, was1 endere 0 11.111( i i i cc l (; r o e 1 1~~ 111>IltIIe ' tl I > 1 11 (1 h r . f "II- li " I +1 I 000(11rc1i...…

May 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…tam in- 0j Lc, 2 Wi AU tn .40 MICBN DALY-NW"PBCOn ( eU a I AiI3 , DIO t it l SGI li Ct'i. tnANADi [l .it sta r. iio i ,t x xxm l toI xx irix 1 and h"" tell xi" ti" jx xxi li i x* .*x- .xax . tix* lt' xx-.ixx - t 'I' Itxx.... -x'sx t111' 11 iii f- ~xIx* I-1 a l ' rd i xx* ; i t l' i i l k i l . 't't" i liI . 1i:1'.t' 11:1 l'ift' I i c - l ;11' I I' illif t Itf IS7i i ;i Il;l t 1' ttrtt It;i l It ;i !If Il:l l l" Ilt "s I ;11I ll lli :11o lf'ti ...…

May 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…THlE -MICI(JGAN DM1 Y- NEWS r*............................................ Th I Most 6onvinoinu1ThIiigi I tht we tt 0 d o that wooldtend to induce sot to buy * STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES vol b e to i ntroductte tou to a Man who tos worn then. t e cannot comm and titelanguage with witicit to tell cou how * gco5j titese clothes are. The makers attactt their"'r)e n eaththtie 5coat collar os their coats, and they are so protto of thr reltutation, that no...…

May 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…TIDE I1 ICIfl(4 ANPI.) NEXL'\V GINGERLE .... BETTER THAN THE I71PORTEI) 5c.. + stCALKINS' PHABMACY 3-24 50 TTE ST. I1G K 6k iI1iI tI rrI1 sdudBowijil 707 :"ti oRTHUN IXV LIRSITX AX':, U E THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. I I That mans the bet otfeverythintgt EVICt, EQIME'NT anod ROIADBED. ParlorW:'72 TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J W. L.ANDIIAN, General Traveling Agent, DETROIT, MICHIG(AN. LINEN PAPER 15, 20, 25 and anc a lb. SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 116 S. MAI...…

February 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…-- . ;t: - ri }r' - Q ; w,, ... ,. t, i c-. t r Q.i .. * 1 i Q I U1 w M- W ..r -- a' W l-1 CIS . t ti. ate.. . + .~'. ~ . . . . ._, _... i f ,,, "' f. J _ .. 72 1. 7 0 0. w, -- p M a cv r m- 1w, I I X _ -c 0: i c I t!; ( ' Cs: H GGi _ .- : f ^- l ' 't ..., 1. .' .... ,_, - _ .- i. . _J ' J ~ r J …

February 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…111 "KIIIAANDAILY- NWS z r~t r E d 0 z cu.I C, ,LW) oW 4i tj z ATeC' o1 , A A ILY. F Th '-'Kt A'NS,1 ..1 < MICHIGAN DAILY. NEWS PUB, CO.V.Pe .W fey r .K.BHttts E'. )It( 1-- y I NF,1 A AlA 'OINSSC"tANOGE S lT ) H.SA BANS.lF i k Ai -.'". Mi- L o' EDIITORS.P .-lI. .Aat,iio. ' NAA I llir < i kt'ZI'N,-F I Al.r' 't F F. :1 It 111 1 '" V iI II A" 1" it lA ' 'I I A A'iA ltiF '' IAIAAA A' I lA -l . ' AAA: t t)+11 it'A I 1JAll III N"I~ 1 _ Ii1V I A: F M...…

February 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…ailiM llA L-N~ F=- I "" ~444444 Thle Most Gon iD6ilu INtH "'a5'e In that Would tenud to idice'calto(.' STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES *Yj~i be to:Intro1uce Youto asa mnw oh-as worn t~e. l 'can 1G0 rom ~-:d the an,-a( eWt' .t hi;c abpsteallyo- how food these cliot--es are. The makers-attar} their ;abel be- nSeati. the coat col ar of their coats, arid the-v-are so pro-,d of their reputation, that not the slightest detert either of style, fabrics or tailori...…

February 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…V'it avejut i UTTl CO C r astd. I' isonl\ one o; the gou .i thin,; in our candy depiartment. CAJmLKIN S'vPLIAMAcY 3-24 S. TATE ST.y rikG IiImara ~rrs diul Bownn 707 $N91TH I 'N Ito lSIlto $ N11 THE HOCKING VALLEY fRY! 1 ft1 t 0n tu Ot*!,a tf v 10 in FRVI t ..lI'I' N7 x 7! ) 1 3: witil P TLEDO TOCOLUMBU PAN-AMERICAN PLAYING CARDS AT W4.1J. NN. LANDMIAN, (0 OLTROIT, V - LAiiAIN'S Euld Ie hivr 119 . M AtN S T 2'.iii( iI CV A N C ANN ARBOR Tai CH...…

January 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ku YA.AINN ARBOR. iMICHI., FID AY, JANUARY 17 1902. NO. 80 MUSEUM OF INDUSTRY White Awarded An honor. _vHON. BIRD S. COLER Prof. Worcester Entertained. l11OVation to be Introduced For 11he'su11t1of I1 110 (11111111111 FiX' lvol Benefit Of Students in Higher 1ro.,talos. to 11at i~lmt'rf ho Coiotnerai Cootrses. foothi 1l1te 1mwho soutld oud 0001 im- s l' I Ile c'o:[tti m 1 o :0011 to1wi111 1111 II 1'ltig tih w l-. nl -Jrv Inl o l iln a in f l Il...…

January 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…I TPVTtlTJIuAN I)iATT.Y-N'tWQ III( 'l~ ~Iii'i It";l'i ll Ie a r;l>(d t IL0 IL;TES i t ~t111 ir:thr toi 1 Songsl LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE1 ! lI t is the hes t we haye ver sheo ii, tlAo U hei-l:ttl ;li~ t 1i ll ':).II'' :tlt13 1 contatining A..L TH'E MICHIGiA' DAtM NEWS', I INGi OM. llPANY ( 1I c,' ( tt(liliii AI Not Camp't1a Hotter.1)beett tilt, S ti(lIt ari S'yiesth11 ofr il' 'tie '. Vand ka e r fie l i n e FttN___.__________I_'i?111_ __...…

January 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN~jDAILY-NEWS + IF YOU WANT4.A4+ TicMopt 6ornviuGirW Ihing ++ that wee coulid do thst would tend to induce you to buy + M ICROSCOPE + STEIN-BLO7CH CLOTHNES"ItRTA ' IRLZ11,I ± Wed be to introduce you to a man w ho has worn them. + ' IA70.,(,NRI U;. .1Itl~Cr CWecaot coimandl the language with which to tell you hose + 1 55VII:'55 h. Ill 'IiiS N OS ISIt II 0oodlths e clothesare. The osakers attachs their label be- +LlI SN S t I OT neath...…

January 17, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THlE MNICIHIGAN DAILI -NEWS TROUSERS .. 'ethe sir'si'ro liondred piees oft voiisecion's of un'w pa terns onmir itals-itsbetuween s so ns-our toss in tour gain-.jit nowi we caii give youbutier variies fir loss mocney lian atainyii otier seasoni liof the e WAGNER & Co. IMPORTING TAILORS 123 South Main Street ----------- nIIGWIGK IiIaidvPrIors dud Bowno ETTE 707 NORTHI UNIVERSITY AVENUE IJE THE N EVE The SGHLEEDE TEMPORARlY BINDER iit THE HOOKING...…

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