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September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… Order Your Subscription o day all 2-3241 ORIENTATION Li SirF alt ORIENTATION ISSUE ISSUE Latest Deadline in the State ... OL. LXVII, No. 1 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 SIXTY-TWO P c I s I Students Get More School Ban SWon't Stop Offices epa tized U' Political Clubs Make Fall Plans Women To Fac This Year By MARY ANN THOMAS Students will have more class days this year, due to a change in t...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 1

…MAGAZINE SECTION Zli e 4JI'tr igttn ttii ARTICLES, FEATURES Monday, September 17, 1956 Page One NOTEBOOK ON A TOWN FEATURES lEggheads & Mr. Luce A Double Vision Hollywood Ads The Ballet Lesson Reviewer Confesses The Cook Story …

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…II O THE MCHICAN (DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 s +. TWO TUE MI-C--G-N-'--.. Middleman's Work Done By Exchange Although there is no University- operated book store, Student Book Exchange enables students to get used texts at reasonable prices. Operating as a non-profit stu- dent service, the Exchange is actu- ally a middleman between stu- dent buyers and sellers. Students turn in their books and set their own prices. Sponsored by Stud...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 2

…ge Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY September 17, 1956 SMCCOTENTS MOVIE ADS: STILL ABSURD-Our researcher discovers they've always been improbable. Page 5. THE DREAM THAT COOK BUILT-A portrait of one of the University's most famous donors. Page 4. OF EGGHEADS AND MR. LUCE-A probing analysis of the campus intellectual Page 6. A{ *- AN AGELESS ARTIST-Tenor Roland Hayes remains a foremost singer. Page 7. NOTEBOOK ON A TOWN-An intimate journal about the "...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…THE MICMGAN :DAIL3' PAGE' TETMHIRIEIE DIVGISIONS: ...:_ .. . Bureau of Appointments Helps Students Get Jobs Introducing III Main purpose of the Bureau of Appointments is to help people get Jobs. Located in the Administration Bldg., the Bureau has three divis- ions. The teaching division is pri- marily concerned with positions available in education. General division aids people who want jobs in industry, business and gov- ernment. The s...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 3

…September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Threo September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Pope Thre# Movie Ads: Still Absurd Our Researcher Discovers That They Haven't Changed Much Since the Days of 'Youthful Folly' By DAVID KESSEL "The were meant to love each anticipated endorsement. may mght appear, t the casual other as man and woman," said even have insisted upon it lthed,m 24 pont type. The photo "Imagine Garbo in the arms of observer,...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…V THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 Headquarters in Michigan for S I QUALITY PAPER-BOUND BOOKS I ecommended Highspots From MERE DEANS great. paper-back titles from ANCHOR BOOKS magnificent paper bound books sewn-bound for durability HERE'S THE COMPLETE LIST: M31. Robert M. Hutchins FREEDOM, EDUCATION, AND THE FUND. Essays and addresses, 1946-56. Major work on areas of current dis- cussion $1.25 M32. Morris R. Cohen. A...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 4

…Page Four T HE MI C HIGA N DA ILY 1 -7 1 nC.- ' "' -..v"''September 17, 1956 The DreamThatCook Buil: By LEE MARKS ned to build a men's dormitory (he Daily staff writer had already built Martha Cook in W ILLIAM W. COOK doled out honor of his mother) but wrang- eight million dollars to make ling and disagreement among lit- a dream come true, and then, for erary school faculty members as fear reality would belie the dream, to how the dormito...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 5

…f' TEMBER 17, 1956 TNF Tt'UTE2 4 NT UkA TKW aa a". 1 aaLalaVA11 1/111Lx I PAGE '' s has the S I Social Sciences- Psych., Soc., Anth ro., Pol. Sc i. WELCOME! 1. Abram Kardiner, WAR STRESS AND NEUROTIC ILLNESS. A practi- cal program for the management of traumatic neuroses offered in this brilliant analysis by a psychiatrist whose many years of experience with chronic cases is here supplemented by detailed new material on the acute ...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 5

…IL- -, Ar-, - -,.S, September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Septeber 1, 196 THEMICHIAN DILY P rerFv He spent $8,000,000 to erect a law school, quibbled over a $174 expenditure, and never returned to see his buildings for fear that reality would belie the dream. but that If he really had in mind On July 22, 1927, he oejected my temperament, that was still s building will last for a thousnd years," retorted Cook to strongly to a $5...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 6

…Aw A4bidpj ait Sixty-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITT OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * PhoneNo 2-3241 I pnlons Are Free, Will Pre W* orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 NIGHT EDITOR: LEE MARKS Faculty...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 6

…Page Six TH E MI CH IGAN DA ILY in t~ br 17 195QqA ' PageSixTHEMICHepAem erDAILY1 , b F EGGHEADS ANDMR. LUCE A Probing Analysis of the Campus Intellectual By DAVID R. WEILER as that of writer X. American vision appears to be well under as they do the kinship between He must also recognize that in. SINCE my wife and I always like novelists, declared X-1, should way. academic and industrial institu- dependence comes not primarily to know wh...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 7

…SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAITV )MEN TO ACT IN SHOW: Fifty Years of Tradition Give Way As Union Opera Leaves Campus Scene by DICK TAUB Union Opera is no more. After almost half a century of all male shows, long road tours, and satires of campus life, the op- era in its previous form has been disbanded. "The all male farce went out with vaudeville," Tom Oates, '57E, promotions chairman, explained. "We want to give the campus some...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 7

…September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Sever An Ageless Artist Tenor Roland Hayes Remains A Foremost Singer By BETTY GOSS t~ ROLAND HAYES, the greatest male concert singer of his race, the first and oldest member of his race upon the concert stage in this country, lifted his tenor voice to echo through Rackham Audi- torium this summer, The concert singer is becomin~ white as to hair, but there is a r,^ vitality in his warm brown skin " and...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 8

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 THaMCIA1TfIT ONASPEMEr715 "Political ubs Make lly Plans (Continued from Page 1) ididates' stands on civil rights factors in the club's deci- ile the NAACP will probably ctively campaign for candi- to avoid any charges of anship, Taylor indicated they , take out newspaper ads pre- Ig their stand on various is- and candidates. Ann Arbor Labor Youth te, a Marxist organization he only one of the ...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 8

…Pge Eight THE MiCEhSAebr1,15 NOTEBOOK-...N..TOSeptember 17, 1956 By DONALD A. YATES mournful and despairing. Sooner F I were a poet I think one day or later a sympathetic fan would I would allow myself the ex- come by and ask, "Do you want travagance of writing that Ann n extra ticket?" Those oere mae- Arbor is the autumn city of the ic wordo! autumn west. This wouldn't make * a great deal of sense, of course, AFTER a little experience with...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 9


September 17, 1956 • Page Image 9

…September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nin 'nn Arbor is the autumn city of the autumn west.. with unique temperament' writes Mfr. Yates, who admits to carringon a love affair with her for 18 years.' With the open ing of the f all ANY summer later when Ir emester, two distinct ways of life Ad oealnYoscola begin to operate within Anni Ar- Michigan, I took a summer-term V bor. The town'folk generally show lo .thteUivriya ldn a mild lack of in...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 10

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY" MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 r THdIHGNDIYMNASPEBR1,15 issing, Brickd lust, Diag Seal n 'U' Tradi~tion Torches light the night sky, yelps and shouts pierce the air, and bodies are smeared with brick dust, paint, and crankcase oil as Uni- versity honoraries initiate their new members according to long- standing traditions. These "long-standing traditions" are also reflected as freshmen carefully bypass the 'M' seal on the ...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 10

…Page Ten TH E MI CH IGA N DA IL ' Se temp b 17 1956I; ap nmTerMICHGN AL WORKOUT - Margaret Smit sur le cou de pied" at the Barr THE BALLET LESSON 'j[HE outmoded idea that one She is past-president of the Ce- has to go to New York or Hot- chetti Council of America, which lywood to study dancing meets fosters a graded system of danc- daily disproof n the person of Syvia Hamer. ing patterned after educational Mrs. Hamer, who has been instit...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 11

… ACTIVITIES SECTI ON Y lflzr t~ D4at ACTIVITIES SECTI ON ew s . eV i w J m SI.LHMAN SUPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 EIGHT PAGES Joint Judic Acts As Campus Court Ten Member Group Meets Weekly To Determine Student Offenses By DAVE TARR The average freshman entering the University is usually not aware of the many rules and regulations he must live under during college life. ' Most students soon learn about th...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 11

…September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY D^^b i+i 'Teacher Sylvia Hamer is trying to "prepare a place for the local people to dance, so they won't be running of f to New York before they're ready" to meet competition in the dance w'orld. C FOR THlE TOTS - riscilla Basom demonstrates a "Releve in cinquieime posilion, accomplIished in three mon ths of poicite work. Her young audience sceens mor-e interested in the photo- grapher. PREPARAITION...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SE MER 171 I9ss THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 19~6 .,..... a .r .. , .... .. ..... GC Has Broad Power ut Subject To Review By TAMMY MORRISON The history of Student Govern- ment Council at the University is one of original rejection and later overwhelming acceptance. Now beginning its second com- plete year as the official campus government, SGC replaced Stu- dent Legislature in March 1955. When an al...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 12

…age Twelve THE MICHIGAN DAILY September 17, 1956 . tie Twele.TEMIHIG N.DALY.e . jmbe .17 .195 REVIEWER'S CONFESSIONS Harvey Wants to Know Where're All the Nice, Sweet Books, &- Where's the All American Boy By ROY AKERS with a barefooted wife. Writers replaces leaded windows at Har- Stock Thy Barn . down the broomstraw, was now r ARVEY, a friend of ours who didn't hate him, Harvey admitted, yard find-" thoughtfully scratching his back 'rv...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 13

… MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27',1956 "M MCHIGAN DAILV PAGE T R MONDAY, SEPTEMI3ER 17,1956 KITE MICIITGAi~J DAILY PAGE THRE1~ w Marching Band Known As One Of Nation's. Best > University bands had their orig- in in 1844 when nine student mu- sicians assembled to play at cam- pus chapel services. Thus the nucleus of the Univer- sity Bands which today comprises over 250 students was formed. The Marching Band, Symphony Band and Wolverine Band form ...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 13

…September17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Thir Notebook On A Town (Cont ad from rae o9) to buy all new pairs for school in preciation and homage offered to But I reprieve myself and man- truth of the Great Ideal, we c the fall. But the shoes were a her. kind with a final consideration, stantly strive to disentangle them down from above and then small investment on what I gain- It is simply this: today as I finding comfort in the thought selves...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 14

…pAG$ FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 3958 ?AGE FOUR THE ~CHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 r CHORAL UNION SERIES: Rubinstein, Cassadesus To Play 1956-57 UNIVERSITY MUSIC SOCIETY CE TS Seventy-eighth Annual Choral Union Series KURT BAUM, Tenor and HERVA NELLI, Soprano 9 ..*Thursday, October 4 CHARLES MUNCH Boston symphony conductor BOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA CHARLES MUNCH, Conductor Monday, October 15 BERLIN P...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 15

… MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY IPA r-r 1"Ve THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE v 9 PART OF SERIES: Bunche, Attlee To Speak At U' Of Steinbeck Also Slated By ED JERUJLD SON . Dr. Ralph tT. Bunche, undersec- 4 retary; of the United Nations and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, h and Clement Atlee, prominent British Laborite, party leader and * former Prime Minister, are among the group of distinguished person- alities scheduled to take...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 15

…September 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Septmbe 17 196 TH MIHIGN DIYPage Fifteen Ken ner (111( Pearce Will Be Teacingii A Select Gr * p ofStde Wo7/ith An.FEye to tdeF.l.ire IDyaill Staf 'WiL K(r--NNU IR is stingm Perce Ci Ifromn the University, student -' 'tS ) * remarked tast summer. Ineed. students complained (contentedly) that if "Kenneris' t in lis oftie he's in Pearce's, or vice verisa. They wiere tking about former Uivcersity English P...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 16

…THE MCHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 EIGHTH PRESIDENT: Harlan Hatcher Begins Sixth Year At University PRESIDENT AND MRS. HARLAN HATCHER-Eighth president of the University, Harlan Hatcher and his wife pause for a cup of tea. Fraternities Study North Campus Site The expansion of the Universi- ty, the Fraternity system, and in- dividual houses, has made the problem of fraternity housing a s...…

September 17, 1956 • Page Image 16

…Page Sixteen THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1Pnfprnkpr 1 7 1 C)1;4 Sixeen THE i lHINJ DIlY. J} 1DfIl 7C s and SUPPLIES EVERYONE, INANN AR SHOPSAT pi YOUR COLLEGE BOOK STORE 336 5. State Street a, e …

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 17

… MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 "R"ARE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY CAMPUS ISA:" Aims for International Student Understanding The primary aim of the Inter- national Students Association is to promote better international un- derstanding between the students of the seventy-odd countries who attend the University. This organization, composed of every international student who comes to the University, presents various cultural and intellectua...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 18

…THE MCM GAN DAILY" MONDA'Y', SEPTEMBER 17, 1958 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 WPOW P o "UI*s Key To ' E xpansion O ?j"..,."%' v'?':'::::+? ?. ..- Qa' d1 LTl 1'liliJ lTitilf I Cramped by the growing pains confronting all institutions of higher education, the University has called upon North Campus to provide the ground space for its future expansion. Located a mile north of the main campus, this 670-acre tract of roll...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 19

… SPORTS SUPPLEMENT. A6F 4bp 411 t r t zin Daitii SPORTS SUPPLEMENT I w6wom" Fl SHMAN SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1056 M' Optimistically Looks to Grid Seasor Top Sophs the 9lite... WITH DAVE GREY A Sports Editor's Welcome HE CLASS of 1960 . .. It sounds strange, because it seems only a chort while ago that many of us entered Michigan as members of the Class' of 1957; During that time a lot has happened...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 20

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 II 1 II I gIIM1 IL 11 I ISY. . pining Sports Staff Means hanee T o Share Tradition OOSTERBAAN HEADS 'M' COACHES: S,..'ft ;.{f Nine Men Guide Grid Fortunes By MIKE BERNSTEIN This coming semester the Mich- gan Wolverines will provide great hrills and entertainment in the world of sports, as they will en- ounter top - flight competition1 rom all ports of the country. For a member of th'e incom...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 21

… 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA 17 1956 THE MIChIGAN DAILY PA This morning on STATE STREET .by'stee heilpern Michigan Leads Conference In Overall 1955-56 Recor The Big, Big Stadium THIS IS YOUR first football game at Michigan Stadium, and it'll be something to write home about. I'm assuming, of course, that you've never seen a game at Michigan Stadium. Okay, okay, so you're from Detroit and you used to come up all the time when you were ...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 22

…t THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 p A GYM EmUIPMEN 4 4 GR UM STS {{*r BRUNSHOES--sox .BLS HANDBALL GL OYES fSQUASH RACKETS MICHIGAN "T"SHIRTS GOLF CLU BS BRUNSWICK BOWLING BALLS -- BAGS-- SHOES Wolverine Thinclads Retain T Both Indoor, Outdoor Titles -li By JOHN HILLYER It was another banner year for Michigan track. Under the able guidance of their successful young coach, Don Can- ham, the Wolverines again brought bo...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 23

… MY I E 17, 1956 4N THE MCHIIGA DAIMY THE 1UC~GAW DAIlY PAflI~ i Aa0r "as. Michigan Again Holds NCAA Ice Champil onsh ip By BRUCE BENNETT Michigan captured its second straight NCAA hockey title last Marchas it downed Michigan Tech, 7-5, at the Broadmoor Ice Palace in Colorado Springs, Colo. It was the ninth year in a row that Coach Vic 'Heyliger's teams have qualified for the trip to the Broadmoor and the sixth time they have emerge...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 24

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,1958 [' Diamondmen Lose 'Close Ones,' nish in Fourth Place in Conference Wrestlers Cop Second Big Ten Crown in Row e inning loss to Indiana in the sea- other teams in the league to help ing the close ones hurts! son's opener hindered the Michi- them. act can be attested to by gan cause. However, it was still a successful h place finish of the Wol- Vict...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 25

… 17, 1956 TRZ - MICHIGAN DAILY P) 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1' a Au, awn'- Champion Squad Makes Conference Net History MANY EX-HIGH SCHOOL STARS: Sophs Promise Great Season for 'M' Natators By ED SALEM Michigan's tennis team is the proud possessor of one of the fin- est records in Big Ten net history. Following their second unbeaten year in a row, Coach Bill Murphy's charges found themselves with a record of 31 straight victories in ...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 26

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17,19.59, THE MICIGAN DILY MO-A--- SETEMBER---19- 1, WELCOME STUDENTS Keep your hair neat and well groomed during your 4 years on campus in our air-conditioned shop. 715 North University Four By JOE GREENOUGH With four out of the six regular starters returning, Michigan's golf team should enjoy another suc- cessful golf season next spring. These four, Captain Steve Uzelac, John Schubeck, Fred Micklow ...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 27

… 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 17, 1956 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverine Cagers Fail To Show Improvements Building Program Adds New Athletic Facilities By JIM BAAD Not usually successful on the ' basketball court, Michigan wound up the 1955-56 season continuing the tradition. Finishing the season with a 4-10 mark in the Big Ten gave the Wolverines a tie for eighth with Wisconsin in the final standings. Northwestern, Purdue, Minne- sota and Wi...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 28

…T8E MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1951 Iuch Talent Expected To Fill Gymnastics squad By BILL GRANSE rough schdule awaits them, the Wolverine gymnasts have talent to face it. his describes the plight of ch Newt Locken's gymnastics n, as it prepares for the 1956-57 ion. "We're losing four men, picking up two", Loken said, imenting on the Michigan team! b went undefeated through last i's dual meet season. "Our two itions, Jim Hayslett ...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 29

… 'TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY rA THE MICHIGAN BAILY PA(~ , , Uphill Climb Early Losses Forgotten After Victory over OSUI Nets 'M' Last Grid Title By BOB BOLTON From an upset defeat on a bright September afternoon to an f upset victory in a whistling No- vember blizzard the toad to Mich- igan's last fonference football title was a rocky one. The Wolverines grid star faded before the 1950 season had begun. CM opening day the Spartans of Michi...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 30

…I I TE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 M Gridders Stopped by OSU Maentz were superb in the second- at Champaign, and most of the of Its remaining games, and both Lv (Continued from Page 1) key catches to help erase a 13- point deficit and lead the Wolver- ines to a 14-13 win. The Jug was still Michigan's, but people began to wonder when this team would crack under the strain of a suicide schedule. "M" had come close to defe...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 31

… " WOMEN'S SECTION Y Sir it rni :4Iatj WOMEN'S SECTION FRESHMAN SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1956 TWELVE PAGES Campus Organizations Provide Recreation for Studen WAA Sponsors Activities, Clubs By PAT NORTON Every woman entering the University automatically becomes a member of the Women's Athletic Association, and as such she is welcome to the multiplicity of facilities which are offered. Among the build...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 32

…THE MICHMAN DAILY MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1950 lIKE MIcIl1~AN DAILY MONDAY. ~4EPTEMRF~R 17. Ifl5A a .l AjWi iii; lYy1V lei 1J11V v -Daily--John Hirtze1 ROSH WEEKEND-Maize and Blue Teams comprised of fresh- an women compete in a weekend of fun. Each team presents dance and a floorshow, with the judging based on publicity, ecorations, tickets sold, programs, and expenditures. --Daily-Sam Ching SOPHOMORE SHOW-Men and women will be combining t...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 33

… "17,1959 THE MICMGA N DAILY PAGE 17. ioi~e THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Anxiously Await Michigras, Spring Weekend By RASE PERLBERG and NANCY LEIGHTON Michigras and Spring Weekend, two of the most aniously awaited I long-planned-for all-campus events of the school year, occur in springs of alternate years. Last April, the word on almost every person's lips was "Michi-- s," and next spring, will be the time for Spring Weekend to take campus spo...…

September 17, 1956 (vol. 67, iss. 1) • Page Image 34

…THE MICHIGAN" DAILY MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 17.1950- THE MICHIGAN DAILY MONDAY. V.EPTEMI~F1t 1'!. 1!~4 l{i 1.l AJ 1V III Fw Liss Mac' Guides League Social Activities By SUE RAUNHEIM s one enters the Undergraduate ice of the League, she cannot P but meet the sparkling, vi- ous little woman who guides League Social activities. his is Miss Ethel McCormick, wn to most as "Miss Mac". 'his lady, whose dynamic en- y is quite amazing, takes an .ve inte...…

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