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February 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…L OF UNIV'EIitITY OF MICIICAN, "SD X I .811RUARlY 17,11.1. n~ I~CI ~~ICNts TU Oratorical Contest. The jidges have been selected Ilricontest of the N orthern lai rical 1'I gne, toi le heldI in 71u Arbor NIa i .I'There are to two sets of ridges. rne onl thoiight cnIsi t ioliiiithe ithiervon dte- } 'l ilg;es wreveselected rig rlitoa iprovision ofthe viri- liti 0lo~ii h t }re lii5iITe iit serve- arStcitieisurer-oir ile I.Caine,(; If Xlrrtriii of h...…

February 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY.__ as tj ) fit course this is in a great part Rue to the lari. iinulnher ot hoinssnecessart° P'ttsiiciiDaily Ssscsisrr~pted luizipstudt Ina}' hell Inl ills\wFXrk1,011r fXCL- thei it lii e year, , sitffersfi citons f paperof ill kiiids to he Sold b the po nd ti r itC Sc THE . U . NDFI ,MINT A>NOCIATION, ttlo icaloIi,tim i e can otido ill rates. 'Trv iiir ('roi~sit Impierial Jutens at ' eiit' Pe ustaiicetoellhis is weii poun. ...…

February 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE FIRST IN THBE FIELI) WITH NEW GOODS. U. OF M. DAILY NEWACKINTOSH COAT"S. Y01 SANS'S II"I( S II: PES NO WIN. THE TWO SMMS T-1_13 LUVZ. ca 1.1. Arbr Ftoam1llbglltiy, VOORHEIS & ETS w EST WORK IN THE CITY! ST1ATE ST1. TAILORS,0 WQRX CALLEIIPOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WOR K. 10-8FCITc ARTES 'To STUDENTS.ZALLANL1BEE L-1 [c-23 South Fourth Ave.-ALA EEEUa Of 01(1 U. of IM. should have Uni'verszity of Michigan Guitar. Prites tow eat, tQatito h...…

February 17, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…'HE L",01W; M., DAI'LY" DINING fAND)LUNCH ROO0M, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, &2.:-l)ier week. Lunnches at all liours. Oy-sters in every style. Fine line of' (onfeotIns,(,m re . i I"W i WlR' XIi X llI" . 'Iili hst ire Ini t (1 . ilt 11)1 iseven I I is li i n land sell it. \i li (II IlS\ I t is IN PEis t osuli.W el hO INF t' A N PEAisfor Stil eandN rritit i. Life is ncertain! ?' DEATH IS SUR1E. " TIME TABLE. S . ai 'iii .5.,i...…

February 17, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…c ij t tiI of . a l . VOL. III.-No. 97. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. PRICE, THRIEE CENTS. CHICAGO'S STUDENT RIOT. The old complaint of lack of sup-f THE SCHOOL OF MUSI C.- port has again been heard, as the pres- - Lively Times at a Meeting of the ent management comes into power One of the Most Enjoyable Concerts IMIitioaI Students of Yet Given Took Place Last Night. A the U. of C. worse than penniless, This means T__...…

February 17, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…Pahfiahed tDaily (Sundays excepted) daring the College year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Suhseriptianuprice s:!.501 per year, invariably in edvane dSiaglte copies 3 cents. Subscrip- tons may bc left at the offiec of the DA ILy, at Stoffiet's, with any of the editr or autharized salicitars. Comamunicatiaas should reach the otfice by 7 a'clach P. M. it they are to appear the next -fay. Addresa all meatter intended far pablica- taonta...…

February 17, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…THE U.. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE. I ALL OVERCOATS AT - OFF. _______ ALL SUCTITS AT I OFF. '__ As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLE I ANTS AT OFF. ______Creme styles now rea dy at- See these bargains before buying. WADHAMS, KENNEDY & RE ULE. a irEi rW wo + JV .. L\I m Vi, # _ - - - ---- I . Ann Abor SvingsBankin the u ine s, OWEN'S BARBER S 0~P Attn Arbor MteOic CtaltotStock,$50,000 Itt1I, Ot S irp to00tt1 CITY LAUND...…

February 17, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY WHITMAN, !Agetbg MARSHLMALL OWS. Mahogany, Celuloid boundIgo.- CALKINS, LI ONLY $14.00. LITEFLL()WS IN PROPORTION. (34 So. State Street) SELLS THEM. W'I LS EY, _____________j_______ 3___ 14 South State Street, - - UP STAIRS.I TO STIFFLY A PEMA.ITP F OI.THlE 14E EST We havre Received th1w oitoeq, Carlsbad and Alp)inaellas.. Tue Latest Pads in edoras. MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES. NO-16 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND CORNER OF STATE ...…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…VoL. IV.-No. :7. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1894 PRICE, THREE CENTS. THE GREATEST SONG-SINGER. his masterly performance aroused WE ARE IN LINE. an enthusiasm which manifested Candidates for the Baseball Nine As a Pleasing High Grade Baritone C N ers.-ote.Promi- Singer Max Heinrich itself in imperative encores. Mr. are Numerous.-Some Promi- has ro Eoual Z.eitz is a finished artist in every nest Men. ieiisinini no velis sid Y...…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. p ci on the ]part of snuch universities as li ' E) :"~ Michiga, Chicago, Northwestern andl Wisconsin perhaps ring about a o souse re ognitions of or merits frontft11 Vuoished i 0lyv (Ssn'i. ysneened during tie originators of the plan? Is ath-7 adneunli v iriiit i~letics see are comparatively nesw and T HE U. OF 1M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION can hardiy expet to compete with ".sonic of our Iastern sister univer- shites ct in a ...…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGAIZE 1$O NCORORAED 886WHEEN YOU W11I YOISR THE CHEQUAMV'EGON ORCHESTRA. ! I.1 1' it i[ '[O tSN't'. -New' i" Ste n -"t . hno 011 Nt w~r t o' a I yxc 11cii L 0111Cto. ('omiti 11101(1ee 1 twtt.P±.ii~ L Goad 'Work. G'at'ta tt ttot' o ttad atI fo 4. 9 Siut Maiin street, t o c,fett (l5o( 1 atti t h ''woitta " .t' aaaailtia'o A F. . Vo'la'tPro . A F. sr-aarraVneAt'tt' n^ sePrrxvrmrtarii vzur u t l~o all ;o w I(41il11N, '111 '....…

February 17, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…_____ T HR I. OF MT. DAILY. ____ ___ __ 1/T E TILL ' 1-11I AS I ~ 1E V5') : Ji L ! e h v td d al n f.O ' Y ' : U P E R F IN EIAll o ur f . 59 1 an d .$4 . 0 Si cko es fo r $ 2 3 5 A ll 52 . 5, 9 00 ,,:i i Ti acIIOCOO. : N't0 These oRe('geniuno Baz°arios as 'ate are (losing outtall Lattits' >IShoes. At "5C por 11. AT lIE 1OUTFITTER1JS Calkins' Pliari acy OWDISE11_~r:& C7 0 mI~ ~~~ NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ___________________________________ ____...…

February 17, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…lie . Of a )NDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1896. Fouit PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, AIO VOL. VI. No. 93. UNIVERSITY OF MIChIGAN, MC INDAY, FEBRUARY 17, lsDd. Fou~ PAOES-3 CENTS. pOINE GUITAR 11 1 Is enongh for one person to S play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- t1ll W1 ever, to supply ,000 otu- H~l dents. That's why we have 40l1 constantly in stock several 00I dozens of guitars of various 1141 I makes and pr...…

February 17, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY Published Daily (Snday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrestE: Times building N. Main st., opposite post office. - EDITORS C. D. ARYa, Gr. L. W. XW. TsAYR, '6 L. S. E. KAsrrr, 'S.O .0 iAS, '3. W. X. HlissES, '8, E. L. Gssues, '80L EDITOR-IN-CI-IIIF . B. HAolsslON, '01 L. 1Mt WAGING EDITOR J. . TooMSo, 'o. B JStNE3SS IANAER L. C. WXV,sssn,'0. ASSOCATE EDITORS L A. Pratt, '00 G. M. Heat, '00 ...…

February 17, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…THE U- OF M. DAILY., R ]C I A E TTime Table (Revised) Nov. 24 1895. Mail and Es-1_ 350 Mail ------- 8 N. Y. Special:... 5 00 N. Y. Special... 7130 Eastern Eax-.----.10 12 N. S. Limited.... 9 25 Atlantic Es 7 30 Pacific Ex..12 15 D. N. Exprmn..._ 5 40 Western Es.___2 00 0l. R. Express ___1i 05 Chi. Nt. Ex.--10 28 (R}. ---5 57 0. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HiATES, 0. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Agt., Ann Arbor .11' RAILROAD. Timne Table, Jan. 014, t1896. NO...…

February 17, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. F PADI CS 4 Elducaional iJLT IK!Souvenirs ot TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS A cnoll e, opit lBs'eballIi balTni adtCoif p so ad aficyclist wi b sent to at, addresss i tss Unsted States or OCanadas uponsthe eseipt o 10+ A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yok Chieagog, 1hsi'nirphi Lams , ' II sfaturisisiof Bicsylesad Ath- heicGs. i(110the wrlnd. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. OF ANN ABiOR. Orgaizedi 168. Cpil, $100,000. SptiusendPoiits, @40,00 Tran-...…

February 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…Z h I Ad) }(' 4 VOL. IX, No. 101. ANN AIRBOR, MCH., FRIDAY, EB1RUARY 1 7, 1 89). ri nio CENTS ] - " SOCIETY ROSTER. Cage Practice Going On. BRYAN TOMOR3ROW NIGHT. Slfegxlar practice for the cominig~ leiigt delphiSociet wllr bseal sasnbeanTu dy 1nd{Will Speak in Unicerxitg FHail on toighdt mel otcetyngnrl l hl illxviicontinue Stedily uti ltdloo ieraim 7 t scndsmetrinw plretig atice is feasible. The cge hasrilirn rI 1 iihe prograni follows: Musi...…

February 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 101) • Page Image 2

…3a THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. } m ~ ZI Bryan lectured at the -University "+..,.*..^ ^ M_' ^^^""^"^^" at O ~ .~a4. of Wisconsin last ,ublished Daily (Sudays ecepted) daring the Prof. Stanley has had a second re- $18.00an $20.00 TE College yar, ut lapse andl is very ill at the home of 0 ESSUT an OVR AS TEUNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Prof. Kelsey. [OL' UT n VROT Frmere: The inland Frecs, Hennisg Blck Dr. Wenley is still confined to hi...…

February 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 101) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 HILDE BRAND, THE NEW TAILOR: ......................... 4 *+*++4+++++++++4+++++++++++++++*++*++++*++ i 4PPPPPH 7rr ferrrrrTrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrPTVrrrT n rT7T TrTr rTrW'W lw v v ! MWIGHIGRN GENTIUIL The Niagara Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME Taking Effect Atsg. 14, 1898. tail ted Express .............347 11.1 ;. Y.&iBoston Special .......45 PintFEastern ............... 4 Atlatic o xpreSS............7 45 A. t...…

February 17, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 101) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Cooley's Taxation igh. Extraordinary Remedies Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 'T D.A.Tinker&Son JO So W. KOLI.AUF, Furnishers. Has Received a Fine Linie 334. S. STATE ST. of New Goods. 214 Last Wasina.ton na r -nO Ae XVpp . 0IBA- Peo - IMFtercoluato BuranotflRGadCIiG GOStUMC.W. Assess, ~tt Vic ice s. STfTE J. . P eWAov. 2dot Cire GOTRELL & LEONARD....…

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