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December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…fbp r ' DAY AND NIGH SERVIC] N~ ,WtZlK' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910, 0 ,0 PRE;. THI F "... e'PRI1VE '111 4a ,F FEW COPIES OF DIRECTORY LEFT Selling 1,100 copies within 110 minutes establishes a phenomenal rec- ord in disposing of copies of the "offl- cial Students' Directory, according to Charles Stewart Baxter, '20, manag- ing editor of this year's publication. As fast as the .1919-20 edition was off the pr...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…-2-! - 1residE name- ain style of car anda will visit a every surmer of his life to see on the door is: polished~ till it .Official M during the Univer- 'uhlijations. PRESS led to the use for it or maot otherwise shed therein. al news Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second1 .rd .street. cords, if signed, the sig- ,but as an evidence of bed in The Daily at the led to The Daily office. consideration. No mnan- .incloses postage. rse the sentime...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…nazoo Nor- m the vaca- TEAM SHOPWED ITS STRENGTH til Dec. 31, AND POSSIBILITIES IN am of Pon- D. A. C. MEET t city. On )n go to Recognition by the athletic authori- in Ignition ts is what the student swimming >sing flue. team is now working for. All who have best in, the seen the team in action are one in test of, the their opinon of its strength and pos- sibilities. Coach Drulard is greatly will be in pleased -with .the development of his nga...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…Positions OpenI At the appointment bureau they are getting in more applications for teach- fers to begin work at the beginning of next semester than they can fill. This is always the case at the first of each school year, it was stated./ /Frequently it is exceedingly hard to find a student or experienced teacher to fill just the position desirepd. For instance, calli comes in for a man to teach. history, economics and Cakle char'ge of athletic...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…,AL t Xmas, 1 toI .Tice's Drug -Adv. Store, 1171 ,. MOORE THE MAJESTIC Cass Floyd has his own methods of settling disputes and eliminating riv- als and he employs them to the best of his ability in "Louisiana," featuring Vivian Martin for the last times to- day at the Majestic. When he discovers Louisiana Rog- ers, who had been his sweetheart up; in the mountains, walking with Law- renceiF'erol, a young playwright, he at once becomes int...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…IN ENGLAND I I. Wv l Silk Neckwear Knit Neckwear } Underwear Pajanmas Night Robes Gloves Hats and Caps Silk Shirts Sweaters Co. -cade~ t Cold? k. Pair of Those Lar 4 Buckle Arctics' kapely English, Lasts r Medium Widths (By Associated Press) Carlisle, Eng., Dec.16-A campaign for the nationalization of the manu. facture and sale of intoxicating liquor was inaugurated a few days ago at an Important trade union and labor con- ference h...…

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