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December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…iigan ID GAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911. A |ARTISTS FOR' MAY COL FESTIVAL NAMED C DUE TO ALL;I higan Union opcr1i. last night when Ra- love and longing for auties of 4,000 years nal potioh of Isis and rgeous mummy case. on a scene of riotous ; and the finale was and again by the en- ce. numbers which have re again much in evi- given encore upon en- ned effect, scenically Alma Gluck, Gerville-Reache, and Thomas Orchestra Will take Part SE...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…,.e T c t.a U I, vI[ -11) 1 T1 . DAI LY Unliversity I- AI I :e1 Published every morning except Mon01- .day throughout the school year. ntered at the iPost Offiee at Ann Ar- bor, Mlichigan, tunder Act of Con- gress of arIch 3 187i9. MIANA#GIiNtGEFITI. Walter R~. Toys-rs. BUISIM"'SS \MAX1<GLR Albert IR. Diley S S U N D A Y L, D E C f 1E R 1 7 , 1 9 1 1 . Night Editor--II. BeIch C.'rpenater. e~ ill to " ian t Roller Tlowels if -They are tF...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…Union Offers Special Sunday NIenu. The following dinner will be served at the Union today from 1 to 3 and from 6 to 8: y .CLASSIFIED ADS. *k Canape de Fois Gras. Consomme Julienne. Pearl Celery. f ;y Olives.I Broiled Lake Trout, Maitre d'Hotel. Julienne Potatoes. Roast Spring Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Steak Minute Colbert. Roast Prime Rib Beef, Natural Gravy. R & W Ove r- coats I 1 Potatoes O'Brien au Gratin. Stringed Beans. Candie...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…I MUS }: IC AND DRAMA 1 Y SELECTION, - I _E I I iedy Club Reconsiders First Choice And Decides to Present "The agsre. ST PLAY WAS TOO DIFICULT. nanimous disapproval of "The oolmistress," the choice of the Com- Club for its annual production, .e to a climax yesterday, when the rd of Dramatic organizations was tined, on behalf of the club, for a uge of play. The petition was a-I ted and .a grant was given for the sentation of "The Magist...…

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