October 17, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 14) • Page Image 1
…VOL. III.-No0. 14. UIVIERSITY' OF ICHIIGAI i ONDA Y, OCTOBER 1t7, 1cS.99. PRICE, THREF CENTS. NI Al( E IT ofes to g ooud bail platyer, htieh WOMEN'S LEAGUE. isLmydenite to nemain twith its. l TI~ L~1 aisg)iverthlinin tocntsidertio President Angell Addresses the J ' I lme'ik~ isework cit thebx a Le -lans for the Coinings A Refers te Saturdays Game p good,, scgan h oold cranly akeYear Discussed.r tihe Athletic Field a saluabie acq~uisition to...…