January 17, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 80) • Page Image 1
…ThleMichigan Dail Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, January 17, 1908. Vos,.XVIII. No. 80. DEBATING TEAMS he of the Adipi debating club, took sprtng an was in te Sargent contest AR j IT EA I E Io eruirary ie is editor-in-chief of lilt he 'i Syllaix, and a mmbr of Aleph Northwestern Team Arrived Yes- A.B degree, intending to enter te law depairmcint S a i enest fal. terdy-Jdge Swan wil be C'scl(GeorgT. ''Paher of the Moderator. Nrthwesern sans sai...…