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January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Weather Tonight: Snow flurries, low around 30. Tomorrow: Scatter d flurries continue, high around 170. irirni "Utt One hundred siC years ofeditoralfreedom F'riday January 17, 1997 !Vol.~~~~ -3'i.R 6..'Sl.3.k mrr r rS o 9e"l I WSU By Heather Kamins Daily Staff Reporter University Law students di as well as Wayne State Unive last summer's Michigan B according to figures releas B d of Law Examiners.. nety-seven percent of V students passed...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…2- The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 NATION/WORLD Israeli soldiers hand over power i*n Hebron The Washington Post HEBRON, West Bank - Toward the end, as the moment neared, the handing over of power in the West Bank city of Hebron became a strangely prosaic affair yesterday. After all the years of blood and routine violence, all the apocalyptic words, all the countless hours of bar- gaining and interventions of statesmen near and ...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

… LOCAL/STATE The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 - 3 Apartment resident makes arson threat resident of South Thayer artment Complex called the Ann A or Police Department reporting that his irate friend was disturbing many of the. ther residents by yelling, "Fire, fire." The resident said his friend claimed he was going to burn down the apart- men~t complex. AAPD arrived five minuiites later and arrested the suspect, who was found i...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 aloe lCict 'rgttn tti1 420 Maynard Street Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan RONNIE GLASSBERG Editor in Chief ADRIENNEJANNEY ZACHARY M. RAIMI Editorial Page Editors NOTABLE QUOTABLE, 'Every year (leasing) seems to get earlier. The ones who are looking later are sorry they did.' - Laine Stephens, an Ann Arbor Realty leasing consultant, describing...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 5

…- . - A-_ - _a - - IeamnIIIr',I Im I ITnII ae-frvZ~r iur a : LOCAL/ 3IAE i Iit IV[luIligari udity - rriuay, iditucfty 1! t lt;zlt -- u Collier ,eaves teaching position Former Golden Apple winner stepped out after 'disagreement' By Janet Adamy Dai y Staff Reporter Students expecting to see Thomas Cellier behind the podium at the first eeting of History 366: 20th Century 4Ainerian Wars encountered a different ace last Thursday afternoon. Ins...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 6

…****602 MARY CT. 4 bdrm. 5 person hse. @ IM bldg. May Ise. $1429. 995-3276. ***FALL 1997 Modem furnished two bedroom apartments from $770 per month. Five locations around campus - same block as CCRB and North of Frieze Bldg. Heat, water and parking included. Campus Management, Inc. 663- 4101. 1 & 2 BDRM. at 1026 Vaughn. Modem fum. apt. 669-0524. I **********PARKING!********** Winter & Fall '97 parking available. On campus parking! Special rat...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 7

…I ROOM 811 W. Washington. $250/mo. + utils. Quiet n-smkg. fern. grad to share in 4 bdnn. hse. Avail. now. Prkg./hdwood. firs. Near campus. Paul 663-9767. 1 ROOM loc. 430 Packard for Winter Term. Prkg. & Idry. Great loc. 669-9035. APT. TO SHARE avail. now 355/mo. in- cludes utilities. Call 662-4528. AVAIL. SUBLET: One big room in 3 bdrm. apt. close to Main St. Dishwasher, prkg., ldry., $250/mo. incl. utils. Call Shannon 998- 7. AAILABLE NOW 1 n...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 8

… ~ft SiciigNmialuig UMS Ticket Sale Don't miss the University Musical Society's half-price ticket sale. The amazing discount prices will only be available Saturday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Burton Tower box office. A limited number of tickets will be available, so get there as early as possible. For more informa- tion, call 764-2538. Friday January 17, 1997 Students warm up 5.°;vv to cheap concertsvr By.Ily Lambert Daily Arts Writer Wi...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 - 9 'Barrymore' traces life of Broadway star By Tyler Patterson For the Daily On a rented stage for a single night, a legendary Broadway and Hollywood actor must find a way to reclaim his stage prowess. John Barrymore stag- gers out of the wing, drunk and deject- ed, and a future Broadway show begins. Barrym ore, played by a Hollywood and \ Broadway legend in his own right, Music Christopher Plu...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 10

… Scoreboard NATIONAL BA SKETBALL ASSOCIATION MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Miami 102, BOSTON 94 Temple 70, No. 4 CINCINNATI 55 ATLANTA 78, Orlando 67 Southern Cal 75, No. 6 Arizona 62 HOUSTON 89, Sacramento 80 No. 9 Utah 74, S. METHODIST 57 DENVER 88, Cleveland 87 TULSA 80, No. 12 New Mexico 57 UTAH 95. Phoenix 91 Tulane 87, No. 14 XAVIER 85 Home teams in CAPS 91 Friday January 17, 1997 10 'M' icers carry long memories into series By Andy Knu...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 - 11 Women's cagers fight for Big Ten lead this weekend ., By Richard Shin Daily Sports Writer The Michigan women's basketball team, winner of four Big Ten games in e past two seasons, could find itself in rst place in the conference after this weekend. Read that again. The Michigan women 's basketball team, winner offour Big Ten games in the past two seasons, could find itself in first place in...…

January 17, 1997 (vol. 107, iss. 56) • Page Image 12

…12 -- The Michigan Daily - Friday, January 17, 1997 01 OF U n S0S Study skill or slavery setback? Graphics by Tracey Harrie Language debate swirls across country after school board decision By Stephanie Powe For some, it's a backward reference to the days of slavery.; For others, it's a successful way of teaching children how to speak English. For now, it s a controversy over "Ebonics," "African American Vernacular English" or "Ve...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

… qmppm7 Wednesday January 17, 1996 ,;aw tv _t-;. n- sa .,. p. , , , .- s rg . . .. Any _ . a. 2 t . . ..i .. , . ussian troops continue assault; armed rebels stage new raids Eight-day-old hostage drama continues in war-tom Chechnya the Russians aboard, and threatened to kill one Russian every 10 minutes unless it set sail, reported the Turkish news agency Anatolia.,The Chechens claimed to have killed one Russian; a Russian woman who escap...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 2

…2 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Yeltsin fires one of last reform backers i:: .x:" .: , f, v .., % ryrA. ,:r . , :, w H The Washington Post MOSCOW - Continuing the purge of almost all top Kremlin advocates of reform, President Boris Yeltsin yester- day accepted the resignation of First Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais, the driving force behind Russia's ambitious economic changes and the architect of its colossal ...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 3

… LockL/Simvt The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 - 3 MSA votes to postpone GEO support resolution Txas A&M rofessor accepts Abe for grade t Texas A&M student turned his art rofessor in to campus police after the rofessor, JoseMartinez, saidhe would coept $100 in lieu of the student's issing final portfolio. Martinez later owered the price for an 'A' to $50. Texas law enforcement officials pro- ided a taping device that the stud...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 4

…4 -The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Adbr £i arbigrn aiI aynard Street ------MICHAEL ROSENBERG -,r Aft 1n(Editor in Chief I JORDAN STANCIL LAST-DrITc APPEAL 420ON A.-.r..Ai Ann i rbor, ivi 48siu9 Edited and managed by ' students at the University of Michigan __ ' Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the other articles, letters, and cartoons do not necesY N Blooi Will wriYeforfood: "Co nfss i from the columr...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 5

…The Hemp Revolution s a fm that tels the story of everyone's favorite plant, hemp. Learn all about hemp s history, its growth and why it has been so pivotal in the war on drugs. At the Michigan Theater, 9:15 p.m Page 5 Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Oliver Stone triumphs with' Nixon' y Neal C. Carruth Daily Arts Writer One of the most highly anticipated films of the holiday season has been Oliver Stone's "Nixon." As is seldom the case in thi...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 6

…6-The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 200 WATT SONY STEREO w/ 10 disc changer & Infinity speakers. $550. 995-6764. FOR SALE Beckman Ultra XL-70 Centrifuge w/Rotors (3), never been used, excel. cond. Still has transferable certificate for $5000 worth of free goods, $40,000. Be- ckman 32-M1 Centrifuge w/Rotors (3), used very little, great cond. $19,000. Cellex Op- ticell 5200, excellent cond., $10,000 or best offer. Contact Purchas...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 - Page 7 $35,000/YR. Income potential. Reading books. Toll free 800/898-9778 ext. R-1864 for details. **FREE TRIPS & CASH!*** Find out how hundreds of students are already earning FREE TRIPS and LOTS OF CASH with America's #1 Spring Break pany! Sel only 15 trips and travel free! oose Cancun, Bahamas, Mazatlan, or Florida. CALL NOW! TAKE A BREAK STUDENT TRAVEL. 800/95-BREAKI ***WORK-STUDY STUDEN...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 This press photo discloses the little known fact that 'Seinfeld"s Jason Alexander actually has two headsl Don't check in with'Dunston' Victoria Williams and the Loose Band This Moment in Toronto Mammoth/Atlantic Depending on which way you choose to listen, Vic Williams' voice can sound fresh and innocent as a small child's- or wise as an old Southern grandmother's. It's drawling accent, i...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996-9 Rooms' fails fans four times over By.Prashant Tamaskar Daily Arts Writer ,Movies that consist of several unre- lated,., yet intertwined stories are cer- tainly not rare. "Four Rooms," unlike many of these films, uses a different director for each of its four segments. Yet, despite this uniqueness, the com- y suffers, not because of its clash of fering styles, but rather because of its lack o...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 10

…;40- The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 RECORDS Continued from Page 8 ' ; ,> :, x Y , . 3x i s: g .. 4, .-y ,.-t ' i L alded them a little bit of stardom with four top 10 singles, "All That She Wants," "Living In Danger," "Don't Turn Around" and who could f4gt#the pandemic called "The Sign." With their quirky choruses and throbbing dance beats, Ace of Base sold a mere 8 mil- lion records in the United States alone with four t...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 11

…Ed= .dggmgmffmmmrL 17rt.. Heath Murray moving on up Former Wolverine pitcher Heath Murray was invited to the spring training camp of the San Diego Padres as a non-roster player. Murray, a third-year pro who was drafted by the Padres in the 1994 major league draft, was also recently named one of San Diego's top 10 prospects by Baseball America. a P Page 11 Wednesdoy, January 17, 19P6 Blue breaks Fairbanks Special teams ke .o ffen...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 12

…12 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Owners meet in L.A. to discuss interleague play LOS ANGELES (AP)-Interleague play, perhaps the most revolutionary change in baseball since the lively ball, appeared to be gaining support yester- day as owners started arriving for the winter meetings. The Philadelphia Phillies' Bill Giles had proposed a schedule in which teams would each play 15-16 interleague games that count in the stan...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 - Page 13 P A ID AD V ERT I SE ME N VOLUME 1, NUMBER 1 flfl nUJA~uARY iSOS SwCo H OTES DOING IT... Joe Hudkins 19. Sophomore. ~ ACTIVITY: Bare-knuckle soccer. MAJOR: Industrial Engineering. PERCENT OF EFFORT HE GIVES IN EVERY GAME: 110 Three adjectives describe the way Joe Hudkins molives on the soccer field: Feline. Ferocious. Mean. "I'm a lion out there," says Hudkins, outside midfielder...…

January 17, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 54) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 17, 1996 Clinton begins book tour, says she is willing to testify \A-TECH -9 EX P L ORE T HE N EW F RON T IE R Innovation. It sets Wells Fargo apart. For more than 140 years Wells Fargo has pioneered banking... back to the days of the Pony Express. Now, we're looking to the future with 24-hour cyber-banking. And pursuing progressive technologies from the superhighway to...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

… Journalism left without home in comm. dept. By RONNIE GLASSBERG Daily Staff Reporter In a sweeping overhaul of the University's troubled communication department, the College of LSA will remove all film, video and journalism coursework from its fifth- largest department - renaming it the de- partment of communication studies. The move has left undergraduate jour- nalism without a home -- LSA has decided it no longer wants the discipline - an...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 HOOKS Continued from page 1 disintegration of families. Hooks spoke passionately about single-parent families. "This is some- thing that we must deal with," he said. "There's more to being a father than just conception." Although the status of Blacks looked" bleak during King's life, Hooks recalled King saying: "But I have seen the promised land." As a lawyer, preacher, businessman and civil ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 3 Panel sees limited gams for minorities By JODi-OHEN Daily Staff Reporter While thecivil rights movement's actual achievements are limited, pub- lic opinion remains optimistic, panel- ists at an Institute for Social Research- sponsored MLK Day event reported yesterday. Thirty years after passage of some of the most far-reaching civil rights legislation, the public seems to be- lieve that there...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday,_January 17, 1995 41F Ad6d -dddL Ah 'A.- an 'Racism is the mentor of the University and it has earned its master's degree.' 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Jessie Halladay Editor in Chief Samuel Goodstein Flint Wainess Editorial Page Editors - Recently fired University employee Dawn Scott Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 -5 0 Z w L v I Ia 1 I v isatafredaywy t I S6 Labe l yurnsparechgejas"bete farm'. I I Then, put your beetle farm in a jar labeled spare change." I I I I 6 Mark up every space on checks. Don't leave room for someone to fill in their I 16 name and extra zeros. 16 Keep your wallet in your front pocket. i It discourages pickpockets. So does wearing really tight pants. 1 I 16 Put your picture on your c...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 6

…6-The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 17, 1995 KEYS FOUND January 9th on Church St If yours, call 663-3545. RING FOUND on S. State St. 1/10/95. Call Regina 313/763-2963 to identify. *** 5 BDRM. & study. Huge historic house on Catherine. Fully furn., 3 baths., Idry., prkg., New kitch., May lease, $2000 + util. NO PETS. 769-1534. *** 5 BDRM AP. in historic house close to Frieze. Great fum. 2 baths. New kitch. New carpe .dry., prkg., Sept. $150...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily- Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 7 Feud over King's shrine unresolved services * SANDI'S WORD PRO: Resumes. Letters. Papers. Theses. Law. Editing. Tapes. Fax. Rush. U-M $Discount. 426-5217. CASH FOR COLLEGE. 900,000 grants available. No repayments, ever. Qualify immediately. 1-800/243-2435. SPA NIS HT UTOR 213-0624 3 yrs. exp. native spkr. Lev. 101-232. TYPING & WRITING esumes, cover letters, applications & essays. Ann Arbor ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 8

… RTS Players capture King's legacy By EUGENE BOWEN The brothers of the Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Phi AlphaFraternity, Inc. hold annual events honoring the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., also a member of the oldest historically Black frater- nity in America. This year's event was "Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: A Man and His Dreams January 15, 1995 Mendelssohn Theater the Tallahachee River. When Emmett's ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 -- 9 s ., > . : ;.ie ; e ' ' - TheMichigan Daily Coupon Book--- 1 1 1 1 SGet a medium 1 item deep dish pizza 1 for $4.99! /.------- - Tbhe Michigan Daily Coupon Book - ---' I I 1 ask for offer #487 1 Valid only at Packard and flj J i 1Maiden Lane locations. Not 1 valid with any other offers or Since 14 :: 1 discounts. Expires 5/1/95. u. :m.~ntrcb" 5 t- - *The Michigan Daily Coupon Book...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 01 -- - - - - - The Michigan Daily Coupon Book - -- - - - - - .F Hours:wihts T, W,F 10-8 cuo Thl10-9INTA Sat 10-4 VISIT ONLY Hair & Nail Salon 747$5 off haircuts 20% off chemical services 10%/ off nail services expires 7255 211 N. Main St. Ann Arbor, Mil-09 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l m 0 - -- - -The Michigan Daily Coupon Book -- - --- - -- 1Present this coupon : Rack 'm Up!T : oE ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 11

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 -11 0~smmmmmminmThe Michigan Daily Codpon Book----- I Home of the world famous Chipat i! I 14 T V,~M C~ewa I,995MV5095 z 'tWK o 11 lam -4 amEvery Day Cuoso h Couonson heback3 -' .. -.. The Michigan Daily Coupon Book ' DELIVMRRY if3 Sot, trgr 1hicken hilly 1,I XDozen Wings 16is 2OZ. Soda Fries-.& 16 ©z. Soda ! IFth'io& 16 o2z. SodaI 'ONY +It T I NLY" + I NU.UU ION $025 ION6$25T I With Coupon. Exp...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 12

…12-The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - -m-m-m- - - - The Michigan Daily Coupon Book ----- - ____-- l The Bustleton......~8 Chicken Salad ...............$3.90 M SiiP.Tr'....Roast.Beef ............ $4.85 R orned Beef................... $4.85 ,SPOT WI/NGS IOFF THE GRILL Turkey ...........................$4.85 1/2 Dozen ..................$2.50 3 ta adihsTuna .............................$4.85 One Dozen .................$4.65 IPhilly O...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 13

…..... ...m.v.. wr.y - .v iv v4I Iv.y a. Uv ' .Ohlsson's performance honors Chopin Pianist's program pays homage to the composer's great following By BRIAN WISE One of the keys to Frederic Chopin's enduring popularity among audiences lies in first-hand experi- ence. Everyone that took piano les- sons at some point in their lives has Wat down with the neighborhood pi- Garrick Ohlsson January 13, 1995 Rackham Auditorium Auditorium turned out ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 14

…14 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 & University Unions Communication dept. will lose . film-video, journalism courses 77y SS(yr Sot i. R 1 i hit. ^ t(!: j:11 ., J + * 4o4 * Come and see what the University's student organizations have to offer you. On Wednesday, January 18, The Office of Student Activities & Leadership will sponsor the 2nd annual Winterfest. Many of the campus organizations and programs will be repre...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 15

… SI When was the last time the Michigan men's swimming and diving team won the national championship? (Answer, page 2) T A 'M' Sports Calendar AP Basketball Top 25 WMEB College Hockey Poll Indoor track Swimming preview Men's basketball Wrestling - Hockey Women's basketball Gymnastics 2 2 2 3 4-5 6, 10 7 8 9 10 on-pin helps Blue upset No. 4 1?enn State By TIM SMITH Daily Sports Writer Ordinarily a loss in a wrestling match would not be so...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 16

…2 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 Here are the new rankings in the AP top 25 with first-place votes in parentheses. Records are through Jan. 15 Team 1. Massachusetts (47) 2. Connecticut (16) 3. North Carolina (3) 4. UCLA 5. Kentucky 6. Syracuse 7. Kansas 8. Maryland 9. Arkansas 10. Georgetown 11. Arizona 12. Michigan State 13. Arizona State 14. Iowa State 15. Wake Forest 16. Missouri 17. Oregon 18. Virginia 1...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 17

…_______The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 3 i~~i~i 'iAis ~~ :LIt ~iy '~:T~~ ard BRETT FORREST Forrest Fires The 1993 Heisman Trophy winner discusses life in the NBA Charlie Ward is an athlete of ex- ceptional ability. During his years at Florida State, he worked out a hectic schedule that included participation on both the football and basketball teams. Upon completion ofhisseniorsea- son in 1993, Ward was t...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 18

…4 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Tuesday, January_17, 1995 LA'S ,s- MEN'S SWIMMING AND DIVING Recent loss to Stanford only glitch in men's season; aen hope to siem to national crown ~K. Stanford shakes Michigan's confidence Ii!I11t Gustavo Borges: Senior. Freestyle ... All-American.. seven-time NCAA champion ... 15-time Big Ten champion ... World Record holder (400- meter free frelay ... Silver- medalist in 100-meter freestyle in ...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 19

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSMonday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 5 Nr'ou cok crown Balanced women's team strives for NCAA .Michigan sets sights on first national title WOMEN' SWIMMING AND DIVING By JOHN LEROI Daily Sports Writer It is only a matter of formality. For the Michigan women's swimming team, the regular season is of little significance. As of Friday, the Wol- verines, ranked second nationally and have not been seriously te...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 20

…6- The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 New attitude fuels Blue turnaround Unselfishness, confidence put Michigan back in race for Big Ten title . By PAUL BARGER Daily Basketball Writer EVANSTON - One game can change a season. Heading into last Wednesday's game with Iowa, the Michigan men's basket- ball team was at a low. Six losses, after only 13 games. That is not what Michigan fans have come to expect from their...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 21

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 7 UPSET Continued from page 1 victories. Not exactly an even matchup. And it looked like the veteran was going to come through when he got Richardson on his back near the edge of the ring midway through the first period, coming within an eyelash of a pin. "There were people on the sides saying, 'Come on, come on, come on!"' said Richardson of the season- high 1,141 screamingspec...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 22

…8 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 C WUI I Li fld 0J Michigan-Lake State ain't what it used t be By MELANIE SCHUMAN Daily Hockey Writer SAULT STE. MARIE - In the past four years, the battle between Michigan and Lake Superior State has been more ferocious than that of Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker. Even on ice, nothing could cool this heated rivalry. Even though Saturday's four periods of intense, down-t...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 23

…The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1994 - 9 .Blue embarrassed by Nittany Lions, 92-44 By RODERICK BEARD Daily Basketball Writer UNIVERSITY PARK - Col- lege basketball games are supposed to last 40 minutes. Sunday, the Michigan women's basketball team learned that the game doesn't have ogo that long. The Wolverines (2-3 Big Ten, 7- 8 overall) survived only nine min- utes of the first half in an embarrass- ing 92-44 defea...…

January 17, 1995 (vol. 105, iss. 57) • Page Image 24

…10 - The Michigan Daily - SPORTSTuesday - Tuesday, January 17, 1995 Michigan battles for first against Illinois 'M 1\en tumblers turn in . a repeat perfornance By RYAN WHITE Daily Basketball Writer Illinois basketball coach Lou Henson feels that his team has a num- ber of problems, especially on de- fense. What he's not sure about, though, is whether those problems are on the basketball court or the football field. "Our guys put a lot of ef...…

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