January 17, 1930

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January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 1

…ESTABIUSHED 1890 . 4 '. Lw A I MEMBER ASSOCIATED VOL.,XL. NO. 80. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1930 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS CUUHH UUNFEHLNUL Hoover Nominates for Commission Lee Post England to Honor American Delegates to A .m C n" f ol-A"i 'CONGRESS OISPUl Omi CUT[flfli n EIAI A Deferred Rushing Compromise TOSTART INITIA DISCSSOSTTODA Leader Has, Won Much Renoi Both in United States and Abroad. WILL CONSIDER R...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…p PAGE 'TWO TH MICHICAN DAILY' FRIDAY, JANUARY 17; 1930 y u uas.. .wr,+w.awu.,,.., ... ...... .., ,.r....:,.,rv v S"Y' ||| 0 | ROME ACCLAIMS PRINCESS MARIE JOSE OF BELGIUM, BRIDE OF CROWN PRINCE HUMBERT, ON HER ARRIV AL INt FO URTHLECTURE'I F- 1 _ . ..,. ! ... . .. I Theological School Head Calls, Religious History Both Science and Art., 'CLASSIFIES RELIGIONS Believes Christianity Too Archaic to Make Itmpression on Modern Mind. "R...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…1930 T 14 I i ! V i CIA I l 3 A n1A+.Tii 1930 TLY1 L L\ %l L1 tYANT fAY Dormitory Plans Embody Varied Advantages and Comforts ARTIST'S CONCEPTION OF LIViNG -S[STUDENTS HAVE GREATER INTEREST DIEROM IN NEW WOMEN'S DORMITORY FO[ RELIGION SAYS HARVARD DEAN . So f Lr as the attitude of the stu- imor'eexemntlaiud - dents is concerned," stated Dr. aV:t j Willard L. Sperry, dean of the Har- wards life, and wants to try things , ' r 'ardk is...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…Ir 14 t : - Tvl t !. ITT 4' "A'- K 'D A T L -Y ?7"TIAV -A??A ,- -- . --- - -w -.. ... - ofhell week, for hell week serves +d "a purpose of its own which no fl Publvhed every worning except Monday other form of activity can achieve, ROLL during the U niversity ear by the Board in but we do urg a modification of Cont er of Western Conference Editorial e houe'vie'm ethods which REDLETTER Association. some houses employ. A ORTM The Associated ...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

…It T -Nr CrT-rl t A-N 4'*rTv%' p DECISION OVER OHIO PARIS DICTATES Q . A | HILL WOMEN AFFECT SHOOTI T OLI U U'OFF-HEAD' HATS 1,1ag.aW IALL0LO DRAMATIC TASTE HO I CT GIEN MICHIGANINCampsBy Be nIe.A L"Women of the United Sates, by Campus women have been quick EETINGleading men to bad plays, areT DEAELAST NIGHT . Installment Plan of Buying I Subject Discussed by Women Speakers. BREES GIVES VERDICT Negative Team Debates Indiana on Same Qu...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

…'pAO E SX THE Mll-ItCAN D)AI1LY FRIDAY, 3AANUARY 17, 1930 ______________ -I ~- -~ --.-- - -- .- - - _ ,. .. . DETROIT I' CAGERS, JUNIOR VARSITI LLASH TONIGHT FOES TO CLASH ATI YOST f IELD HOUSE 'VARSITY CINDER IMCIGN1I SA I IA1 '_tTLSA . .ME TEAM IMPROVES'____________T,~f~_______ Wit h the' eceCption of a w ak-'~.______________ Hess in th~e javelin a~nd pole vault~I TO[C[HOSES _ 1 . t , Cortright's Quintet Searches for :Fetter Sc...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 7

…:"~', 1~1?~ ~o T H F, -M I C' H I C. Allq n AT t, V, -S C Y AA~ Aa sL &:.4 +-3.} .,a. _ .. .. MC gNHCETWITH 8AD'ERS. AT MADISON TONIGHNT :Detroit ud Clevehrnd Fight for ,Hockey Lead 'IWith the professional Hockey races wering io past the hnalf way SWIMMING TEAM TO MEET INDIANA' (Continued From Pa'c 6) ev:ent for' the Michigan= tankmen.C In the relay Michigan will enter . 1 4, Wit oi f e-'1-r... . 'ark, only one of Detroit's two rep-'...…

January 17, 1930 (vol. 40, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

…I'A. E L1C. ll'1.' THE MICHICAN DAILY T".-IrAY, 3ATMART Ti-iL MICHIGAN DAILY flff4AY. ~!AN~A~Y fl, 13~ WHERE ROBAIER BLAST KILLED FOUR, 'MO RIlE HILL ULUII~ DAILY OFFICIAL. BULLETIN Publication In the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. m. Saturday)____ VOL. XL. FRIDAY, JANUtARY 17, 1930 No. 80 NOTICES French Lecture: Professor Andr...…

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