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September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

…The MichiganDaily - Thursday, September 16, 1993 - 7 CLASSIFIED ADS 764-0557 Racial inequalities persist in Michigan WORK HEP ANE WOKSTUDY JOB for undergrad as re- searcher at U-M Psychological clinic. Responsibilities may incl. coding & catalog- ing data & other various tasks to aid in general upkeep of research data. Must have a liking for computers. 5-10 hrs./wk. Call 764- 3471 to set up interview. WORK-STUDY STUDENT WANTED: Assist in ...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 8

…8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 16, 1993 'M' men's swimmers shine over summer By BRETT JOHNSON DAILY SPORTS WRITER For the Michigan men's swimming team, the road to next year's NCAA championship has already begun. In fact, it started almost immediately after the team's second place finish at last year's NCAAs. Afteratremendous summer, the goal of remaining in the top two nationally is coming into focus. "(The summer) was a confid...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 9

…a T Spebi6,19 Pg My summer vacation I cringed when my editor first told me "we like to emphasize the posi- tive" at the Mackinac Island Town Crier, the small community newspa- per where I signed on for a summer internship. Positiveness, I thought, was synonymous with whitewash. Ibalked when he further informed me that it was newspaper policy for The many faces of Dwey Robert DoJr. ruminates on life, love and reincarnation By MEGAN ABBOTT ...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

…2 - The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, September 16, 1993 Dewar Weekend etc. Readers, Welcome io this season's premiere edition of Weekend etc. Unlike the rest of the Daily, Weekend devotes itself to those lazy days at the end of the week. With our eclectic blend of features, reviews and previews, we exist to entertain and also to inform you. This fall, we also have the fortune of having five columnists - a few names you may recog...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 11

…The MichiganDaily - Weekend etc. - Thursday,_September 16, 1993 - 3 What Ann Arbor Hazz Is Lots of Blues and Jazz By TOM ERLEWINE In the early '70s, Ann Arbor played host to a wealth of talent with the Ann Arbor Blues & Jazz Festival. Everyone fromMilesDavis, Ray Charles, Howlin' Wolf, Magic Sam and Sun-Raperformed at the festivals. In retrospect, the diver- sity and magnitude of the artists is abso- lutely staggering. Sadly, as the decade...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 12

…4- The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, September 16, 1993 Many qu powerful Walking through the metal detec- But ra tors to enter the theater was no big deal. acceptl And the long lines to buy tickets weren't Why w going to stop me either. My friends and crowd I were there to see "Menace II Society" wonde and we were going to see it. ater? estions left after But this powerful movie left me with a lot more than I bargained for. It'...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 13

…The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, September 16, 1993 - 5 I Parlez-vous Franeais? S'il vous plat, don't blame it on Rio - blame it on the French We must wonder sometimes what sense there is in all the world's suffer- ing. Is there one cortex of evil from which all disaster emanates? When we look to the patterns of history, it be- comes clear that there is one entity responsible for all things bad and un- pleasant - the French. Wh...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 15

…The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, September 16, 1993 - 7 FILMS OPENING: T H U R S D A Y T H U R S D A Y T H U R S D A Y AIRBORNE This movie about hormones and rollerblading looks gauche, but the soundtrack, replete with two new cuts from the king of cool, Jeremy Jordan, should make this the biggest box office flop since "Ishtar." At Showcase: 12:20, 2:30, 4:40, 7:00, 9:15, 11:20. INo THE WEST A grown-up's children's movie. Hors...…

September 16, 1993 (vol. 103, iss. 123) • Page Image 16

…4 8 - The Michigan Daily - Weekend etc. - Thursday, September 16, 1993 Chef Boyardee, Uncle Ben... Meet My Mother By COLLEEN OLLE Mom was right. In certain situa- tions,just saying "No" is not the thing to do. A month ago a kid from a camp where I had worked sent me a letter saying he accepted the offer I'd made before we returned to Ann Arbor. In a moment's weakness, when I imagined leaving behind the camp's taco pizzas and watery, red Zipp...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

… 0.' * /e rivalry only thing that can salvage Mo's season r Pacino still perfect for gangster role, knows 'Carlito's Way' I WE '4* icr an t1 One hundred three years of editorial freedom 'Uto pilot Dinect Student ILoan plan By DAVID SHEPARDSON DAILY STAFF REPORTER Students may save up to $100 per semester in loan costs, thanks to a decision by the federal government. At a press conference at the Uni- versity of the District of Colum...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…2- The Michgan Daily - Tuesday, November 16, 1993 ,,.. F- SPE NE NpI NE~ LITERAK ., ND SPRING TERM IN EW HAMPSHIRE W ENGLAND1 1®t1] sr X~t ~m THE WORLDS LARGEST TRAVEL ORGANIZA77ON. STA TRAVEL s I / The best gift! TUBE P1 F R) VC) G 1: Z AM MOUNTAINS THOREAU CANOEING EMERSON WRITING LSA Continued from page 1 and not just talking about it." Keg Party presidential candidate David Pava said he too believes LSA- SG is "an organiz...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 16, 1993-3 Faculty survey shows favorable rating for vice provost's office N Review of administrative office is first in a series to be conducted by members of Senate Assembly By JAMES CHO DAILY STAFF REPORTER "The Office of Vice Provost for Academic Affairs serves an essential role in the Univer- sity community ... we recommend that this office be continued," read the faculty evalua- tion, presented at...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…4 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 16, 1993 ije Lid iguun aiIy Sharp as Toa 420 Maynard Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan JOSH DuIow Editor in Chief ANDREw LEvy Editorial Page Editor " 50hAALIA." GENRAL DODP1SbADS_______ F~Wk 1 AL FA Al I j Unless otherwise noted, unsigned editorials reflect the majority opinion of the Daily editorial board. All other cartoons, articles and letters ...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

… Is Creativity's nothing .iew for Yo La Tengo By ANDY DOLAN Tonight, Hoboken, New Jersey's Yo La Tengo brings their experimental yet strangely accessible sound to the Blind Pig. Their latest album, "Painful," again showcases their amazing ability to create harsh, mysterious sounds and blend them effortlessly into the frame of gorgeously crafted pop songs. While their songs are often simple in a musical sense, Yo La Tengo clearly has an extrao...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…6 - The Michigan Daily -Tuesday, November 16,1993 I . I- GOLD BRACELET LOST Nov. 9, Sen- timental value, reward. Call 998-1718. PERFORMERS NEEDED for a multicul- tural concert to be held at family housing in Feb. 1994. Adult & children performers welcome. Register at 764-9998 by Jan. 20, 1994. For additional info., contact Tim Hol- len at 763-8847. 386 IBM Desktop 80MB 33MHZ SVGA $599, 386SL Dell Notebook 60MB VGA 10" $1099, 486SL NOTEBO...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 16, 1993 - 7 ,Admitted students voice views in'U' survey By NATE HURLEY DAILY STAFF RPORTER Large. Chalenging. Prestigious. ;Athletic. Admitted students used these four words most frequently in their re- sponses to a survey focusing on their perception of the University. The findings of the newly released "Survey of Freshman Admits" showed Atudents admitted in 1992 felt the University had an excellent ac...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…8- The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 16,1993 'Musketeers' succeed on film again By ALEXANDRA TWIN Chivalry! Knights! Armor! Weapons! War! A damsel in distress, aforeign land and what's more, an evil, seething traitor. Will you fight to save the King? Death be not proud, Oh hero in waiting! All for one and one for all, boys and men, together we fall! On your honor, if you dare, Charlie and Kiefer with facial hair. The Three Musketeers Di...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

… Football vs. Ohio State Saturday, 12 p.m. (ABC) Michigan Stadium S TS Basketball vs. Croatia Zrinjevac Club Tonight, 7 p.m. Crisler Arena M' men's .volleyball defeats Buckeyes By MELINDA ROCO FOR THE DAILY The Michigan men's volleyball *team had a change of plans Saturday when they met Ohio State in Perrysburg, Ohio. The Wolverines had planned on running athree-niddle offense against the Buckeyes, but coach Pam Griffin said she decided to...…

November 16, 1993 (vol. 104, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…10 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, November 16,1993 CROSS COUNTRY NOTEBOOK Unusual scoring stuffs Out runner's title hopes By TOM BAUSANO DAILY SPORTS WRITER BLOOMINGTON -Florida State wasn't the only team to fall victim to the luck of the Irish this weekend. Notre Dame upset Michigan's hope of capturing the men's Region IV District Cross Country Championships held Saturday at the Indiana University Golf Course. The Wolverineshadhighexpectati...…

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