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January 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…Vox.. XX. PROXY SYSTEM IS STRONGLYOPPOSED Canvass Discloses Dissatisfac- tion- -Men Discuss Merits and Faults of Present Method. With tery hew ex~xxctios, leaders in xxtics ac assailinxg the proxy systctc now ini exgin the election of Althletic \Asia~ titi officcrs. Inx a can- cass among- prominet otcu( ahout tite catmottit xxii foundi tha t the system, as it nair stans m1(1s kcith tli ttle aplpro- bation. lollowxing are tsomettc...…

February 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…hi - - D- I e ic an . ,L \tV X X. *NtN :ARBOR, MICHIGAN, 11if] i)\1;lif).1ICIIERUARY t16, 1910. "CHICK" LATHERS HAS LEFT COLLEGE Phenomenal Third Baseman Receives two -Plucks" and Decides to Quit. MICHIGAN LEADS CO DTON A IN 61st CONGRESSCNDTO S 3A Washington Reports Show 25 AT MICHIGAN Members-Virginia Second. \cceloiitt to tihe latest report from Believed by Students to bel \\ toiigttl Mtttgtt 011 lttsttfit Growing Worse Every Year. tin...…

March 16, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 115) • Page Image 1

…IC r' T h NI VoL. XX. %N ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, t't'nf'SDV,.nti~16, f., ni SYRACUSE COUNTS ON RELAY VIC3TORY Manager Cook Considers His Chances Good to lDefeat Wol- verines in Coming Meet. Michiganwl ~ t a "atnliav Keithihi es nt Act hat a tininc - fit ii i- <t Siifniii ii S (ISIdel- in f f tin I LC' fit fiiin cii ifi it i ii iii he \\ -1 intC a c tslld \ thi e cltfi ate i nt ffacinli hIt c it. for ill(,in in -- i ii iiild ifliili thf acei ...…

July 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 7) • Page Image 1

…HE WOLV i I VOL. I. ANN ARBOR, NIIIIGAN, SNTU.RDI IN, JL'i.Y o1.,oimo. No.T VA STY CA[E Sudy, July 17 Tomato Puree Soup Asparagus Baked White Fish Bananna Salad Roast Beef Roast Veal Roast Duck Wax Beans Mashed Potatoes Tea Coffee Milk Cocoa Iced Tea Ice Cream and Cake Cantaloupes Watermelon Apple Pie Dinner 35c A nterChanc THE ?WOLERa MINE STDETS' DIRECTORY Verified y Uiverity Recordsad the oohs of the Toe- phoe Compaies To Get It You M...…

August 16, 1910 (vol. 1, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…THE WOIVERINE Vot. I. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 16, 1910. No. 22. AGENCY FOR Martha Washington CANDIES ALSO Gilbert's Chocolates A Tice's Drug Store 117 S. Main Both Phones VARSITY MAE 612 E. Liberty Only one block from the Campus Three good squar meals per day Single Deats 25c $3.50 per Weak Sunday nners 35c MEAL TICKETS Aohe Cha ci For Tho Who Want THE WLYERINE STUDENTS' DIRECTORY Verified by University Reosrde, and the books of ...…

October 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

…The Mi igan Da ANN 4AR1'OR,7111. I1( N, NINi) ).1(CIC WII RIc16,r)10 Vol. XXI. VA1 Woly LAT d.11 11 ;, ritl 1It1reIt which 00. RSITY BESTS FARMERS ALL-FRESH SWM HON Bat Heidelberg 25 to 0) in Initial G a e o e snI N H A R D F O U G H T B A T T L E S ci t th 1 c ig r A i v) foegn c~d itit'sheretofore tiut erines Utmost Efforts Are Necessary To -oolAllo-~ 1l~t111111ali Retain Their Place In The Fight For college eeIIeo he1e 5Ootirdli oaC~chl...…

November 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…TheNMichigz__jj ANN ARBOR, MICHIGANVs S DNESDAYV, NOVEMAISIE 6, iosa. v5 Vol. XXI. NT(). 38. i YOST SMILE BODES ILL FOR MINNESOTAf Stiff Scrimmages to be Dealt a Out to Regulars Today and Y TomorrowT FITZPATRICK RETURNS TO AIDo Conident that his puisat give thet Goptilers the gameo of their lives, Coachb 'tossihs take up the wotr of irearaes- tion for te stug'gle which sill settle th'swestechapiiiiUionsii, aidl till give the vietrsautlai...…

December 16, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vo. i] A N RB R Mi c i NnFiIiAY I :F"81 8Xx.(i V -d, xxL ANN ARBOR., MICHIGAN, FI l D:AY I)I ;C'Ia;. II31?h to, jcpo. :\ . 62. MYSTERY SHROUDS EASTERN TRAVELS Director Bartelme Silent to Possible Results of Jnnket as SEEMS PLEASED WITH OUTLOOK iil ull i ,~r iiitltiiil i 11 < ii lllt )r ii l \"li t i i t "vl1 te111ar; ) te Ai l 11tc [ig 'tht A t °c 1 1 eU cr c lo isitt I'II)NN liii's 01,li1,x1) (ix ci)x IN NSxONCi NI iN. vaiou ilK Ill...…

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