May 16, 1908

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May 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR. 'MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MWAY 16, 19o8. o. T67. No. 167. BALL GAME, MEET AND TOURNAMENT Three Varsity Events Scheduled for Today-Dual with Ohio and Alma Contest the Features. o. s. U. Diaixl \Met-1 :0 ient Varsitvs.x lm -3 x . t T n is o ra en 1 . I ll eti contlestingi' fofC a> up e'ythis morniiing, the tnis menixillheiii i.'gc in copeinthe xi tournaiimentx vitli tiherliti.iThisatontihdi 100le O. S. ...…

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