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August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 1

…HUMANIZATION Y giltA6 742 att CLOUDY, WARMER See Page 4 VOL. LVI, No. 338 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS .Housing Shortage, Affects New 'U' Faculty Members Lack of Living Facilities Responsible In Part for Restricted Admission Policy By NATALIE BAGROW The far-reaching effects of Ann Arbor's housing shortage upon the Uni- versity will be fully realized this fall. The University business office, laboring un...…

August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4,500 Workers Suspended by Chrysler Plants Walkout Results from 'Loafing' Reprimand DETROIT, Aug. 15- (P)-Ah esti- mated 4,500 workers were laid off to- day at the Chrysler Corporation's Kercheval Body and Jefferson plants as the result of a dispute involving 15 men in a Kercheval plant depart- mhent. Spokesman for United Automobile Workers (CIO) Local 7 declined to corment, but a corporation state- 'ment said the strikers ...…

August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 3

… Homers J PERATION PIGSKIN D-DAY... INDIANA By DICK KRAUS FOR THE LAST TWO seasons Hoosierland lightning has struck down Michigan's Conference title hopes, and wise old Bo McMillin is already priming his Indiana eleven for that Saturday next Fall when he aims to 4make it three in a row. From the look of things the Conference title might well be decided on that first week-end when Michigan opens its campaign against the Hoosiers. McMillin h...…

August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 4

…1 i AL wommia" Iidtr ganD ail3 Fifty-Sixth Year cLteri to t(lie t BILL MAULDIN .y IE_ Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Managing Editors .. Paul Harsha, Milton Freudenhein ASSOCIATE EDITORS City News ............................... Clyde Recht University ............................ Natalie Bagrow Sports .......................…

August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MUSIC 0@. Piano Recital Tuesday.. . George King" Driscoll, pianist, will present a recital at 8:30 Tuesday, i' the Rackham Assembly Hall in par- tial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music. Included in the program, will be works by Mozart, Debussy, Brahms and Beethoven. Driscoll, a pupil of Joseph Brink- man, has studied with Oscar Ziegler and Leon Sampaix. Since 1938, he has been a member of ...…

August 16, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 33) • Page Image 6

…IC. DAILY . l Demand for Food Price Ceiling Is Heard by Decontrol Board U I WASHINGTON, Aug. 15- P)- The Decontrol Board closed out its first public hearings tonight with de- mands from CIO President Philip Murray and Sen. Taylor (Dem., Idaho) for restorationofoprice ceil- ings on food. The two appeared after numerous producer, processor and distributor spokesmen had voiced insistent de- Samuel Rich* Places.First in Speech Contest Samuel ...…

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