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May 16, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…The, n MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR Daily ' READ DAILY BY 5,000 STUDENTS. PRICE FIVE CENTS 11, No. 161. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913. _ _ _ _ _. - . US WITH ROF. STANLEY WINS TRIUMPH, Second Night of May Festival is Another Brilliant Performance, With All Artists Satisfying. HILL AUDITORIUM IS A4AIN FILLED TO ITS CPACITY. Schumann-Heink and Florence Hinkle (wry Leading Roles in "Requiem." Again last evening the Hill au...…

May 16, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolensl Largest Assort -nent In thei City Ready for YourIsptin WILD GO. 311 S. State Street ;lotted'Ia R i ck f are agents for the !I. C. LizSlt(edT!hro(..t Tenn i akett. We -voral new modu1s worthIi1ooi g -at buOre malk;I ing your Itrlae t & DiU::on Chamrpionship, ACr' i t~ltĀ°,d Br0I s ( God( 1i i B' s is championship 1Balls. Al11o&gaaned E H A Bookstore I opossessesakneendiseerninnt ; k.'s Pon...…

May 16, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THEE MICHIGAN DAILY. .' A L d tjust stylish Icorrect in stylse To just offer you stylish clothing would be easy for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may feel secure in any selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the styles of Stein =Bloch Smart Clothes that pleases the critical buyer--a glance at yourself. in a Stein-B...…

May 16, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY THEELECT This seft.sozi's pop uIar'sh pe- We have thorm Iii Tan or cut Oxford or Hl l&-- With irublber sole and heel If youx TENVNIS TEAM LEAVES TODAY ON ANNUAL EASTERN .1lAUNT Michigan's tennis team leaves today on its eastern trip with Captain An- drews, B-all, Wilson, and Randall,, comprising the lineup. The final se-' lections were made yesterday After a series of tryouts which has occupied the attention of C...…

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