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May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…lc . of , 1. '1a . Tor.. NOL. 1.-N~t. 4L' UNIVEERSITY (OF MICHIGAN, SATVIDIA-Y, -MAY 16,, IS1>i. titTtt Urs PRICE, THREE CENTS. GLEE AND BANJO CLUBS. With the subhstitutlionl ci a miotleyj The Delta Gamma Convention. TerConcert Last Evening. aw kiwardevolutiotisthireii the tudi-ii iiilCiiclti ltietcl I~~h three hull- enC cc inito ctiiiriisiiiis oft I iihter.j(lma fatriycoe lisnilt 'ere were onlyabioiit tlii he cluibs are to ie tiomlimented it ...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. CI. of1T.$ai . Puel1s~hrd Daily (Sulays rceph'0 murin tbse("o11ege9year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION EDITORS. 1101 9'c'.I)N:,', 'Mana9giEior. S.'W.9C9 '. b 1.91, '(.1, Asist. M n11'. .Ii~ G1. 1L. (CHoA .. ' ",I!). 11 iin1 rn E. i(r 1.w 0 911o9.,S'999. 1. 9.1 . NV '. 9. .9 (919) , '9, A (1.0 (n -c. H. 1 211 1 11!1191 I). 11919911cr 1)9 l9111+1 I 1f 11191 9911991119991 191 0191. ) crt . 9999(1Ii F.9 ( H2 (119...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF IM. DAILY OUTING OR NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. Yoii are(inoi)doiiit iiiterested llii the above lie, and is we havec :made tlietiaaispcialstdy, wish you ,wouldl call and see what we 'ave. AVei hi iw we can please you mi ansave viauiiicaiev iOn tIhcii. 1 Of Old U. of' M. ShouIld have a IUniversity of Michigan Guitars Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inchl of thle road. Violin al Guitar trings, 10 cts.; Banjo aned MNandoilin strin...…

May 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…k-4T7 VT ' L V F)AI YT TIME TAtBLF1, N1.1 xVO~~itl. v: .I 5 11I111 11 . B. F. CLAtRK, M anagei' PLetIA1x Ss i l ~II : It, 4.:,5.6.1)5, 7.4,1,.2it - 111 111 A711);1EV aclol k '4W i ngtn ltlr allf s.iand1.2 r ansrj on 011Sund1ay i ll o 2,lilltia ilot lii lvvii i D1troit'. i I I i I~ttyxacg.ctsthathave Illil toli s iltrxi edi _Il xi, TIL-ET - SOAPS i U 1l 7i'f.ttt,1:11 55 Aill h - ).() h o~i ti 1111)r)TT Nfl 11 TL .A(P V jit .ill (?lelllllltliS;I...…

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