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March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…IMPERA- I F, 4~Ifr IaiIlj One 123 TWENTY PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 TWENTY PAGES PRICE, .__._ r WMITTEE UGHERTY CHARGES Secret Passages, Compartments Reported In 'Mystery House' BOOTLEGGING, BRIBERY IS LAID TO ATTORNEY GENERAL IN NEW ACCUSATIONS ILLEGAL EXHIBITIONS OF FIGHT FILMS, CLAIM pubilcan National Committee States That "Nothing Discreditable" Has Yet Developed Washington, March 15--(By A.P.)- w a...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 To Secure More Effective Prohibition Enforcement We print below the essay which won MILTON DREYFUSS imposed laws was naturally held in for Milton Dreyfuss the fourth prize more or less high repute. This con- in a national essay contest of which been proverbially hard upon the pea- government spy, the soldier's bayo- eption of government they brougt the Intercollegiate Prohibition Asso...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SPEA HERI ii9 . g i s l n a n io L e c t u r e f lAuditorium on April 29 LThe Week's News In Brief L(Continued from "age One) piled a list of 20,00)0 persons who vio- Slated the state blue laws last Sunday. f t bankers would consider undertaking1 seems nabashedI. It has now decreedI the credit. that all men tion of thne Caliph be elim- inated from the State prayers, and The Poincare government stands or that the favor ...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 2

…VAUX TWU THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. WARC'?1, '21 PROHIBITION so effectively employed by the Pro-'- (Continued from Page One) hiitionists irior to the enactment Presidentia Proclamation, or plot- of the 18tht amendment ao again be aa effectively ause. The irect ela-I cat platform, or judicial decree. It ti etiwee aleoltol and prostitution, I / is the clea, definite, final determiina- crime, poverty, ill health dimitished O u u t m r ion of a ma...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ls soma" ,- -~ - -~ AvAl s I~notices I f Read The Daily "Classified" Colu 40WIOMEN TO ATTEND SENIOR SUPPER TUESDAY Four hundred and fifty senior wom- en are expected to be present at the Senior supper at 5:45 o'clock Tuesday evening at Barbour gymnasium, aft- er which they will proceed in a body to the Whitney theater to witness the initial performance of "Thank You, Madame." The procession to the theater will be l...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 3

…,U NDAY, 1 H "', £1 THE MICHIGAN DAILY fA*+tt4'4 OUR BANKS Are prepared to Help You Soilve Any of Your Financial Problems Farmers & Mechanics Bank 101-106 SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE Frosted Windows IMLAC BOIE ERSE11'"P IN IliTOWN oli f tU) HAM A444J4; IM 11,ivs lki frozes freshtiess, Sonnet fromntte Pandtentonitns 1 ike wtitted tightls. 'then tanse a white stiletto neatit a!BtIomte. nmaer . rOf coalthttreadt ctoud; gents glitterett TI .) A...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY the United States, taking positions of ;eaership in movements among children which are unappreciated by XEWQPAPER OF THE the great majority of the people, that XUI .1 E ii!1ar.rA..5 UK* afar. JNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN >lished every morning except Monday g the University yar by the Board in rol of Student Publications._ mbers of Western Conference Editorial e Associate'd Press is exclusi-ely en- to theruie for republication ...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAiL, SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 and sneak up to steal our wife and B ooks tapestries and gold drinking ces." Since I have fallen to quoting I SO BIG, By Edna Ferber. Doubleday, feel I must include that pungent com- Page, & Co. 1923. mnentary on the University, Miss Fer- When Edna Ferber wrote about her described two classes in the in- petticoat salesmanship she was amus -stitutions, the Classifieds and the Un- ing and w...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. , ,_. . .:._..., _ _n __._..._._._. ._.: _ ...... :. r4 E G ., S 'r , , } i , ., . i f k F I ' ' I V 5 r .. .. j i, . . Screen Features 2-3:50-5:40-7-8:50 S)tage Fetatures 3:30-5:.20-7:15-9-15, NOTeW PLAYING y BE MFMF- G PE RMA FOR TESET FIESIP FUND! ®® 0 a w m v® w F 0 Ra a m a - S-PECA E5 FS& iSTAGE ANDSCREE::!!- TWO. BIG ACTS- LIO, me ' E"L Elm - G I tlillmm VAT ' . 1..: STAR OF "COTT...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILYPG I1 The Reviewer Is Reveiwe&'Mr. Cowles on Mr. Le i.acock DOROTHY TYLER "A playerc shall cease to be an ama- anuscript; that at another point in THUE REVIEIVER,, one of those- lit- Gynt," which reveals Isei's humor teur by. . playing for a money prize his, dicours he mst rn his fingers erary quarterlies which pay 'in famse more fully than any other of his play, or gafe receipts:' through his scraggly ...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…___________________SHE MICHIGAN DAILYSNA,$ " + ... ......w mwm ,ldl l . (ffllll!I 1 __M 1 . .. .. . .. . _,_.. , 4 r . 3OER PEFOMU. Of D.Fails o.X ante Grid Coach. T 0 MThe athletic board of the Tniver- TOMOROW N6Hcity of Detroit. failed to select a grid- ______iron mentor, for next year at a meet- Second1Annua~l Boxing Carnival to be 'ing held, Frday night jor that, specifici H04 in 1Watermnan Gymnasium proe I1),TedSullvanT...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 6

…k'Ate, THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 194 Divine Requiem, ('ome'. letis weep over His passng- NEWELL BEBOUT a finite world, enjoy ourselves antro- out; ('ant you not see that we are pomorhically? We are in distresso in iistress? c'n we now aspire? To God? Hle i wretched, for having nothing definite for an idol; Let ito weep! This Spiral into thenih called dead. We can as pire if at all, only( to wonder about, wenih wonder abot al D~yVI0AV...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

…THE MICHICAN V.1; 4 I ICOLUMN AT 3 P.Y4. Eight Rooms-A highly improved lot, 150 ft. frontage. First floor, study, hall, living room, large sun room, dining room, pantry, kitchen. Four bedrooms up. Vapor steam heat. Strictly residential location.I Read the Want Ads $23,000 - T RTISING WE HELP BUILD Eight Rooms-Washtenaw district, study, living room, pantry, kitchen. Four bedrooms up. Attic. Lot Highly improved. Price $17,000. dining r...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 924 THE'MICHIGAN DAILY VAGe Vr been called a "golden rule," but "Que! remarkably pregnant statement: it. very happy and spiritual death, an All we hae gained then byouotr tout nest pas or qu 'on sit lure" means that man's natural activity is object for which we could rennciate unbelief 'T use this Christian doctrine one : sef-furtherance, not self-denial, and our bodies. Is-i Kingdom we eardI Is a life of doubt iversifid by fa...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 8

…in~ the Bulletin Ii7 iozaiructive notleto ail merukerssof [te. Copy received b' try 4saitu~nI tutL(, 1 - rxt uxtil (11:341a. im. Satiiz~ ____ ____ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY March Pith at S8'I. Il. in the histological Laboratory. The following papers !vIll be presented: '"P.our Mctlhods of Crimologic~Inquiry" by 'Professor A. F. Wood.' "action between Colloids and Electrolytes" by Professor A. L. Ferguson. The Conc:il will nmeet at 7:30 p.,im. T. ...…

March 16, 1924 • Page Image 8

…PA m PIG55T THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 1G, 1924 Goldfarb Says:-- t: God disikea sin uthy did lie C cra e epotentialityforiti*i*4 Whether the gods created man or not i ertain that man created the gods. Is it fair that a Mexican bandit should look upon fornication as a pastime and apparently suffer no ill effects from it. while an honest yong ank clerk with ut a single fall frotm grace chalked up against lim should spent the rest of h...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 9

…O I I /V Alp 4IatM Sectioi Two . - -1 ----------------- r XXXIV. No. 123 ANN ARBOR, MICIIIGAN, SVNDAY, JARCII 16, 1921 PRICE, FIVE _._ A DELTA CHI 'ES STUDENTS ANNUAL AFFAIR Food And Fun Mix With Work In Rehearsals T AKE MAJOR PARTS IN CAST "C ME TO EVENT SIMILAR TO ONE OF WASHINGTON GROUP Committee Chooses Students For Highi Standing in Representative Campus Activities Plans which are now being formu- lated by the...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

…THE- MICHIGAN DAILYs STAT'S PRODUCTS TO BEDISPLAYED'i MAieyIgan 1md m1srinl E1Xposition 'Will lle elid i Convention H11:ll, j D1etro, M 3ay :to 17 Mt 'NliP 1, 1;XJi~iR~,s WolR 'OF? INV1NTORFS 'TO 11; SHI'\ 1M a_nctrer-, and 4other business. m~en hiave so loyally su~pported thel Michigan: Industrial E, position, to be held in Conventioni hall, DetroItr Mlay' 3rd to l7th, that the success of the ex-4 positib11 is 1noW assurdan.icn promlice its ...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 11

… r ;. SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY' m "10; oil -, . l I' vo I, I 0, mml:---.7 o,--"-ft'-T" in"" V.- - - - , -.-- -10 - - .,... .. , u . . . k . ldfarb Says: *od dislikes sin why idIle the potentiality for it? Select a volume from the Loll t t~rv' -t l 'Whethier the gods created man or not it1czrtain that man created the gods. Is it fair that a Mexican bandit ' should look, upon fornication as a' pastime and apparently ...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 12

…THE MICHIGAN -DAILY FAUE TWO SUN-DAY; MARCH1 1 SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PROHIBITION Iso esectively ;einployed by the Pro-1 (Continued from Page One) hibitionists prior to the enactment Presidential Proclamation, or pt- of the 18th amendment can again be, as effectively used. The direct rela- cal platform, or judicial decree. It tion between alcohol and prostitution, is the clear, definite, final determina- ; cr ; peoei...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 13

… Divine Requiem N. . ... ' . _. OUR BANKS us weep .over His passing-' n you not see that we are NEWELL in distress? can aspire? To God? He is This spiral into the night called dead. We can'aspire if at all, only1 "ite," however exquisite our pre- to, those objects which once glowing1 tenses about it, is a pathetic attempt with Hs ir now faintly retain Hisl to conciliate antinomies. It is an in-: terminable combat between Aharim ...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 14

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAii SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 1924 THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- u ., . , .. .................. Books So BIG, By Edna Ferber. Doubleday, Page, & Co. 1923. When Edna Ferber wrote about petticoat salesmanship she was amus- ing and well liked. Beside her place in periodical fiction, her yearsas -a short story writer netted her some- thing else-a certain facility of tech- nique and a sure sense of the popu...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 15

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY iiiia iIILBu Lid OF CONENTION Chicago, March 15.-Its ce tion, virtual hub of railway the country, ample hotels t advantages are said by go Association of Comme ntributing factors toward ving become the leading c y of the United States. gan Union Opera, need be mentioned With a plentitude of comedy, songs' in connection with the impersonations aid dances, the Charles and Dollie and novelty dances in which he is to Hart Revu...…

March 16, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 123) • Page Image 16

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Nowl ire Swan Cleans . , '' ;; ;,v C resseS Your tsuit for $1.00 CASH AND CARRY New uptown station in Press Building opens tomorrow. $5.00 to $15.00 savings for every student reading this announcement. White Swan again attacks high prices for dry cleaning and pressing prevailing in Anp Arbor. About a year ago, when white Swan There Are No Better Cleaners Substantial Savings in Laundry Work, Too Than Whit...…

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