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February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…~Ij U.Of ln.Walp putime of Work in Statistics. LUNIVEITY OF 1IICItOAN., MOND)AY, I.I'-LfIIARY Pt, i)' 1 iicTisiec:(hCENTrS. The Gym. Fund Benefit. I I li ifi Feb 01. 7, i891- lTo)-niorrow e vening lit r.IJaynesf III ' U.of 1 Iti it a liiiarlbor, l\ ftAplebeeli, of lBostoinawill ap- 1011if bear in riv osrito IIall to ive ---iThe 1 loi. (Carriill 1). IIlhis101ctiiioon '"Dickens." fir the tilgilft 110is to leiture upon Sta-f iho10lt if tlie 'vlfi...…

February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…TT- T7 OF (PM' nlA TTV II LL U, %-/1 Iii~isbht'til taut' Nityr si'i'ep t iidring THE 1', H . 1NI-)'1, IINT ACUEIATIQN.' bind, at km pri'e pe yethiti''-, ' ahlt ill WIi. tc . :ia l c) isi o~s. (t -tea thechit ' nd P i-1it t'.iii ha sau~ c c left tdit t ofid t a ()t"hheI) ()rlt'- ium blo}. ti SwchtusAtm otAebSor ~iliach.t SC.AReception. i reepio gve b te fi- I N b lat :t>225 vi ug ilta j }:t he Oniiitiite wa I~i n Int), (lier ,, WILL FOR TIub NE...…

February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…X - FIRST IN TIE FIELD WITH NEW G NEW ACKINTOSH C U 01" A ,N : IIVll l ' il 11 S NIO W THE U. OF M. DAILY Of Old IT. of M. Should hav e a 'OAIS. University of Michigan G;uitar. I. t11. l 01 Ott lltIj lo o t } T{ . l , t \,Qi' i PI ITG11 Vl l L 7170 01011 0. I -N. THE TWO SAM-S, L._ 131A=.Z 1IlArij o 81Oiiit~ll~Y. VOORHEIS & ETS 5EBSTr WORK IN THE CITY! STA TE1L ST. TAILORS, C4ALLEDEOR and DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WOR K. 01PEC1A501AT1S0T1 STUDiE...…

February 16, 1891 (vol. 1, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…hfrEU L -M. DAILY S M I= =IB Life is Uncertain! iFIt N LUNCI-[ 0M DEATH IS SURETMETABLE. I. DINING THSTATE STREET. -- tci 50ANN illiN '~ .l PI 1001 i Fisuls rr. 24 e e ca I on Me ie t 511 101 a -ofr 51Si15il Liir'irs attill at'S . u l Ion Sl I .I i M So rl 000, to th e o n ni ,9 Lunches at all hours.All hin',f1' Moo ot and ilt rt li llu h Iiv 50IANN yiil it, >fr lom ur o use, O se st HL;Nywrt ];p,3il3 a{ 1IVli i Oe s it) every style. 1" lie i ...…

February 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of . 1a 1. VOL. III.-NO. 96. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRIJARY 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. THEIR MONTHLY MEETING. The Board of Regents Made Several Appointments and Appropria- tions, Yesterday Afternoon. The chief business transacted by the Board of Regents, yesterday afternoon, at their February meet- ing, was the appointment of profes- sors and in regard to appropriations. The resignations of Prof. C. W. Ilelser and Inst...…

February 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -1 ' . Th ocalyhut as a member of the Z 01 of u Northwestern Athletic .Association. - Those hasing these sports in charge Paslaihest Daily (8unndav s eepted) during are extremety anxious to make a the C'slieeyear. by good'sowinthe THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION goCshst0 ~~ icago, hlencee necessity of a tively interest in atit- Sntstct'tatitsttarie 2551per year, invariablyletlls siC tti olenttsuppnorters. Let an ilmva...…

February 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. GREAT CLOTHING SALE'. ,i jy ut VI,' HA,8, ALL OVERCOATS AT I- OFF. ALL SUITS AT I- OFF.I ___As usual, the first in the field. The ex- ALL SINGLF] PANTS AT OFF. trm(tye o raya See these bargains before buying. WADHAM8, KENNEDY ~Ri3ULE. I Ann A,1rlbor Savings Bank ! 3 ea~s in the lusincss. Arm Arbor Mch. (aptal Stock, $50,(AU ,zegstled ms,$e snt~ttts ta as CXTY I.AUNDRY, (:) this stats. 'Recetves Depo-sitts us ett11 t .. 5. ...…

February 16, 1893 (vol. 3, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. D AIi v WHITMAN, '1FOR UFFLY PEMAITP TE Of Philadelphia,) TO AIFOLOTLIL'W'EGT ~~~TMAKES THIE51 E Qr' OI~SIALOIhgNY Celaai4b.0deder We haeeDeceived the llombe y, (Carkbsad and Alpine luts. Th~e lA.VTN' ~ OL 1.0 Latest Fads in Fedoeras. (34 So. State Street)IV = r= SELS TEALW ILS EY, SELSTE Soutrh State Steet, - LP STAIRS. 4 MOORE &WETMORE, BOOK STORES. NO-16 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANO CORNER OPL STATE AND WILLIAM STREETS. Uix erlsityTex...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…Vol,. V. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN . SATURDAY., FEBRUARY IR . 18915. PRICE --Fly rCENTS. 'TIS ATIING ~aOF TlE AST O'slok ths mon;!g, olh.'nthe paty Ella Shelby an(1 Mod C1ry,5of 1 and N06 0 PAS1010'boke1nips oting le "Asnill ~1011a11Rapids. Mslses Clara 1-Edy nd . 111 NINETEENTH ANNUAL BALL vrlysucsosot.t10 l ''tiorl1lopIXEddy.of Bay City, 1M1isoes lltl f, Tiesto earii without lt book. PASSE INT HISORY. as h oe'0i111 10101 .of t121'v 7111...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…THE U OF M. DAILY. ('hnider Na Gry.louseA ler- Ms Warren Lombiard.Ants. IT. P. Ps;i Iupsilo-1. . AMcaley, Ed- Shelley, Blanche Young, Josie 'olwdI son, Elsie, Worbingon, 'MarionaCure- MMurrock, chaperon; Misses .Jose- ward IB. (aulkinas, George W. Cotrell, Elizabeh DigudIL . Rtl nus iss-nei, poter, Weed, Iteily. Lau,, Allen and hine Naliriel, Georgia Robs-tson Robert (ulnmtings, W1 I. Emory, G. Geltrue Brown Josephine Wotlingloii, of ChIic ago...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

…TrllE U.O(Il" . L)AILY. PSYCHIOLOGICAL L'B. the advatictI icorse'conitiniued, al- ________thoughl it wtill be openi to those who WORK IN EXPERIMENTAL PY-havo had thio beginners' ituse CHOLOGY UNDER DR. E~iG'HAM. Wedemneyer in Politics, to Willoini V. INcdcmeyer, '94t lit.and lie Instruction in a New Science.-, go, law.,lhis been nomiinattet as the tI Fourth Year of Instruction in Ptettblicais candidat'^ at. the -.pring <.i Courses Open to Adv...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THE U. O AM. IDAILY. iii tns t tthe proposition ltie te t 'd, DiTSON701\ M 1I C*1 i V +L of ti1 f LPat if it is at all possihie to ileili'ti, piti ( ['ishted 1illy (Sunodiiy i'sci'piii uiniig lie Colles year, by 'le-spiriteitl college ion-1 ,i:'iiiig'h- c x LOVE Songs," THE U. OE M. NOEPENHENT ASSOCIAIION cIiilit ~lvri'ious hiistitiitioiis (it, II'I(, Byh'ob E.Saisye". Tianslations of Six OIC 'ic:'imes building N. Main St., sppiosteirrointryl...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 5

…THE11 U'. O M. DAILY. NOTICES. COQt.TIr IAGlFI lhT _______________Durin the secoind osai.'st.'r Prot'W. ~ I.~i ili Ttinei Tablet (evised) Nov. 18 10101 Ilt(TIY i Russell wilt otfer, a. course in thre studiy II~15II~I I~5 Wi W1T. ItLbiii' ltitilres n ii 15 t2t i I1 ! of rocks (letrology),to inicludte tihe O haft and EN-- - 50 il __--t __- l 43i be i gie Tusdy and5ti~0 titiitsitts, ntitural occurrenice 01 rocks; use of the m " NY. (pecialit. 5 1...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 6

…TIlE U. OF M. DAILY. HAVE. YOU ANY USE FOR ANY ;F We have a large stock of VIOLINS. Imported direct from Mark- newkirchen, Saxony. They are excellent value at $18.00 lo $60.00. Fine Bows and Strings. We have every late popular song worth having. Books of the late comic operas. All of Sousa's Marches, and one or two other pieces of late sheet music. We have a fine line of Washburn, U. of M. and Martin Guitars at no greater price than some de...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 7

…THlE U. OF M. DAILY. CLARK SON TO COACH 11S. wosetrn. The secondl trip will last Annual Indoor Meet. m They Want Changes. uni wilT~liO'he anuatl convention ofth liii - FAMOUS EX-PITCHER, OF CR1--" maes with WiSconsin1. Chicago and The annual indoor meet. ( (-rl-a bnecllga- held-i- es-sl CAGO AND BOSTON SECURED. possibly M1inno Isota. inl the gymnasium Friday evenlinge, to il1 l nNw~ki Those Athletic Rules. Marchl 22. At tho last meeting of the...…

February 16, 1895 (vol. 5, iss. 95) • Page Image 8

… -rIItE U. U0 11 . DAI LX. No. 30 East Huron Street, now in full blast U T1OYEBCOAIS, MACKINIOUSH[S, SWEATERS1 ODD PANTS AND FVRNISDIN gGOODS! Less than- half price This is a great opportunity to get seasonable goods at unusually low prices. See the stock and get prices. SI[''s Bookstore !' ASolid Back wai Ni6.i1 V v aw.w.a....+.....v 1' 1111110 ly with George Wahr, l9 # t;. \Vohington st. fexad otrs forj I yerthing a Student tnedsin the ro...…

February 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…' Ilk> VOL. IX, No. 100. T T H G. H.WILD CO., H E THE TAILORS E; 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. T Have just received a largeT Ain of Fancy Vetings for A ISping and Summier. L iect frei nedon. Please call and see thea. Allegretti's Chocolates Fresh Today. On rDdu addMiOh. Daring the rset at the cellege year we willserv ess etie at al teau,day at ight. Fall ine o f Pipe, Cigas,ad R. E. JOLLY & CO., 38 So. State Street. . Witch Hazel. The extract hat ...…

February 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 100) • Page Image 2

…2 THE VJNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. rEastern Football Games. . s ® + Director Baird has recently rc- Publitshed Daity (Sundays excepted) during the ceived itfers of football gamaes front coeec year. at leverti of the Enotersa collectes All tof THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, tltt'tt wislit to platy-(nttttieir ltotte grtotndo sasnt'e utnwillitng to cosrtt ')FFsea: The Intand Presse, tenning Bock. We.Ytl tasrttsttt ttttt oth thoaes 47"es. alhawrt...…

February 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 100) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIYETISITY OF MICHlIGAN DAILY.3 3 The kind that wear right, and NIlE ROBES Fit right, are right, and _____ _____ _____ ___at__RIGH-T PRICE. 50cto1.9G dS ain , Street. MI6BIGf1N GEN~tRfL P.O BBECTILR-E~i 'The Niagara Falls Route.' CENTRAL. STANDARD TIME Taking Eftect .Aug. 14, 1898. MaiiandFExpres .......3 47P.m. N. Y. & BostonSpecial....... 4 58 Fat Easten...............9S43" Atli Expss ...............7 45 A. ii. Detroit Nixht Ixpresa...…

February 16, 1899 (vol. 9, iss. 100) • Page Image 4

…4 4 Til UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SECOND SEMESTER GO TO Cooley's Taxation High, Extraordinary Legal Remedies Hollands, Jurisprudence Greenleaf, Evidence Vol. 1 Mechem, Cases on Agency Elliott, Municipal Corporations Stabler's Art Store FOR Art Novelties and Fine Frame Mouldings, 217 S. 4th Ave. Phiona. 173. S ALI03B U V'Q5 JOS. W . KOLLAUF, T I O 3 Drugs and Optical Goods fAIIOR Has Deceived a Fine Line of New Goods. Cook House Bloc...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…Wbe '4ev 4.0 iuttF5 al VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1900 FINANCIAL MATTERS giate. It sa referred to the Board of SprigCnrl Considered byj the Athletic Board.- lie reptort of the finaincial secretary Announcemn t Monett to be Raised byj Lecture fromo Atil1t 1899, to Jatn. t, 1900, fol- 1 9and Dance--Financial I FOOTBALL. 'Statement. Peeecpts- PG I-H I.WI L D & CO* onsiicetibie rootote hasiness ssasPGamrs ........$4,209 95 t...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVEWI"VlIX 01 MICHIGAN DAILY U 0;1 #1* ttii. Poteched Datty (Sundacys excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ()~m The Intlad Press, Henntng Block. Both Pheoe, t47. iOANAGING EDITOR. F.BENGELtHARD.c'01tLt IUSINESS MANAGER. it.Ii. fleet. 'tt L. I"1ITORtS. A,'i'ILETtCS,. . . G. D. ttcosece, '01 B T. tK. Weeccect, '00 L. A. It. MeDecUsAec,,'01 B A. G. Beeceec, '02. E. J. B. WeeD, 'to, G. J. MeeeaeoEee,'Ot, W. D. H...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…THlE UNIVER.ISI' OF MIC(I44N IDAILY. 3 EDUCED L $3.50 GL HE 29 SPECIAL [PRICES ON ALL LINESG 19SOT MAIN ST. MICHIG N CENPAL ~THE BEST MAK2ES OF The Niagara Fals oue." . fep't~hl, the 1fhebot'oy L er Mii A1l CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. G Ili Iiili1[1S } DetrottNight Expressl ... ..............4455. I,2Schn se B im ', ahbrs Atlantic, Expres. . .......... . . 4t Mal and E4.p44's......... . . . .3 47,'tIrI.sims4 liM.r~' Fast Eattou .......... .:4 Mil...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

… THlE UN[VERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY _' Fine K$10.00 WritingI I Your Inside PocketI ritin9~Is what youaca save on a suitor ovecoat made ttayaarardeby at. Weguarantce fit o notale, Call aad ate, at obligation to bay. Oar itmmense asaotmtaent of samapletstill please you. All WealSuits atiOverco-tats faoa $12.00 up. Paper Goodrich, Walk~er & Murph. Frot Rom ver D. fl TINKER & SON' HATTERS AND FURNISHERS Headquarters for HATS, CAPS, MaNS FUR...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…lb , r; e oK aiim VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. No 103 --- ....Our. Special Line of.... JUDGE IN PHILIPPINES Foreign and Domestic Prof. E. F. Johnson, of the Law De- partmnent, Has Been Appointed to FA BIC S 4 the Philippine Supreme Bench FOR SPRING The University of Michigan hats ever been the recipient of many honors at the hands of the national government, has arrived and ie ar- and the fact-has 'been espec...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 2

…R FH C -Nt 1htU'-i V*y 1)r 51 RIIt A\N It 2 Pttbiithed Daily (Modays ecpteddritg College yar at. THE UNIVERSITY Of MICHIGAN MAIN OFCE BRANCH OFIC Argus Bldg Man St. 336 S. Stat Street. Both'Phases 1. Ne State 'Phoe 12. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. AS,'01 BUSINESS MANAGER, F. ONELAt, 'Ci L EDITORS: ATHLETICS, - G. 5. BCunsUSr, il B A. .MCIIOCGALL, 'BE. w. A. it-tott, 01 L, Miss L,, K. SAIN '03 Bas. DRAK °01 m. . Wooa~ow'04 W. P. CANss~, Ci 5L W. A....…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 3

…'IHE UIVERSITY OF 1C}tIIGAN 1lAILY . * * p * ~ ~ * **~3 IfYou Look UsOver You will agree that our $3.00 Hats are the grea possible values in Quality, Style and Price.,., P117 M !K 4' 4' 4'! Atest 4 5 PEE~DS [AIN STREET 4 4AAAA443AAA A-4 i a 2 3 s s a izs ss = ="_s c" c aaa zc a:aa asa aaa:a an CententralntU. 1of11 locksfall M IhGAnFAL CUEtral UniMEETcitytfrom Buffalotethcrsal armo 3t. iu 0e to $1.00. Fin NAAAFLSRUEt tilf.Ile will represet...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 4

…Ih!E U-XIVERbI1'Y Of MICIGAN DbAILY POSTEIR BOARD SIZE, 30 X 40 FOUR COLOR~S Rced (Gray Green Black 15c a sheet AT Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade,.. Our sartorial skill is equal to the best in the state of Michigan, EXCEPTING NONE. ART 15TICLLT M ECMANICflLLT We will be glad to prove it to you,' Truly Yours, S. BURCHFIELD, 106 E. Huron I PAI[II~' Oyster Cocktails EXCH-AN( GAS! Bring iny t an offer. 3295S. t !HIeadquaet Chimneys TO NOT TH...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…t !n i ),ALI IkA F .. ,... .._. .. irYt .. .....r.. ............. POWERS 444ste Tait of te Sao dr the Auspices of the SLA id its'i theht ~ h"sa~ ,1 ut 'ie"ut,:,ion ef.1 lt l l - l , W . i l 1 ' ."i l ;eI krI 1 3 II li-IJ:11t1 e'u1 inIt1l111,~ntlslic- ' rt IiI 1111:. I,-.11 ~ ~1!I iiill ' 11' tilt 1111 1,111 ' Il 1 rle It1 1 t ,1( ~ ha l 11 er ! itt U, l i e u 111 ; t, + t'11r 7 1. I 111111 it 1 111It.l h "'t k 1 1'1 1 i ; l t tI 111 ~ l.1. 1 7...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…Til M~flGA LAILI--NEWS Z 1i M cr zO 4' THIN W~HITE SLIDES. ; SLIDE BOXES + it '"a s ides . . .. . . For 2() nl dee.... QUARRY'S ( iot) TI) 'or Fiie Luenches. Chocolate,.B Butt~. Cigars. Cigarettes, Tohacces apt 30S 5, State St. LaweBooks, Medical Books. you want to buy, '01.- 0. E. BARTH ELL th 011,lA'. A -11' w MICHIBAKI DAILYNEWS PUBe. C4. r MANAGINGEITOR K IN~ , .2 -AFR fNI 1,t11" etersan Toni-ht t21. ;tit I 111,111 I4 li ii Sil ;12 2 1*T* ...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…Tilt MI(H16 A.N DAILY--NEWS .. x_®.a.... c._a.....i a.._c i..ais_.:._.....stx_ a._c stt_:_.aie_._t...a s r_.1 ...L " " " a '" AHt BUT THEY ARE DANDIES!I C cc rnew assortmetto' -,ath Robes, Iocizng gCG $ will All that you ro- d desire of olcr stock sc . willbe toy (-I2C Z(a tuirge to ?ok 'eo:r~ 200 202~ S. Main Street. -ocwn an(! comi e i F1HMS, iRYAIN & JILtb.. ~---t OHN SCANZCHAS DITAS EX(ELSIOK LAIJNtRY o L~ Moo>~ AI LRS DSY ORK FP SPECIA.LT...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…TiE -M IfC Ii i (X 'k [ , ,fIYNE W, NOBE3Y HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAGNER & O. c~s+: ; c .HAWES 3.00 HATS 133 South 'ai' ta to riGkWiGk BiwaiFa addo50Iinu THE HOCKING VALLEY RY.I! TIIII ilwnsOw a4t ao eryt ing: RV I 1 ta 1'a OADA.K't wtall" ~z-T r OLEDO TO COLUMBUS Wrte J. W.LANDIIA'S (General Travelintg Agent, DETROIT, ?(.~iII(ai BETTER THA N EV lamThlS CHLE TEMPORARY ~O t" '. 1 i . a o .? ? e a r F.J. Clf...…

February 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…-he Michigan Dil VOL..xiv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY,* FEBRUARY 16, 1904 No. %i R[fIIAY SENIOR LAWS WILL DANCE. ~ EJIRIO. GYM. TEAM GOES. PR 1N1NAY N . TE UNIR 10R'Ihe aragemetis have toli aicuti Will he an Exciting Affair - Trach Ill(, scndini the series of dances( The Great Social Function of .1905 cmpilleeil for thirexhibitioni le gyma arr anged by the Seniir aw class will nastic earn is to give il Ietrit n Schedule - Basehall Men Begin be ...…

February 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THES MICHIGAN DILY, STtHE MICHIGAN DAILY WESTERN MEN BEST. EnteredIa seond ceass matter at the Ann Apropos of the interest cetered io e ac Ii ~ uU Ct 1 fl ±Arbr Pst offie. Colombia Uiversity at the preset Nw ti Z ; ollege yar, tl 17E. Washington street, a football game with Michigan, the Sa ebasement fo r seeetrancet Pone 892 3r followiog iterview with Wilians R. TU s IM ANAGING EDITOR Morley, coach of the Colombia eleven,LA +tEMUROiY 'HOMASON...…

February 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. "The Nigara Fals Route" THE SHORT LINE- ANN ARBOR to - CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON with direct connctions at Cica go for 't, Louis, Kansas City. St. Paul and the West For inormation anti through tckets csll ser write to WV. W. CASE. Agent. Ann Arbor COFFEE jMOCHIA AND JAVA O r wnRoastisng Aiways fresh 28a epo.uond 2i4 Main S. DEAN f,. CO. New Brunswick Tables A REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS, Fine Cigars and Tobacon JAS. ...…

February 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Puritan Shoes For Fo aiul Wlol ComIleeLine of Dress Boots. Groftm in Turkey. Perfected in Egypt. Enjoyed in America 'MOULSMOKE. MAKES EGYPTIAN SMOKERS 10 for 14Cments. x The W. C. KernuCol x , _: 411 E. 57th St., Chicago. :- Caps and Gowns mnde too o1-des and rented. Plennants for all college; sl IINII [nt~' frternities carried in stock. ^.. _ % issES"s Gl;es lPins, lHass and 'Teawi - y c03 ars ja Send for C'atalogues. A...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,'MIC'H., THURSDAY, F EBRUARX'16, 1905 MlCHlMAN'S 1904 BA EBALl TIEA M. NO. 93 HISTORICAL RECITAL. Weber, Mendelssohn and Schubert Represented on Yesterday's Pro- gram -WNeber's F 'ninor Con- 'ertstuck Rendered. It was all ntnetlsui 1,1lce a dinc tht lsee o the recital icesterdayi liv E~n y l r Aiivyt lIiochioci. fi Se ciine fctir i ec anl theyprot- Srin, theiItii i che leti yiiioti te Nocy iho litNvre n t vvjiivcii...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…THl H]?NICHKI GA N DAILY. w H .w ...... THI [iC H lGA N DAILY.! i W E WOULD HAVE f I.i 'rt se')t iti s i tir i ieAt * VYOU TO KNOW. f E't i eii e i i i ltni t ii t'i ief i tsi ce ii f . 4'x f t4 ~ "t~t' iiiratit:},. iiinnton tret. f Old 'hutnt n eilite i ti N I VI. I NI. :'11:"-'1,AN\ I' " 'That we are uioiug buiesse it Mana~iging IEditori, I. SITANLEYi RAL '1. "4 k__ _. i__._ II In ~l1U~I : OUR NEW STORE : 311 South State Street " 4fewiti s -...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…MITI MICHIGAN DAILY. A, ''i*+1++++-r";"+++++3 + . .5. + .1....+..I+ +++++++ Over lcoats ws' lie ;(6i1 at 1 =4 $22.00 OVERCOATS flo $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS rnow' $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS enw $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS no $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS fuow$1125 $12.00 OVERCOATS nw $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier, 217 So. Mainx St. 4 +, +I 4 r-~ ..+o+ + + trar . ros a - - it ;t 'f } t 4 4 } t tt t 4 1 t t 1 SUIT CASES 'he City's Largest Assrtme nt iear'. $1.65 = ...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…t1 I1 t'IC11HIIG A : iDAILY. ~WATFIL 1PH OTXO G RAPH E R Walk Over ,J..for.. MN AND ________ Facto ry=Store Study with a Good Light n Ther eisn belter light than THE W LSBACH READING LAMP ALL STYLS AT ALL. PRICES. The Ann Arbor Gas Company. \X'itel it colle sttto ti 511105 usI" 1ittiI~ )111 "' c t' A. G. Shaldin{ & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKE'T BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOOD)S A. (i. SPAI.IING & 1BROS. Sus ~...…

February 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…w The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '9k Ikt\\I RH) V\ IIHR \R\ t6, 90g6.>o 5 XVI. No. g-. RHEINHARI DIBNO PR( He Rights Mtatters When Told of the Charges Made Against Coach Yost and Himself. logiittni tel ephne cm-ra-- it'm tt~citAti111 lAtr e a nd cithe ig hicahart, te Lafacte tackle, yes- erilt, reetittithe fact ttie Lni- ,~f f Kainsasipofsso wh ctt Ht'y p '1t)ts t atedtinger;ci (m the i mtitittattd fiat ,1It Nti ci (it ii N C-iet it ut i I...…

February 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 95) • Page Image 2

…-7 THE MICHIGAN DA!ILY_________ Spring, 1906 SOUR STORY AAttractive Styles New Colorings r-OR jLargest Line of Woolens j Shown, all at POPULAR PRICES Full Dress Suits a Specialty at IG. H. Wild Co. Leading MVERCHANT TAILORS 311 S. State St. NEW AND SECONI)= HAND Text Books For All Departments at Sheehan & Co's Students' Bookstore LOWEST PRICES Prevail Here No llemlbership Fee to pay Money Loaned On Watces, Diamonds or other personal property...…

February 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 95) • Page Image 3

… TE MICHIGAN DAILY FINE LUNCHES Art ad Skil inTailoing Casse crry the I rget lne of TRStH Capsand ownsDOMFTIi' & IMPUITEI) Cigarettes and forAtdl Sili aloi ~CasCasadG w sDEMSri&o00r.eLIKMsAN&Ceo. and Call on~ A Full Line of Samples of the W. C. Kern Caps and (Gowns is reeived PWPS, also for TAC'S & SCHAFFEE' ad will he faurished the ( 'omittes of the diferent classes on request, R. .cJol . SN-BOSt. S MThese arc the Caps and Gowns furnished...…

February 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 95) • Page Image 4

…THiE MICHIGAN DAILY _u :- Hockillg Valley Ry. You will lod Fourjrains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Union Dpo~uiz Ii) (doanod (n- S. El. CLARK, 32 jCampus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAK Finishing W~e do developing anid printing for amateurs, arid do it well k' It is to our interest to do it well, that we may sell more f i I 01 and miore Kodak-, 'RICES P IIASONAISLI "20 Soamttx state street _...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…T-he MihianDaily ANN ARBOR, XIIC 1110 X'sSATUIRDAY, EEIILR16f, 1I07 V. XVI. No. 98. MICHIGAN PROFESSOR SUBMITS STYLE SHEET At Meeting of Michigan Press Asso- ciation Prof. Thomas Discusses Uniform Desk Rules. Newspaper mtake-up and the ethics of jounrnalism were the central thres of the discussioneblidued by the il- gun Press association at its mido-vinter costvettion held in Detroit this week. The adopting f a untiforn style sheet and it...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 2

…,rHE MICHIGAN DAILY New 1907 6. H. WId Co. 311 South State Street Secom~d Semester Textbooks of u's an you kvil he sre to get then] at the. owe st prres.' Thistn-hadeli Engineering Ins' runents Sold undreer a go ir Ot cn bein Itaolof Os Wee buy sil sell Second Hand Text Books for alt denpartmrets. SIIFEHAN & CO.'S the Sturdents Bookstore Banners and Pillows 40off at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224226 . State St. THIE NIICHi IAN DAILY. 'fRringoitrt I...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY -+G . i 1 Great InvenoySle FOR THE MONTH OF JANUAWY All Clothing 1-4 Off SUITS, OVERCOATS AND RAINCOATS $25.00, Now $18.75 $22.50, Now $16.90 $20.00, Now $15.00 $18.00, Now $13.50 $16.00, Now $12.00 $15.00, Now $11.25 $13.50, Now $10.00 $12.50, Now $ 9.50 $10.00, Now $ 7.50 300 Suits of Broken Lots, formerly sold from $10 to $22.50, choice at One-half Off. All Trousers at 20%/ Discount. All Underwear at 20%)~ Discount TIl...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Developing and Printing for Amateur Photographe rs E. E. CALKINS Druggist 324 S. STATE STREET D. Y. A. A. J. RAILWAY Special Carsto D lcis t s i i :ed iii two hour too tihs13,in tw'olhours utiill :'f0 p . Hour local service to Dtoroit 61 c.Il., 9:1.5 p. to ,then tl1i:1. Two-lor loa serieto Jatsckson ; :)las to 11:15t p. to. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of Ann Arbor, Mtch. 9. 1. Kinone. 'res. ltarrtson Oole, V 5. OV. Clarkson, Cathie...…

February 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…__The MichiganDal VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHITGAN, SIN\I) AZT FEBR1UARY 16, a o8.No 9 No. 99. SIGMA XI WANTS MEN OF PROMISE Conditions Do Not Necessarily Disqualify Candidates - His- tory of thoOrganization. Elections to the iichigan chapter of Sigma Xi, the honoary scintiic society ofAmerican colleges an(1 uniersities ill le made in April, with the iniia- iolt'of the fortunate ons following in May. Those who are chosen arc seniors aud gra...…

February 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…TIHE e!s6A 1Ai8L ..... .. _... . _f _ ._ __-- . . 1 G. L. Wild Comfpanly Our Spring 1908 line of fine, Imported and Domestic IWOOLENSI Is now ready It includes all the latest Nouselties Shades and Upto -ate Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Gays and Fancy Blues Your patronage respectfully solicited G. H. Wild Compally 311 Soh Stae Street The most complete line of Endizieerindj Books Drawing~ Irnstrv.Jmerts Aiid supplies...…

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