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February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 1

…Libraries: Expansion Needed To Meet 'U'GH rowth By JEFFREY GOODMAN Even with the proposed $3.5 million building addition to the General Library, the University Library system faces significant space, staff and book needs for the future. The needs vary from more square footage for additional read- er seating, book storage and work space to funds for book acquisi- tions, "housekeeping" expenses and additions to Library staff; they are accentua...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TUC MICHIGAN DA Il'.V CTT#TT A !1 T1TbmTT it ?f f YA y./f .! _ aE Twi.T1"aaa. laEaur;t fry SUJNDAYh, FEBRUARYt)16,AJ1964 4 WESTERN MUSIC: Pro Musica Opens Rich Past This Week's Events ARTS AND LETTERS: Harris Views Theater Tours By RICHARD MERCER 1 When Noah Greenberg formed the New York Pro Musica in 1952, he sought to open a broad avenue leading into the rich past of West- erni music. For years the focus of musical atten...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1904 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE Reach Cease Fire In Eastern Africa Ethiopia, Somalia Seek Settlement After Truce Arranged by Abboud ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (R) - A truce is to halt border warfare between Ethiopia and Somalia at noon today under an agreement announced yesterday. A telegraphic exchange between President Ibrahim Abboud of Sudan and Emperor Haile Se...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 4

…Semety-Third Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG., ANN ARBOR, MICH., PHONE NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail"'' Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL SATTINGER ...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2=4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. Saturday DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN BUSINESS SERVICES ANY MOTH HOLES, tears, or burns in your clothes? We'll reweave them like new. WEAVE-BAC SHOP, 224 Arcade. MANUSCRIPT TYPING and index pro- cessing. Phone Dexter, HA 6-8170. J38 EXPERIENCED spring cleaning and ironing....…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 6

…1I PAGE SI THE MICHIGAN DAILY !aTT~Th1AV Wi U'VUUrTAV in ft4 ! ,.. ., - MUNMAY, VISBXUARY 16, 1964 I LAUNCH NEW STREAK: Gymnasts Win Behind Frecska Star Second Sacker Hubbs Dies in Utah Air Accident Special To The Daily MADISON - Michigan's gym- nasts launched another winning streak here yesterday, nipping Wisconsin, 60-52, behind the work of Alex Frecska. The Wolverines picked up only three first places, but were able to parlay thei...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1964 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE Michigan Ieers Bop Hapless MSU, 7-2 71' Grapplers Clip Iowa, 15-9 By JIM TINDALL In a rough, hard-fought hockey game, Michigan's Wolverines top- pled the MSU Spartans 7-2 at the Coliseum last night. This was a key victory for the' Blue,'putting them in sole posses-1 sion of first place after Colorado College beat Minnesota 8-4, Fri- day n...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 109) • Page Image 8

…EMGT THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1664 EIGHT TUE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1S64 PACE, STAFF, BOOKS: 'U' Library Projects Needs for Future 4DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 1) estimates of Library needs in 1968 and 1975 in the following areas: -Book acquisitions, an estimat- ed total of $800,000 to be spent in 1968 and $1 million in 1975; --Staff additions for reader services, technical services and admin...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 9

…r w - wu -~ - ~ww - - -w w -w w w w ~ MAGAZINE Vol. V, No. 7 Sunday, February 16, 1964 J$;:~? 4~ I STEERING COMMITTEE: Diane Lebedeff and Richard Keller Simon, Co Chairman; Lawrence Lassing, Kenneth Winter, Thomas Copt, Michael Sottinger, Mitchell Greenwald, Ronald Martinez, David Block, William Benoit. STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL: Russell Epker, Thomas Smithson, Sherry Miller, Douglas Brook, Michael Knapp, Raymond Rusnak, Fred...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 10

…-+.."R ]rr- mr The Jitichiga tbvi4 MAGAZINE APPEARING TWICE MONTHLY REPRESENTATIVES of all three segments of the Universitycorn munity -- administration, faculty, and students - will gather at the Michigan Union next weekend, Feb. 21-22, for the second Conference on the University. The first Conference was held in May, 1962. IMAGE AND THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 'U': OVERALL PHILOSOPHY By Peter Rosen-Runge ., .. Page 2- IMAGE AND RESPONSIBILITY...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 11

…vl a a c3 C ) SbA ~4"{ ;.-4 41 0 ,.a - 'a a c3.-- OC o o 7, 4 ) C 43 o Cd ' C d? u 4-> U ic''' el OC C U~~~ 44 4- Ei oG3 Oa U 3l -+30 43 C) C) pp 4-4~ 1 tl t Y Z c4. o ::f 0 ; ~l o 0C) C)~ ~ ~ Q :5~~ . ~D 0U 30 . O 0Cd ''" + VU - -4~4~4~430 4-4 V w CC44 4- 04 U C)v OC~l 0 44 &0 4C) a U ,44 .0 r- 1 2. 40 O 43o"-eD' vC)a 'O cad C)C0C 04p3C) 4 NH '.440 I N -4 Q 4- e C j oi N). .0 0 4 4 p 2 o ~C) .010 ~4 4 -4 + 4 C i R t . t a t i a 4J. i o...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 12

…tO C "'a 0 Id - I.. dt Y -.4 N C co o .* C, ScD' CD c+ e i 0 ScD 0 '1 CD a 00 n CD .r 10 50 CD 00 0a~t M a CD «. CD m 'z ' -4. CD oco ~CD ~02. CC+~ PCDCD 'i 1 I< CDC-t- 90 9 C -10 r' s D cD C0D CC tq PVID CD raC+4 D CD C P 09p CD * 0.CD CD C' -04 CD o 00 tQ t 'T. o, CD (D 0. CD9, CD C o d Cl-' C ar~ - 0 , C- G0 0can o CD '' C's- I-I 0 ' ' 90 C-Icc r 0 0 is '-1' CD 0 0 El CD 0 90 C) 0. 10 '0 . cD^ 0 CD Cet- 0 ca 0 Q CD am - C...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 13

…... . - By ALAN GRASS CONCERN with the content, signifi- cance, and popularity of individual courses can often pose difficulties for universities intending to give attention simultaneously to formal organization of curricula and effective integration of classes into overall programs. There is indeed room for improvement in this area and suggestions concerning (1) -Faculty Organization, (2) Facilities, and (3) Administration may help effect ...…

February 16, 1964 (vol. 5, iss. 7) • Page Image 14

…-: Im :: , I - -7,I.I-I1 1 >--s ... ..t- POLICY-MAKING AT THE UNIVERL I. Direction of 'U' II. Origin and Administration By DAVID MARCUS DECISION-MAKING at the University is an extremely complex and diffuse process. Even seemingly simple decisions must often go through many levels of consideration before a solution can be made final. Formal delegations of power rarely describe the intricate and delicate processes involved just as they oft...…

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