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February 16, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…The MchgnDail A\\N R IITCHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRI \kX te, 11109 N170L. XIX. PITCHERS WOE K OUT WITH INDOOR BALL McAllister Wont Have Any Glass Arms- Class Relay Races to Start 'This Week. IlIo c all, o as a e as of 10I1 l c t 111101011 hobyCoach McllIiterr in i1 11ae I aco 011aa1110110011111. 11he 11c0. .rc ditiid into teams a if iv _ i 1111lodger hall is thought by the 11111toh 11an 1c1l1ct1meansof 11ct t~_ tic ins inns11111 ,, h p \ih u I-,1...…

February 16, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…__The MichiganDal VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, MICHITGAN, SIN\I) AZT FEBR1UARY 16, a o8.No 9 No. 99. SIGMA XI WANTS MEN OF PROMISE Conditions Do Not Necessarily Disqualify Candidates - His- tory of thoOrganization. Elections to the iichigan chapter of Sigma Xi, the honoary scintiic society ofAmerican colleges an(1 uniersities ill le made in April, with the iniia- iolt'of the fortunate ons following in May. Those who are chosen arc seniors aud gra...…

February 16, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…T-he MihianDaily ANN ARBOR, XIIC 1110 X'sSATUIRDAY, EEIILR16f, 1I07 V. XVI. No. 98. MICHIGAN PROFESSOR SUBMITS STYLE SHEET At Meeting of Michigan Press Asso- ciation Prof. Thomas Discusses Uniform Desk Rules. Newspaper mtake-up and the ethics of jounrnalism were the central thres of the discussioneblidued by the il- gun Press association at its mido-vinter costvettion held in Detroit this week. The adopting f a untiforn style sheet and it...…

February 16, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 95) • Page Image 1

…w The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, '9k Ikt\\I RH) V\ IIHR \R\ t6, 90g6.>o 5 XVI. No. g-. RHEINHARI DIBNO PR( He Rights Mtatters When Told of the Charges Made Against Coach Yost and Himself. logiittni tel ephne cm-ra-- it'm tt~citAti111 lAtr e a nd cithe ig hicahart, te Lafacte tackle, yes- erilt, reetittithe fact ttie Lni- ,~f f Kainsasipofsso wh ctt Ht'y p '1t)ts t atedtinger;ci (m the i mtitittattd fiat ,1It Nti ci (it ii N C-iet it ut i I...…

February 16, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR,'MIC'H., THURSDAY, F EBRUARX'16, 1905 MlCHlMAN'S 1904 BA EBALl TIEA M. NO. 93 HISTORICAL RECITAL. Weber, Mendelssohn and Schubert Represented on Yesterday's Pro- gram -WNeber's F 'ninor Con- 'ertstuck Rendered. It was all ntnetlsui 1,1lce a dinc tht lsee o the recital icesterdayi liv E~n y l r Aiivyt lIiochioci. fi Se ciine fctir i ec anl theyprot- Srin, theiItii i che leti yiiioti te Nocy iho litNvre n t vvjiivcii...…

February 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…-he Michigan Dil VOL..xiv. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY,* FEBRUARY 16, 1904 No. %i R[fIIAY SENIOR LAWS WILL DANCE. ~ EJIRIO. GYM. TEAM GOES. PR 1N1NAY N . TE UNIR 10R'Ihe aragemetis have toli aicuti Will he an Exciting Affair - Trach Ill(, scndini the series of dances( The Great Social Function of .1905 cmpilleeil for thirexhibitioni le gyma arr anged by the Seniir aw class will nastic earn is to give il Ietrit n Schedule - Basehall Men Begin be ...…

February 16, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…t !n i ),ALI IkA F .. ,... .._. .. irYt .. .....r.. ............. POWERS 444ste Tait of te Sao dr the Auspices of the SLA id its'i theht ~ h"sa~ ,1 ut 'ie"ut,:,ion ef.1 lt l l - l , W . i l 1 ' ."i l ;eI krI 1 3 II li-IJ:11t1 e'u1 inIt1l111,~ntlslic- ' rt IiI 1111:. I,-.11 ~ ~1!I iiill ' 11' tilt 1111 1,111 ' Il 1 rle It1 1 t ,1( ~ ha l 11 er ! itt U, l i e u 111 ; t, + t'11r 7 1. I 111111 it 1 111It.l h "'t k 1 1'1 1 i ; l t tI 111 ~ l.1. 1 7...…

February 16, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…lb , r; e oK aiim VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1901. No 103 --- ....Our. Special Line of.... JUDGE IN PHILIPPINES Foreign and Domestic Prof. E. F. Johnson, of the Law De- partmnent, Has Been Appointed to FA BIC S 4 the Philippine Supreme Bench FOR SPRING The University of Michigan hats ever been the recipient of many honors at the hands of the national government, has arrived and ie ar- and the fact-has 'been espec...…

February 16, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…Wbe '4ev 4.0 iuttF5 al VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16. 1900 FINANCIAL MATTERS giate. It sa referred to the Board of SprigCnrl Considered byj the Athletic Board.- lie reptort of the finaincial secretary Announcemn t Monett to be Raised byj Lecture fromo Atil1t 1899, to Jatn. t, 1900, fol- 1 9and Dance--Financial I FOOTBALL. 'Statement. Peeecpts- PG I-H I.WI L D & CO* onsiicetibie rootote hasiness ssasPGamrs ........$4,209 95 t...…

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