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November 16, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, N ICd [lOAN, SATVURDA Y, NOVEMBNll ER 16, 1907. No c. 47. GIANTS CLASH TODAY IN INTERSECTIONAL BATTLE Penn is Here For Season's Final I ~t 101FF C. F CopeCat(I>Foclock noo. and Most Important ('xe-- (enraladmisoin tickes will be old Coaches Are 1Reticent. onlyat atesF ItrctIntranes. CC C..svi~cC ; :. ('(Cici?(. (101(1 CCC0w11ho(1t ('Ce CCrvedIsas will The lo 01 O~li' lira 1he .CadmittedCIt10 he'gr...…

November 16, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily \"Nti A RKl'X \ II(') R\ 1 F I)11i" I Ii X NO)\EMBE IR it',f c3 Vol-. XVII. Nv O.46. TEAM MUCH ENCOURAGED 'AI I 'A I XK LTHlfifiAN BY ROUSING SEND-OFF CALENI)hDAR AIh;ARS 1'li I thivrsitiiiiilcn t' iWhich i. u Men are in good spirits -Trip passes;Xiisdiml Ibyhi'Miss favel kist imadfe pleasantly, Team wilt separate i; apparnciii i ihefrihO vi te. It after Saturday's Glame. hasrthis iyear ming trciefaue - ._ ntc a them'new...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Mcigan Daily Vol- X\T1 THINK V, lichigan Authori Story of Badge' vere Injury=-Scr Varsity Yesterdi III shire of 11he11mum 11<tro it't s 01 S i i i l p a t c r i l t dff e r 11 .?t I othin ta"had AN N A:RI,()'_, MICHITGAN, ' 1'IC tRi A ).\ A x,1IfNiI" .1)0,5op. No. 45. ANDERBOOM LOCKWOOD'S RECITAL "CHOICEST IN LAND"' I 5 NOT OUT OF GAME A GREAT SUCCESS FRTEUINMN Opening Number Pleases Audience-_ ities Discredit 51'1'~ II'IIWoo fUpeeet...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…IM AIr Ic 1, W iw The b, n Dal 1 y Vol. XVI. ANN ARIIOR. AI'xCiIR'xN, Nox. 46. ALL IS READYFOR HOW TO FIND SEATS READY FORAT TOMORRIOW'S GAME' UNION DINNER TONIGHT !I I I COACH YO5T GIVES OUT MICHIGAN LINE=UP Final instructions to Guests- xi- xilxlx x x Sale of Seats Today-Program, ispeakexrsx xxii x xx1 t, ils nlenu and Decorations of Most i hefix1il ; order Elaborate Nature. Dr. All-ell xx iin ildllr)hcll' } to sm se. lxiii Joxii t'-...…

November 16, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…Th1 chi an ail VOL. XVL A- N N \1IdiiOR, liiiil S.l < 1N( V--i ld iS 141 W EST'S BEST E ENS T TOD{ AY Nix. 47. ANQU TWISCONSIN-MICHIGAN LOVE FEAST Game This After~noon Will PracticallyDcicWs era' Championship--Vanderbo:.. iN Play--Over 29,000 People toWxnsstetr 'Flehxxxesernixotbaill champiinshpngta wxilpracticallxy bex'settled thisii ii xixi );iIxx xxx onx }ferry cii ,wihenitlinofathle -grexixesilieI-ea footaiill itea isithis xxxhai eerk...…

November 16, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…Wbe o o o V6 L~. XI. ANN AttBtl, MICI., FIDAY, NOVEM1BElt 16, 1900. No. 48. Announement SCHOOLMASTERS TO MEET. Michigan's Pedagoges Will Meet in t Our special line Ann Arbor and IDisuss Matters & of foreign and of Interest to them. fit ~ 1 domestic fabrics The fPall meting of the Michian For the Nall and Winte of xgoo has S ~ota lter' club will i held in Ans arrived and ,oarranged for inspec- Arbor Friday and Saturday, Nv 30 and Dec. 1. T...…

November 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…Ihe MVichigan Dail ANN ARBOR, 1MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVI'MBER16, igx) -_ ----_ - - _ _..._.ti,. x'01. XX. PENN'S CONQUERORS K:lnS-ivN'CRACS IJA'sZDC nTURN TO MINNESOTA \l)lc iligaltal ilfc h Gridiron 'Warriors Return from s r ilteannssl Iastrs liltercolle- Eastern Conquest with Fewnit tirioiiYi was siedl i r-saits Ihellint Sasueday Injuries-Miller Plays Quarteraildawill coinist of ISaxon, McI ingh- lin__ h, t2, 'siles' 12.Spa)ngler, ' Otte...…

November 16, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…_he ichiari Dail I's's-PRBOR, MICHIGANIII DNIN'sIIPP 'sOVI h4tlER 17, 19011 Vol- XX. No. 311 GOPHER PLAYS USED < IN LAST SCRIMMAGEI II Few Changes in Varsity Line- r up For Final (jane-Tearn Leaves Today. PPosrking, in unisn lilac ill, partis of a1 Nell o1le1 1110011111, hoe IIlih tgl l~ held1 its last scrimmage practice0 of 1111 1110 l( c 0100011 ;lt50 fil, 1111 1 of oo or0 chliceos 1eng 1011111 m11 1 ill m fIl scru1 coa line11111 four ...…

November 16, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1904. N6. 44 NO DANGER T0 STUJD[NTS OST FOR 1905 President Angell (lives His Assur- Coach Says He Will Probably BeI ance That There Is No Danger Back-Baird and Fitzpatrick Go of a Smallpox Epidemic East Today Chicago Stories Amuse Yost llest develomiens ini the small- pox sitation, which has arosetd b'eryoseaeems to think I'll e suet, grave eoser, ssowt that there ack net ye...…

November 16, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…____ _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. __ _ Yi 1 E e Nof Score OF77J-IAL SCORES OF TL1 MI N N ESO0T A BEAT "ECONSIN t a i I { , rit't c i 1 t 4 t' i l I I L 1 11:(>>\' 1'1 II llit'tl j l':It - l':li'1( 'll)IIIII !;t I.i :tl' S12S .r " a AI i it t'1 it",i::tt tlt it 3iz ifi,, i llt " a il !lt 'l' t 'lti . t t l tl i j 3El:t i l I'ii l lit' t .lt i ,i 1 i. . I . . . . . I I i t .r' ' 1 1 ". i II P: i]tl ;t 'C'I '1'1tt r : a 1f. i 44.lll ' t i I ' s44 P44 …

November 16, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…1'(er TYg~p. ANN ARBOR, MICI., FRIDAY, NOVE. BER 15, 1901. No. STAGG'S COHORS TODAY, GOOD GOVERNMENT LECTURE NATIONAL FOOTBALL. ROOTERS IN TUNE. Chicago Rp0rts Cripped Team, But Senator Fairbanks Relates Many In- Senii Fin-as in Gidiron Contests- Trsable is 'ass ted. side Stories on our Relations Championship Will be Virtually New Songs and Yells, Unprecedented M -With Spain. Decided Today. Enthuiasm at the Singng Meeting. na1t hi reaies tcc W...…

November 16, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1903. No. 45 TitE FOOTBALL SITUATION. In East and West-Michigan Well Satisfied With Saturday's Results -Light Practice Last Night-All Eyes Now On Chicago. Both in East and West, the scores of Saturday's games showed how fickle the goddess of Fortune can be in gridiron events, and how little cred. ence should be placed in compartive scores. Michigan and Minnesota, rival cl...…

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