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November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…je . of . Iail . VOL. II.-No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1891. PRICE, THREE CENTS. A DELIBERATE STEAL. Michigan Suffers at the Hands of a Biased Umpire. There were two things responsible for Michigan's defeat at Chicago on Saturday. First, the decisions of the referee in the first half and the umpire in the second half (S. ). Capen, of the University Club) which were entirely without precedent on any foot-ball field....…

November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Published Daily (undays excepted) durina te College year, by THE U OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subecriptioa price $2.50 per year, invariably in advace Sigle ropir 3 et. On sale at Sbenanaa and Pst Ohee newss sted at 12 o'clock, oon. aubscriptios may be left at the office of te DALY, Opera House block, at Sheeans, at Stofet's, or sitb any of te rditor. Csmunications sousls reacb te otfice by o'clock . As. if tey are to ap...…

November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY 21.T r 'z'== r-r= f-GDDB8, SEE THE NEW LINE OF -. Overco ats ,= EWE GOODS, The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., The ~J. T. Jacobs Co., 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of Light Weight'Overcoats to be closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. I,. BLITZ. i AnllAJIJor Stu Il1La1llily3 0 .k GEORGE L. MOORE,(Mucceser ) WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fall tLi...…

November 16, 1891 (vol. 2, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. <:- ANN ARBOR' ORGAN COMPANY- Formerliy Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. .Ne W Fr C 0211, - - - - - - - - Cornoer of iMainandoicLbei /,.Streets. Ixwili"Ovn n le. Ball" by nlooioe a 5ie stock of Guitars, I-lios. e~c.I __Ar-- AS SYIH IS A15 CiNl,4X BDUiE PRICES, THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. TAILOR Find T?"LmE Y'sM vxsmC STORE, 25 South Fosurth Avenue. City.MADE r A NEW LINEt OF I ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. OEC...…

November 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…U. ofA. Wailp. Vor.. 1IL-No.. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 'It, 1892. Psc, TRu, CENTS. U .OF . l ll1 i rder eeach side of each table SOME RUGBY NTES - 1 111l E I 1wetu row ofseveeachhv \N 1. ~FM. I/I IT t ng aee wrow of helvboes, each tsax Observaions on the Coming Naton- We Claim the Invention of the large enough to take inSi vo panph- a Game J(II&O Card Catalogue, lets. In these boxes were what "nStra' aeItld f~oT5 Card Cadlog...…

November 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…Pobilahod Daily (Suadays excepted) duriag tae Colege year, by THlE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subaeriptionprice $I1.50 per year, invariably iena~aneo Siiglecopiea 3 cecta. Subscrip- tiona may be left at the attire 01 the DtA, at Stoffatas, with any of the edtitors or authorizedoic.itors. tOhnmuncationo should reach the etfice by S lck Peh. at. if they are to appear the coot 'lay. Addreaa all matter intended for publica- aioa to the Macag...…

November 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. TO THE STUENTS. 21--T 1H wwo 0S-s.-Zs -AGENTS FOR-- GENTLEEN:-HODGEMIAN 'SMACKINTOSHES We wish to (all 'your particular attention to the fact that our Stock, as usual, includes a general and complete line of high class Are the finest in the world. Examine or new line of clothinig. Yourng Mlen's FlUL.L. DRE SS SH-iIR.TFS. S-IT7S .N=O TTE OOA'T'S SOLE AGENTS FOR made up with all the detail, care and skill wichl characterizes ...…

November 16, 1892 (vol. 3, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAIL Y A Fresh$tock OOD $TJNG$ 1Discount Sale on all Overcoats at Nbes -01'- FOR Pit roiot L owey ~ Striged nstrment This includes even our fine tailor made .1 nat rec nived. They are the fittest tin Arncrica. VVILSE 1'S, gam ns C,.A L K IN S'. A itrtz w. .ies 34 S. State Street. MOO RE &WETMORE, BOOK STORE, NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET, A)(N ORNS R FATE AND titti NSTREETrs. U niversityV Text-E ookes, I1led( ,tl Books, Liaw BI (is, ...…

November 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…ladN&L.,FF AIL c tt L VOL. IV.--No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1893. PRICE, THREE CENTS. OUTRAGEOUS SLANDER. cert by either one alone is an event False and Groundless Reports of great musical importance. Ann Circulated About Our Arbor has the unusual privilege of Football Boys. hearing them together. The pro- As an example of malicious false- gram to be performed is a very bril- hood, the following dispatch to the l...…

November 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE U.' OF M. DAILY. cu. of W~Z. TaL Published Daily (Sundays excepte)t during the Colee year, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Subscription price V.011 er year, invariably in aosanrc en~lccopiea ,3 cents. Subscrip- tions may be left at the ofice of the D~AIY, at Stoet's, with ay of the editors r autisorzed solicitors. Cmmunications ssstld reach the office by 7 o'clockhP.. if they are to appear the net Jay. Address all matter intended...…

November 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ORGANIZED 1880. INCORPORATED ,686 THECHEQUAIEGON ORCHESTRA. LEW H, CLEMENT, 51 So. MAIn ST. Director and Manager. E XCELSIOR I AUNDRY 20 EAST HURON STEEET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goods called for and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. 22 Years in tHe Bsiess. ~ CITY LAUNDRY, M. M. Soabolt, No. 4 N. Fourth Ave KEEP YOUR ACCOUNT WITH THE +$TATE $AVIfGS BAUK+ Cor. Main and Washington Streets. A. L. NoBLz, Pres. RoBERoTPHosLLPS,Cash...…

November 16, 1893 (vol. 4, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. I HE ANfl BI ITihe proprietor graduated to '84 and the prescription clerk in '90. They have lea-ned their business by hard IJstudy, What they hnow is at your disposal at Calkins' Pharmacy SEE THOSE TIES FOR $ .oo, Neverbefore offeredfor suchrmoney. Get a Pair of those Street Gloves for $1.25 worth $1.75. Hats in the Latest Blocks from $3.50 up. Y'OUM.A.N' S are the Best. EO PISI & MATTEON, THE OUTFITTERS 8 \.O Q , & T\ N...…

November 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…tt* Of AMA Voi,. V. No. 4 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1894. PiitCw--TZoHtsi CENTS. OBERLIN TOMORROW. Our Team Is in Good Condition.-' Oberlin's Eleven Also Strong.- Special Regulations. TIhe soon has intrifere'id somewhatio wOit 'tootall'iracticetis week.tisbhti shown inl sevra'l lins. The men showned lie ees of travel andoicok of sulieent work in the' IKanss gtme liut, wtithI no oiler tripstintakeefhioiie tihe C orne...…

November 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. Pulishebd Daily (Sunasexcepted)'lllall tlieClls'flsyear5,Iby THE H, f M IDEPENET ASSOCIAIIOH lrlc:''m s ildinsgt. SansA,, opposite post offie. Susrpinpii- $.50pe ya,inari'albly in asvasss'. Sigl'sle oiea en 's. sisr tos sy a' f1 ias Usofice ofs the 0Ia iAIa' at SlaPSe'S, at State 't. wsee' n allwithsany of lisea ediorsaor aoizedlllliilits l'assslaaniuLslios'hold rea1 h thesfficell ''by oSalad a p. i.if ilhey as'eIto appea'...…

November 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THIE U. 01' M. DAILY. IHGN(ET iL At the Grand Opera House. INTER-COLLEGIATE. Txa &.L cilc iwly 1t011101 IGHIGANG~~~ j~i~L ______4L C. (let Nrternllllllilruad~, mil.~ Tme Table (Revised) July 111 o,'1,1(81) .IhisiMabel Strck lneI o, file 11he11 are ninellI' ol'1IlclllI'll 100(1 o11 Sotheor It l'll i zl 1l111'y, 11110n011,l '11.01an .edP 4 (0, 51ll1.1 ..1s43 0'Otl. i tl 71gl0ll'I_ 11 T rare750luadlitI' 110(11111'at 11110e11il Srier a through frt...…

November 16, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~PhJF. C. STEBBINS, TH NEW! CRANDALL TYPEWRITERShIIs Bikto ! Rr[IB[[ 10 0IMAN! G U L0 C t IO~kE N A Frmelywith George XVahr, 19 -YPSILANTI, MICH. everything a, Student needs in the s -elinigC~lti b}ooks good line of Ta-ok, ttoeyand for $3 for $2.50. SUNDAY DINNERS AT 5 O'CLOCK., iclaen tc ngnrl cit dniia'kic MARTIN SCHALLER, I # y ',-Stu o adin citiztens shoult ae ti SATISFACTION GUARANTEED tusur hedateysiwilin pilanise ndr...…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 12. UNJVEMBS ITY OF MICHIGAN, S.1 tT DAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. AT UNtiIV ERSITIY h1ALL. BUT TH1IS BET L. IPRAT GAMES YET. ONE G ITAKn liThe Philadelphia Ledger Has Said ~i N UTRLELAND T. POWERS WILL AP- Its Little Say.OUSTNIGNTH WETS NN PER TONGHT.YET TO BE DETERMINED. Is enlougi for one person te PEA TONGHT th______nt;fomte hl plyon at oe tille. One I1 The Great Impersonator Is Here Importance of Today's Games-W...…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE U. 0F Al. DAILY Published Diaily (Sndy e'ceep~te)t dring the Coiign year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrICE: Times buildig N. Main st., opposite post ofice. EDITORS. J. A. Lottoy,'%, Managing Editor. G. B.HARiISON, 'tt L, Assistant. G. It. Ses, '9, Assistant. C. D. CAny, Gr. L, Assistant. S. E. KNArroN, '9, Athletic Editor. L. C. WAtoot,'90 Rousiness Manager. i. C. tiAULs, '9:0 M, Assistant. Associate Editors. L., A. Pratt, 'Oi. A. K. P...…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE U. 01? M. DAILY. MICHIGAN GETIAL Time Table (Revised) May 19, 194. MallandEx..... 3 50 Mall -5___i__b4.1 N. Y. Special.... 5 00 N. Y. Speca.._ 7:0 Eastern Ea--- 10 12 N. . Limted.... 9 2 A. M. Pacific Es----iit 57 Atlantic Es.,... 7 47 P. M. D. N. Express.-. 5 40 Wetrn Es.__2 011 G. R. Express ...11 55 Chi. N. Es- iS--1 29 GREs ._____5 57 0. W. ili75LES, 11. W. BAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Aet., Ase n Arbor NORTH MICHIGAN - 7:37 a. m....…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. The Very Latest NolesStar clothing House, S. GENTLEMEN You hove seen wearing plai ned somsi Goods.colors for the last few years. This fall Noely n oos have a complete chaneSosse will prei the wlln while the more enthunsiastic dr e SUITS, MADE TO 'YOUR ORDER l N THE N eck shown oreg;reyodlbrown tweedsmwith a do CIY F N ABOof brioho roles' In ploids red stripes. Y CITYOF AN ARORsill hond albeatiful sdisplay of these labsl Fo...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VII. No. 40. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1896. FOURs PAGES-3 CENTS. @ LI)IDo Leading Tailor AND IMPORTER, FULL UHLESS SUITS A SPECIALTY, PLENTY OF EXCITEMENT. critical points the 'varsity bracedt and MAROON DEFEATS PURPLE. kept their goal safe.,tbnt they did not Absence of Regular Players Made gain1 as they should. Clancy mode Our Thanksgiving Day Game a Close Score. try for a goal oil a (trot) kick, bo WllBuDcsie a Close ...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Publishedl Daily (Suandays excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, OrraCE: Timea building, 71 5. Main St. tween Liberty and William Sts. MANAGING EDITOR J.2. D3THM AS, 97. BUSINESS MANAGER 0. H. HAMS, '9S. be- Organization of Riders. There twill he a mleetinig of bieyiclists next Thuirsday eveninig al 8 o'claek in the School of Mnsie. at which all ini- terested ill hicycling are r...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. W ADH-iAMS. FRYAN 8& REUSLB.E ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR Black Bull Underwear, Ypsilanti Union Suits* for Men, .AND YPSIL.ANTI CELIEBRATED SWEATEFRS Ours is the best stock of Underwear in Ann Arbor. Call and examine before buying. 28 and 30 Sou-h Main t i - _ - -_ RjdHTGANGIgT Time Table (Revised) Sept. 27, i1896. EAST. WaSTc. Mallad Es-__ 347 N. Y. Special---. 7 35 N. Y. Special.... 4587 Mall -5_______8431 East...…

November 16, 1896 (vol. 7, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. HOT DRINKS S Hot Coffee ot Chocolate * Hot Malted Milk s y Beef Booillion eef and Celery *Tomato Boillion Bot Clam Broth 0 BuHt Oyster Juice Hot Ginger n Hot Lemon Hot Egg Phophate Hot Lemonade s Hot Egg Lemonade j I Hot Lime Juice tFlip 0 y Hot Clam Juice Cocktail 0 Hot Tea.0 9 0 0 CALKINS' -;- PHARMACY. WOTZKE MAKES TO ORDER WOMEN and MEN'S Easy Fitting Shos in all the Latest Styles. Best Place S Repaiing 4...…

November 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…ie. t*"f A. a . VOL. VIII. No. 41. ANNaIARBOR MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 16, 1897.- Foul PAGES. W I DDR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN. atXIuso rinnhfln. Arrangement for Chicago Game. W IL Dice. The hypothesis of a Polar eon- The Celebrated. Hero, Scientist tint is disproved; a nwy light has aagr Hughes returued froiit a Has received a full line of Novelties leria tiawia upon urre its, enier- flying trip) to Chicago ,yetray, but for Fall and Winter in a...…

November 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN- DAILY, fl udin clved is expended acodin to the 3 f r o z are the amounts received: F. D. Bei-. Pubished Daiy (Sndays excepted) during "nett, shlarSip fund, 10; Detroit ISETTEWR the olee year,at A rchtaelogical fund, $20; ibkrary of TZaken IS T..E. OR THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Eariy Christian Literature, $2t.5; -J. E. Orre: iTimes building, Walaiam Main St. be- lie1sLbrr un 57.0 h : i iet yad Ss YAAIGEDITOR Wua~ y...…

November 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. SALE SALE SALE a amppm AM Here is something, boys, that will get you.. U. of M. Pine in both light and dark blue. Block M to be given away Saturday, Nov. 20 and Monday, 1 Nov. 22, with every sale of $2.00 or more. Watch for jJ our bargains. SUx Our window showse fine Colored Shirts for 90c worth / $1.25. The Barker Collars are the best dress collars. - - We have a 3-ply all linen collar for 9 cents. 222 ...…

November 16, 1897 (vol. 8, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

… THE UMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. I 1! The Store W. W. Wetmore, 1065. Xain St. and 342 S. State St ]UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND-HAND. HAS FULL LINES OF NOTE BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery and offers all at the Lowest Prices. ST es Popular Priced fIILLLINERY. Our Own Designs. Trimmed with Plumes, Birds Quills, Coque and Fancy Feathers-will be sold this Week at $i.5o to $5.00. HATS TR...…

November 16, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…o 4 VOL. IX, No. 45. ANN ARIBOR, MIJCl., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 18983. FouR PAGE. X V I 4Secret Practice. Northwestern Sore. Intercollegiate Strength Tets. The pictice of the 'Vasity is The Northswestsern team is sore The physical directors of fifteen sciet this seek so little can be given ver their defeat, alministered by colleges andI universities miet last nut in rieard1 thereto. Jimmie Bairdl Minesota last Saturday, and if re- Decener in ...…

November 16, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGNN DAILY. 2 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Prt'6 aae fteEgePress, of 'Traverse City, is spending few days in the city on business. Pablished Daily (Sundays excepitld) suing te The Ann Arbor aod Detroit High College year. at School football teleattt will mtiet thto THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. afternoon ona the I). A. C. grouttds.^ testesE: The Inland Prss, tanning ninck. Major Deat has cottenited to itt Itait ha...…

November 16, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 3 DOLLAR VALUE.ii Get One To-Day. SSHIRT OR TIE 8c GO ~ s,~e~siOODSPEED'S-r - - Students' Laundry Association Wee. VOUGHT-Wme. R. FOX, agents fer THE GRAND LAUNDRY, ef DETROIT The beet high grade laundryinteethe State. The only eacehiene doestielc finish in the West. Glave finish lse givees. All werk proemptly. neatlyeeandcarefullydoene. Office 202 S. State s1. Residene 6te Lawreence st. New State Phoene. ...…

November 16, 1898 (vol. 9, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 TH UNVERSTY F MCHIGN DILY GREAT REDUCTION SMILE oew B oous /- -~7VToN Recently Received The Philippine Islands, byfDeanC.Woeter Hope the Hermit, by Edna L'all 0Y VV Ld: I L.1:;.K09 ,ro close tut odd sizes. D. A. TINKER & SON, 334 S. STATE SI IRE ET. Agency for the Celebrated Langley e311at Beat (n OnDliae Glove, in the city isnt The Castle Inn, Linedsenanind by Stanley nyana Afterwards, The Day...…

November 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…:. No. 45. VoL. X. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1899. .wI D T A 0 Fine Fall and Winter Suitings, Golf Suts, Fancy Vestings.. DRESS SUITS A SPECIALTY + o We -Carrq the Largest Stock In the Citq. 108 EAST'WASHINGTON ST. T H E T A 0 1i R W IL R Chocolates We make a specially of Chocol tes as a side line. We sell lots of them and our stock is always fresh. .Lowney's,A legretti's and Kuhn's always in stock.. Wilder's Pharmac...…

November 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during th College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. Orraiz: The Inland Press, Henning Block. Both Phones.147. MANAGING EDITOR. F. EGnLAn,'01 L. BUSINESS MANAGER. O.H. HANs. '00 L. EDITORS. ATHLETICS, . . . G. D. HuDnuT, '01 E T. R. Woonnow, '00 L. A. H. BcDouaLL,'01 E A. G. BROwNE, '02. E. J. B. Woon, '00, L.J.MoxToEo,'00, W. D. HiecxEY,'00M, Tho eubscription price of the AIL is12.50 o the college ear, wit...…

November 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…lb.b UNJLv.nnblrY ur' IMIUDIUAN f ll HANAN SHOEWE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE LNAD GOODSPEED'S LEAD IN STYLE 119 South Main Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL "The Niagara Falls Route." CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect June 25, 1899. GOING EAST. Detroit Night Express................. 5 55 A. M. AtlanticlExpress. . .. 7 48 "4 Grand Rapids Express.......... .......11 10 " Mail and Express................. . 3 47 .M. N. Y. Boton Special ............. 45 Fa...…

November 16, 1899 (vol. 10, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…D epartment Former Price 25 aqd3Oc : Now .1h5and2Oac SHEEHAN& Cal UNIVERSITY 320 S. State + j BOOKSELLER Street U. of M. Barber Shop La.ta anid Bath Rooms. twtoth to~. td. 322 State tSt. . R. Trojanowski, Prop. G04-1R1TO EEtS 5fiTttFf5TION. UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF ".Oonoleste'ebogi nn ing class, Mondio .ml~.n Ladis' boginnig clots, Wd.,8 to 10 p. PINK BROS., Instructors. BOitte and Acadey licket Hat, 33433,S. State SPLCAL BUUI3AY OFFER! r , One o...…

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