March 15, 1929

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March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…)ESTABLISHED 1890.. C~I, LuAr at MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. XXXIX, No. 119. ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1929 EIGHT PAGES OF ACADEMYTOD WORRELIL TO DISCUSS MAGIC OF EARLY EGYPTIAN CHRISTIANS HOBBS IS SCHEDULED FOR GREENLAND TALK Sapir Will Speak On Aboriginal Languages Of America elling; Of Work In This Field Climaxed by the annual Aca- demy dinner and. President Wil- liam H. Worrell's address, "Early Christian Magic from Eg...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

….-..~o ~ .~ a - - FRID AYi, MARCH 15, 1929 THE MICHIGAN RAIL Y Michigann ,Academy Continues Annualf -Meet Here Today With Luncheons And Asemblies In Allz Departments Ia !a Strings I' I >1 I q4 U Sanitary and Medical Science section will meet: at 9:30. and 1:30 for all Musical Instruments o'clock today in room 2501, East M edical building, w ith P rof. D an- S n hc h o b r 6 i l A .Rcin y a t eai m . o l gy g o pnil m e...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…r-- ...., ;.., i i yi A, N ° .._ M C iC 7~ FOU SEEHE MDECosmopolitan. Club SP[[CHI 11 o HearVibber: On OIWEKL. 9Il ' New Student rends, Short. Wave Stations, Ophthalmol- ogy, And Community Health Nursing, Comprise Broadcast MAIUDY. LEADS ENSEMBLE Four schools and departments of the University were represented on the weekly Michigan, Night radioj program which was broadcast last' night through station WJR, Die-+ troit. Besides the speeche...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…SAGE i ®Ull THE MICHIGAN DAILY AQF~ FOU1~ DAILY Fresh Air camp on Lake Patterson.."....t*f**a..fe******** ** .. * ** * ****....*. I . - Each summer under the auspices Published every morning except Moday e assocti hn during the Ulniversity year by the Board in o h soito udeso Control of Student Publications, needy boys, most of them from De- Member of , western Conference- Editorial troit, are given an opportunity toc Asso atio leave the ...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

…H 19Z T H E MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE F SVE - -y - -.4 ;'gill Ic vAl M- RE Need For Student Theater On Campus Is Discussed By Professor Straus "We have here at Michigan a edy Club and others, which hav vital need of an all-campus the- all been on campus long befo ater," said Professor Louis A. the appearance or even the po Seniors Are Held To 31-31 Tic By Strauss, head of the department sibility of this theater, as we h'a, Sophomores While Fresh...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…T H-E M, J, C 1-14 OWN*, UIWO -14 lv 17E4J FOR CONFERENCE INDIVID UA L MEETAi ISA _ ,_. SWIMMERS TO V By Edward L. Warner The .five ;remaiingevents inthe Conference. tanikmeet, beingheldI today and tmorrow at ;the Univer- sity. of Chicag,< are=.J:ere in - :cussed. 150 :Yard >:Bac -Stroke.: IF FOR HONORS iSCHOOL CINDER STNR' . PARKER IS HIGH POINT MAN his 220 yard crown, Ault sl win.. iut .still ,there is the pos ityr that Liddle, t...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 7

…1 H NMi 1Ii A 1D£A L-- x. ....................... SIX WVOLVERINE TRACKMEN G30 To ILLIIIOIS, FIVE TO CLEVELAND FOR SEASONING RUNS' . ,_. «. a s. ,:t, .. .:' .xr- :. ti'zs,,c salt. .:z. a? .L .s1 :,-D. ,i xiX . u' .. #ka k4.-.......i:a. .z .. 2. _ .. :x fAL .. PJ'oan., Tarbiil, Austin, Lomont, And McClellan' Cojipete At lUrbana Felker, WVill co RELAYMEETSRIICKV With- six trackmnen 'leaving for Urbana this morning to compete in indivi...…

March 15, 1929 (vol. 39, iss. 119) • Page Image 8

… THE MJCHIGA.N DAILY GE. .EIGHT THE MIChIGAN DAILY Publication In the Bulletin is constructive nouice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presi- f i I' College of Northwestern University, will bet he speaker. Dean and Mrs. Eldmonson will be guests of hono '. All faculty members or students interested in attending this banquet arc requested to make reservations by calling 22332. flleginald D. Mae Nitt,...…

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