March 15, 1906

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March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… r;.. ._; 0 * - w . .: u .- .. r" v -. L - ^ " :+ y aC,, " -V ?, . " W "- ^+ . - A / C Q_ "., ) " '.' ., .+ n . 7. l "' . . 3. y ;J y+ ^ . - w v . - G+" " V "+ r' = / ^ G . . . . J J v n _ ii .. { ! t r ,y .Y 0 . '-W v .n.v rw ' ~ '' ~ n ' ' i. Z '' . ,"",,^ ! p44 r, A \, 4 - I' r YN . T J ~ r _ ' . . V t .f - f . ,J i : "- w .Y u r ^ ~ r fi Jr ^ ~ cz -C bp v t7 W C' " '"' VG A, -, ^' '+-! t ac 7 7= ct r 77 ^ T v ~f y J G ^~ 41, 77: 7Z: G -...…

March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LEADING Managing Editor, CLYDE L. DEW Business Mannager WALTER R. HANS Tailo 0rs I""1>777 .1,77770 Atltc......... .. 11(171:777777l;( Makers of Men's Clothes.SAF 3 and fabrics for any and all Arthur77 C. '777.. occasions. \55(.C1AT1'1i. George7 A. Osb1orn 7liarold C. Smith 3Iobr ( I 1. Clanc7y 1rank J. Clark U I I[ ES S SIJTS Vi tir . 1otonr 1).I.Steven7s7on 77 .iterNltzenbaus A SPEiCIAIJY ,77 7 ...…

March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ I ar I ili ~l liAi) (I a e and and Initial Display of th I1 - a-llP1 - ' .A an t ' r.o the f rZINC ETCHINGS Ne Suts nd oat N w Spring Suits and ToplCoats >& Lowrii Prce R.. JOLLY. Stat St. Better in Quality . We take pleasure in announcing the opening displayCeatr Li 3 , of the New Spring Fashions in Men's and Young Mens .. C ntalLines~ Ask A. M. SMITH 3' r Clothes. The showing embodies the very correct designs . ARb~OR CA...…

March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Rlockinig Valley Ry. CONTI'.rES ITS EXCELLENT TRAIN SERVICE+ You will find Four Trains Daily From Toledo Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains Seeping Cars on Night Trains Union Depotst in Toledo and Co- lumbus S. E.'CLARK, 32, Campus Martius Detroit, Mich. KODAKS INSTRUCTION FREE To alt l vhaseis,--as mnn 1ossons aSs0on 001. ALL THE NEW 1906 KODAKS Are in stock. Let us show rj them to you. E. E. CALKINS D r-xigist 320 Sousthx...…

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