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December 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

…6z ~ ~ o~ 0~ -~ *~~;- rT~ !'. " " ^ } n , . v-.! .. t \ .y r tai . r' i-. _ 7:. J 'J 'J ice- "f. ",. f 7-7 ., CU a ^ t r C ., *I * 0 (- W U s v; L. 0 O 0, 0 H- vi.H % . .. - J l .0J OH z t ., ym , . , , ! : , , - -' . ' / "i .e J , .¢ J ' / ++ ' . -, c, .J r. _ _ .. ' ... -/ /, J !. '° .. . . .. a J "' j r f. F. f N J " _ r j wf ~ !: J 'f'. I, . .--. "~ :J ~ ' .-+ I . ,, J, J .-. i ^ y 1 = i" : +- I- t -+-- f - t- C 0 I …

January 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XLV. ANN ARBO,. MICH., FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1904. No. 76 ATnIETIC ELETION. I Occurs Tomorrow In Unversity Hall -No Struggle Looked For-None of the Offices are Contested. The annual election of officers of the Athletic Association will be held tomorrow at 1:10 p. m. in Uisergity Hall. The election is unique in that not a single one of the five ofres so for as is now known will be cntested, the entire election going by...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904. No. 117 frIICU6AN DEBATERS. REPUBLICANS BUSY. RECORD WILL STAND. ALUfINUS WINS HONORS. Wolverine Orators are Preparing for Electioneering Has Begun for Selec- Rose's Shot Put of 47 ft. 6/ Inches Geo. W. Maxey, '02 Lit, the Recipient the Coming Contests-Wisconsin tion of Officers Next Saturday- .. Will Be Allowed-Relay Races of High Honors and Prizes at Men are ConsideredStr...…

April 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 144) • Page Image 1

…The Mch''igan Daily AN ARBOR., MICH., FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1904. VOL. XIV. No. 144 BASUAUIThA~ [[Y[~ DEBATING TEAM. SEB LL YAH LAVES The debating team eft for Chicago -oday on 7 heir boring Trip-Hiaraeyeserday to ;tae part in ithe contest Games With Chiaga and Win. wils Northwestern thin evening. The 1 tanin- Ithe Ihikup of the Itemhas beendtrinig hard torthe ear- Iwe Pithters (deate anti is itt excellent coiditin Unecded. t present a winning...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…TheMichiganDail VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1904. No. 161 CHICA6O LOS[S '05 ITS. WIN. ANN ARBOR WINS AGAIN. STOCKH@I. R ) Michigan Tennis Team Takes the In a ten-inning game Saturday The seventh annual contest of the Elect Board of Directors of 1nI1 ndr Squad from "Windy City" Into morning the '15 Lits defeated the '04 Peninsular League was won by Mat- Publishing Company for Next Camp to Tune of 4 to 2. Engineers by a score of ...…

December 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…T00N MICHIGAN DAILY Continued. I HE IlCH IGAN DAILY. 'lfsdfrom W E WOULD HAVE Eiet...LS"e .d-.s- 1d \ tte n F.I'. W f YOU TO KNO W _ ?.\ 11w 1 . >ulil-1 i '.a e ll I7dyt"+epclul h " ' y: f') '(.eye~r, at I. P' nt Og ll'rtoot .30r .kt t,. R ). f TfatPeoteeiilieIt'.tlt 1to 'htfI \ Thtw*r logi)1'n ,a " * 3Managintg Editor, J. SIANLEY RALLY. f ____ _ f allr t ,«* - -- BsinesstManager, CLAUDE A. THOiMPSON. * OUR NEW STORE 't 3 f FSouth St...…

January 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Reduction I Sale As we have too large a ,stock of fancy SUITINGS AND TROUSERINGS on hand we will sell + them at reduced prices Z to make room for our Spring and Summer r Woolens. Be sure andT call in before you place your order.- A , -4 .4 G. H WILD & CO, 108 E. WAHINgTON STREET. THE GREAT GAME EXCITING F U N FOR EVERYONE I SHEEHANS DETROIT, 160 Woodward Avenue ANN AiBOR, 320 So. State Street C. H. MAJOR & COMPANY Ertioti...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY s '.Reduction I Sale As we have too large a stock of fancy TROUSERINS on hand we will Isell them at reduced prices to make room for our Spring and Su m m e r Woolens. Be sure and call in before you place your order. Gd.. II.WILD & CO., 108 [. WASHINGTON STREET. * - Ihe Great tGame Exiting Fun for Everyone Pocket War faps for the Far East, ISc. ,SHEEHAN &COU., University Booksellers, Sta- tioners and Engravers. &20 South...…

April 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 144) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ti Leading erobat Taiors SPRING WOOLENS For Suits, Top Coats and Trousers.' Full -dress suits a specialty. -Let us show you onr London Serges, London Cheviots, Scotch Mixtures, Kilowens, Blarneys, High- lands, Edinburghs, Drum- tochty's, McGugors, London and St. Andrew Flannels, London Cassimeres or Amer- ican Serges. Please call and see G. HI wild ComIpay lOS E. WA&MSNTON 'TRCT. Ibe fGreat iame r IT [xnltng r4nF5rEveryon...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY - - - ---- - ---- - -- - -------- 'THIS1 MICHIGAN DAILYt Z G.Hr ' ill( r mn y :nnv trd as 5 ndels e. ttathe Ana j * H1 VYIIU rIP tcor Pst Office. f f{ p ebG("e yerat IC K. Wahintn steet,V Il 1111 chant Tai lb isf emet ftou side entane)t Phne 8W, 3 .-.-.,hallt. STailorsHOASO 4 BUSINESS MANAGER ROSCO B. IUSTON E : SPRINO WOOLE±NS : AthileteLC. -E - ROBRT K. WAIrON ±For Suits, Top Coat anti Nes J. S. BArv 4~ Trues ulde' ut ,...…

December 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

…:'' J± o0 7z ,' arC, rte' a n~ CS Vv -H 7 -Cf. E { t y - (7 J {n- ,t. 0J 00 fr a 0 -7v 49F .. s ! " _ A I t= f- d H-- '-9 Cl -t o C I , r 1. r r; f f t'_ r I .. 7. " jV _ . I 'J "1. .-. !: ... r f' %, - fi i 'f :,,: _y r w rf u '"1 -. r/; r--' _ U ' !I r+ , "" r tti , i C. t-- p C ~ 4 '/. _ r "J: _ ,M7L u " 0 4 My t :sf- :lJ . s~f ++ a~ 1 t y i 1 si ..wI.- m. r A _ .hl Ih It L ~ (1l ~,A 7=7I {4 4 ++4 z .. ,-. fS P° fi is i 'Ij r. CI 'J 0- _ r,...…

January 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +I CtTH N TIra sals eniwldass ~AT MACK f o.' INVENTORY SAXLE- MRX GOODS_________________ A!ALL All. Dusring, the sonth of Ianury ov will sell £ Ladies' Coats , Ladies' Suits fur Neck Pieces SAll V4 and $25 Sits and Overcoats at:.. $2000( 1-Prc13Reu d13Rdutfd All;18 and 0ttSuits ad Overcoats a...1500 12Prt TII edcd -ZRd~ A1l15 uits and Overcoats at ....... 1250 Th Clothier Bath Robes t Cost* No Resrve--Evsrythflg 1-2 anid 1"...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 3

…Sr-TnE IC$lGAN DAILY R I I III , _ nor AT 40 The Place To Eat. For information relative to dancing, or music forreceptiono, banquets, or dancpg parties, call on ROSSG RANGER 310312 Maynard Street. Phone 2-4-6. Granger's Academy, Office and lesidence. $ YOU CAN GET A Hot L unCh; At Tuttle's, 338 S. State 4,ESONS IN $ 24 -..DANCIN.9. UNIVERSITY ACADEMY, State Street OHI0 CENTRAL LIES DIRECT LINE TOLEDO10COLUMBUS ParCor Caran .oail Traies BOYS ...…

April 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 144) • Page Image 3

…The, faiqtgfro i t Varsity.... LAdie&'. Cultw r I ailoring If yon wan to see thi snappiest style evesr 'plftdu+a #>lUoihes, you wanlt tosee the new-E 5, S. M. 1$44rolht Front" Vanity: of it than give up the clothes. I "9 3 WaIts, Skirts, A146o a nw line of Blacks in Vicunas; TedQ at ,JJ7 Ceit n'n' hdwrSOUTH Made in finest Werkmanship and Best Styles,: $ts.~ te$~4.O AMiNT The AINto Your Measure. Guyer 11~s for Spring, Now'Its y ST, 'rA~(~6 ~t '...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY f~tf l aft >+A [00KaQ W THE $3 Hf ATS DREsoi'oss.".',o S a.a. SUIT CA SE.Stw*sL. a~afr Ata the St~a~fr~'*aight Frontf>'r> and f"f>+ Double >Sii f7 if5 TEr",,-rn LOWno-PRICED, MEDIUM . r o ANDr. . . 3 FIN3 STF MADE3 3 3 r~' 'Fi Bratd asty Hr,_caf MACKK& C willfurserstaeVtatreiacyi-aHosiionwhee w ca ge ne ar ae.Te aeoThelNewl or all worki SoutHAprompt ly. Thevryfnes TEoLSOigEilSpe ,.2thEs.eWashingtonanySt.the 106 fiag cAcA DE...…

December 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY , ,, ; ' ;,. . . P HOTOG I Study witha THE WFLSBACH The Ann Arbor I APHE KIf ^ SGood Light ter liht tha READING LAMP 'ALtL PRICE S. Gad Conipanv.+ 4 Newv Shipi-ent oc-W% 'r : proof Shoe--v Heights. *tilsist 1 i (1CSJ2 1,11 \7 ,..4N3 EVER" HOUR * 1111" f Fat" v ,,i: A ALA 4VL : iJ.U, BAT ILL GREEK,:o j iil T, .IY. at BATiLiE CREEK t1 S uh*li LO N PAES FAST TIME: 11SuhMiSt III' ......_._ ._. ._ .. -_ _._ _..- - Ik 45141 I.r Sh...…

January 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 76) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SCluett, Peabody & Co.' s Arrow and wgt E.dfl5in Crown Brnd 5c Collars for Dra ous card t o rk . i t I You won'tahse Eght O'Clock" 'f" _. if youh a.oneoof our d .t // Dollar Alarm Cocks J U i IU O. H. Lvtz, Jeweler, ,~c p 109 S. ,-1Alan St/ WLA9 -- T Amreian & European Hotel COLLARS OW~O.4 pen Day and Nig!t Linen F CUT T INGT j YER CO\PivaeiaA o an it om OWLiNO fiALLEY AND DANC }ALL.' f iotiofiat Beoff ro 30to. Mahed Pota- ...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY p rt n Shoes _ __ _ IU I IU IPerfected in Egypt. MGULMOL MALSLCYTIAN sMOLPS" ~~Fro~ll .. 7/ ~ Sprillg _ _ __ ___ _ _ $ CO[LOLBASEBALL Styles and all other college Sport is flly covered in text and luta FaC - Jtion by THE ILLUSTRATD SPORTING NEws, which is the ONLY pblicatioin giving speetil ateition to college srebecfs ILLUSTATED SOTN Arriv- :1 NEWS each week for 16 weeks, which will cover the spring to season of otdoor Sort...…

April 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 144) • Page Image 4

…SUITS JD ht 3 ?ki t)yur measure and jDo s r a 3 2 S.I Mn ,' K ad 6a e uses.l fryr .i k. A FIT GUARANTEED , " 'n sAT Q0 LHOW Ritllinnrrl {r g1 nI ' p Uder yew frlnagem 1. R i~ilard Out fi. ay UlullIIIA i . 1Chps qgn 0 rn he hous. Q - vLtl "' Ifree (nch. / CLOTHIERS9A . Hater~ and Furnishers. Forest Avn e Mot Market. Linen an CU F 109 and 111 E. Washington Stret, Poolry~fOomeand 14s . aso) A$30ABORRbrest Ave. hone 47 A1+E~ THE BES' . aker's Coll...…

May 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SITS Dwight . Watkins R TYPEWRIT;IN~G - %, ad to yourr measure and Dyrop up a c rd to 3P 5s.tMainimtt. A FIT IJARANTEED 2ousatoyd ok AT . GOK HOUSE BILLIARD HALL ~ 2/,~ fl w Under New Mranagemnt Ne BiladOtfift. E SlCisgvnodfragween 7Ithe house. .E, wiLL1CP - CLOTHIERS, [CeeLLARS Hatters and Furnishers.} Forest Aveue Meat Market Linen ands CUFFS 109 and 111 E, Wasington Street Ponilry, Game and Fish in Season AR~E THE B3ESTf....…

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