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December 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…Vol.. V. No. 62. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER tai, 19. POlcE-TIIIEi,, CENTS. FORMALLYDEDICATED. is pciuliarly apprtpriate hit thils REGENTS'_MEETING. NO GOOD SATUDEN\T The Frieze Memorial Organ re-bepeeinl'hlsof nvrit Appropriations to the Amount of sented to the University.-A wihi loi eteetrnoeins $30,000 Asked.-Junior Hop Ty obn iiittbos Successful Occasion. Maiot'e el i it.Stter Settled.SoepoltbigtIi'o s Ien hy tit tttoiic-e.....…

December 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF MN. DAILY. f :tesetrte1ttf i or i d t)t ttiot trep- FORMALLYDEDICATED. 1WOMEN!f WOMEN! C f ol c f ~f reseit,('I 11,1NIoili of 1w -tilelit I dyPAGE. .1114 did or did not lmv(. a rhrht. to 1110 SPECIAL SALE OF ALL us Sunk; b " the ;iucliencE . It i nin i iuln. =1'lierE con l c lo n iilcllc doubtful it' the Doxolo 'Y n'<is 0 cr LADIES' SHOPS the C(olle'ge.yesar,Iby TTHE U.OTMINDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION, pot office. Subscipttion prttieo$2....…

December 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…TIEU. OF M. DAILY. n C IG N TK ( REGENTS' MiEETING. I rgol 1o0 _lli.'1a ;1 01 olds80i,11, 1111et1 Tliame Table (ileeled) Nov -1-8 i NI 21'l) 11 F 1OM 1 1S1'PAGE.1 .$22 (each. Youli '1111 cr111ti as f1l1' EAST. I WS. s ol'. 11a 8011111ldistinction isII1,11of1111c'I N ailanod Ex --. . 70I hil- 1 _1 84330 1111011,, 110 -re xbe l ti c lle 111.11 1. 11(11heh al pady111 T1' 1(cac l or' lb' 11ilacis8 N. Y. Special--.-5 5 IN.Y. Specil I' 115 1--(11 1...…

December 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…1111'1 U. OF M.-DAILY. S3ellm1att, F.E C. STEBBINS, SchI~s Boahktoe ! Photographer Hl-41 UDYA IiForerly with Gxeorge XWar, 19 72 IE.\Washngon St. Headquarters for TI-reveything a Stdet needs in the > nttuAlaint..i Al t'r1O. L< w<llntg mstpl sooks ood lline of Text-Books, Stationery and - _ --for $3 for ,$.50. c W Miscellaneous Stock in general. $2 O tD U'[d 'AINTSSATISFACTION__GUARANTEED DAAes TE0 BOKLER 191',. Washington st., one block Spas p...…

November 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…1 tl of A LTi'i Voo.. V. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1894. PIRICE -TiiIIEE CENTS. PLAYED A TIE GAME. Athletic Meeting. The Senior Laws and High Schools At a oro iag of il( 1,,ard ofdi Evenly Matched.-Another Game Will Be Played. lie scolor law and10 lli high school footbal11l oll Idpayd a Ileiia o in i 1tho 011ow1ystrday fteroon. do sco1rel eig 44 riogme was plyd of 1111- fair iotlios i odr to llow 1he 'Varsit...…

November 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. t il iti-l 1 neon. The D lily Willis IwNo Iwhiell lees 10riot elely tIe Ist 51of pilb- l ollled Di )ly so p.. '. 5e#;e1 d1 e Football Songs. flllty wen1t11111considera'Ible (exp1n11 THE DU BE MINDEPENDENT SSUCIATION A Ill-'1'r1'; iloweso ' OFC:'flenes boil' 11110 N. Slains ., olploslleI01h, w11e1 the ball is ptlt 1in play. As Other's See Us. Cor111l11isn't ill it lit all thley say, _____ post_____ (' Cyvug~i says that we...…

November 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…T11F U. OF411. IDAILY. IjGHIGAN GC NTI(AI. At the Grand Opera House INTER-COLLEGIATE. TEXAS, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA. Time a teieoduy, 1)04 'otto.,]labtilt itticlolandttl. iii- 00 Thei l i ti s O.of to' JsI 0otd i ulte ]'IlI' WA lIi . -O l IAIIIUAI. iOAsT. IWEST ite, ie iutil le i-Ie tree t Ite 1 0erity p117- a lv e s etioodil tootilt' jIi P000 e tol o l i\i1.t e S71f tis, ud"E 4All5- ingn i l(' the0 s11 i 001, pota. , l 1.u5 ot N. Y...…

November 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE L~ . OF IN. DAILY. CR F. C. STEBBINS, THE NEW SGhIITrs l otie NOALLTYPEW ITER4OCC uuiiAL ,Formerly with George Wahr 1 I YPSIL ANI, M I~ff. everything a. Stuident neesith t , I .elliiig C0ili)tiliooks (god line of lext-Books, Stationeryand for ' ;ford >. 0. f iclaeu SUNDfAY DINNERS AT5 O'CLOCK. Miscellaneous Stock in generali -d rSATISFACTION (GUARANTEED the~ ir edua swiin 1 pilant ii ndTHE OWNTON OKSLL tieIi iiiiiiiI iiiy' 1.9 E.Washingtoi...…

October 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…ttlw Of Al,4 VOL'. V. No. 14. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, 'MONDAY, OCTOBER 15. 1894. P incE-TitiR E CENTS. 'TWAS 26 TO 10. In Favor of Michigan.--Albion Put Upo a Stubborn Game.-The Play of Michigan Much Improved. Saturlday's gitne' with tilbion sih(Iveid stitat one' seek's ptracticec IIt do for a. teatttt. Thiire tlls vtiliantd (tnapt'abt't tteyptay 1thteead leeni ('lter gitide gad AtthOtcyr ('se.e tylitpoetenlt, 3i11espetiatll tl ntce1able...…

October 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 2

…THlE L. OF M. DAILY. I at iiit I y !3 y Ie Cltttcayeart, by TUE U, OU M. INDPENDENT ASSOCIATION 01;,Pc.:Tima'es btildit'ti. Xlata ast., Opst at Stoftiii''', at Slate '4. ni antaai, gait baaay of te ed itorsaoraeit~i aii'colt ictr 7oco k). il i teyaret() iiaiiat' theli next day. Atdrtisiallat tat terintt endedifortpitai- THE U. 01F M. DAILY, AA \laa,Alith. EDITORS. J. L. Loan~ ,Li.tit_ 1araagiag Editor. I,% . S awaut a, Lit. '1i6, Assis'tant. ...…

October 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 3

…'I'I1E t .U. m. IDAILY. MICHIGAN G"*ENTI(AL NOTICES. I "Stops Ito____a~ n, EAS.1WS lbTh 1 of 1I.1. MasonieC(lob will New, belpful aod pIatasical book be ilnd oEx-.--4 0 i ___ " odis i meeting in the' Ma-sonic a ('bicago edtior. for all yooog writ"I's. N. Y. Special_-_:i10 p(i o 0 eple on A'0 ctIayt, Oct. it, at 1t tells bow to get a atart, bowv a A.aicr 1Ms . Ptinaox--__ 1 1:0 .. saarp. All osastecc lnaosna constroct a ncwspape'r articlc, s1...…

October 15, 1894 (vol. 5, iss. 14) • Page Image 4

…THE IU. OF M. DI~LY. Make It Your Bsnes W~iiznyoulilby Mactcat Instrumnts, made it your business to get Value for Your Money. Its easy to hay some music goods low, but that kindl is not always1 Cheap." T'ise best is lb'elheipest, alwaiys wras, always will be, you know it and so does the entire 'World. We soil and recommend the best. AV E F CA N S LITI YOU A-AINDO LIN for $7.0-not the tbes -a Waslhbuirn or a Ricea will cost soe TX F CA S'1 YOU ...…

May 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…VoL. IV.-No. 162. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1894. PRICE, THREE CENTS. AT THE ATHLETIC FIELD. hospital. The Washtenaw Times in 120 HOURS TO GRADUATE. Tomorrow Afternoon Our Team reporting the case, lightly censured So the Faculty Decided Last Night Plays the Postponed Game the hospital authorities for allowing to Take Effect Next With the D. A. C. the case to remain in the hospital. Year. FOR SALE . . It turned out to be multiple...…

May 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. elo"1tted Dour (t tolays ecepted) during taliCeotcear, by THE U., OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION Sbsbcription price .$2."w per year, invariably in aivaner nge copies 3ctsat. ubtrip- t inSsuay be let at the oter of the Ditto., at Stotet's, with any of the editos o athorized sl eicitos. Coemuications sold reach the otee by 7 o'clock P. N. it they are to appear the next dayAdresl iatte itended oe public- lire1 to the Managig E...…

May 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…THDE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMVEGON ORCHESTRA. D - A." T I N K 1E R, Y n u. o g l LEWV H. CLEMENT, - Gilq arii,! 51 So. ill n, S5T. Direcoretor and Manager. c - v /IGHTAN G E Every Novelty in season. Spring Shapes in Straw Fists now in. Iligh & IIA E LGae oert rcs Time Table (Revised) Feb. 11th, 1894. No. 9 South Main street, (Formerly Two Same.) EASE. WEST,.. 11 A..N A. H AtatcExrs.5W1Mail&Exp.......Sa(5 HE FS EA H R AGENCIES. Official Phot...…

May 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…____________ E U. OF M. DAILY. YOU'D ENJO~Y S A C XLIf1'\iS-OWIF YOU T - I'e svreal I e-ains in stack and s gfe"ooa values, at re :tarpie Ih worater v he onenytha mumsm iA - . .00 Hats Only $2.49. BOWDISH & MATTESON, STAI-A, bfRhiLI ~EGQI~BJ & W~WJ\dOI~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. T ENN IS BASE BALL AND SPORTING GOODS Which they oiler at prices Guiaranited to be as Low uaian)e Oibtained Elsewhere..... .. ...…

March 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

…fY f low e r I { I 4. - _. : ,. M VOL. IV.-NO. 119. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, TH1URSDAY, MARCH 15, 1894. P~E OECNS PRICE, THREE CENTS. ORATORICAL CONTEST gy mnasiumn and some of the con- FOOTBALL ALL RIGHT. EVERY U. OF M. STUDENT For a Representative i et nte rga lcrainly orh-Impossibleto Make Radical Changes itt CCt.-' ern Oratorical League-Speak- be searms ones. Alm~ost nll of the in the Rules-ProgressffM Wat er~ and Subjects. mnwi opts ...…

March 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

… THE U. OF M. DAILY. T'> -f heldsat yracuse, N. Y. The U. of 4 'U 0 M. Republican club is to be con- gratulated over the fact that what Pusblishedi taily (Sunys excepted) durin, is considered the principal speech is. ('adlege year, by} H£C U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONwa assigned to the local orator. ____ We expect to hear a goodl relport Subscription priet$50 per year, ianvariabiy fromt our boys when they return in advance Single copies 3...…

March 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…4 THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQUAMEGON ORCHESTRA. o g n cm L.w . CEEN] CHRKISTY_,s-.. E NGLISH - HAT Nra 51 So. lAin S2. IDirctor anod Managr..-.i.- 'NOW ON SALE ATdiG s l EXC]ELSIORLAUNDRY D_ A. TINKER'S ____ '0 EAST IfURON STREET. Good Work Guaranteed. Goodo called fu No. 9 South Main street, (storee cently occupied by Two Samsre and delivered. A. F. COVERT, Prop. ----__________________________________-ATM011. I l 9sr ta 1eet THE FISK TEACHE...…

March 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…A THE U. OF M. DAIL.. A 25 CENT ,. nluoo~ d NG t A N At the ®1UTFITTEIITt. anybdy ho hs hughtfro usA full lin of 3.00 and $4.00 HATS in te lated Spring Sapes its bistles,. The Filest Line of ZN eklivear in the Cit- THS IS A STADING OFER. Cdr i lkin' Pharmacy siVEOWDISIK & AA=E1SO2 T 00R2J ,- & r 1\10Q 1:Z, ] NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET _____________________________________________ 7AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. TEXT BOOKS FOR T.HE SECOND SEME...…

January 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 73) • Page Image 1

…o ANAM w Vo0L. IV. -No . 7 3. UNI'VERSITY OF MICHIGAN,I IN WOM AN'S BEHALF. first efforts in favor of suffrage in Susan B. Anthony Speaks Enter- New York state and the importance, tainingly uf Some Phases oe of that legislation which removed Woman Suffrag-e, the property qualifications. lThe emancipation ansi enfran- Ant audience of usual size assens- chisenment of the slaves was a politi- bledl Saturdaiy esvening to sear the cal necessity...…

January 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 73) • Page Image 2

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. -I t~ ~ttiat nameless aggregation whicls ap- tess, sot because mcen in office do - pj~i~ ~~A ~ teared at the (}rand,Saturday night, not desire reform, but becauseth their patience is exhausted. 'tares- first law of sature-sef-preserva- cbhesitlleerear-. by- darnih, 5wheniiSot Smith Russell to-wl not allosw thesn .toimel 1 THEU.OFM.INEPNDNTASSI~~tI Prse 'A " Poor Relatioin,'evr their offices by antagonizing those -aLL/f I se...…

January 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 73) • Page Image 3

…THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE CHEQVAEGOIN ORCHESTRA. OD.L Gi 1+ F'T ENTS' FINE FURNISH ING G1x 11. tai . al ''crtti t H. 'Lt. E 4i tx-'I' IjtI huN -'1i tiE t.iAY CIT~Y LAUNDRY, Sa-1111-111- W. i. SenboatNo. 4. Fourth Avea +l$TATC SAVLP2GS BAf2K+ to ri nl«siponkres A.L. Niti E IYes. HOistR titIIits, GUITARS, ST ' ' I LA.UNDRY Mandolins, Banjos, Zithers.! Finet wo~k i thet it. Pionip ill" Best in the World'" out Noa t l Ca ltcziu .Ofc eUlt...…

January 15, 1894 (vol. 4, iss. 73) • Page Image 4

…OYeMEDICS! I) liz on in Ic !.'our (/111.01/ Iakis Pharmacy THE U. OF "As DAUSY.______ ON- FOUT H OF F SL E, ALL AIIOI ,SI IAJTS 121 DIFU RAJ81lAG.S' O N1 L'OU JI TII Ol* Silveraian' IHt, eul.,n~o w0 $3. liothersin propotin gl O ~LOQJE~E~ & wI~FcxE2E~, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET AND STATE ST., CORNER OF WILLIAM. i N FBIfiAEA'N'T'ION rTA) 1fN Tchi ,(( S II;"S )illAN}, zL:IAR: "t 8' .L AO 5)11 01 11Nt'Ci)15.1'IA'4ANI) SET,18 OF1" (As'). Jo. ...…

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