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June 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 1

…It EENING SHOWERS tUY *gCm COMMENC EXTRA . 5 ..., 3 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, JUNE 15, 1925 PRICE FIVE CE ss OF '25 110* CR DU T 'E GET HONORARY D - NTHE COMMENCEMENT T SPEAKER f' DOCTOR OFLAWS,:::'x~ .:.>; VEN MASTER OFf}l: ARTS ::.; ,; ONE WOMAN p WE' wift, '95, Corwin, '00, Vanderberg, Boothy rded Degrees,. egrees were bestowed - - a and one 'woman, all - civil and professionalL-'-: ghty-first annual Comr- ercises at ...…

July 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…Fur, tmmrr ANO WER9 I 4bp . 11~at4 HOT? HELP KEEP KIDDIES COOL s 22 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1925 '1ON TRIL - NOT SWORN N THIRD DAYi CENE ENDS SESSION; ISSUES WARNING REPORTERS S DECISION Will Present Three Plays During Week A series of plays is to be presented this week in University hall, espec- ially for the benefit of the students of the Summer session. The performan- ces are to be .given by the Wisconsin P...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…DEDICATED TO JUSTICE LY ,.frn Ap t Section I One VOL. XXXV. No. 99 SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARLOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE, FIVE- CENM' BLUE KEY SOCIETY oC ANIZED TO ACT AS OFICIAL HOST Raymond Fosdick A A IS1IIIN(x 'iil A1jS ILL I NTII'ANEI) BY NEW1 0 ':'C N IId r1N BE LIVMIT MEMBERSHIP .0 Juniors Will ie lChosen Annually By Society to Act For Two Yeairs Blue Key of the Michigan Union lias been given ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…6 KEEP THAT KITCHEN GOING -.d ,Jit it au ~I~aihg Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 123. SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH -15, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS . HOOVER COMMENDS RELIEFCAMPIGN S400 UOTA NEAF FORMER SECRETARY SENDS WIR TELLING RUSSIA'S NEED) MANY AT DANCE Campus Contributions and Individual Gifts Help Swell Total, Reports Show By telegram received yesterday, Herbert Hoover's opinion today of the wor...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 1


October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 C, 4r Ita ati . ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXXVI. No. 20 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS SEND-O'FF FOR VRSITY SQUAD 'SET TONI6HT, ARtRANGEMENT~'IS COMPLETED) COUNCIL. FOR PARADE AT STUDENT MEETING OMIT PEP MEETING Team Will Board Special Coaches at 10 o'clock; Students to Meet at Union Michigan's Varsity football team will be given a send-off at the Michi- gan Cen...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 4, fRtt!u ttl MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 48 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CENTS FRESHMEN FALL BEFRE TTACK OF SOPHOMORES WIN PILLOW FIGHT AND FLAG RUSH FOR FOUR POINTS; LOSE CANE S PREE BANDS PARADE Paint-Smeared Uniderclassmen Battle Before Thousands; Bands Lead March to Ferry Field t Sophomores of the class of '28 fought their way to a 4-1 victory ove...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 1

…ESTABLISHED 1890 Y A6F t a n Adf oar MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVI. No. 72 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICH. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRESENT PLEDGING SYSTEM 1 SUPHELD BY CUNCIL'SVT E ADOPTED RESOLUTION SUSPENDS ALL ACTION ON PROPOSED DEFERRED PLAN PRINCIPLE FAVORED Interfraternity Body Wishes To Aid Universit y In Making Conditions Suitable For New Proposal Favoring the principle of deferred pledging, but believing t...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 1

… LET'S GET IN THE SWIM cl 00, ~~47rt 1 u~wi MEMBER. ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXV. No. 83 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBLfl, MICHIGAN, '1 U1,SD V, JANUAI-'Y 15, 1925 EIGHT PAGES PRICE, FIVE CET UNDERWOOD SHOALS[ PASSED BY SENATE1 IARLIAMENTARY 'ITANtWLE OF TUESDAIY GOES TO HOUSE New York MayrIAIPpOOO Roof Railroad FgN POCI For Air Port SIGNED BY1ELEVE New Yorlk Ja in 14.--1 heposibiity ofci'e ting a irp )0 or t f commercia pupssi e ok yro...…

June 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 2

…1 151L' .J hV 1V11Y1LL RL..E ll , t g a # $#6 IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE VERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION d every morning except Monday e University Summer Session by tin Control of Student Publica- >sociated Press is exclusively en- he use for republication of all news credited to it or not otherwise ithis gaper and the local news, pub EDITORIAL COMMENT, r ered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, Filce as second class matter. scription by carrier, ...…

July 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…TF JMMER MICHIGAN DAILY OF THE HIGAN f- EDITORIAL COMMENT PREPAREDNESS FOR PEACE,f NOT WAR (The Christian Science Monitor) It would be illogical to insist ghat a national policy, sincerely adhered to, which is the past has not al- T ASD ROLL WEATHER. * DAMNED HARD TO TELLp d every morning except Monday e University SummerSession by d in Control of Student Publica- ssociated Press is exclusively en- :he use for republication of all news s...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 2

…IPCE TWO THE MIJIJA DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 15, 1925 SCHOOL EDITORS ELECT OFFICERS9 i i fi II F f yyyy) r Journalism Department Will Charge of Conventions In Future Years Take DAILY BUSINESS STAFF TRYOUTS Several positions are now open on the business staff of The Daily. The work involved will be of value alike to those who want to participate in some cam- pus activity and to those who want some practical experience in the busin...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925s 7 f r { . t ed primari o eet the needs of stu- LAIE A O Y dens esiring an elementary kno«1- WHA''f GOING O Deemntv 1!~ i f lff [ l~ ov 2husmineralogy will ii Ntcs oaparinti £1m nts Tii ii[ r ihD~lieach week. of laborat work 4 4~ay o isue @ s I 0 'At~ Lectures in lit hology will form a re- vie of rock-ecformingimniner~oals, a dis-origin,)- ('urrhq?,illu w sWill 111Iu41e Special1 and Si...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TIIF MTCI-ITC A N DATT ' '-TithAX ATAV t1K A' a ae, irat~t as V!.A1V LHIL.1 r.ki1VA Y, 1VI VIAY I0, I.Ib , . y IAR E. I' P AGE 0 " IShaw SroceryI A i Phone 3i112-3709 Packard St, QUALITY MEATS AT 10OWEST PRICES 3 No. 21.2 CANS PINEAPPLES 90c No. 21-2 CAMS Yellow Peaches I9c No. 2 CANS Green lima Beans 19c fresh Fruits and VegtabkFs Always Only the Best FRED HEUSEL CITY BAKERY I 20b E. Huron Phone 7 913 Fresh, S...…

October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 2

…"W PAGE TWO _ LECTURE COURSE DATE HLD OPE Association Unable to Get D~efinite Answer Front Smith and PIucliot Regaring Appearance HOPE TO OB'TAIN BOT H For the, present, the tenth numtber of the regular -lecture course of the Oratorical association will remain open, Prof. Thomas C. Truebloodj chairman of the course, announced yesterday. Hopes are held that either Gov. Alfred E. Smith of New York, or Gov. Gifford Pinchot of Pennsylvania, can; ...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO, THE Mi('_HMAN DATT .Y N n TTR.TT'% A TT 1lT^TTm',11 Af T1"" 4 r 4 nnr * - .-. ~*~ ..L 1k~ L.h 1k~~ SUN P 1 , INOVEJMBER C15, 192- a PROUM COMMITTEE WILL OPEN WORK Frederick Beaman, '28E, Is Appointed Gen'eral Chalrnian By President Of Sophomore Class TO SET DATE FOR PARTY I Yale Students Vote To Abolish ChapelA ttendance NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 14.-The final count of a two-day referendum by Yale undergraduates on the ques- t...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO TI-4 J MICHIGAN DAILY "i i ;;,i :1 1'. l l :t 1 , : ii l ;it :I, , ] 1 . T1-'ll~' MICHIGAN DAILY TiJ ESI)AY, 1)F:cE;~1 HER 124 1925 ..---- -a.e- ...-, . ,.,,. ,... ,T... GROUPS WLL IV HISTORIClAL PAPERS Discussion Limited To Ten Minutes For Each Speaker; Time Of Each ~Papers Also Set FIRST MEETING DEC. 29k Prepares For Record Flight Is Rebuked For MAJO ILLIE CAppeal To INew larofe ,ta < y S E'( fI11.1; >:;:<:"::"::. Left RxBY i...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 2

…PACE TWO }1 z 'l. M~CiIANDAILY_____ ThRDAJANUARtY 15, 1925 DEBATERS SCO TO Northwest erniAlone ("Julleiiges ti b- igan for Honors in Forensie Fie](! ALL NEW MEN ON TIt\M Members 'oft tho nega tive team which will represent Michigvan in tahe Northwestern debate on the subject, "Resolved, 'hat the Pahilippines be given their comnplet e aind immediate independence," will leave for l,1vans- ton today. Trhe affirmative team will'db t th ne ai ...…

June 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 3

…)0,000 has gone intoI of Michigan athletic! ,past four years, yet ey must be spent if "athletics for all" is cording to the report ost, director of inter- cs, to the Board in tics at their annual n' spentin the past $573,603, practically from football gates rding to the report. tinued successes in, ecommends vast im-1 e athletic plant dur- w fyears. The chief posed stadium, upon other plans more or at in four years thei program and im-. been g...…

July 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…7n And Shoals wood's Retiremen 1THE SUMMER M "igh otherwise have won from Mc- Adoo. His chances of being a compro- n. isc candidate for President, until /th n boo, disappeareI unmmedatdly. n, July 14.-"Alabama-.f Underwood!" Thus the informed day after day during the Democratic presidential From that minute he had all of the convention. Never was a state nmor klan elements in the state working faithful to a native son. There woud against ...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY Li, 1D25 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THRRE W111 ldBanquet (Commemiorating Quarter ('entennial Wedc- ziesday s. 7 ORGANIZERS LEFT ,; Commemorating; the quarter centen-, npal of it~s founding on February 15, 1900, the Research club of the 1niver- city will .,hold a banquet Wednesday evening in the Union. This organiza- tion was started by a small group of scholarly men for the avowed purpose "t~o unite those members of the acad-...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…I SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925' THE MICIGAN DAILY Lifo e nle ers1iip SualiSeri p11011 S Most ~Be Paid tol Meet Mortgage Pue hn Auigust RENEWAL IS REFUSED Next August a mortgage to the abunt of $200,000 falls due upon the building of the Union. A renewal of this mortgage wa sgranted by the banks here last year, the ,time exten- sion to be one year. This year the banks will not renew the mortgage and the Union must raise the .$200,000 in. 'the nex...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…ft FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY pAAP : T1R ..__. ra P E T Library Rcceives existence. The hooks were secured FEW I CKE S EF I7 in Baltimore and Washington (luring RI1?are Volumes On the spring vacation by Prof. John S. Can~~a eilgOiathentransportation engine-{ -- - -- In adition to the volumes on canal «Thirty-eight volumes, comprising transportation approximately 350 adpmhesmost va luable iiid, rare collection bok and l aphle...…

October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1925 THE MICIG0AN DAILY PAGE TIIRE9 -=. a ara .ax ..&%-AI it " 1.1L &AL A PAGE TURE~ NEARCOMPLETION Building IVill hoeuse Offics of Yost, FdIer, SlathI'er, Farrell, -and Puiblicit y Iepart ment Leads Laborites Gt~o ogis Spe ks lie trip wa~s a pleasure trip! Geoogit e ;r. , ildl did(1some collecting of On Canoe Travel ocl' and ul i dit( the ro k formations of he (oflitify. I':i;were discirised for the steak' "Cano...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 3

…STUNDAY, NOVEMBEs PR 15, 1925 FlI-7 MICIGCAN DAILY PAGE Tf HFER A 3. .#..4.._x 3'VY1I-d Li . . . ........ r. anu mna .. .. . AuM TO0 SPA Of PerscimneI 1 e';ea"h At t'.a.riiegle Ivnstitulte HAS WIDE EXPERIENCE.F New "Y" Leader NI M9L L AD B :SM i5 7 £4' I, 'c a ~' L4~ I ~~~~~ :t%{J {Lt~er ti 4'- _;. , _._- , I rplsc a a Jore than 100 gu rests were enter-;j 2 t ~n11wree'oa !Clzt wok fr Am at the Lawyers' club over the iI~ :~ tle ...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 3

…'1'lSDAYE, DECEMBER 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY :; °. . SOCIETIES WILL I Children Will Be Guests At Sorority And Fraternity Houses This Week Heads Air Force WILL .ECEIVE CLOTHES In response to letters sent out from the Family Welfare bureau, 41 fra- ternities and 34 sororities have agreed to entertain poor children at dinner and to supply them with some articles of wearing apparel, according to Mrs. L. H. Boynton, director of the wel- fa...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 3

…THURSDAY, JTANUtARY X15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAE TIREM PLAN INSPECTION Is Social st And ENTRANCE OF U.S. I Heads Reichstag OF AREOCENTERS - INTO COURT ASKED ,i. ('ongre'ss En~deaivors to D)eermine Need4s of C(ountiry For Air- crafit F 's1abiislimciii LAMBERT IN CHARGE ashington, Jan. 14.--Inspection of a viationl centers 5t brou-hon t the Unitead States will be carriedl out shortly bay acongressional committee which hopes to formula...…

June 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 3) • Page Image 4

…IYOFFICIAL BULLET N ation in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of niversty. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session 3:30 p. I. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). , ie V MONDAY, JUNE 1i, 1925 Number 183 Ms: .ction of the Regents, at their meeting held Friday, June 12, 1925, 'wing promoions into and within the professorial ranks, for the 5-26, were made: :he rank of Assistant Professor: In the College of Literature, and the Arts,...…

July 15, 1925 (vol. 16, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…THE SUMMER,MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Summer Session until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturday). Volume V WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1925 Number 202 an Lloyd's Consultaton Hours: Students wishing to consult me should come to my office, Room 1014, gell Hall, before July 19, as I am to leave then for my vacation. Office u's:...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR SN1AF~1AY &1Z THL48 'MICHIGAN 'DAILY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 15 ,1'19-25 - - ~ - Ii l U~v~ _ nufing vxc.._(,; _!,riay 0 i . i~r;;ty ~ear by sha Boar d in Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively cn- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherw~se credited, in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Enu~red at the postoflice at Ann...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…t, IAA I1E OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MA'RCI , 1925 Pulished every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively tn- ! titled to the use for republicatioux of all news dispatches, credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffi...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…PAGE F'otm THE" MICHIGAN DAILY FRTT)AY, MAY 15, 192r- THtL MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY I~ 1~ - ~ - Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student ublieations. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatchestcredited to it or not otherwse credited in this paper and the local news pub- l...…

October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tfl 171 , )TM~P 512 Published every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 4

…PA1i r rn't'T14E MICHR by mail,-all the machinery that will make radio a useful pursuit and not simply a recreation, The university Ptd hu e g every morning except Monday lecture should be the same factor on du riny the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications, the <ir as in the classrcom. Michigan has an extension division Members of Western Conference Editorial Association, that is extremely active and is already' fun...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 4

…PAdE FOUR THF MTCHMAMfDAILY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1925 "I I'Mil I . A IVAA L IA l N x ........ ... Published every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student ublications. Members of Western Conference Editorial 'Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- sitled to theruse for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 4

…PAGE 1 oTJt THE MICHIGAN DAILY i enl by the 3Ihtiatin A - ~ ~li4Zat'tolI, Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The, Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. i forced to close its Memorial Commons,t! the historic dinning hall in whichf Harvard's- sons have consumed their vi...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15, '1925 49 TI IL M IC I-II(AN :DA.L% VAOE f"i's'M - - --------- -- _. .,., .., ..,... -._ ._-.T., ... ILVAVAM MZUA'wA I - L NNOUNCE HIGH SCORE Ii MAKERS IN RiftLMATCH 'New English Student Describes' American Women Jolly, Pretty, NOTICES Md isa Doris I loldl u' of I )Ofvoiighire, to be taken very lighitly indeed. i-------------- Rifle scores were sent yesterday b 11 Eglandt. wha i~; i:,! jusn OJJCto .:Aflflwas d...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…/ SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE V I C O ILVAr 11 11117 . WAVA will IIII&M C 1 Social Events Of Past WeekD[ Mor arboard SellsI P90 NTTROUT - - - - -TEWIL aer For League START ONShow Brilliant Activities; TA iaLNGI~PpeoLage AT R 0 , UNG11611 O p Mortarboard society is conducting ANThe Freshman Frolic furnished the tha Cook building last Tuesday even- iss Maria Lanzar, first Barbour Ia stationary sale, the ...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…F'RTTAY, MAY 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGID F~!U -A ® -- , a I I 1RENE FIELD NAMEDURGE H OUSES TO ATTEND CHAIRMAN OF pLAY'LANTERN NIGT SUP PER' I gI All organized houses for women are Junior Advisor To Be Appointed By r on T uesday night in order t0 at tendi Women's League, According To in a body the picnic supper which Decision w.ill be held on the hill in Palmer I field preceding the Lantern Night' FIVE OTHERS SELECTED ceremony. A ...…

October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 5

…TURSDA'Y, -OCTOBER 15, x1925 THE MICHITGAN DAILY 4 I!L VA I N MW A! kt Q' REPORT PROFIT IN MORTARBOARD SALE' Most Prominent Organization jA hns olg sY . i osif?'ry Senimor Nubro I - (wId y D)oublesj Gloves Solel Yea r WILL CLEAR $175 ii m Final reports on the Mortarboard qannual sale of imported gloves show ,;ales of 225 pa irs of dloves, making :1 total receipt of approximately $1500 r about $175 of whichi will be clear profi...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 5

…I SUNT.?AY, NO'V". sinim 15, 1925 T14P MTrPTr.ANT nATT.V .PAG.P, rTVR .r A 4: w 0. y :, k 9y i/- Y I F its / ' C ; ..J t a. rl8, - ayf q'..Vi .I FL i VIA' .I%- .t4'( Lt-'U" 1 ~ w~ - ________________________________57 ,' , 1 W ...STATE CONFERENCE, Plan To Interest Michigan Colleges In National Athletie Association I DR. BELL WILL SPEAK ARCHITECTS TO START SERIES OF PLANS FOR LEAGUE BUILDING! Funds Are Sufficient For oeia ]Itoom -ii,...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 5

… ,. 7 .. _.. UESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1025 (THE., MICHTGAN DAILY KWA fit') PAGE LEAGUE DELEGATE REPORTS MEET'ING Indorses World Court At Conference in Princeton, New Jersey Last Week MICHIGAN TREASURER j4, ./ rC 5, ft i i i i ~ . Representing the student body of more than 245 colleges of the United States the national students confer- ence on the World Court held last Friday and Saturday in Princeton, New Jersey, endorsed the Harding Hughe...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 5

…TI~tR~3D Y, JANUARY 16, 1925 THlE MICHIGAN DAILY -._.....-.... _...._-.- . -~ , - - - -., . . .T, P'AGE IVr (C)t >2f '- U [iR3 .. 'laF.l k Yi63 dr.Hbt7 P 7j^+ i i y -57\-5Z ff &I I !) 0 HOLO v GbNVENTIUN SInternal iiuna IPresident LandIs Iork Accoiiiplisbed by Loal~I ~ OFFICRS ELECTEID r(,[Beers1 -of t1w eWasliteniaw vcounty King's D~aughters ioc iety which were nixn flillslycl J (1at thle im,:'i g ,''Sicon f t ol st \ i('la\V Cou...…

February 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 99) • Page Image 6

…PAGE'-SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SITN\DAY, FE, BRTARY, 15, 1925 . __ _... T C 9H05PEY TRIALS FOR URBOANA MiEET YOST CFLS OR sein rANO flATFR INTRANURAL XL L-A 1[° scholastic indoor track meet will be Several llMeets And TourneysI the first big affair i its kind ireth On Interscholastic Programi en Exe(llent1 iieri in] l iscloeel !Ivenkt ; ; alf 31 Hers ii T IMES KEPT- SECRET, BIASEBA3Li.('ANVI)1 I)XTES;, All., cand idates for ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY +" + aa +-Aava ii%.a<ILA 1 L/,C 1i Ll i " SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 WINIMMN XN (T71717 w, lS.v I MMMR% ' .._ t PURPLE TANKMEN SWTITLE Four 11 eorzdsFall at University of C'ldfzago 'ank; Breyer and r Howell Star WISCONSIN SECOND Chicago, March 13.-(By A. P.) - Northwestern natators, winners of last year's Western Conference swimming St. Louis Browns To Have Strong Outfield BASEBALL SQUAD Kipkc To Re...…

May 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…w PAGN SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925 w - FAGU ~IX FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1925 leoooooo- _- . ~ \ A f i .9 3 iPMfir U _ _ _ _ ........rwr r.r. ,..... . . ., irMwirr rrun, "' yam ~ r rrw -: t:&, a.. ,. Vy , wa TRACK SQUAD LEAVES FOR URBANA K WITHSLIGHT EDGE OVER GILLMENI~X' ALL CAMPUS HORSESHOES 1 The following singles matches must i olverines Given SmallAdvantageIbe played off by Friday, May 15, and VI hg ' o ver...…

October 15, 1925 (vol. 46, iss. 22) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THEIF MICIGCAN DAILY THURSflDAY, OCTO IEiR l15, 1925 V.lll.a.. s.j t V 1.V f LN << far .JV Jill, ....." .r. " "'" Af _._ . e U n itn ne r- aa -rn stomu msr 3 w. '-n - a - nvA -w .1 NV' ILYLKINEb ENIHAIN [UK MAVISUN TONIGHT TO MEET BADGERS SATURDH AY I Inr mirA IT n r nn Yost to Start R. Babcock at Tackle In Place of Oade 1i Opening Lineu t 33 MEN TO MAKE TRIP By George Dennis Sports Editor Daily Cardinal MADISON, O...…

November 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 48) • Page Image 6

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY .ry - Iol '-S r11 liwrr "r . a. :..: -.- SCORE BY QUARTERS o0.S. U. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 0 0 0 FINAL 10 MICHIGAN 3' THE LINE P MICHIGAN- -OHIO t Oosterbaan.... LE..Cun'gl'm Cp Edwards ..... LT....... Nichols Lovette ........ LG ...... Meyersj Brown (Capt.) .C.. ......Klein Baer.......... RG .........Hess Hawkins..%... RT:........Reed Flora ......... RE ....... Ro...…

December 15, 1925 (vol. 36, iss. 72) • Page Image 6

…I P~ACE ST' - THE MICI-IICAM fDAILY TE sAY. DECEMBER 15. 192) :. . .x -. w +.. -- _. .. .. 1 1 L A11 ...'S * 1 1V..AA'Ct% *l .A =_ . . .__ ._.. .. __ . .. ., . . - UK Air DO, YLE MAY NUT P AGAINST ^y '[' L'i-1..6 J a i4y, , f},1., ' W MATHER TO VARSITY Squad Sent Through LODI In Attempt To Iron 0 Evident Against OOSTERBAAN R SHIFT Beta Theta Pi, T LINEPInFratern SWith the completion of five fall ev- Sets and the semi-final of ...…

January 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 83) • Page Image 6

…PAar 52Y PAGE SIX ~~~~TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY TUSAJNAY1,12 TTIURSDAY, JANT-ARY .1 5, 1925 t~wi..1w N' " 8 - P 1 ..mow., ' rw ss, , ,. ,wn.w. .. ,,. 'i _____. MATTMANN BEGINS Ge°og e ttedLHO TRAC K PEIP WDHRK AS COACH For g Post MEETING TONIGHT A New Pose A GGIE MA1 TSOA HIard XorkohidtFeaturiies Fii'sI 1): 3.'w ICoach George Little, Michigan Var- y'jj r110 ToIssiw hormna: (OtllFor Si inmhagh Practice Unider , it y football field...…

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