January 15, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 76) • Page Image 1
…The Michigan ~y, Vol. XXI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAYX, JANUARY 15, 1911. ->,- 76. PAVOSI,ACE NNTOR BANQUE;T. 'WI' SA Af'TTQ nor~S 11 AOICf C R SE TM N AVhOESSANO'GRE HASKNS AIN 'ETRI RS OI\XXE :.TFi LO E F DIE T E E TO S Should a class banquet be eld{ at the ThRSO UTINS niiate debate tryuts .hl last ELECTION RESULTS furnishinig the repas? Thsis tilelies- broullgt forihI (((le x ellnt ilmaterial ion that is agiatinig tie junlior 1haws. Tile A...…