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November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…, . i iCD ! '-Jd , _ . ; Y , i -' -+ _ ,___r ' ' A D _, ..._ . , , 'I "I. 'l. . t^ 8 _. . k^+}i Y}q1 (^ c V *x }+ 4 ^ ;v'a , rt; . : _..8 ti: c". 4 W {i" M+s e gn I J hers w ewa r« --- . I ,_r _ _: . . _. - 3 f r - y i - . ' . - _ T I, j , --- ...._..,.. _, f i CIj ': , - . . ~ , ' . l 1 u j r ' s C ! w. iI _ 7 r3 i u r 1 Sr ; _ I { t t '_ ,, r_ , _ ._ . :- f. ' i" c72 rt' , C° . 4. rr CD' . …

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…TilE TMICHIGA N a 'iiI t ' C ,i1"v AII)NIS IX, ZDAILY-N EWF NEWE BOOKSI AT MANAC IN6 EDIT0R, 1: tRL J I. lIOUV ;TO N, ')N BUSINESS ;iSNAGaFR, E:IITOWoa. A1EN1.0A1. NIX t. I +I '1 ; ir l ' " ] l 12 "7 i1 4l' ,, .l l.t '212 l l . +,, il itI, ' t i E : t~ w t ,1 i Nt 1 . . .. Tilt V 11 Na'e . .. . . .. . . Iilr tat ataa'im l S i s e 1 c .H tr 'IlzlIrak .. ..I.t l~ r tX UXX. i ' 120 aci SAC RIF I CED .1114N I'"X ad, ' Isi}1 v 1 {r1 110 CI i't y i ...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE AlICHIGAiWAILY-.NE'i If you want to know what smartly dressed m nen witt wear this sea- w~n 1 < son ask to see 'VESTSStein= Smart Clothes .,.1inden~s~hI1itf & Aptel T IACE AND PARISIAN NIr~lr o '~ 1-'New A " ) t l . I f l i - Ii . M, , OWNER, Abt. Seles '.. Ofice, Z12 Maynard St. i n sOfficial Fo~tbatl Supplies (! Nlt i .1 MICIGAN O7L IN NNNr.iN INN - Nil' MNNHIG NNNNOTES. NI : trae, l e' i Nl ii li 511 N N, - 11 is This is worthy YOUR ATT...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGAN DAILY-NEWS a..,.,.,.,-' ,f"'- ~ a .,.' . a. ' .,.M. - a'r. a a' --.+ax n a t . a t"'. ,,a. r ..- ft.;; ',°^,a ^ a . r"m'-,,..-t,, -... -,-,rr; - - " SWOW&AAM r a. a . reeuodrr+rrre roars er+rr+ r.rr iiri IE . At'k " J O p~i '" tE . - [a! ' wy''' ; 'C :, '' a e -r f w. ' a a - a Al burITS A ill C oI the itaest Albums foir lutllliO1llaial prints .thiat yetI ever saw. ,r,2- S. Sfit S P 1 W. C BIN R, rop. A .2 d/ .I H S11 { 11f1 Lockre...…

October 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

….Y / f . 1 - i i r 1. } r / f ° t - Fri , . ... , ._ ",. - __ -.. _ __ - _ _ _ is _ - - __. _ 7 1 f. J I r I-. r I I r - t_ ~ I _ r f 1 ' I f. m 1 ,r _ - J f w , r- 4 _ / f 71 _J_ - - - -_ - - ._.. - - - - r > J rf; I ; ; 1 .-, ! I a I j :. I 4 . . t'. iI i J ' v u A _ , ., i 4 ', I - It ; s i f ' }Sj - r--- J , E ° _ f - I ,. t ' .. a :i ' ~_ -1 J i jj 7 . j i "- t t .' ' r 1 . ' 1, J 3 r. _ i i ix I i II {, j' G', p t e I t v. 4 …

October 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MICIGA-zNDAILY NdEW' xcta~ I Iii * Di tii 2 1'a Lead--Ing f'lerchant Tailors.... have just receiv- ed a new line of Woolens for fall and winter. The largest assort-! ment in the city ATa n ~I.X~1Sf1t)1S - Th t', of IM. DALYI Hies'VARt-I Y N tS, AIANAGjIN~IIEITIOR, EAR~LE I. i'titN BUSINESS IANA(XER, RU;=Ctu1;B 1t T} 0 EDITORS, GjENERAL SNll S ,', r, t} Il:i,( ,1t ; t il ')':lit"tE. :Ijr1)i',r;l, i3V;.:1't"Ij,', f lit' 11'ttlltlt"1' EIt'lI...…

October 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…'rBE MIl1IGAi'DAILY--NEWS ONE~ BUTTON THE RIGHT THINGS AND WI2FK SAL ENOUGH OF THEM z1 Wi A(c iA " t~l C .' .CoingSn -av el. I80.1ttrhti' ciit t lltt I t It i111 ls il'ionsa e n meehk 18,000 ((;]ilt- 1 it os I renix if. Ourl f11hil ittf fil3 'ala ti.. ttheio;;not onis. I. iitGld)iiacoj Suits, Overcoats, !ats, Caps, and all the - j(/itfGI ARcxi xnx'v. newest Me's Furnishing e a 'tiY iaftr A " ittus~ ''i'll_}1 t 'I rnuit:od ii i in tx't. fii ti ...…

October 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

…TTIF VTCHTJGANc DATLY-NEWS Is the latest style. We have a large N6 07 assortm ent of Alfred Benjamin's A~r%,%#ad w -w~rCustom Made, most perfect fitting line shown. All you want is your < xUJ size. During our removal sale they are cheaper than a quarter of 0 l. MAIN AND WASHINGTON STREETS, EAST. ii XN NiI'tS-_ c an1.:1 uil i~ton ISy. (Ii lb I 2 atDIRECTOR O cui00t4 hIr. Pit Ci W~ith(Ier Coll"""', n iI p '!11d 0~ 0 rll, .' tcic, ,. Home Supply ...…

May 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…ANN lIPOR, MIUCII 1 I1 1 i . t) \ \Y 1.)1 1902 FIRST YEAR. SNOW 0! Na. lifi JT MAY FESTIVAL INLANDER JOHN BULL ANXIOUS HIGH SCNOOL PLAY Forsakes the Teams to Attend a Fra- The Best of the Year with Menu Bril- terntity Convention at Washington liant Features F Thelit f n rrvitfor tie 'lIn- The fMat "(-stivltil 11,(r of4 , I'i- 40 t1utu lit hs iu lititi cut t iwil U fludii' 11: ltt1, iissued. "llustttiinin iii 11 inin as fuliari nSMalin, Niifui'...…

May 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…FtlH E AMICIII(7AN'DA ILY-.NE\VS L ii All .. 0h t1n low II CL, to !)DA5 i~iILNA MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB, CO.tI nc. 4 -P e . . L55 lc I tTra . t I. IiI-n ii i t .1wL H 5 . I I7I I .i tT := ; 7 i Ii I, t + !'r tsi ,. t 1 ' " . ES i II I Ii . wxlJI (II - 7; ,} t III Ill' N h 1"M 1ake n 11 ;ti li~ lt1' 40l 1 H e in t11 ' 1 H I - ilI \II 1 t E 11 t' I I 1 ila r 11; l S m i 51h~i~, H IM ', 5 H t it I I ll i ~ it 0 i ))1)1 ii II I" I WW1V1 Am! ]l'' t...…

May 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…TAL -MICItGAN DAILYC-NEWS -- ---- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + 4. .+ .r.. Th Most Gon iii iu Thingu tat could c0 that -ouzld tend to sitduce ot to 1 IS' STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ',vlfl h toinrodusce ysottto a tnan w-ho tas worn there We canttott conmnd the language with whtch to tell Iou Itt 15 god these clotes are. The matters attachlthieir 0& sc' e- neatht the c oat collar of their coats, and they are su prottd of their ...…

May 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…GINGEf ..." BETTER THAN THE I71PORTED 5c ". y + CALKINS' PHABRMACY 324 50. STATE ST. w FiGmva kBiImidatI rPor ad d OwIiina 707 ti()RIJI I NIlRSII'Y AX IiL' THE HOOKING VALLEY RY. 1 hat moains 5the it t o vrsyting: EVIC E EQ IPMENT and RitAltElt. Vtt thlo ars;TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J W. LANDflAN, (General Traveling Agen~t, DETROIT, MICIGAN. LINEN PAPER 1s, 20, 25 and Msc a lb. AT SOHALLER'S BOOKSTORE, 116 S. MAIN STREET I FULDE Imentscb~er, G...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…ANN Aft IC SATII Pt) , MARCH1:15,1 } . Fn.__X___ DEXTER M. FERRY Donate; a nPo fatp As t: t: iS T y\j i;±' ikI ti. I I i i'M . I+1t 1 AlI THE CELEBRITY BALL :'atoilations on the Success of V' N III iIhi o tid eceit Social Event .,IS 1,i On'l i:;itt 1.,tt"rf.' ttl ' til~"ii Iii __ 1!' I1 E" t' t"111 in I 'i ill 'r; 'i'i ll ; t .t' I'e '.!'. f . No . 12 0 Mr. Ferry~s Letter. \11 S r pi' ?. MS i -h ' -'. ii) Y2 II 'd iI illiii ifis 'ii "i 1 1' S ...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 2

…++++ +++ +++!^#+++++ # 4HI""+ ++ +++4 _ sy 4 r , ^ -; " '_ ->-... : i . .7 , E s ' <"' - s- ,-: , ; . K', f (. t'it- _ ,. l L: ,Wi FT. ie c M t" Y. "n. Isle 1( V ' ' _ R" Y CJ L l .: y.M H %G rn .-J t 0' 0. :1: +* ^:H - ?:7 :. c:_-a r fi . wr7 r :J 'S- ' .. r . ] 1,' '-! [ °3 "-- ; 4', ') 'I. - _ _. a - - ,.a, __ - - -- ,, .. :: _ r - - - tw E k 4 F i,^ 'E f e E. : 3 COO 1r r. Orme -I r coo _rA :3 coo W ILDCOMPANY THE LEADING TAILORS, New, New...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 3

…TERM~i(A AL-NW -.. -.- -. -. -.- --. .-- -.- I -. .- -. -.. I ..- .-- .. ++++++ #* The Moa Goo ionu o IRO teat di in tat vo ld tend to 'duc oe i L o STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES o ntlic ou to a noar woIi 0 won then, Ca- 0 iylat i l elnglluc. w+,l l 7 t e 0 0,, o LOCH( thee c P ,,e are. Themankers a ch their ar be lb ria he: - 'i.ta to3 rin- alg S p roidt o t o r art:tt ; Pro 'O n, n. don'tkn ho w t-ii.. aSTEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES ara t i t av orn then. Wht d...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 4

…4 - -.. . in. ' t:n". "+_ - th11':rt~ttH'x"7w-.i-M'H_+, H«".r' H *+i';:iAmH H <. Y2. . _ .. , --.. ..... ,' .C C. . . A ' \A ..-..A T tiwLY~R I I r~- I Mlr\\ yri5 10 LIII~ and>uniix 11+ " _a X t+ . y 1 .ie . +; : ~ iN~'P AMACY324SO. TAT '+j."j";'p++ °'"+-++L++++++ + +**++j++i+i+."+"j";'*'"~r"* j+.....q+++++++++++++++++ THE HOOKING VALLEY ICY. 1 %A t1;:, ATOLEDO TO COLUMBUS w'rite J.W.LANYDIIAN,(General TravelifigAgent, LINEN PAPER SOHALLER'S B...…

February 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 1

…DAIL 4 kcaeT Y'~~ A-NN ARBOR, MIH.,SATUI-tD -, FEBRUARtY ;1i. THE TRIAL MEET. Famous Hat POWERS TONIGHT. Last Night's Meet Proves That, We "sh iiiiii xit i lxixxthis nlxxxiiliii S Will h elRpesne nt e lo lIrtn E iI, lr l i trd zitga's Old FascrIie Wili Pesent he wel Reprsentesie th Beaare to a Large Track Events This ear. ln ,x If ,tioil, r xi "ithix, i" ixt Audecle This Erienin. iiitxi x l iii md t, loti, tn t t r l xx I inu i, t, ii'. 'tItxi...…

February 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 2

…Announce... jIc\\ EN, i \s A1Lt EWS --_.._-- - ___ ___ ___.._ . ___ __.__ _..rr t i~i. } +' 1 3 E iM . k c , , { + i ' . '+lri n 'X c X Idi Ci- 1 r 002. s-.itiit high grad6t-e neOf Woolenisaitt (iOver ,:ats and 'Frou'ers ;. WXe ian e a large line of ILndon rChe vi ot. Scotch attnn lan. "-an\ o,\,, ri rhton. CJIa'5Ser e. lhit ct.\ cna. all e lusiN e, E prices n-will raiie ran 2 F'icase call and hlookio- cc G r nessstCek,1 t t;ler 3+ C H. WasiLD...…

February 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 3

…-; s: 11: 1) ~ I I 4f-I-++4H+4+++++4+++i-i-444 1#1411. °.3..S.. 14-- r "?« '. -,-+++. .. + ............. T M o o iiv 1 if t. STEA-BLOCH CLOTHE . bV rv _,'- STEIN-BLOC are t rata 0ou ha e r, tem + LlND[,NGIMI be.mad..... i i EGYPTIAN FTSN O JOtrTukish EGiANAN O too a d fn the te a ' W~itth Nea appernc and " 1w Prices QE "H. MILLER. (OT0 u~ BILLIARD PARLORS; iiFtIIE 1_ 1 1L, i~}teem ndnsgt a i&,s 32S STATE STREET 5I'STYLE ALWAYS 44 PATRONIZEI HO...…

February 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 97) • Page Image 4

…A. rereen Itatie t hea i la N ra 1 01 icalC. will fe at our store' tine-da 1 111~a;, + Feb. th, and -,,,-MIt :0 ".iv ;,:admonstration o« ith VELOX PAPER. + ~are invited to brin-.,tIle of your owo0n e; tioc and have a print made from it. + Admission Free. Third Floor. +t+~++++-t+e.++i 11: ~~h1I11 il1iI ++44444.+I+iI 1 ' 1111Ih11'11141I.4 riGmwiG( IiImid Fariom dndIominu THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. nffaoilo('x-TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS Write J. W, LANOfIAN,...…

January 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 1

…V r B) l s v Sv ! 1 t a Aff pl _ - lUST YEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL., WEDN 'SOAY. JANUARY 1i.5 1902. No. 7,s [HIE 1901 TEAM Mihigan's large sores sIn p reios lias been only one a-ield taeklte gesie eiid itt expectationloit large . this sasit. In the last three games C1B f f t W 11 bseore whh niither thisCntont o0 the O)p)pon ents maidie their fist detens Feingofit W rkbyCoach 1arrs te Indian is 1t01"the stesto f u t tnloyieseettites, three t ics. -...…

January 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 2

…I 11F o iIItf. \\ AlLY NIK VS WvILD 60., LEADING MERCHANT IfiIL0R ' OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, t, containing ALL TH1E M011 Black an Blue Styles, I; a n d a ery fin e i e of a cttlt o g initi ' he 1patterns and coloir- intgs. Ti B largest assortniettt ini the .state. Trowbridge's Choco ate i Fllii Pp iN itit I":IItII'I C. I BA. tiF10 LL.! l ir -.ii i i t t i i 1 IC TT I-1)cerIICdpatill('t and 'he t ii 'WlALX1t i111tt i liI t...…

January 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 3

…_ .______ z x ' .fi.. ..z __. - _ - - - - - .IE M1CHIGAN DAILY-NEWS I 4s4 Th osG~~n Th+flU IF YOU WANT A thtwe could do that woutd tend to induce you to boy +tM CR S OP + STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES sIllOTOyeE, :STERILI~ZER, I:NCTJ-* woutd be to introduce you to a man who has worn them. +j4 BAPTOI, CENTIIX'tJ{, JIAMOMACY-4 We cannot command the tanguage with which to tell yosu how + TOI'(t5KlCP1,LIUINOMF.I~tI'I I, iI:- + good these clothes are. The ma...…

January 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 78) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. -NEWS TROUSERS.. We laso 5 sub hundtredt pieces of i rouse-itt gs of' new pt terns on our tables-its between st-as,-os-our lo ss is youir gan-justS now we can give you be-tter valutes fur tess mney Itan at uany other season of the year. WAGANER &CO. TAILORS 123 South Main Street I R ee " R PIGKWIGK IBilliadPalrdFOs ad Bowling BETTER TH/::N E 707 N IIiN~ F~YXi ii THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.I!1LII: 11:,11-i-,til oto v rtii ig: s i...…

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