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June 15, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 1

… at L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JUNE 15, 1923 EDITORIAL MICHIGAN ENTERED IN NATIONAL MEET AT HICAGO TODAY r ,. CHANGES IN TIME MADE AS GRADJATION DAY NEARS 4 IN ,1 TIlE ALLUMNI SHARE In welcoming the alumni back5 to their Alma Mater the present genera- tion of Michigan men and women feel a peculiar sense of indebtedness to those who have preceded them. Grad- uates who departed from the academic life of the University some year...…

June 15, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 2

…OFFICIAL N WSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN SUMMER SESSION Published every morning except Monday ur ng the summer session. membereof the Associated Press. The As- piated -Press is exclusively entitled to the se for republication of all news dispatches redited to or not otherwise credited in hs papeir and the local news published here- Entere'd at the postoffice, Ann Arbor, iehigan,,as second class matter. Subscription by carrier or mail, ...…

June 15, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 3

…of his death ou the following Thurs- from the toy manufactured who sent day. it along to . show ihis appreciation.r Seitz, whose spinal injuries were aTe ticker Is no simple ffair. With not at first expected to prove fatal, h c n mM SCOTT TO WED; IIDENi - fhow lV ater Pro ves F.t a1 Sitz, '26111, and J. B. D~ewey, 125E' M)D AT SAME A.T WHllTMQ0RE LAM, was taken to the University hospital and showed improverient for several days following...…

June 15, 1923 (vol. 14, iss. 1) • Page Image 4

…ILYOFFCIA.BULEI NI tion in 'the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of lvrsty. Copy 'received untl't:20 . m (11:80 a. m. StxdaY.) 3FR IAY, JUNE VIN 1923 Number 1S1 Bac aareate and 'Commnenceient: ho expect to, take part in the exercises of Commencement week ie take note of the ,following schedule in order that there may e confusion as possible in carrying out the program :-Punct- ipecially important as the procession will start on s...…

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