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May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…WOMEN'S HOURS See Page 4 Ci r Lw yra Latest Deadline in the State *41 ait ,; 7., c! SUNNY BUT COOL VOL. LIX, No. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Government May Step Into Ford Dispute Reuther Says No Settlement Near By The Associated Press Cyrus 'S. Ching, director of the .Jederal Mediation and Concilia- tion Service, yesterday said he would enter the production speed- up dispute at Ford Motor Co. un- les...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1949 Graduate Outing Club Meets Today To Elect Officers SHADES OF H. G. WELLS: Insect Killers Bear Ingenious Devices Members of the Graduate Out- ing Club will meet at 2:15 p.m. today at the northwest corner of the Rackham Building prior to embarking on their usual Sunday afternoon activities. A short business meeting to elect new officers will precede the outdoor portion of the day's program....…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1949 'CENTER OF ACTIVITIES': The Rev. Zendt Cites Growth of Church * * * * New Student Chapel Will Open Today Lutheran Pastors in... with ROZ VIRSHUP By JACKIE OLIVER A growing and active church isl the center of many interests, ac- tording to the Rev. F. E. Zendt, minister of the Memorial Chris-j tian Church. * * * MR. ZENDT cited the develop- ment of an increasing Christian program as the most outstanding achievement ma...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…I THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 15, 1949 _ ._ _ _ Women's Hours RESTRICTIONS put on women students are truly despicable, in that they inter- fere with the dictates of freedom, Freud and fun-making. But the University is working on the premise that activities of pre-closing hours would be pursued further if women's closing hours were extended. It stands to reason that they would be pursued, for what red-blooded American girl would not be...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…SUNDAYI, MAY 15, 1949 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Women Seek Cup For Lcntern Niht Seniors To Lead Parade on Campus Preceding Musical Competition in Hill x v Thirty-six years of tradition' honoring senior women will be be- hind the annual presentation of Lantern Night, to be held tomor- row in Hill Auditorium. Songs which will be sung by the various women's residences in competition for the first place cup are: Collegiate Sorosis, "Little Da- vid P...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY Netmen, Thinclads Take Pair of Wins from Illini - * * * * Tennis Team Garners Sixth Straight Court Victory, 7-2 (:Special to The Daily) CHAMPAIGN - Despite having to play on poor courts, the Wol- verine net powerhouse rolled up win number six as they trimmed Illinois, 7-2, here yesterday. The Illini courts were in very poor shape and caused consider- able difficulty for the Wolverines.' The courts had b...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 7

…TIE MICHIGAN DAILY WAGE SEVEN T H'T T T G N D T T ' GEiV ? a faaywY V f7 }IL\ Ow M Nine Tops OSU; Golfers { Take Two If I Major League Standings i I a I NATIONAL LtAGUEi <*III Wild Eighth Inning Nets Wolverines 10-5 Victory No hits, Nine Runs in Hurler's Waterloo; Hicks Winning Pitcher for Maize and Blue * * * T 0 1 Thricem-Beaten Linksmen Win Twice in One Day Drop OSU 23/2-12/2, Beat Illini 26/2-9/2; Kessler Burns Up ...…

May 15, 1949 (vol. 59, iss. 160) • Page Image 8

…EIGHlT TIIE MICHIGAN DAILY -, V I SCORCHED SKIN' POLICY: Pale People Quit Hovels To Bathe in Rooftop Sunshine By HERB ROVNER Wibh final doldrums and thoughts cf the coming monsoon pushed aside, coeds are taking advantage of King Sol this week atop roofs of dormitories and sorority houses. Clad in the latest beach styles, coeds are sunning themselves and playing bridge on sun decks, while their books lie untouched in aban- doned rooms. * ...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…WORTH-WHILE CHANCE See Page 4 Y LwF41 ~Iait!V FAIR AND W-ARMER Latest Deadline in the State VUL. LVIII, No. 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1948 VIPIVV ivmv I'llrx"a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY. MAY 15. 194R rMUE V, ivL LW4'4Z y U. S. Recognition Granted New Jewish State Local Group Hits Charge * Of Forgery House Debate of Mundt Bill Starts By CRAIG WILSON Charges of forging prominent names to telegrams amd letcers...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SAT1TR-DAYt , ALL15, 1948 ..... __......_... _. a rrr UNIVERSITY PROJECT: Willow Run Maintains Top Notch Aero Research Labs By KEN LOWE Willow Run-one of the world's finest airports-serves as the lab- oratory of the University's de- partment of aeronautical re- search. When the University officially I acquired full title to the airport proper in January, 1947, it launched an extensive program there with the dual objecti...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1948 THE MIHICA N DAILY Thinclads * * Clash * * With * * P )werfulOSU 'Battle of Champions' At FerryFieldToday M' Netmen Edge Northwestern 5-4 Golfers Face Wolverine Netters Upset Ozzie Regrets ' ~Levn Tea Illinii Today, Wildcats in Close Contest eaving eam _ (Continued from Page 1) Irish M onday , Paton, Mikulich Gain 'M' Singles Trium >phs cult and played an important part Naugle, MacKay Doubles Victory Ices Win i...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…FOUR TiE MiiCHIGAN DAILY t11 l1 'f l l. t Y' lllr . .. . . ..O....... ............ . ..... ....R.. ... . . .... .. . ........ Chance Wort Taking THE COOLNESS and suspicion with whichy our State Department has greeted Russia's announced willingness to partici- pete in a conference with the U. S. is diffi- to comprehend. True, Moscow Radio's disclosure of the supposedly-confidential exchange of notes between U. S. Ambassador Walter B. Smi...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…SATI-TRIDAY, MAY fro, IF)48 'T I 11CHIC-A V I A II UV ; ' T R D Y, A Y 15'118 T 1 ' M1R I C H U I A N 1 JJ A T T V PAGE r. Local Station To Hal- McIntyre Will Be Band Master at Al I-Cam pus Dance Station WHRV will make a local broadcast of a portion of Sunioi Ball to be presented from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, May 22. The dance is for the entire campus and will be semi-formal although the committee declared men who have tuxedos should co...…

May 15, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1948 f ________________________________________ N 'U' Hawaiians Push Islands Statehood Await Territory's Fate in Congress By ANDEE SEEGER Hawaiian students at the Uni- versity are strongly in favor of fnaking the territory of Hawaii the forthy-ninth state in the Union. 'umiko Ikemori, '51 P, Henry Wong, '51 L, and Clifford Young, 48 A, like many other people from the Islands, have anxiously f...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 1

…Y Sitr t Dailti ri TO TALK TODAY PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER" Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVII, No. 15, 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1947 PRICE IVE CENVTS - -- - --- - - - - A aw X, AA 1' 1 f "a v i, 11 .a 4 7 Tobacco Tax Passe To Aid Vets' Bonus Beer Taxing Bill. Held For Study By Hhe Associated Press LANSING, May 14-A bill to impose more than $18,000,000 in state excise taxes or. tobacco was all that was left in the...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY |ONTEST CLIMAX Pulitzer Prize-Winner of 1947 Will Give Hopwood Lecture Winners of the annual Avery and Jule Hopwood contest for creative writing will be announced following the 1947 Hopwood Lec- ture by Robert Penn Warren, win- ner of this year's Pulitzer novel Army To Hold lut e Interviews Interviews for former amy offi- cers desiring permanent commis- sions will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, in Rm. 302 of the Uni...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 3

…T"Imfl A15 9 THEICHM FI _______ 'M' Golfers Run Over MSC A gain For Seventh Consecutive Triuph Special To The Daily EAST LANSING, May 14 - A stubborn Michigan State golf squad, battling to avenge an early season defeat at the hands of the Wolverines, once again couldn't keep pace with the vaunted Mich- igan links crew and fell behind here today, 16-1012. For Coach Katzenmeyer's vic- torious charges, it was their seventh consecutive triumph ...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 4

…-THE MICHICAN DAILY - _ TM-LRSflAY, IAY 15, 1947 In is Wallace To Talk Today BILL MAULDIN IFNRY WALLACE will speak at noon to- day in Hill Auditorium. The man who i 5 er news, as a personality, than Tru- man or Marshall will be here for the hear- ing Just returned from his highly controver- .sal European speaking tour, Wallace should ha,) firsthand information to back up his views on American foreign policy. With more than a decade of se...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 5

…'Y 15, 1947 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Scabbard And Blade To Sell Military Ball Tickets Today, Sale of Senior Ball Tickets Lantern Night Song Contest Wolverine Cirls' State Week Scheduled for June 17 to 24 Dance Theme To Be Nautical Tickets for the Military Ball, traditional Scabbard and Blade formal, will be on sale from 8 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 5 p.m. today at the engineering arch. The dance, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 am. Frid...…

May 15, 1947 (vol. 57, iss. 158) • Page Image 6

…_________________THE MICHlIGAN DAILY 1 I Campus Briefs Concert Postponed . . A song recital by Norris Granville Greer, music school students, which was to have been heard today has been post- poned due to illness until June 1. Organ Program, ,u. Claire Coci, concert organist, will present the third in the cur- rent series of guest organ recitals at 4:15 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium. sMiss Coci's program will include the Passacaglia and Fu...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 1

…LEFTIST SETBACKS? See Page 4 Lj Lw~t DaItiq £LOUDY AND WARM VOL. LVI, No. 140 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY MAY 15, 1946 PRICE FIVE CENTS r r -i -rr ... Talks Open Adult Education Session Titiev Says Optimistic View of Future Depends on Utilizing Neighbors' Ideas More than 300 members of state women's clubs, church and PTA groups, and students and faculty members heard lectures in Rackham Lecture Hall yesterday at the opening session...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Five To Speak InAll-Campus Contest Today Finals Will Determine Best Student Orator Five student finalists will compete for the title of best student orator in the all-campus contest to be held at 8 p.m. today in the Kellogg Audi- torium. The contestants and their topics are as follows: John J. Carroll, "Lib- eration"; Nafe E. Katter, "The Guar- anteed Tenure of Freedom"; Carroll Little, "Retribution"; Elvira Smo...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 3

…WEDNEDAY, MAY 15, 1946 THE, MICHIGAN JDAJTl .. a .¢ v sn #. xs sx 1 \ 0.1' L3 .IL dl !. Michigan Baseball Team Stops Notre Dame, ____ STREAK SNAPPED: Senators Pound (ut 20 H iits To Swami> Detroit Nine, 15-1 Coach Barclay Still o ptiiiistic Despite Defeat 11 DETROIT, May 14-(/P)-The De-- troit Tigers' eight, game winning streak blew up today in the face of 20-hit Washington uprising that pro- duced a 15 to 1 triumph for knuckle-...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Sixth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Margaret Farmer . . . . . . . Managing Editor Hale Champion . . . . . . . Editorial Director Robert Goldman . . . . . . . . City Editor Emily E. Knapp . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Pat Cameron . . . . . . . . . Associate Editor Clark Baker . . . . ...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY. MAY 15, 1946 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE 1 t Navy, Maise nit To Hold Final Ball M A Ma.y 3 tUnion Jess Stacy's Orchestra To Furnish Music; Guests Will Present Graduation Honors During Senior Ceremony at Farewell Dance The Navy Farewell Ball, the last Navy dance to be presented on cam- pus, will highlight the week of fare- well celebrations on Friday, May 31, in the Rainbow Room of the Union. Members of the Navy and Marine unit an...…

May 15, 1946 (vol. 56, iss. 140) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SiX THE MICHIAON DILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1946 ,,,,,. I Men Needed As Advisors For Fall Orientation Registration of 1640 Freshmen Expected Men ktudents are needed for Orien- tation advisors during fall registra- tion from Sept, 16 to Sept. 21. Due to the large number of advisors needed there will be no restrictions as in the past concerning the stu- dents' class standing in the Univer- sity. A freshmen class of 1640 students is expect...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 1

…weY 4hr 4aiI Cloudy and Cool with Rain . . . .......... VOL. LV, No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1 45 PRICE FIVE CENTS Record B29 Air Raid Devastates Nagoya -1.0 'U'Increases Room Rentals, Board Rates Residence Halls Will be Affected Increases in room rentals and board rates in University Residence Halls effe.ctive July 1 have been an- nounced by the Board of Governors of Residence Halls. Double and single rooms, ...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 2

…PAGE~ TW THE MICHIGAN DAY T°l1: BA ing on a world organization, Security Council which would peace enforcing agency, to at Ietain for the security authority to supervise nego for peaceful settlement of c up to the time of attack, a right to decide whether tot full power of the world orgar against the aggressor. Reaction Favorable The first reaction of the Lat aot unfavorable, but they wai >ee this proposition in writi fore passing judgment. ...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 3

… UlESDAyMAY 15, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY FArM 'T'FRE-9 Crisler Back from Athletic Mission _ Sports Program Is Set Up Wolverine Mentor Praises Troops' Interest; Says They Favor Continuance of Pro Sports V HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN!-Sportsinans Park in Chicago, officially inaugurating the lifting of the racing ban, as Fetching -Bar (8), with jockey J. V. Martin aboard, shot under the wire to beat Porky (1), in the first race of the 1...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1945 I . WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Pacific Assignments Requested Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of re- publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail matter. Su...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 5

…4 ti MICHIGAN NDAILY PAGE Lantern Night T o Honor Senic Line To March from Li brary to VICTORY PORTRAIT-Mrs. Robert Martin of New York City poses in a hat with a victory flower motif for her portrait by June Harrah, young artist. Coeds Are Offered Scholarships To Become Physical Therapists - ------ ---- --- ------ By LYNNE FORD Students who have had at least two years college work, including twelve semester units in biology and ba...…

May 15, 1945 (vol. 55, iss. 147) • Page Image 6

…rT M .wA D7u Iv TUESDAY, AY +' t. $4 -4 .14 "A., S1Tg v (PEOPLE'S QUOTA. 7BILLION DOLLARS) ' { .. . , .. .. .. # M1, .. i.>.:;..... :::::. ' ' y.. . ... . . . . .. r Yd" 5 .-.": '{ . ..". ..: .,i & K. l y - '.'. r - 's i ..rlf ::' l } I I . ..I . i , .< '" : ; ' : :' Buy MORE Bonds and BIGGER Bonds! .4-.: ,I4 . I 04 *1 THE MIGHTY Pour out your might in the 1V IG T'° F Ar AdrAlFAlp Wig AL A6 THE '...…

May 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…n i full V ICI' w 'N .0 lw AW AMAMP tr I ---n' VOL. LIlT No. 167 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1943 Allied Airmen Blast Hitler's ortress Eu PRICE FIVE CENTS rope' -0 ?c it I I 'c -_____________ Netherlands, Belgium Feel Heavy Blows Number of Bombers, Depth of Attack Exceed All Previous Records By The Associated Press LONDON, May 14. - American bomibers, roaring out over Europe again, struck their heaviest blow of the war t...…

May 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…PAGE f' (F TH'IE MICH1IGAN~ DAILY 5ATuvj)Av* MAY. 15, 1943, , I t Fifty-Third Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to t...…

May 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

… ~~*~5AAP$3~ SPORT~S HAWS -l" .tW~iiCI2A AL .... ...__________________________ _____ . . ., .: .._ i .... Trakmen Take Lead In Prelims (Continued from Page 1) Hlad, competing for Chicago, ac- counted for all three berths scored by the Maroons. He won his heats* in the low and high hurdles and fin- ished second to Ohio State's Dal Dupre in the 100-yard dash. SUMMARIES High hurdles-Charles Hlad, Chi- cago; John Cooley, Northwestern; Bob G...…

May 15, 1943 (vol. 53, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…FART T F03 .ICE ;U- IHIG N 1DAILY ': , .4 h :r E ._... 'BETWEEN THE DAWN- ' AG's Take Off 15 Miutes a Day SEEK RESTORATION: ri ed A d i4ni feir oi Greece A Allied Alid intelifibl 91to By CAPT. IARi- Sit vA N Judge AdVoCate General's School As Longfellow wrote "Comes a pause in the day's occupation" even at the Staff School of the Judge Ad- vocate General's Department. After the evening mess the Offi- cers meet in the lounge of their Law...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 1

…Weather Cooler. L Sir igkr ti ®m VOL LII. No. 171 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 Z-323 I I Big Ten Track Meet To Open; Nine To Face IllinoisTeam Tennis Squad Wins Four. Matches At Columbus To Enter Three-Way Conference Title Race Fishman Will Pitch In First Encounter By GEORGE KOZLOFF Five members of the varsity cinder squad will run their last races this week-end for the University of Mich- igan in the Western Conference...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 2

…THE ICIIIGAN ...DN-I , FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 TH_. _ . lITVFIDY MY1. ~4 m. sra. i b saa ,a. s v;. .a v z rd DAILY OFFICIAL 1 BULLETIN FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 171 Publication in the Daily O fllal Bulletin is constructive noticeo ill members of the University. Notices University Senate: There will be a meeting of the University Senate on Monday; May 18, at 4:15 p.m. The place of the meeting has been changed to the Rackham Amphi- th...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 3

…FRIDAY,, MARCH15, 1943 hFim 1,,MICHIGAN- BAILY- PAGETJ*F Big Ten Track Meet Begins Today; Nine Will Play Illinois Buckeye Trackmen Big Favorites To Win Title Fisher Will Start Mickey Fishman At Champaign As Wolverines Fight To Hold First Place (Continued from Page 1) Kautz is another one of the runners who traveled west in the 'much- publicized meet to the Pacific Coast. John runs either the quarter mile or the 880-yard run. Du...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 4

…:. __ _ __ _THE MICI41GAN iJAItY- FRJJMA; NTH 15; VrV 4g~ *igtrlcuuaily Letters To The Editor 11 w _ " . F* - - -.6-mwj i Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the'Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fo...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 5

…FxRIT, Z MtV 15 Th4 2 TiMEICIGAN AitiY- Jane Connell To Be Editor Mademoiselle Magazine Selects Michigan Coed As Guest Editor Jane Connell, '42, has been chosen by Mademoiselle Magazine as one of ten guest college editors to put out its August college issue, making this the third consecutive year that a Michigan girl has received such an honor. Although the usual procedure is that the win'ers participate in the ten monthly quizzes that Madem...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 6

…TAlE iI I ANDAILY _ _ _ _r __ __ 4 . Local Schools To Get Health Training Plan Board Votes To Introduce Swimming, Exercising, Hygiene Information Hasley Supports Bill Declaring that "the American youth in comparison with German and Japanese youths is physically. unprepared to fight," Otto Haisley, superintendent of schools in Ann Arbor, supported a proposal, passed by the Board of Education at a meeting Tuesday night, providing for a pro...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 7

…FRIDAY, MAY 15; 19420 TII~MICHIIGAN DAILY Exiled French Cabinet Member CallsFor Aid To Underground (Continued from Page 1) refused to arbitrate as. compared to only six where labor refused,, arbi- tration. Cot defended labor by saying that "the most active in the underground now are the workers-the organized workers." Cot, who was indicted at the Riom war guilt trials, declared that "the Vichy government" repre- sents a small and shrinkin...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 8

…flGHT THE MiCHIGAN fAILY TRIThi~Y, MAV i5~ t~4~ 7 Morgan's SRA Work Praised ByBlakeman. Dr. Edward R. Blakeman, Univer- sity religious counselor, yesterday ap- plauded Kenneth Morgan's four-year directorship of the Student Religious Association as a contribution that will "live as a builder of democracy ... long after most of us have passed to the life beyond." Effective Leadership Reviewing the career of Morgan, who left Tuesday to becom...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 9

…WAR-SEMES TER SUPPLEMENY it.qan 4 atis WAR-SEMESTER SUPPLEMENT ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 . THE BENCHCOMBER . . . By Bud Hendel AT THE TIME this column was set to print, the Board of Regents had not yet met for final consideration of the pro- posed physical education program to be established here at Michigan. Their meeting will come this weekend, and their approval of whatever plan is set before them, we believe, wi...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 10

… TIW THE MTCHTGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 Wodverine'Basketball Prospects On Upswing Eight Veterans To Be Bolstered By Best Freshman Squad In Years; Cartmill, Holman, Antle Lost I -M Offers Activities Program For Building Competitive Spirit Fielding H. Yost Remains Inportant Part Of Michiga n Athletic Tradition By ClARKE BAKER After.several years of battling the other cellar occupants of the Big Ten for the dubious honor of resting n...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 11

…FRIDAY, MAT 15, 1942. THE MICHIGAN DAILY AGE TBRET FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1942 PAGE Tfl~EE Freshman Puck Squad Expected To Aid Sextet Success Of Team Will Be Determined By Ahonen, Hobbs, Opland; Loud, Four Lettermen Return Wolverine Sports Review Highlights Of Eventful Year By KEV JONES With the best freshman squad in the history of Michigan hockey form- ing the backbone of the team, Coach Eddie Lowrey's 1942-43 sextet will be one of the mo...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 12

… 'I'U , MICHIGAN DAILY. 0 FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1042 AT _ l....Tau :rG~-.aNs I._.IaT.Y MA 1. fa ° =f d/ r-vati Big Ten Linksmen To Play Here Hopes Of Aatmen Depend On Draft Rate Buckeyes Over Michigan CinderSquad (Continuedtfron Page 1) glandular fever, while Buel is recov- ering from a spike wound suffered in the Drake relays early this month. The greatest setback to the Maize and Blue cinder squad was the sea- son-long i...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 13

…FRIDAV, MAY 15, 1942 THE MICHiGAN DIAILY PAGEA MAY . ..1942...... M Big Ten Football Teams, Hit Hard By Graduation Minnesota Still Appears Strongest, But Ohio State, Northwestern, Iowa Are Rebuilding Squads Crisler Head Of Versatile Coachin Staff I I I By DES HOWARTH and BOB SCHWARZKOPF Football in the Big Ten will be as colorful this coming year as in any year in the past. Although many men will be lost to the services, the inter- ...…

May 15, 1942 (vol. 52, iss. 171) • Page Image 14

… k six THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, Y 15, 19414, THE MICHIf~AN DAily - aDAY, .MAY 15r 194. New ESMDT Coarse Given University' Students Will Be Trained As Industrial Inspectors Of Ordnance Materials An increasingly great demand for trained men to serve as industrial in- spectors has resulted in the establish- nent of the Ordnance Materials In- spection course by the University which has already graduated one group, expects to send out a s...…

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