April 15, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 153) • Page Image 1
…VOL. VI. No. 153. ANN ARBUR, MCHIGAN, TIH URSD)AY, APRIL 15, 1897. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IiiZS. :1 N(F1,1 IS NAME!). irate foo'lshnes for anybody to -main ANOTHIER TIE GAME. -IL)fiean that 132 men elected for two- isNomination as Minister to years coldl handle the affairo of the Second GameBewn 'Varsity Ils\BtenReceived a full line of Novel SettIheSnt niverity better time eight regents anIeigbeRsut7to. TunrkeySettthSeaeanInigbeReutrto. tier for ...…