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March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…6 KEEP THAT KITCHEN GOING -.d ,Jit it au ~I~aihg Section One VOL. XXXV. No. 123. SIXTEEN PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MARCH -15, 1925 SIXTEEN PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS . HOOVER COMMENDS RELIEFCAMPIGN S400 UOTA NEAF FORMER SECRETARY SENDS WIR TELLING RUSSIA'S NEED) MANY AT DANCE Campus Contributions and Individual Gifts Help Swell Total, Reports Show By telegram received yesterday, Herbert Hoover's opinion today of the wor...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925s 7 f r { . t ed primari o eet the needs of stu- LAIE A O Y dens esiring an elementary kno«1- WHA''f GOING O Deemntv 1!~ i f lff [ l~ ov 2husmineralogy will ii Ntcs oaparinti £1m nts Tii ii[ r ihD~lieach week. of laborat work 4 4~ay o isue @ s I 0 'At~ Lectures in lit hology will form a re- vie of rock-ecformingimniner~oals, a dis-origin,)- ('urrhq?,illu w sWill 111Iu41e Special1 and Si...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 3

…I SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925' THE MICIGAN DAILY Lifo e nle ers1iip SualiSeri p11011 S Most ~Be Paid tol Meet Mortgage Pue hn Auigust RENEWAL IS REFUSED Next August a mortgage to the abunt of $200,000 falls due upon the building of the Union. A renewal of this mortgage wa sgranted by the banks here last year, the ,time exten- sion to be one year. This year the banks will not renew the mortgage and the Union must raise the .$200,000 in. 'the nex...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 4

…t, IAA I1E OUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MA'RCI , 1925 Pulished every morning except Monday during the Universit year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively tn- ! titled to the use for republicatioux of all news dispatches, credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the postoffi...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 5

…/ SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE V I C O ILVAr 11 11117 . WAVA will IIII&M C 1 Social Events Of Past WeekD[ Mor arboard SellsI P90 NTTROUT - - - - -TEWIL aer For League START ONShow Brilliant Activities; TA iaLNGI~PpeoLage AT R 0 , UNG11611 O p Mortarboard society is conducting ANThe Freshman Frolic furnished the tha Cook building last Tuesday even- iss Maria Lanzar, first Barbour Ia stationary sale, the ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY +" + aa +-Aava ii%.a<ILA 1 L/,C 1i Ll i " SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 WINIMMN XN (T71717 w, lS.v I MMMR% ' .._ t PURPLE TANKMEN SWTITLE Four 11 eorzdsFall at University of C'ldfzago 'ank; Breyer and r Howell Star WISCONSIN SECOND Chicago, March 13.-(By A. P.) - Northwestern natators, winners of last year's Western Conference swimming St. Louis Browns To Have Strong Outfield BASEBALL SQUAD Kipkc To Re...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 7

… SUNDAY, MAlRCH 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN AT31 OADVERTISING AT 3 PM 1EA1)iEIIS ATTENTION-ThIS advertising is for your benefit, and you ~teurged to .she advantage of these columns. Jimmie will be glad to Iii,] 1>You find' your lost articles, to hielp you sell or buy tliru tis medium. C'A at the Press building where you will be given immediate and efficient . NOTICEI Opur moderate prices make it possible for all to have F...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 8

…PAGE EIGHT _____THE MICHIGAN DAILY STUNDAY, MARCH 15, 192~ DAIY OFFICIAL BLEI Publication in the Bulletin 18 constructive notice tv all mxembers of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to tho Eresdent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. mn. Saturdayi Volume 5 SITNDAY, MIARCH 15, 1921 lumtber 123 To tlhe Deans: There will be no Conference of the Deans, Wednesday, March 18. A. 11.loyd1. University Senae: The third regular meeting of the...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 9

…Feature Section Ar 4ir 4AF 4kor attu Feature Section VOL. XXXV. No. 123. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, sun1--XDA, . :i 1, 1925 EIGHT PAGES JUN10I GI X0 r a " - d, ar h: :.v - ptt.....r1oL-i' P L IN SPAIN 4,T Tuesday Night is Date Set for Premier of Annual Junior Girls' Play This Year's Production has Settings in Ann Arbor and Northern Spain Work of Months Nears End as Finishing Touches are Added to Musical Show Spanish Atmosp...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 10

…t. :*0, 5 t k. 'Tyti PAGE TEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 i,; Castles In Spain Junior Girls, Builders ', i .. The Director 1 By Valentine Navies Any new spirit in the theatre is anI asset. This is even more true when zealcus youth replaces settled middle age in the direction of a productionI which has the unavoidable tendency to become traditional, even in plot and detail. So the coming of Amy Loomis to the Junior Gir...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 11

…SUNDAY, AIARCF-I 1Fr, MT, THE MICHIGAN DAILY Y5AG ELVWN Ri in Stravinsky- Composer or Musical Roughneck? hpeaks queen bee with the destruction of the emppOnent male, her lover, in the dy heig thereat if it will!" This completely -this vital energy, this ferocious When Igor Stravinsky was first misinterprets Stravinsky, at least the lyricism, have served me as a sort of approached with offers to come to our Stravinsky revealed to us la...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 12

…PAGE TWELVE THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 University Life- ussian Philosophy-Broadly Speaking Behind the Scenes in Russian Dormitories-Where One Bed Does A Campus Pessimist Airs His Views on Life et al. For Three and the Price of a Book is 10,000,000 Rubles ing to Contribute Further if Desired Will Be Will- Life is too short .to make action worth while. If man attempts the ac- quisition of power, if he drives his creativ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 13

…St7NDA'Y, MATRM 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY P'AGE TTTEEN a ++ IMusic and Drama ++ d I May Festival Glimpses __.__ . 3! I j By Lydia Kahn bell-yet ever - with the continuing There is no need to introduce the j peel of t hythimic chords. Andante first soloist of the May Festival con- In ever slowing pace, the sombreI cert series to an Ann Arbor audience, swaying harmonies recur in softestj for we have all heard of Ossip Gabril- ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 14

…. PAGE FOURTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1921 SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 192w L ooigIantern Night, the Mi Made by Other Page By Ul~ias iK. IWagier i Lantern night activities are leading to the growth of a new tradition among the freshmen women at the University, namely, thew freshman pageant. It was held for the first. time last year and plans are no0w being! miade for this year's p~resentation. In establishing an annual event of...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 15

…f' SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 1925 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIFTEEN I ii, --__- - - - The story champions Youth which for! all1 its exhulberance usually com es out li( cn t p o i n - l y d b i s L-nm . :;an---is at first one of those daugh- C t~~~~c~~rs whom fathers meet coming home i :<"_:< as they go to the office in the morn- Ec a' lu, an Spike' 3aine-Mvalcolm ; y 1 l i ( r r d i e i o d t r t r uh'1 i'l l d i a e ( I I Ct h e F r e n c h w i ...…

March 15, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 123) • Page Image 16

…P'AGEI SIXTEEN THE MICHIGAN DAIL'Y M-'-T)AY, MARCH 15, 1925 _. Cinea -- -f too infrequent concerts. And Satur- first half of this week. "The Speed daywit ni the DeleniedSh awn Dands Spook" is said to be a. story of pathos, ';.fIEA l iK ES wIhtecceetTd w an pep, and politics' and one of six reel !Rfuth St. IDcnis are appearing. comedies.. Faire Binney, the only ;ItIloolis as though "Tb~e Goose woman in the cast, is the owner of - ---------...…

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