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March 15, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…,AJL-ftm - A 4 94 Pa0s VOL. X. ANN ARBOR, 31iCH., THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1900. Spring Announcement G. H. 1 WILD & CO.' We hasve jost re ceivedl oui linej of spring woolens for men's wear. It incliiies everything in stapltes that are suitable and e- sirable for the season. We are also shiowings fusl rangces iin nv- elties, in (ulity anid style toIs suit the innst exeacting taste. consistin' of Top Goats, Suit- inigsI'Fasry Nests ani l if T...…

March 15, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 125) • Page Image 1

…;be o (? AN, VOL. XLI ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, MIARCH 1 ., 1901 .Oar Special Line o.... PROF. JOHNSON ACCEPTS "Sank-' Condo Will Not Play Foreign and IDomiestic Will Depart Abot April 1st For the Thl aealvemwlilc h e FABDI~Philippines--Third Untversitj 0 so oeo hsxix lUiit F B ISProfessor Hostid toply. --ai ws (tileof te hi fi tli me hatl ever (oiliell i FEQR SPRI N G Prof.b. -'. Jliiixsoii ill aocep1 ie orlvi' higioii. I oot ifielin...…

March 15, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…ANN Aft IC SATII Pt) , MARCH1:15,1 } . Fn.__X___ DEXTER M. FERRY Donate; a nPo fatp As t: t: iS T y\j i;±' ikI ti. I I i i'M . I+1t 1 AlI THE CELEBRITY BALL :'atoilations on the Success of V' N III iIhi o tid eceit Social Event .,IS 1,i On'l i:;itt 1.,tt"rf.' ttl ' til~"ii Iii __ 1!' I1 E" t' t"111 in I 'i ill 'r; 'i'i ll ; t .t' I'e '.!'. f . No . 12 0 Mr. Ferry~s Letter. \11 S r pi' ?. MS i -h ' -'. ii) Y2 II 'd iI illiii ifis 'ii "i 1 1' S ...…

March 15, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 122) • Page Image 1

…I piffft uso DAILYO \F III. ANN 3Itt'30R, MICH., SUNDAY, ALIRCH, 15, 1903 o~. 12 MICHIGAN VICTORIOUS Defeated the Illinois Team 42 to in a Most Exciting Contest -Visitor Got Three Firsts n0 blight, \1'114i11 -ierwil nuing ~trI te111 defea4-ited Iliili 444 i).vnexi''eitit rlss' Of 42 to .04oin is. 1Over'ione t14445t41i Siec-tatos irs 4c-14'li-si-lit at the big d0II.Il1 ni-t i '40:1141411s'5'1ila14141 mildi tlilt .1,4 111.144 14144ie, ' iron Sly...…

March 15, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…he Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1904. No. 117 frIICU6AN DEBATERS. REPUBLICANS BUSY. RECORD WILL STAND. ALUfINUS WINS HONORS. Wolverine Orators are Preparing for Electioneering Has Begun for Selec- Rose's Shot Put of 47 ft. 6/ Inches Geo. W. Maxey, '02 Lit, the Recipient the Coming Contests-Wisconsin tion of Officers Next Saturday- .. Will Be Allowed-Relay Races of High Honors and Prizes at Men are ConsideredStr...…

March 15, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 116) • Page Image 1

…wL . Z « 0 A ] sue-. ~ .- r /. .- "- " J. l 77 .- .w ;: f _ J ,. :' .-. J l "- ... -" O 1 J W tit-i r :J *- U 0p v'J O r; M r+w 'J , r'. r^ .- C! " o .^ C!) +- r -Q; ' o , r, , V ' R' ' - ° :: w Ts .r, > , y ,, H - y r « ,., ' c O ' v ; n L- n_ w f r _ . f. . rl ra .. 1. t J; " f r .s 'u r . L r-. ~ r--" '.% . ' w F9^ P - '' "J F+y d %"" + may-. n 't_ W :r r yy . .. r+' loj T .d fJ :.n 'J 1 T r e! "Y \ / _.. _. Y " L v jlJ 'r, , " "- (--a , I ...…

March 15, 1906 (vol. 16, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

… r;.. ._; 0 * - w . .: u .- .. r" v -. L - ^ " :+ y aC,, " -V ?, . " W "- ^+ . - A / C Q_ "., ) " '.' ., .+ n . 7. l "' . . 3. y ;J y+ ^ . - w v . - G+" " V "+ r' = / ^ G . . . . J J v n _ ii .. { ! t r ,y .Y 0 . '-W v .n.v rw ' ~ '' ~ n ' ' i. Z '' . ,"",,^ ! p44 r, A \, 4 - I' r YN . T J ~ r _ ' . . V t .f - f . ,J i : "- w .Y u r ^ ~ r fi Jr ^ ~ cz -C bp v t7 W C' " '"' VG A, -, ^' '+-! t ac 7 7= ct r 77 ^ T v ~f y J G ^~ 41, 77: 7Z: G -...…

March 15, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VO. V II. AtNIHGN.\l(),iiftf(\. FIDAYf\N, MARCH t;, WRESTLERS FEAT1 Program Includ Classes, Sems Final Ba: Iliilt ii' iitte .i'j <lt t i rcant rtil S itda ' WILL BE Siiitt v(In I :itIIt 5'" IllIII 1, : SIX MEN TO COMPETE til llI[I Il URE TOMORROW V W ~ FOR ORATORICAL HONORIS des Bouts in All Five iii nithall hdll f)"nit ac)1-Annual Varsity Contest to be field w:,ilt i i~ iii iii i i li to) tit, fi ta i-=Final Relay, and...…

March 15, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 123) • Page Image 1

…VOThe Michigan Daily VLi. ANN iARIBOR, 1MJCIUGA--\,SITNDAY, MARCH 15, 1908, No. z2,. COE. DEFEATS HASKINS IN SPLENDID CONTEST Easterner Couldn't Gain in Final Sprint-Benbrook Puts Shot 43 Feet-Myers Wins Quarter in Fast Time-Numerous Vet- erans Attend Meet-Notre Dame Not Scheduled. ;peaks of the possibility of a game as *X(-tic1)Dan1e 1wo01(1be migbty glad to play ;M1icbigan. but theyre io a tigbt 1p1ace. 11(1i110nalans NOs. 14 for a 0101...…

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