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December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…i . ESTABLISHED 1890 V LIE- 47".. MEMBE}2 ASSOCIATED PRESS mm"Wrommm"m VOL. XL. NO. 66. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY. DECEMBER 15. 1929 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS A POLICE HOLD COMMUNIST RIOTERS IN GOTHAM; HOOVER FREES OTHER NEW YORK, N. Y., Dec. 14. hailed the revolt of the Haiti Fourteen men and women were ar- workers and their children. A rested and two policemen were in- "Hoover declares war on worker ljured today in two dem...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO T F M[ l, H t l t A i 4! WiLil i i- Y - C TT'ATP1 X Ar V%"jN"lk etra a 4 4 mean a a. . 4 aAA1 i N E . SUNDJAY ', DEGEMBEn 15. 1929 I KKALEF 10oISUSMITHSOIANISIUEAWARDS 91scssl LAN EY EDALr OMANL Y, B YRD __. - 4 O FhI~ GVE ASENTTwo Members of TMichigan's History Staff Ln01n RIIIUU Are Scheduled on National Meet Program TO. DI T TQ It~ IP_ __ - - 4- -in,, r cet . ..M« !L LU 111L 0 UIILU I IIjII IJ'Two of the history staf will...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15,1_4929, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A ILYa a-aa PAGE TITRES SNTCOMT[EGrundy' Takes Senatorial Oath of Office ti [ATR S['SGEOGRAPHY POESRGVSTL I TYEReprsentatin Dl Ens NSETHS AT LEAGUE ON EAST-WEST PROBLEM CLA Uas Two-Year R pesnaiottle E dsAS I A- I E a T ED N S_1_ITTereaeDthee LtemHt It SaIes "Thyare uarassthreengattemptsorc at StateindvidTheyhihapilaoetcasthm...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…"T r MTe'RT(, N i'l 7 1.'V .M-l TIM I IT7 TIN V e n-w , W"m TI T5 1: 1 ?I *. TT-awl x w.. owi.M L 'T? V _ . _ 1 fP4bli.hed every Iorning xcert Mody luring the Universit year bybtc tios he Board in Control of Student &Pub icntoni. Member of Westera Conference Editorial Association. I The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republi'~ation of all news dis- fatches credited to it or not otherwisecredited in this- paper a...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

….tT~TmAV 'T 1 .I44a4w4'. %m.J.L~.A . 4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY :.,, . f.7 V1'IUA Z. LLLL lYA.DL"LL lytn 1Va5.Y r I VA VOTE OF WOMEN ON REENT'S BOAR SHOULDB9E CAST CONSCIENTIOUSLY' Freshman Group 90 Wins 'WAA' Bear in Play-Day Competition INITIATIONS, CHRISTMAS PARTIES AND DINNERS- 1 M L COMPRISESOCIALACTIVITIES FOR THIS WEEKi ron rnrr YrIIIrv Several of the sororities have Esther Marsh Cram in "Talk on the Won Regent' Over WJ Declar...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…PAGE SIX THF' l11'f TrN"1r. A M n A TT V IVA - -+.... r i LL1\JC V LjJ.Hj. L. TSUNVAY, DECEMBER 15, 1929 WUL VERJNE HOCKEY TEAM TO PLAl ONTARIO MONDA I Defeat by Frosh Squad Giv Gloomy Aspect to Hopes of Michigan Fans. VARSITY IS ERRATIC Followers of intercollegiate hoc] eydom will look with much intere on the performance of Coach E die Lowrey's Wolverine sextet when the Michigan pucksters clas with the University of Western Ontario t...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 7

…w ' U~hTbAV ThDECEMBER !P15!. 0(TII. M C I ADA LYN ~AA.,SAf.J4aaa Jt 1029 THE MICHiGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN .. x=+vi . a. n z... + +.uvraav4 ur . iu, aa .u . . ~ Intramusral News I i E ' . . .._ ._.. _.u Indiana Mat Squad Has The University of Nebraska h vs SERVICE AT YOUR SERVICE declined to play Minnesota in foot-, W. H1. Clark, life time experience in 14 Veteran Candidates ball on the ground that they will making shoes, riding boot...…

December 15, 1929 (vol. 40, iss. 66) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHICIAN DAILY ,,T","nAV- nrrmmrr, 1 -- -_- ___ __ >:_ _ .I 1Y '-'4 . Y s ..4.& J .; 4 Y J.4' . L LU .&F 14P I17 ' NAVAL DISARMAMENT CONFERENCE TO HOLD MEETING I[U'J I ST. JAMES PALAC E, LONDON, EARLY IN JANUARY BYu REn IESOIT AIR SAER, THAN LIFE IN CHICAGO, SS ARCHITECT Major Francis Keally Addresses" Architectural Students on Airport Design. "There were more people shoIt to death last year in the city of~ Chicago alone than were ...…

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