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December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…re Mich-igan Daily ANN ARBOR, MXICHIGAIN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER r , 100 7. VO. XVIII. No. 6r7. MICHIGAN TO HAVE 'QUAKE STATION Geological Department Plants Many improvements --Stu- dents to Do Research Work. GENEr'RAL SM1ITh TELS ;c'InDAIQ DPV STORIES OF TilE ARMY ;1ISORUlINS SPEAK~ I'icAn a-atgaanclb rcet y ON LOCAL TOPICS 1a-n e, 1held tia smoke it the 'Mich An!) i fored byri meniintia tire i'rer- ir " I rare tWerdtat onectime or in- t11re ...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 2

…'r~tE ICHIGA HAwr GI .Wild (ouipauyi TheLarest Sinc ilthe 'ity Exclusive Styiri For Gentiemlen'Wear Iveorything;r i 1 1 Ovot s, PC Iio "II. e Specially 0. H. Wild Colipany 311 South State Street SEEHAN & CO Magmznes and Nek a Low RatesandttPm5, ' H :11JCIGAN 'DAILY. ! 1ftzagiig i Cditore-PAeo, SCOTT MowR- Zti .neiri' Manarger--C. E. WIoNTAD. ITti'ORS Neta ........ .. ..... A. F. Ritchie h'hi'etien ........ ,.. Davidl F. Stevenson t;<hai' ge...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 3

…T~NT ICiIIC'A-N DAILY Sam Burchfield's I Fine Tailorin Trade Can Deliver Th Goods &SCo.EAST HURON ~.-T Holiday Goods Now on safe at BROWN'S brug Sto 120) E. L betv St. A LA~f $1.0 1.5 SI 4 All O -tie i t ,, m li MI+CIIAN PINS ANI) iu 25C op to $5.01 A SPE C IM. I Watch Inspctrforithe Anna I Uo 206 L. CMAN I Branch: 30)4 S. Stt' St ('iolden Scepture- sTHE SMOKElt[O1COMFIORT COOL AND1MILDii 3 Packages for -1E' 31111"loath 'S:t itt i , MIR.FASHI...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 4

…TR MICHIGANDAILY Look to your Looks -De. 1(,i- te lsia t tritiH NYe o high school auditoriumn. TAILOILS / r. High Class ______________________ Dec. t7-Junior lit iance t BrouI asn.FURNISHERS ITo W U 11 Merchandise If onitwoxitd lhe looked up to, not dowvn on. Dec. I()-Opening of Majestie theatr HATTERS PplrPie )ur tailoritig i.sntaianpeeietl "The ('il of the Golden Wiest- Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Soot fot- the youtt to n of the per...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 5

…SUPPLIENT T.e MichiganD aily AN ARBOR, NIC- IGAN .TUDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1907. VoT.. XVIII Y(:)(7 A SANGUINARY PHILANTHROPIST By Raymond Vsscher tMuicts lax sobingliiat ic Ii l d 1. i t~s in disgiaicdep, darkii iiiii c l - (Ije igrace., s i ct o erroodcti i. - idr her slis. SIhe ofc thI xl ciii ta' I ,Jc epuctatio. thadl ilcdi. .endI \irt ofall little girls , lae.,c . cci Itno er''t ride., ii iMciss neets vr1 ccite pcpil. it gouud exaplfarte...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 6

…THt MICHIGAN\DAILYT - -A S sNGIUINARY PHlILANTHRO11- THE RETURN HOME ' ha old nhan ses listening eagerly THE FOLLY OF LEARNING ISi'. 'vs , it's alnost ten minutes after YE CAULDRON By Jules Verne Des oignes seet nos. e.ll be cmn' soon, cer- BY W. D. Lae (t'outinucit front page .) ttmIhwo my~ tnt that Ithe couldn't tbring thema "Wiats tins is it, Lucy." tm y, tovgod that suppr smells! The extravagant and pretetious e_ Vit li Reolnwii twlvebuhel...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 7

…I HrN MICIG INDAILY THE NEW ROMANCE By RS.C \What are we reading? A friind -of mine once Wrote an essay on this sb- ject, in which le traced otr inubitale for Hardy, Ibseni and Co. to a few deep-lying tendecis in Our tnder-, graduate life. I am sorry tatI ca- tilt reproduce tis aialyss, here it touecied so ceteery on or tessimisi, our iconoctasmi, our tire-occpatot switt uinpleasait socialttrolems;tbtittes-ry- one wilt recogizie the...…

December 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 67) • Page Image 8

…11lr MIC~IGA1N l) 1,tY LM N4E- RR'V CHRISTMAS! Price $1.00 A New Souvenir Book of Views FORTY-EIGHT ELEGANT PHOTOGRAVURES (NOT THE CHEAP HALFTONES) JUST THE THING WE HAVE WANTED FOR YEARS On Sale All Over/ Town I ! Kodaks and Cameras There is Nothing More Acceptable for Christmas. Kodaks $1.00 to $78.00 Cameras $4.50 to $100.00 Kodak Clristimis Box at S4.01 conitainis a Brownie Camera, Brwnie iDevelopilng Machine and everything else ...…

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