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November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,\ N \ RBOR, \flCHIiiGV\ liiRSDAYX NO\VE- Ii ,i iT i VOLc. XVII. ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD C S \ (,AMP'Nic sCil iLllV GIVES 'TEAM SEND-OFF CHA.rii~ NGE'[) AAIiN Tilinn rmeis an ri sh rlig iii itwenty!Men taken on Varsity Squad! vei ly thiremi nit tgam' Satr- -Another Change in the tine-. la is tead of tis aft rnoonii up announced. . ilnnulilineT heii." wl WNiththt cheirsof thousands of loyl n, sti liv p litwi tiedts .hlop...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…, -s r//; 'J/ f"} U iV V ^Y p+ mV 'V Ja t 3 ffr*1+ tV W fT 0 0 0 - n U fG r, n r, V . o M r m 77 _ -z M C u OMIR Fw w rf coon C._ V M -mow Adpm*A c-' C/) m - < 0 MM 0 - ~E~h.E i~l §O DC rm amE rm U U r IM j .+> J.' .,, .. : r =r .rte.: - 0 l 0 1 s °° M hi { ;. 1 "i { .. . J. ' J: , - U, - c : c Y .r * :, ^ 2 cwoy p s 4 o y v' C v c . ^,..t ,a _ _ v CL V n J X.. N "" t 7 r r. f : 7' _' i ' I S 1 . 1 rr11 rI~ = rl r 1IIIII I I...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIGAN iDAILY ... I :" ', '' 1 X { -, , ; , ;, 9 :, t t I t ; : ,. L.a:..eEd..J-dic, .1 IT WON'T COST YOU ANY MORE 10 COME EARLY AND GET 11113PICK OF 1111 SUITS Overcoats arnd Raincoats tl'<>1 c eIrat!idClt t i ti'ale t eontlyc lot'! s Intt's ij t r. A fill lite oftkill I at-, Caps, ('dovcc, 't'cwt IrIl Rafe., Flanneitl ilt rto S (2atel " B :' Swe,,ter alit! STAELER (l WUERTTH Exclxssive Desig I t 1 Ff " t r 4 .rsfor Dress Wear F...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…"I HE MICHIIGANEDAIL.Y IIOAG'S ICr Tntm I .n I ,hi n on FOR 10 CENTS A' l Pict rcs Pip LcathcrwtPnacnats anld Stathoncry tliqtvl 'a n- it'I ( I t oIt a 25CtAs for. A I r ~ "t1 t of, co t. i i ' I ' ALARM CL OCIK4HACK AM) CARR1IAGE H114 F Chapman's Jcwclry Stare lob SOtiIi MAIN 'l. BkANCHI 510CC AT 2041ISouth State Street j 'itt'. trunk t FU NIVI1-RSITV NOTCI )ill rd S Int'c.S1 Io C''.,. I h 1ES. 4 t.'t'I II (1-tiest, S iil clot, v"' ...…

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