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November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…VO. xi. Announcement S Our special line of foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Winter of r900 has arrived and is arranged for inspec- tion. The eie careful attention is'given to the styles and finish of every suit, whether to e used for hbusilness purposes or for full dress occasions. 6. H. WILD CO., rrb L. Washington St. OATH TOWELS AT. ALL PRICES FOR YOUR ROOM OR THE GYM Wilder's Pharmacy 3205S. State St.I EVERYTHING Onr sonle n o ...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…2 THlE UN[lV h ISITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. o e ~*L Oo~tt~ IN NEW QUARTERS. SII-L C(COiIN -- (Continue from fit pooe) Published Daily (Modays rcpeddrigftie 000 lhin liii' itifoul't of tle sfli~flii'iii' , OTili ifOBIR , HET D college yearat lon; hi eore, this reeiliofi is gven i iS-IK H T THE UNIVERSIIY OF MICIGAN spee rio::.'1fo1-le Citiens. Then ito the MAIN OFFIcE BNsCHiOIEev rlthforth anua eonilece- This mas of clothing s cn- Argus Bldg. Main ...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE UDMVEBSflY OF ?M(BIGAT DLAILY.3 3 " SALE OF... MEN'S SHIRTS A large assortment of Stiff Bosom Fancy Shirts, regular S $1.50 values, sold by all other A dealers at this price, our extra- A .9 c E c ordinary purchase enables us ~ 9 C E c to place them on sale . - - - - - Best percales, latest. vertical stripes and, desigas- blues, ~ grays,. helios and nect style, pocket nek nd, ncot retainer, pair A .61ic0edcuffs with each, sizes -13 t6 1...…

November 15, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE UJNIVERISITY Oi MICHIGAN DAILY TALES OF THEl EX=TANKS A Book of Hlard Luck Stories By OLARK 'co.Lotfp (YL 2KE N R-e-published fromu the.- Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man whe can. appreciate a a good thing and faits to read this book, will be camping ot-that's all." FOR SALE: BY Sheehan & O. 320 S. STATE STREET, You can get 'a HOT LUNCHn AT TUTLE]'S Buzrchffield's Fine Taoring .ra. . Our sartorial skill is eqpal to the best in...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…MhRBT YEA&R. ANN ALNBOR, MICII., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1901. No. 46 WE MUST WIN THAT CHICAGO GAME SIGNAL PRACTICE ONLY.11,lct elptiotl. It tllllytlonsisls Inl Chiag) Gme Ofcias. SONG PRACTICE TONIGHT. th hii Ihc o liolteensT i Igs c Ith<t'i a l istt ______ Fotflorud a Ntcrm aglol ii i t iiI t i tc ' a ti cit stllil.Several Changes 1in the Od Son~" Accout of wet Field-Meni 11i i C'.ic( pitc tai'et t heirlou- 1 II' [ t"fct 1 .:11:I 'kt nIest s ei...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…THEEAIICHlIUAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT IfIILOR OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever shown, containing ALL THE Black and Blue: Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suitings and Trouserings in the latest patterns and color- ings. The largest assortment in the state. W I LD60. io8 E. Washingtoa St. Tutti Prutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin.- al style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE# IC1UQj6" pstp-mIit ...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…THE NMlCHIGAN IhAl L-NEWS it""", t "i p: r + 1 ++3+'4tw4+i++4++++++34*4+..+34++3 3 The Mast GonvinGina Iing that we couldI do that would tend to indttce yout to toty STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a mian who has worn them. We cannot command the language with wsihtl to tell you how good these clotses are. The tiakers attach their lalel he- nceath the coat collar of their coats, arnd they are so proudl of their reputation, that...…

November 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…THE I1It11(GAN DI)AILY-NEWS \VAiGNER & t.CO. W refly rpae0wiha102nz tleto TAILO7S broach'inog; 'otoooo. Iftyouotareto osototide too aoy. 1 33 South Main Street thintgfort' teno's twtat', let utalk ttit t oer10101h yo.o WE LEAVE NEXT THURSDAY BTE ~ NEE Our entire stock of, The SCHIEEDE TEMPOR RY BINDER LAW PUBLICATIONS GOES to1 to tat. Atot'B Sao'e Itiouey by orha it o.\ net '4 i stcir wNit tsc t l:itt()ti. fottt I \I 50c~t~.'p',.tt twoo tlr sl...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…, . i iCD ! '-Jd , _ . ; Y , i -' -+ _ ,___r ' ' A D _, ..._ . , , 'I "I. 'l. . t^ 8 _. . k^+}i Y}q1 (^ c V *x }+ 4 ^ ;v'a , rt; . : _..8 ti: c". 4 W {i" M+s e gn I J hers w ewa r« --- . I ,_r _ _: . . _. - 3 f r - y i - . ' . - _ T I, j , --- ...._..,.. _, f i CIj ': , - . . ~ , ' . l 1 u j r ' s C ! w. iI _ 7 r3 i u r 1 Sr ; _ I { t t '_ ,, r_ , _ ._ . :- f. ' i" c72 rt' , C° . 4. rr CD' . …

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…TilE TMICHIGA N a 'iiI t ' C ,i1"v AII)NIS IX, ZDAILY-N EWF NEWE BOOKSI AT MANAC IN6 EDIT0R, 1: tRL J I. lIOUV ;TO N, ')N BUSINESS ;iSNAGaFR, E:IITOWoa. A1EN1.0A1. NIX t. I +I '1 ; ir l ' " ] l 12 "7 i1 4l' ,, .l l.t '212 l l . +,, il itI, ' t i E : t~ w t ,1 i Nt 1 . . .. Tilt V 11 Na'e . .. . . .. . . Iilr tat ataa'im l S i s e 1 c .H tr 'IlzlIrak .. ..I.t l~ r tX UXX. i ' 120 aci SAC RIF I CED .1114N I'"X ad, ' Isi}1 v 1 {r1 110 CI i't y i ...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE AlICHIGAiWAILY-.NE'i If you want to know what smartly dressed m nen witt wear this sea- w~n 1 < son ask to see 'VESTSStein= Smart Clothes .,.1inden~s~hI1itf & Aptel T IACE AND PARISIAN NIr~lr o '~ 1-'New A " ) t l . I f l i - Ii . M, , OWNER, Abt. Seles '.. Ofice, Z12 Maynard St. i n sOfficial Fo~tbatl Supplies (! Nlt i .1 MICIGAN O7L IN NNNr.iN INN - Nil' MNNHIG NNNNOTES. NI : trae, l e' i Nl ii li 511 N N, - 11 is This is worthy YOUR ATT...…

November 15, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THE MICIGAN DAILY-NEWS a..,.,.,.,-' ,f"'- ~ a .,.' . a. ' .,.M. - a'r. a a' --.+ax n a t . a t"'. ,,a. r ..- ft.;; ',°^,a ^ a . r"m'-,,..-t,, -... -,-,rr; - - " SWOW&AAM r a. a . reeuodrr+rrre roars er+rr+ r.rr iiri IE . At'k " J O p~i '" tE . - [a! ' wy''' ; 'C :, '' a e -r f w. ' a a - a Al burITS A ill C oI the itaest Albums foir lutllliO1llaial prints .thiat yetI ever saw. ,r,2- S. Sfit S P 1 W. C BIN R, rop. A .2 d/ .I H S11 { 11f1 Lockre...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1903. .No. 44 frICIIAN 16 WISCONS I N 0 IbE Iiercest Game Ever Played or) Ferry Field Resulted in a Score of 160 to 0---Ilammond frakes two Place Kicks WON DECISIVE BAT[[E. KIN6 [[AR. MichganWon ostExciingFootallDiscussed By President Northi Game Ever Seen On Ferry Fied- ,TeDaaTu oNtr- Longman's Line-bucking a Feat- delia First Amng Shakespear ure-Championship Contest Fem...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 11TIE MICHI1GA1N DAILY care-I th( bal by the viecus 1(1i(1 of o000000oooowowoooooo* Falllayto ithwein aimedoil ing is orn YurGo MAi Enwed isS cn -r as r ttter 0, heAnn ofel seonsin'S goal, only to lieeit on" Y * " ntire N ees i r 1 ,r Ol " owns. Bush, aided by the wind. ad F ~nuihd iiyY~odii-teiiduring theaitittle te beler of Maddoektlin theiLaIeial il A lflolncll nt 1 a- iuh-vtc \-ii .n Dil Ra welre v e V . a prl a eia n~ ...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Look for tbe I. H. . r.abel I eciaI ffrinq in In your coat. It's the gtreatest H ren'& Furnshinu s ,,Aj 0(05rity hond ever issued. We ihave Hat, Schaftuer x :LMarx $6.00 All W~ool, F'ancq Bath Bobes, p-iecd at $3.98 Suits and Overcoafs $1,50 Adheis's 8treet and Dq-ess Gloves, - $1.00 FRIOM s. $4.50 Men's Fivest Laemb Wool Setters, - $3.00 ;- 02.00 to $25.00Q The Clothiier, BoxofJ6 Pin e Linen Cambric11 odlecrrhiefs, Jor 75C...…

November 15, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. OUR TAILORING. SDEPARTMENT..., +" is gaining in popularity, Comne and see us be, fore placing your order. 1 .~PRICES FROM $1 5.00 TO $40,00. *Best kinid of workmanship guaranteed. *. J. anager. c tir , ,ey f C . THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND STEAMSHIP LINES. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time Effective October 211.1902-. SOUTH NORTH No. 0- 7221 A. Mo. No. 0- 0:00 A. 0. No. 2-11:33 A. sM. No.5-i2:30rP. a. No. 4-...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail y ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, \\l IS D\ 'at)N50\i)\4I811,1 5.i 5 1(40 VOL. XVI. N.\) -44. VARSITY TRIES NEW PLAYS IN SC R 11'.1'AG E Scrubs Unable to Clain Against Varsity Subs in Short Scrim- mage-Yost Is Worried. ]'eprcire esterdgY aftenlool in- clda siort srimmatlge between the :cseeand l(the IvarIsity,. athogit several ,if the reularis wlre not alowted ta prtliipa~te. ItovarIsit ttsetl several new psiny11whlch wll be aprung...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY GCo. Leading MERCHANT TAILORS The largest stock in the City of exclusive tyles in Woolens for Gentlemen wear. Of high-class fabrics and special style for stu- dents. fy G. H. Wild Co. S 311 S. ytalto St. HAVE YOU SWEATER VEST? lDe you knotw how co(mtfort- sibie they are to wecar wvhen you don't want to bet both- or-d with an ovetrcoat?' Made of finest latmbs stool with tattons or with V shaped teceks.. 1sswhite, 'grey'or $5...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…Tilt;MICHIIGANDf ~rTL [or Art aod Skill in Iailoring MON[Y LOANED Student Room Decorations Call n Ot W Unas.A Fine Collection of CallDonGlassan.he, tili v anit a i t e )iiI stens, smoking Sets, V. of M. souvenirs in Pyro- eit i 1 seicurity, graphic 'Workd, Pictures, Posters, Photo SAM BURCHFIELD & CO.. ClocksesJp , eChafing Ls 10i4th Ave. iiiiiiosi) Cit H)usDishes The Recognized First Tailoring Trade of the City ,i im i to Nwo i8lyi orBsmetBza...…

November 15, 1905 (vol. 16, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BRoINGxiYOURoUNFRAMED1) CTIRc--sS TO DE[RIiIS ARTSTOREf andi-ae thmraxx- wit Choice MoliheS Only the Best French Olas3 is Used. 223 S. Main St. QUARRY'S DERM'AL CREAM SOAP and QUARRY'S D IERMAL CREAM xxxxL'{xxxitx.x lixix tio}7- 2cqoxh xlje x'oo txx x x clxx ux- orxs0x. \ 17 '. GT 101 The Wise Ones know wben tbey are on to a good thing; tbat is why oor cnstomers stand-by uts. They have given or work a fair trial and we ha...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily ,\ N \ RBOR, \flCHIiiGV\ liiRSDAYX NO\VE- Ii ,i iT i VOLc. XVII. ENTHUSIASTIC CROWD C S \ (,AMP'Nic sCil iLllV GIVES 'TEAM SEND-OFF CHA.rii~ NGE'[) AAIiN Tilinn rmeis an ri sh rlig iii itwenty!Men taken on Varsity Squad! vei ly thiremi nit tgam' Satr- -Another Change in the tine-. la is tead of tis aft rnoonii up announced. . ilnnulilineT heii." wl WNiththt cheirsof thousands of loyl n, sti liv p litwi tiedts .hlop...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…, -s r//; 'J/ f"} U iV V ^Y p+ mV 'V Ja t 3 ffr*1+ tV W fT 0 0 0 - n U fG r, n r, V . o M r m 77 _ -z M C u OMIR Fw w rf coon C._ V M -mow Adpm*A c-' C/) m - < 0 MM 0 - ~E~h.E i~l §O DC rm amE rm U U r IM j .+> J.' .,, .. : r =r .rte.: - 0 l 0 1 s °° M hi { ;. 1 "i { .. . J. ' J: , - U, - c : c Y .r * :, ^ 2 cwoy p s 4 o y v' C v c . ^,..t ,a _ _ v CL V n J X.. N "" t 7 r r. f : 7' _' i ' I S 1 . 1 rr11 rI~ = rl r 1IIIII I I...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THE MICIGAN iDAILY ... I :" ', '' 1 X { -, , ; , ;, 9 :, t t I t ; : ,. L.a:..eEd..J-dic, .1 IT WON'T COST YOU ANY MORE 10 COME EARLY AND GET 11113PICK OF 1111 SUITS Overcoats arnd Raincoats tl'<>1 c eIrat!idClt t i ti'ale t eontlyc lot'! s Intt's ij t r. A fill lite oftkill I at-, Caps, ('dovcc, 't'cwt IrIl Rafe., Flanneitl ilt rto S (2atel " B :' Swe,,ter alit! STAELER (l WUERTTH Exclxssive Desig I t 1 Ff " t r 4 .rsfor Dress Wear F...…

November 15, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…"I HE MICHIIGANEDAIL.Y IIOAG'S ICr Tntm I .n I ,hi n on FOR 10 CENTS A' l Pict rcs Pip LcathcrwtPnacnats anld Stathoncry tliqtvl 'a n- it'I ( I t oIt a 25CtAs for. A I r ~ "t1 t of, co t. i i ' I ' ALARM CL OCIK4HACK AM) CARR1IAGE H114 F Chapman's Jcwclry Stare lob SOtiIi MAIN 'l. BkANCHI 510CC AT 2041ISouth State Street j 'itt'. trunk t FU NIVI1-RSITV NOTCI )ill rd S Int'c.S1 Io C''.,. I h 1ES. 4 t.'t'I II (1-tiest, S iil clot, v"' ...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…T Ichigan Daily Vor.. XVIII. \2N \lB R, NIIC'i11MAN, I'Rii)AY. >'i)VElI i,'ER 13.1907. 10. 46'. TEAMS FINISH WORK FRCRUCIAL CONTET Ti Varsity. Lineup Is Still Uncertain-Coach T'orrey Holds Secret " Practice at Mt. Clemens-Pennsy Team and Rooters Will Arrive in Ann Arbor Saturday Morning. i~~xtixti~~itli',! Niixx. N x. 14 It I:x N I :. 1'1.Dx It II G1'i. i I ikeitdi' Mih .,Noti I tlxi t eas a'i ii ttlex 1 1 t xis ,celxil, h 11111 ui lnt i ...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 2

…_9 ..... _A W , ...Y..__ __ _ __ __ __ G. HL Wild Compally The Largest Stok in the Ciy of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS1 For Gentlemlen's Wear ,erything rqirsied fori'Suits, overieots, Fancy 'Vestings and Ii oueriug-. and of high cass fibiseandspiayl ~sfstyles. C"']" Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Company 311 South State Street Run A Michigan Flag Up (in your house top the day Mic higan plays Peisv. We are offer- sng the het value in t...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 3

…I~~t i A~~tO aiiilWrwi,. 6wk^r1s4i r .a F..Qi....-., , ^-i+.-.--:", :..°,....:. -'a :w e a. .-, .;. - ....__..... _ ... _ _.. _,._...._ _. ..^_,_...________ . _.__. .__.__,. _. _._.. _ _ . _. _ _ _ e.___,. __ ... .. .."....... -.:..w. - a..... , 1 Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifiekl &( EAST HURON ST. Worh0 i t l' f or 1,3 3 Call a' ou:, wordantt k-rn the particulars of the Sanitofl Chet risal ...…

November 15, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 46) • Page Image 4

…A 16 A 9 13 N IA iLV COLLEGE STYLESNOIENR Co WXhere will you find stylte at its topmost TAILOR.S Tr~ / High Class pitch? tn the great universities, to he sure. i dtiti i oostfitisFRNISHERS Merchandise The college youth knows fashion as the - tall itonight at B:r.itng insite HATTEWS l71~ i Popular Prices smatt boys knowvs the farthest corner of the echo. Ficher,1 ade. a fil' ' ------ Latest Styles-Regal Shoes-See Our $5 Boot jam closet. Stdle...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The M ichigan Dail y ANN ,ARBOR,\MICHIGAeN 31ND Y.NO7V llPF R r.iga[90 V01- XIX. No. 42. MICHIGAN SUFFERS THIRD CONSECUTIVE BEATIN'G Quakers Outplay Men of Yost in Greatest Struggle of the Year; Allerdice Plays on Nerve With Broken Collar Bone; Captain Schulz Injured, Forced to Retire. 'ic~higa nr at th i iridI lumiiliationi at the hIands(15of the F Iakeri yesterday, aithe gorieacte'stiaeioftheIyear lby a coreoft 9ptto o.\ tlot ttttere ta...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY G. 1i Wild Comlpally the C it Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlelel's Wear ix, rth iAItlreqired furIoIl A- OvercwoatL';*n1111 5 -C p.wind 'Crow-et 0- am SI hh(lg aht 1(s ad i~n ,p t'c. Full Dress Ssts a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON lV E or a few days only PEN~ Buy them nlow for the PernnS'y Gaine Full line at Sheehan &Co. Students'Booktre A. G Spalding & ros. T l a :l tt 1111 0 ...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAf1IY Samnlurchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclified QT 106 & Co. FAST HURON ST. YnX& C0%,MGet f Hot Lunzch At T,.,ttle's. 338 S. State JOLLY'IS OYSTERS, STEAKS, Populat Prics CHOPS Toast.-.nd Coffee 10c sl -is 3I3I3 i pI t I I3i sb il lr~~ipes. 't i s~ i .stash sof Dilsoisliaosi sa ipe, I s ipe You i~y f its i la-fiii sil trs " h lart1st o , al i t h 5 t si sst b e ta i Watch the TURKISH WINDOW PILLO...…

November 15, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN -DAII " Steer Straight A when ordering youri Ait to garb or you1ll go astrav in stile orfit. Wooe juided snores of mnn aighyt. Yo reputatior as a nan ofitooc taste and sdjudgetris safe in our hands. Our fabritcs orpote tho0se new and isdeeribl(- 1 ~de endiorsed lbtNew ts N nt lads andtlw-i-el-,in Ioic iug ovariety. The models wiollorareitF'aI ins latstlietates. We'll snake the garmentt-.assconservaive 1 a~ii tsyou wish. withoutoe...…

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