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October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…. 11 The Weather Fair, slightly warmer in the south and east portions, to- morrow showers, cooler. -0 4it ia I i r VOL. XLIV No. 18 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1933 R.O.T.C. Is Made Into Regiment Formerly Was Battalion; New System Constitutes Greatest Of Changes Will Affect Entire Unit Of 600 Cadets Higher Enrollment Was Cause Of Action Taken; Kohl Is Ranking Officer Constituting one of the most com- plete changes in t...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY meet at 9:00 p. m. Monday, October 16, to elect officers and arrange a program for the coming year. Cider and doughnuts will be served. Students Press Club: Meeting to be held in room E, Haven Hall, Monday, Oct. 16, 8 p. m. Prof. Pollock of Polit- ical Science department, will be prin- cipal speaker. Comedy Club: There will be no Monday meeting as had been pre-. viously announced. Be sure to plan on the banquet, Tuesday 7:0...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA Tie, 7-7; Illinois Defeats Wisconsi C., In C. Vanderbilt Is Whipped Easily By Ohio State COLUMBUS, Oct. 14.-(P)-Ohio State defeated Vanderbilt University 20 to 0 here this afternoon in an in- tersectional game before 21,000 per- sons. Ohio scored in the first, second, and fourth quarters and was holding the ball on the Commodores' four- yard line when the game ended. The Buckeye lineup was riddled all day long wit...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIAN DAILY SUNDAY, OC Hopwood Poetry CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Editor's note: This is the second in a series LOST NOTICE of Hopwood Poetry selections to appear in CLASSIFIEDLl The Daily on successive Sundays. Reviews LOST at game-Lady's camel hair INSTRUCTION in pri of the poetry of the preceding Sunday will ADVERTISING coat-reward. Call Box 12, Michi- and Hawaiian metl be printed each Tuesday. gan Daily. 21214. 108 guitar. Call 9450. 6:0( P...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Headline is Set For J.G.P. Plots. By Committee All Manuscripts To Be Subimitted Not Later Than November 1 "Manuscripts for the 1935 Junior Girls Play must be complete and handed in by Nov. 1," Barbara Suth- erland, '35, general chairman, an- nounced yesterday. All who are in- terested in submitting a plot for the play should be certain to turn them in on the date set for none will be accepted later. The importance of this c...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 6

…THE MItCHIGAN DAILY Union Inaugurates All-Campus Bowling An attempt is being made by the Michigan Union to organize a bowl- ing league for the fall and winter. If present plans materialize, there will be two leagues of eight teams each, competing every Tuesday and Wednesday night for the prizes which are offered. At the end of each week, the winning team will be awarded the "pool" and the highest individual scorer will receive same award. At...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 7

…7 BOOKS OF THE WEEK Country to London ... Wonder Hero. By J. B. Priestley. Harper & Brothers. $2.50 The light satiric vein so preva-' lent in J. B. Priestley's previous stories is concerned here with the blatant methods of newspaperi men. The story transplants a young country fellow and girl to the bustle and roar of London. He is the "wonder hero" of Utter.a ton; she the winner of a provincial beauty contest. They meet, are run ragged by ir...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 8

… fV N COLLEGATE DIGEST SOMEONE BLUNDERED, and the next thing the University of Washington football varsity knew, they were out in a shell on Lake Washington, Seattle. So they rowed for a first down and punted back to the boathouse. Jay Hornbeak, quarterback, at the stroke oar, thinks rowing's pretty soft, but warns, "Wait until we get the crew on the ten-yard line. " FIRST FOOTBALL UPSET of 193! Striking fast when a break of the game put ...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 9

…r s COLLEGIATE DIGEST BOOKS OF THE WEEK Country to London.. . Wonder Hero. By J. B. Priestley. Harper & Brothers. $2.50 The light satiric vein so preva- lent in J. B. Priestley's previous stories is concerned here with the blatant methods of newspaper men. The story transplants a young country fellow and girl to the bustle and roar of London. He is the "wonder hero" of Utter- ton; she the winner of a provincial beauty contest. They meet, ar...…

October 15, 1933 (vol. 44, iss. 18) • Page Image 10

….. .... .... ... . . .. ... COLLWUATE DIGEST SOMEONE BLUNDERED, and the next thing the University of Washington football varsity knew, they were out in a shell on Lake Washington, Seattle. So they rowed for a first down and punted back to the boathouse. Jay Hornbeak, quarterback, at the stroke oar, thinks rowing's pretty soft, but warns, "Wait until we get the crew on the ten-yard line, " FIRST FOOTBALL UPSET of 193! Striking fast when a ...…

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