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October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…6-i Yt Q H J O 1 2 ,rte LC ]J " Q .e CD "r cS LA. , v LU bn , LU. Ltd. C -- Cis o _ z / .. i - _ _ ._ _ 1. - f -t Id~ ~ C1 ;' ~ ~k'~lira~ _ r 1 _ f. y I (...N ..J .N !. of , .t. j - ' y _ .. '7. 1. - -I - s, ... _' r.. . _ '/. _ f. J 'f. f - - _ _ /. of _ 1. i r i t I .. _ J. '_t ^ ./. _. 1. r. l .- r r,. i " - . ,. = - "- 'r ^' °, r .... '"_ .. ; '= - r. ._ ., y %. . _ . f : i. .-.. I. ~ '/. ._. . /. .. ... . . .. . O ,-V _ _' J. f. /^ .. .. ...…

October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICIGAN DAILY-NS WILD 60.0 LEADING MERCHANT OUR FALL LINE is the best wse have ever shos' ii, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a Very fine line of andTrouseri ngs in the late-.t patterns and color- inns. IThe largest assortment in the state. Tutti Frutti One of our I.110am 1ou outain beverages, servrsd in oritgin= ail -sic at CAMPUS DRUG STORE, F?. E. JOLLY'S I~nle A. re better Ikhan ELe I av 1X _ \ rt-et 50 H k o Pie, - ,til...…

October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 3

…'THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 44.4..~ .4 44.44.j +++++.I4+++++.4. 4444444 4.4 ++++++444 ++4- . " .__._ . s - -r-r-a'-s -r a- a- r 'i' i"7-'i 1C' i T i TT i'T7 7 -r a- a s--r a z'z a- s- s- s--a- s a- s- a s--a- r WheMost Gowvin~ino Iin that we could(1 do that woulud tend to induce rot to huy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a man who has worn thenm. We cannot conmmandi the language wi...…

October 15, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 19) • Page Image 4

…CALKINS'PHARMACY Cocf dmalkC Ia 324 S STAT ST.Tickets are good here t 4' ANDREWS' AMERICAN LAW AMERICA'S GREATEST INSTITUTIONAL LAW BOOK A treatise on the JURISPRUDENCE, CONSTITUTION and LAW OF THE UNITED) sTATES. CALLAGHAN & COMPANY, \ ~ wPbilerCiaoNN AlBONR .,N( .t:340 STATE 5T.,()ppositIat.>Iuiil NEW STORE CALIENDAR ANDI 119 S. MAIN ST. 1, 0 W\"4~ Tailor for Ladies 1I A' and Gentlemen.. .4Kn'I; ANN ARBIOR MUSIC CO. 11 ;4tY1''" ~ lt . .!.11....…

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