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February 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 75) • Page Image 1

…E it I1a *rn1 Weather Tonight: Variable cloudiness, low 15. Tomorrow: Mostly cloudy, high around 280. One hundredfve years ofeditoralfreedom W y4ednesday February 14, 1996 ,.: ., .. . , .y: y+'9x ' . . c '..y. ,,.- , . , .Ni Mr., > r ~ .'.t na n., , ra,. 3y ea~nr ..w,=:: <.§ a.+ ": sag h: . :xa, a .,.a, , x s 6 , ,. ..:- .r, ; e- '" ,., <,<.. , . * ' w+ -r,4 "9 * C' ., :'^# r, t." nr' f a r yl;:. + ' t 1 ,+r1 :a .. Ky {a . :.:. s .' a. y....…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…irran s Weather Tonight: Decreasing cloudiness, low 24*. Tomorrow: Mostly sunny, high around 45. One hundredfive years of editor~ialfreedom Thursday March 14,19'96 a -. ' ,. FARE= Black prof. finds racial epithet on fce door L Law School dean calls graffiti an 'act of cowardice' By Heather Miller Daily Staff Reporter An African American Law professor returned to the office after spring break find a racist epithet scrawled outside .door. ...…

March 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…10B - The Michigan Daily - W(41etc. - Thursday, March14, 1996 0 Brice Long Horn and Angela High Elk, both 16, frequent the YMCA with friends. They are intent on maintaining their culture; Brice will be dancing in the Pow Wow in Denver this April. THE IAKOTA FUTURE: HOPE IN UNITY AND CULTURE When volunteers from outside the Cheyenne River Reservation first come to work at the Sioux YMCA in Dupree, SD, they are advised to spend their first fe...…

August 14, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…~i~e £id~iau &z~ "ne hundred five years ofeditorialfreedom Wednesday August 14, 1996 I viii - j . . . j. Republicans rally for Dole Katie Wang ; N ]y News Editor SAN DIEGO, Calif. - The I (Grand Old Party kicked off its 1996 Convention in grand fashion Monday, with a DIEO ectacle of bal- onE T f o ons, fireworks, id an impressive slate of speakers on first night, thus marking the formal start of former Kansas Senator Bob Dole's bid for p...…

October 14, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 11) • Page Image 1

…Jr Irran *rnV Beather onlght: Increasing cloudl- ess, low around 420. omorrow: Cloudy, chance of howvers, high around 650 One hundred six years of editorifreedom Monday October 14, 1996 y 'j7 plt like afer the Nort/-estempotball ame W? were so close to getting into thefinal stae - Walter Harrison, vice president for University relations Court O der freezes searc Board was to start today Sept: 29, I95: University President James Du...…

November 14, 1996 (vol. 107, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…afher Tonight: Mostly clear, low around 20. Tomorrow: Partly sunny, high around 40°. If lUll ti One hundred six years of editorialfreedom Thursday November 14, 1996 .. *3 dER +i{ ':. 5 t .2 .2 K . } ; . : <a: ,t"raa . ,zt ,n': ! z .ti ., v c, <, r z; r +.,,u rr s "... r S:. . " 7 r*5 3i : ." .'S , w:$, ,fs N xr t n +r y . "" u.'r ". b" a .. zs,,:.ti vz r'..r>- ... rt: ;. '. ,..:'..' .,+%°.v ;y3, >° s; f 7,:. .,..a.,, <', .,:.:, , ......…

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