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December 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…BONDS Keep Bombs v? Faling J+ Ida- .-Ighk fit att Ar Elat WEATHER Continued cold. Little change in temperature. VOL. LV, No. 37 ANN A4M)R, MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, DEC. 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Calm Descends on, A....thens; IApp7&roval O TermsmAwaited ELAS Forces Withdraw After Bitter Street Batile; British Hold Lines In Dawn Attack on Barracks. Area Reds S rge To Suburbs First Army Offensive Gains Two Of Bdajews les on East Bank of Hoe...…

December 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 37) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DlAILY 'Tiuj,-S4AT, DECU 145, 1f4, 1 11 -PRI WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: Facts About Joseph C. Grew KEEP MOVING -FByG- ANN FAGAIN GINGER Business Staff Lee Amer . . . Business Manager Barbara Chadwick Associate Business Mgr. June Pomering. Associate Busness Mgr. Telephone 23-24.1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or ot...…

December 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 37) • Page Image 3

…T'T DAY- DEC. 14, 1944 TH-E NAf-GAN-DAILY Cunningham Could Have Run Four-Minute Mile, Says Coach By WHITNEY MARTINM NEW YORK-(P)-Bill Hargiss says he never knew just how fast Glenn Cun- ningham could run the mile, although the record books show just how fast he did run it. Hargiss, who was Cunningham's tutor at the University of Kansas and guided the keg-chested athlete in his later assaults on records, explains that when Cun- ningham was ...…

December 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 37) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ThIJmsDAY DC 14 71 FFitve Yank o ome Home Afk TIhr LYe. O7--s , BRITISH USE TANKS IN ATHENS STRIFE-British tanks and paratroopers entering an E. A. M. building in Athens during recent riots. ELAS forcesreported to be ready to offer to withdraw from the capital in return for guarantees that they woul d not be prosecuted. COEDS PLAY SANTA CLAUS: Boxes Packed For War Veterans (4) This week the chance was offered tos the f...…

November 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 12) • Page Image 1

… n Jr filE Dai1i WEATHER Showers Continued Warmi VOL. LV, No. 12 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS SIX-TO BLOCKBUSTERS SI K * * Third Yanks Crash Citadel While Germans Flee Battle for 19 More Sites Continues in Snow By The Associated Press LONDON, TUESDAY, NOV. 14- Three of Metz's 22 forts-one of them a keystone inthe southern de- fenses of the Citadel-fell with as- tonishing speed yesterday to U. S. Thi...…

November 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 12) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY Fifty-Fifth Year WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND: A Better Equipped Senate Roll DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i'A sIC] Edited and managed by students of the University of |ichiga4 under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Evelyn Phillips Stan Wallace flp y Dixon Bank Mantho Dave'Loewenberg Mavis Kennedy Lee Amer Barbara Chadwick June Pomering Managing Editor . ty. i Editor . . . . Asso...…

November 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 12) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIG"AN DAILY E Michigan Cage Romulus Tilt, Possible en tralGo, Are Mapped Guard Spot May Be Filled by Morrie Bikoff, Letterman for Wolverines Two Years Ago Schedule Cadets Clamp Stranglehold onI First Position Michigan Climbs to Fifth Position in iace For National lionorsI Begins To Take Form k/lleny the gouni4 By HANK MANTHO Daily Sports Editor With a decided lack of consistency their chief weakness, the Michigan cagers cont...…

November 14, 1944 (vol. 55, iss. 12) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Goebbels Attempts To Silence Rumors of Hitler's s outside the ... worried to death, signs Himm- No. 1-pos- TRADITIONAL: 4 odes Mve' s sAc' To Be East Prsi man" were Given Dec. 17 1 >kesman, Dr. hat Himmlei ule 's proclama- £VOCAe.W s the Fuehr- or. Himmler rHimerbut The University Musical Society's; Hitler's but people "will annual Christmas performance of - using the Handel's monumental oratoio, "Mes- siah," will be pre...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 1

…4 40 4a ~ weather Partly Cloudy and Warmer VOL. LIV No. 8-S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1944 PRICE FIVB CENTS Coeds Gather 640 Quarts of Cherries Harvesting Continues; Registration To Be in Undergraduate Office Today Doing better than was expected, the 13 Michigan coeds who volunteered their services yesterday for cherry picking, gathered more than 40 crates- 640 quarts-while another crew of 15 left this morning for the orchar...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MIC.HIGAN DAITV a as af i a 1 V 1s,: :R. Rs l"1 1 t' L 11 1 J.J" e ' _ r avaa.+ca; u! lll.: L lY a.7YY Fifty-Fourth Year i P o t F s , r . / ' : ., 1 ' \ j '_ f l ,. / -- . , j ./ t \ ! ' ", ,_ _ . ° ', t 1 Y .. ; ; ,l Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Pug1ications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant Betty Ann Koffman Stan Wallace Hank Mantho Peg Weiss...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 3

…I, JULY 14, 1944 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE MR. FOOTBALL SPEAKS: Fielding H. Yost Reminisces On Former Gridiron Seasons Les Etters Takes Over Naval Trainees Duties o Fred DeLano ea ummer 0 :hCage Turnouts Crisler Puts Michigan Candidates Throe xh By BILL MULLENDORE Football practice opened July 5 and newspapers all over the country devoted various amounts of space to the event, but the battery of sports- writers and photographers w...…

July 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 8) • Page Image 4

…Tn .~U .I f ~ A.. .F. C AN 11.& T TV.L IAY., Y Yk 1.4d4 .a aa aV a 1T7.eC11ICHA1 L HAi PfAV l..14101 1 a *P .4JdS*S. A.19Zk R Roosevelt Tells Of More Bribes In Senate Trial Ex-Senator Speaks Of Hotel Graft Center By the Associated Press MASON, MICH., July 13-Former state senator Joseph C. Roosevelt, errand boy, bartender and aide to Maj. Charles F. Hemans' admitted bribery of Michigan law-makers, to- day added new details to Hemans' test...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…f 1 IP w 4fV %ailfl ,_ . . Weather Cloudy with showers VOL. LIV N. 160 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Navy Task Force Rips Nippon's Sea, Air Power; Yanks Battle Vichy Reports Allied Ships Seen off Coast No Confirmation Made of Movements In Bay of Biscay; Montebourg Taken 10-14 Miles Southeast of Cherbourg 13 Warships, 141 By the Associated Press SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, Al- lied Expeditionary F...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

… PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESIDAY, JUNE 14, 1944 - , E~E NEGOTIATION RESUL TS: Sweden Agrees To Cut Downe Ball Bearing Sales to Germany WASHINGTON, June 13.-(U)-In a major diplomatic-economic victory, the United States has won an agree- ment from Swedish ball-bearing manufacturers to cut down substan- tially on sales to Germany. The Nazis, their own ball-bearing output sharply. reduced by bombings, have been heavily dependent on i...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1944 '"HE MICHIGAN I 3 l.A.... 3 ~P 3 A.! .LP t. 'writor" ,arsit r L{~ da yt 1\ - * dE 1'4 F I 5I Six Linksmen Receive Major Letter Awards Jenswold, Marcellus, Tews and Messinger Complete Select Group By BOB CLINTON' Coach Ray Courtright announced yesterday that varsity letter awards would be presented to six members of the 1944 golf squad that captured the Western Conference Championship two weeks ago. The following ...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

… PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDA , TtNr 14, 1944 Fifty-Fourth Year DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Staff Jane Farrant .. ,. . Managing Editor Claire Sherman . . . . Editorial Director Stan Wallace . . . . . . City Editor Evelyn Phillips . . . Associate Editor Harvey Frank . . . . . . . Sports Edit...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1944 ('HE MICH1GA N DAILY PAGE FVE Pat Coulter Named Summer Women's WarC Sale of Senior 'Prom Tickets To SBeyi" Tomorroni Pelgian Relief Drive Lacks INDEPENDENTS' SUPPORT Peg Morgan, Peg W Three Other Execul WAA Board, Projec Pat Coulter, Chi Omega, was named yesterday to head the sum- mer Women's War Council of ten coed activities chairmen by Natalie Mattern, president of Women's. Ju- diciary Council. Peg Morgan, ...…

June 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

… PAGE X TH E MICIGEAN lAILY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 1944 ____________________________________________________1___1__1___L__I1 SWING ARRANGEMENTS: Band To Present First Outdoor Concert ofSeason Tomorrow Teachers Needed To Fill Present, Post-War Vacancies, Dean Says Highlighting its program with light musical comedy numbers, as well as modern American and swing arrange- ments, the University Concert Band under the direction of Prof. William D...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 1

… w :. .r Ir1 1 3aitl Weather Fair VOL. LIV No. 135 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PRICE FIVE CENTS Foremen Continue To Strike WLB Wire Assures No Discrimination By The Associated Press DETROIT, May 13.-- Telegraphic assurances that they would not be discriminated against if they re- turned to work failed tonight to end a strike of more than 3,300 foremen in war plants of six Detroit manu- facturi...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944 TWO SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944 Students from Allied Nations To Give Recital Foreign students on campus will present a program of "Music of Many Lands" at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the Union. A .Brazilian piano selection, a "Ha- waiian dance and Philippino, Turk- ish, Chinese and Latin-American songs will be featured on the \pro- gram. Piano Selections To Be Played The Brazilian piano selection, "D...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

… THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE TRFS George Dasch Will Conduct Annual Concert Massed Orchestra Festival To Feature 160 Instrumentalists, George Dasch, director of the, Northwestern University Symphony Orchestra and the Chicago Business Men's Symphony, will direct the fourth annual Michigan Massed Or- chestra Festival at 4:15 p.m. next Sunday in Hill Auditorium, it was announced yesterday. Michigan Artists To Play Constituting the largest orchestra...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR Fifty-Fourth Year THE MIICHIGAN IAILY STNDAYf, Mi 4 9 I - - y The WASHINGTON MERRYE-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON . - ., ; ; - y , ( e Id Bather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON ____ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Jane Farrant Claire Sherman Stan Wallace Evelyn Phillips darvey Frank Pud Low*. . Jo Ann...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

… THE, q'Mn 15XTCY NiCT; --- __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __U Thirty Houses Will Participate in Sing Senior Women To 'Be Honored At Annual Lantern Night Thirty houses will participate in the Lantern Night Sing contest, an- nual WAA function honoring the sen- ior women, which will be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, May 22, on Palmer Field. The groups entered in the Sing will form a line of march in front of the Library at 6:45 p.m. wit...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944 Varsity Nine Spills oSU, 5-0; Netters Cop Two Matches Hirsch Hurls One-Hitter To Whitewash Buckeyes Michigan Attack Throttled Until Eighth Inning; Blanchard Stars at Plate with Three Hits BY BILL MULLENDORE Yesterday was "Elroy Hirsch Day", where Michigan athletics were concerned, as the prospective four-letter winner first turned in a winning leap of 24 ft., 2% in., in the broad jump, durin...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 7

… SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1944 T IlE MICIIFGA N DA ILY PAGE SEVEN 'M' hinclads Whip Illinois, Purdue in F Triangular A STRANGLER ON THE LOOSE: Meet <. - Unknown Power In Field Events Provides TrackstersWithVictory ll LOWdown on Sports sps by BUD LOW Associate Sports Editor Pensive Comes from Behind In Stretch To Win Preakness By BILL LAMBERTI In a meet that was full of sur- prises, upsets, and real cinderpath excitement, Michigan's t...…

May 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

…THEMICHIANDXV 5UNT AY, MIY 14, 144 New Members Are Elected to Hillel Council Fifteen new members of the Hillel student council were announced yes- terday. New members are F"aye Bronstein, Judy Chayes, Celia Elson, Betty Gins- berg, Muriel Kleinwaks, Tuth Kowal- ski, Arthur Kraft, Barbara Levin, Dave Lowenberg, Bernard Rosenberg, Sheldon Selesnik, Stan Wallace, Bev- erley Wittan, Ruth Wolkowski, and Thelma Zeskind. The newly electea member...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 1

… fri ttrn :)aUt Weather Showers VOL. LIV No. 119 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Red Armies Press ithin 35 Miles of Sevastopol 3,000 Planes Hit Axis from Britain. Italy Air Fleets Continue Non-Stop Bombing; Aircraft Plants Blasted By The Associated Press LONDON, April 14, Friday-Great American air armadas tc lling near- ly 3,000 bombers and fighters from bases in both Britain and Italy smashed at the Axis...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 2

…THlE MCiGDAILY ~'14 1 S1- China's Food' Problem Serious Says Dr. Adolph Blames Little PIre-War Industrialization for Shortages, Inflation The serious food problem in China1 is closely connected with inflation1 and the low food supplies there, Dr. William H. Adolph, formerly professor of chemistry at Yenching University in China, said in an interview yes- terday at the International Center. He said that China before the war was industrialized ...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 3

…THME MJCllIf-AN *?'A4i r 9a Baseball Team To Open Season at Oberlin .___ HERE TODAY . . .By HARVEY -RANK Sports Editor Navy-Stocked Squads Are Unknown Factors Both Outfits Need More Outdoor Practice; Oberlin Is Given Edge on Mound Material BEST HURLER-BUT HE CAN'T PITCH: Japanese Language Instructor Works Out as Moundsman on Coach Fisher's Varsity Nine Weather permitting, the Michigan baseball team will make its 1944 de- but Saturday...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 4

…THE MIChIGAN DAILY 14; 154 Fifty-Fourth Year NAZI IDEOLOGY IN AMERICA: "U' High Plan o Abolish Discriminatioi. Sets Example for Country To Follow til N .=' t I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. M...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY F Mendelssohn Theatre Will Be Scene of Senior Night April 27 Traditional Antics To Share Program Which Features JGP Songs, cheers, lemons, candles, the "Wishing Well," and other traditional events will highlight the senior part of the annual Senior Night at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, April 27, at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, it was an- follow the senior ceremony at 8:30 p.m., occording to Mary Ann Jones,I '45, chairman of th...…

April 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 119) • Page Image 6

…U, S., Britain Swedes Receive Note of Protest Over Exports Turkey, Spain Thwart Allis; Hull's Program Tested in New Dispute TIIV. -mlri",tTlrV-AlCT "h-l-ttir wwvver *t+k... a .rv r +ra.wwalYr . a .a r y r ~ lI A1n1 AI L A !L1YFRIDAY, API 14, 1944 Demand Neutrals Cease Trade with Germany PLASTIC PLANES: Silhouettes Teach JAGs To LisiLn uisn.nmyAirca By ALEX H. SINGLETON Associated Press Correspondent LONDON, April 13.-The Unit...…

March 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

… i It * aiiM Weather Wind VOL. LIV No. 92 ANN ARBOR. MiCHIGAN, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Jap Attack on Bougainville Is Repulsed Border Between Eire, North Ireland May Be Closed Nips Lose One-Third n___/ 4? Reds Extend Finns Time To Make Decision Finland Must Accept Armistice Terms Soon, Says Censored Report By The Associated Press STOCKHOLM,March 14, Tuesday. -Soviet Russia was understood to- day to have giv...…

March 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESIJ 1AT MiVARUCr14, t944 Pd Rather Be Right By SAMUEL GRAFTON NEW YORK, March 13.-I am a little behind fly trend-spotting and so I find I have a couple of trends on my desk to spot for you. But I also find I don't like them. I have never seen such poor trends, in many years of trend-spotting, mlan and boy. The most dismal of current trends is the trend toward a kind of dull emotional paralysis which has settled over ...…

March 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

… TSUAT ; M ARW-14,; 1944 'T-E -l I -- D IA,.-IJ PAGF Tai jj Team Balance Gives Michigan Big Ten Indoor Track Title 19 Men Place as Squad Racks Up Record Total ForresteL N~w Qluuarter Miler. Str in e Receives Trophy for Record Mile University Swimmers To Take Part in National College Tank Meet This Month Hume Twins Given D By BIL LAMBERT When the Wolverine thinclads suc- cessfully defended their Western Conference crown Saturday nig...…

March 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…Fd' roU~ 4.. ~9i4 Scholars To . Present Papers At ]Meeting Wide Suibject Variery - -. Will Be Covered by Academy Conferences Everything from "Earthenware tazzas from the Philippines" to "Ex- periments with commercial culture of the ribbed mussel" will be covered in papers presented by scholars from all over Michigan who will come to Ann Anbor Friday and Saturday to take part in the 49th annual meeting of the Michigan Academy of Science, A...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

… -, e <N: -Adm.- 40P 'W Y R k k 4 aiu 11.dy at t1er VOL. LIV No. 53 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JAN. 14, 1944 PRICE FIVE CENTS Allied Plaes Pom nard Germany, Rome Congress Receives Budget for 1945 Financial Plans Anticipate Downitur in War Spending; Two Million Less Asked By WILLIAM T. PEACOCK Associated Press Correspondent WASiHINGTON, Jan. 13.-Congress received from President Roosevelt' today a $99,769,000,000 budget for the 1945...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 2

…PAGE TWO Tl' tE MIII S A L FRIDAY, JAN. 14,19,1 . ..-- n--- ..o --- _ t Women's War Council To Help OPA Survey Volunteer Girl; lNe d td To Aid in Government hIterviewin g Work In response to the urgent call for student volunteers to assist in OPA surveys, the Women's War Council has made the work one of its pro- jects, Gerry Stadelman, '44. person- nel administrator, said yesterday. Women may volunteer for the work Monday in the Office o...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 3

…11 ! M, ki a i 'mY " lam: ti u :. ' .. k, r yu i iii;. c K. . . . . . . ........ ..,., - Wolverine Cagers To Meet Wisconsin at Madison Toiight ,,. Crippled Squad Fights To Stay in First Division Doubleheader Vital to Big Ten Standings; Ankle Injury Stops Wiese from Making Trip By DAVE LOEWENBERGt An injury riddled Michigan basket-r ball squad meets Wisconsin tonight at Madison in the first of a two-game series. Two losses to the Ba...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 4

… pAC0. IGUR THE MICHIGAN fDAILY FRIDAY; J.N 14, 1944 . 0 a aat"" x a a v a x-a x ",. a.r"x-a a i a ' ..... 1' Fifty-Fourth Year Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the regular University year, and every morning except Mon- day and Tuesday during the summer session. Member of The Associated Pres...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 5

… JAN. 1 , i..ui ~ 4~V1fr~ AI~JI~N 3t~AivEN'%~ - -- -- ____ JiitA~ ,LY1.L~.41kt~.f1').i~ ii .1-IlL! bongs, Skits TI O Be Presented in Uhion Variet y Sow Todoy 'Fov )~' F n' Inc~ IFC Members" Make Final Arrangements for Ball By o yeI 'L'rmour, L'omour,' Comedy; Group Cheerinq. To Be Offered Hn HiW Auadtorium Program A pecial derome Kern medley, tlni' Billy Layton and Patty Dupont ns i ngcy with Bill Sawyer's baud wl ' armed a...…

January 14, 1944 (vol. 54, iss. 53) • Page Image 6

…Alk I t. ISHOPS CONFER: Ann Arbor Methodists To Join In National Faith Movernent "The Coming Peace and the PIiii cc of Peace" will be the theme of thr. Methodist Bishops' "Crusade for a New World Order" to open Wednes- day at the First Methodist Church. Planned as a part of the nation- wide inter-faith movement of Jews, Catholics and Protestants--which has been encouraged by President Roose- velt, this conference will attempt to arrive at so...…

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