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January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 1


January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 2

…THE MI -iIGAN DAILY OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UIIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the Iiver- : year by the Brosr I in Contrsl of Student PublicatIOns. MEMBER OF THE ASSGCIATE)D PRESS The Associated Press ai, exusively entited to the o for ptulicatisp. of all news disptch"i credited to it or not otrwia. died i tispaper ad thtoa news*pblishe terei. Entered at the posoice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as seco ss matte...…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGA.4 DAIV Y Genesi s Of Species Is Still Unexplained, Declares Bateson WHITNEY THEATRE SAT SN A The greatest dramatic sensation, and the play that has broken all records in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, To- ronto, Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, Toledo and Grand Rapids ql By MARY ROBERTS RINEHART and AVERY HOPWOOD Laughs and Thrills Greatest mystery play ever in the theater-Chicago Tribune. The prosperity of Chicago as evide...…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATU F. t A L" p5 0t L , ' . 4 . , +; .n. ;, ., , "y '. 5 ' 1 AT MA UTTIA WASH INGTON * * Ypsfianlti Sun., Mon., Tues., Sun.,'ed. Jan. 15, 16, 17, 183' Shows Starting at 1:30, 3:30, 7:00, 9:00 Mat. ..35 Eve...50 Bioxing Club To Choose Hembers Charles A. Hummer, '23, resigned presidency of the Boxing club at a, meeting of the club Thursday night in the Union, on account of his duties is chairman of the J-Hop committee....…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 9 ILLINOIS HEA ARNIVL TAKES ON LAR6ER DIMENSIONS ANNUALLY Invitations Mailed to 2.0 Colleges and Universities; 1921 Entry Totals 41 Schools MARCH 4 IS DATE SET FOR THIS YEAR'S MEET AT URBAN., Urbana, Ill., Jan. 13.-Prepasrations for the fifth annual University of Il- linois relay 'carnival, to be held in the huge Armory, March 4, are rapidly getting under way and invitations have been sent to 250 colleges and un- iversit...…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDA I' , , , t Bi- t_- I Just You Try Them Get an order of these good old fashion- ed cream fried cakes and watch the boys smile when they bite into them. THEY ARE ALWAYS SO RICH AND CREAMY AND FRESH - AND OH, SO GOOD! i Menu BUY BY THE CASE BREAKFAST Sliced Bananas and Cream Hollanid Rusks Shredded Wheat Toast Coffee LUNCH Creamed Eggs on Toast Sliced Pineapples Doughnuts Brown Bread Cocoa The most...…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 7

… l ll i ii\ TODAY somae Arcade-Constance Talmadge in "Woman's Place." Majestic-Viola Dana In "The Match Breaker." Wuerth-"The Sunshine Kiddies of Melody Lane," and James Barrie's, "The Little Minister." Orpheum-Jack London's "The Star Rover." Rae-Larry Semon in "The Fly CO" The Girls' Educational club picture for the Michiganensian will be taken at 11 o'clock this morning at Rand- all's studio. There will be a special rehearsal of the Univ...…

January 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 80) • Page Image 8

… 1 1 li,:d lrl! k.3 L a a.. LAJ ' hIa L l F FICIAL B ULLEIN TURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1922 Number 8O f e I SAr mmunications for the Board of Regents: Persons desiring to transmit communicatiomn to the Regents at the ne eeting of the Boards onJan. 27, are reminded that such communication st be in the President's hands not later than Jan. 19. No communica ns received in this office later than 5 p .m., Jan. 19, will be presente M. L. BURT...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 1

… f.; t I. ~ :i at, DAY ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14. 1922 PRIG -I I 'CI LS I% rSPAPER ASSERTS CIVIL WAR IMMINENT. nd Belfast Rioting Continues; ihooting Occurs Over Ex- tended Area (By Associated Press)4 Ion, Feb. 13.-The Irish situa- ver the Ulster border has stead- come worse and no secret has made of the grave alarm with it is viewed in official circles ston Spencer Churchill, secre- or the colonies, declared in the...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 2

… d W -ANth. VaiVo- p blication ely entitled to the n" for edited to t or aqt @etri Arab q lisd a"therein. Arbor, Michiglan, .a s scod Streelt. words, if signed, the gig-x nt, but as an. evidence of isked in The aily at the ailed to The Daily office. * consideration. No man- dr incloses postage. ndorse the setimments cx- S. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 3414 ITOR ..,....... BREZWSTER P. CAMPBELL ng Editor....... .........Hugli W. Hitchcock ......…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 3

…Efforts Of Hastreiter And Lundell Sway Audience InTwilight Concert are to produce the super-leaders to for the high narks in cla turn civilization on to the right road 'the more positive chara< is to select our students not so much I general leadership." )A K FINISHING r prints are made on Velox. terials that are Eastman made and meth- aat are Eastman approved, plus the ex-r ice of our experts are guaranties of fin- iality finishing. Bring u...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 4

…. ." . . . . . , ,.. ". ., .. "- M ,., . -,_ . .. ,., . , .. .. ,- .. ':. ,. ' ,. - . «, r Qy + t . ti« t # i as { . _ . .'1 t . .. .'I i __ -a. - - -- hand Books bought and sold s University Bookstore.-Adv. pALDIN G Basket Ball When purchasing equip- ment for basket ball or any athletic sport,insist upon SPALDING'S. Sat. isfaction is inevitable. Catalogue on requnat SPALDING & BROS. 1 So. State St., Chicago BASEBALL NOTICE All infiel...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 5

…I HATS GOING ON I Screen - Katherine MacDonald [er Social Value." c-"Hail the Woman," a ias Ince production. -"The Flower of the ," by James Oliver Cur- um-Rosemary s the Divide." 'Appearances," feature. Theby in a Para- T$IS WEEK TUESDAY 5:00-Chimes business staff meets at Press building. 1:00-Boosters, numbers 148 to 168 in. elusive, meet in room 306 of Union. 6:45-Senior engineer hockey team meets junior engineers at Coliseum. 7:30-...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 6

…Lidents SupplyStore 1111 South University Ave anery Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Note Books Cameras and Supplies y Agency Candies and Tobaccos 4 . P R E S I N G r 628 REPAIRING ,.I ey g a i they please they soothe they delight they make c they gratify because they In-com-pa ontent are -ra-bly fine! -, .-te nO Iirn r'nainrOPEPlans Summer Course in Dramatizing TOProf. R. D. T. Hollister, of the public speaking department, will introduce ...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 7

…j money nds for B. Jor- ag of Ann Ar- t 7 o'clock to- ecial business T society will meet at' ht in the Alpha Nu1 he University Girls' held at 4:30 o'clock Barbour gymnasium. versity league houses lty tea from 4 to 6 at Barbour gymnas- have a special meet- his afternoon in the ur gymnasium. All be present, and es- Dean Myra B. Jordan is confined to her bed with bronchitis and will not be at home to University women this afternoon. Games in ...…

February 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 94) • Page Image 8

…ULLET.I N AY, FEBRUARY 14, 1922 Number 94 ture in Shops 3 and 4: The class rooms for Shops 3 and 4 Lectures are as given below; Class Room 445, Tuesday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 445, Thursday, 8 and 1 o'clock, Shop 3.r Class Room 445, Saturday, 8 o'clock, Shop 3. Class Room 432, Wednesday, 1 o'oclock, Shop 3. Class' Room 445, Tuesday, 11 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 240, Tuesday, 2 o'clock, Shop 4. Class Room 246, Saturday, 8 o'c...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…II A6F ptr an to . ir OZA IU AOWA 'A IDAS AryDWIC SlRTI ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUEODAY, MARCH 14, 1922 PRICE] e Plan For Homecoming Week To Include I Major Spring Eventslleets With Favor I 4. - " .1 I1 Wn 1, IS SAFE bbs Inflicting is. on Michigan may have a home-coming week during which all of the major spring' activities of the campus may be incorporated, if the suggestion con- tained in a recent Daily editorial should be act...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 2

…Publicationg. TED PRESS entitled to the use for d to it or not otherwise published tkerein. or, Michigan, as second Street. ords, if signed, the signa- t as an evidence of faith, SThe Daily at the discre- he Daily office. Unsigned ion. No manuscript will age. e the sentiments expressed JAL STAFF hone 2414 TOR..........BREWSTER P. CAMPBELL .........................Joseph A. Bernstein ......................Paul Watzel or.......................…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 3

…-- C - -'_" ,,/ K S. State. Matoon, Ill.. 783 Sybil. Mason, 2114-M >mpson. Newport, O., 2139-R Sauer Ct. Newark, N. J., 1066-M lison. Manchester, 1328 eenwood. Erie, Pa., 2863-W 1430 Cambridge. Detroit, 544-W Eiuron. Ilighland, 1010-M V. Thayer. Marquette, 1416-R Church. Muskegon. 178-W, 2r Division. Cleveland, O., 1188 Ingalls. Detroit, 1$08-M MUR D 1, 1011 4 327 S.I 207 S.: 3.WiSvl l F0 hSRMN[itgo EV RIN THE TURKISH CIGARETTE L' i c...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 4

…' ,. r' ' _ .. ..i :r 1: . - ammen ..._._.v._.....__ _ ._ _.,_. - - - .w.W .... ....--«_ ..... ESS dress the Women's club of Ann Ar- OEN'S CLUB bor on "Culture in the Home from the Teacher's Standpoint," at the regular .e Latin de- meeting to be held at 2:30 o'clock this ty, will ad- afternoon in Lane hall. 1 r, of th Universi :f 6,01 I C Harry Gill's runners are indeed to be feared, as they have but recently. triumphed over the W...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 5

…In my estimation, made s shift play ruling real- clear v ly is." . 1 RUM COACHES ENTIRE COUNTRY I ilL NEW -i Changes; h "Old Fielding H. Yost, director of giate athletics, declared Mon- noon that so far as he could e present time, the change in all rule made a.t New York rday abolishing the free-trial following touchdowns, would :ially benefit the game, ex- an extra few minutes of in- uld probably be afforded the far as- the changes ma...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 6

…I ovell degree Another honor was conferred upon RING our fellow townsman and friend re- S cently when the degree of S. 0. S. was tendered to Thomas H. Lovell. Dr. Lovell received this appreciative a the token from the Prince of Lapland which who has long been an admirer of his1 week work. e dis- Dr. Lovell, who has often been hon- Jnion, ored during the past 13 years, seemed mem- at a loss for words when the docu- ment bestowing the honor wa...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 7

…es nave tickets for sale at also do Graham's bookst booth in University hall. ore and the KO .ng of the Sen- ee at 3 o'clockI Barbour gym- Athena Literary society will meet at vill 7:15 o'clock tonight in the Alpha Nu eer- room. Jn- Tickets for the Junior Girls' play are now on sale at Graham's bookstore. or Tickets marked 42 are for the per- es- formance on March 23, t'hose marked 4 43 for March 24, and 44 for March 25. ses os, Dean Myra ...…

March 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 118) • Page Image 8

…IULLET I N a. m. Saturdays.) , 14, 1922 Number 118 toology: ty of Dr. Bryant Walker the Zoology Department ship which entitles the holder to free use of a the summer at the Marine' Biological Laboratory, nouncgment of the laboratory may be inspected on oom 229, Natural Science building. Credit in the d by, pursuing the Woods Hole courses. Prefer- having considerable previous training in zoology. made before March 15. A. FRANKLIN SHULL. esea...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

…r JEW Aiw '4ianP t xl DAY AND NIGHT IV SER VICE a ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 , . PRICE FIVE .. { .:,.. . ,..... .... a...>.. r..,....k . ... , ,a.,,, .,. ... ,...,..,, .,, ...... INISTERS MICHIGAN IMGIgEABON'S FIRST DEFEAT; WOLE INE IlTRACK Today---- Mother AND CINDER MEN OVERWHELMED IN 91-44 DEFEAT BY SUCKERS ' RUIN HOFFMAN BREAKS FIELD HOPES RECORD WITH JAVELIN Wolverines Illini Runners Take All Events, Tie a...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE CRITICS FALL OUT Over Webb Waldron's Book (By Delbert Clark) they fail to see a thing it cannot long chester Union, "or would be if Mr. One chapter which would probably When Webb Waldron wrote "TheI exist, and that the best remedy for Waldron was trying to make a real kindle the blush of shame upon the Road to the World," he accomplished any evil is ignorance of it. This class man o...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…Among the traditional activities that help fill with enjoyment and relaxation the senior's last few weeks of University life are the evening sings. These sings bring the graduating students of the different colleges together in an informal way, and foster that unity of aim and interest which has done much to make the body of Michigan alumni one of the most unified and active of its kind. To take place once each week of the remaining school yea...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 2

…2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 2 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 The New University Health Service (By laurlee Berman) some time during the summer months, show that the Health Service has an sWe shall have pretty close to double average of about 4000 calls per month. Sedi amonths ago when we s new the room in the new building that we He expects an even larger number of reading' storie'a of the proposed ...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…roll AKES EARLY CESSARY ity catalogues for 1921-1922. uncements for 1922-1923 are iay be procured now in the s office, University hall. The is complete with the ex- Ithe names of the students d the University,.the list of ordinarily found at the end nouncements of courses and material of the booklet. housand editions were print- t the list of student names mber of catalogues remaini- the last edition was dimin- such a rate as to warrant diat...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 3

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 3 "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper & Brothers ) fundamental truths in regard to man caping control in spite of our best ef- is that be believes in too much gov- II. Our :medieval Intellectual Inherit- were assumed to be established once forts to prevent any thoroughgoing ernment. * * * Mice and for all. The Greek thinkers had readjustment.' We...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…EBRS OF MICHIGA )NFERENCE ESDAY sts of Michigan w I conference in Ai The first sessi wil be held Tuesd gational council, and Rev. C. W. Mer- riam, of the Park Congregational. church, Grand'Rapids. Various aspects of education will be among the leading topics of the conference. N Meetings will be held Tuesday even- ing, Wednesday and Thursday, closing Thursday evening with the Brother- hood Banquet at the Union' and a Young Peoples' banquet at...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 4

…4 THE MICHIGAN DAILY, MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 -A -into bitterness and denounced thetr "The H ind in the faking" oppone~nts s pig-headed obscrantistsI (Continued from Page 3.) center. All creatures were made to It is the avowed purpose of scie To the medieval theologian, man assist or to try man. God and the tific thought to reduce ti number of was by nature vile. We have seen that, devil were preoccupied with his fate, mysteries, an...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 5

…ti:-' i L :O p; .- _' " r" r ' . /. IND TEAM TO MAKE BIG TEN TRI ETWE Three Teams nes with LLINI SATURDAY [AWKEYES ON MONDAY n Big Ten diamond con- 1 ling on its schedule, the aseball nine is preparing r of these games on its around the Conference is this week end at Ur- e Fisher's men meet the in a return battle on Ii- This western invasion des games with Illinois, vo with Minnesota is the p Michigan has made this on the success of ...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 5

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MACAZINE s A Review--and Addenda (By G. D. E.)' Bt thes ad fact mst be told. Bork- the senile Brander Matthews who said ought to heave Bjirkua's novel into It is seldom that any writer has ntman is neither Englisman ior Atmer- that Ludwig Lewisohn was refused a the gtter witt Lewisohi's book and written a real story ot a boy's lite toan. Ilie was born in Sweden and job at Colstmbia not because Ito was a=...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 6

…s (I) first, Asch- (M) third. Time 2-5. for the dle even s he too Johnso 3-5 se i slower In th nt took conds. e of the and Osi nper of first pla TheirI Neiscb 440 yard run, Sweet (I) first, Fes- senden (I) second, Schlapprizzi (I) third. Time 49 and 2-5 seconds. ne by 880 yard run, Yates (I) first, Kloep- Wol- per (I) second, Douglas (M) third; time 1 minute 58 3-5 seconds. ts. In 1 mile run, Patterson (I) first, k sec- Wharton (I) second, W...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 6

…s THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 for, while li genius is naturally less about the rt of Lirat, who, by the © k s a7 Athouta that of Zl, or Proost, or Dan- way, rsmbles the Cludl of Zolec' del, he bha much in cousmon with all "LO .eure"; and there is an especi- B o o k s a a iseofAndqual iIstmfr exi r itedoa l o lefucrow s ionist~ is ianr three. qulidy whatisfar xcehi'a wrg allyheclofulimlrgePaisicitur "THlE CUTIC AND THElDi)i...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 7

…s ATTITUDE PROGRE~S first rank appear. In the contracts covering appearances at the May Fes- tival, at least four contain clauses which effectively prevent broadcast- ing ony of the music of the events, and the School of Music very prop- erly made the choice of securing these artists, without broadcasting, rather than finding others of lower standing In the musical world who would per- mit the radio work, Moreover the authorities of the Sch...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 7

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE 7 nervous instability of both. In Paris had to be taken along, and Mr. Bishop Knopf is publishing two new animal Scribner's is publishing a collet, he falls in love with a shallow, in- set out on his trip to Europe with no stories by a Danish naturalist, Svend tion of sixteen one-act plays by B. sincere, extravagant, altogether more official baggage than a light Fleuron. "Kittens, A Family Chron...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 8

…'U 4 CONFER-I THIS ON RED and Cardinals," which is to be direct- ed by Ellen Wonders, '22Ed., has the following cast: The Girl, Evelyn, Rockwell, '22; The Youth, Francis Greenbaum, '22; -Father Austin, Nayt Bashara, '23L; Mrs. Connelly, Celma Simonson, '23; Levraut, Henry Goff, '23; the Cardinal, Milton Klee, '23. Besides taking one of the star parts in this play, Miss Rockwell is direct- ing "The Glittering Gate" which has but two characte...…

May 14, 1922 • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 Y 4 ' A REVIEW BY G. ). E. of value to both the layman and tIse (Continued from Page 5) more scientifically inclined. against Miss Bethany Lovell for the Those who have borrowed my books manneri o which he at first ackd in might start returning them. "Arms aod the Man" as given b~ themihstrrerogte. Comedy club. 1 find out that she act- Sixteo dolts 00 a freshmaos chest, ed to the letter of S...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 9

…be be the so be There will be a meeting of all Uni- versity women who live in Ann Ar- bor at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. This special meeting has been -called for the pur- pose of making a decision concerning a proposition to raise funds for the University of Michigan ' league cam- paign. Plans Completed For Sorosis fete With elaborate plans under way for decorative effects which have tak- en much time and effort, t...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 10

…CIAL B r3 p. M. (11:30'. AY, MAY 14, 1922 U LLETIN Number 163 a aF 18ea .a1s ra ICs I I LVi" !L ! 1/ 71 L 1 Rath-Frost Engagement Announced member of the Delta Sigma Pi fra- Announcement was made of the en- ternity, is president of the Commerce gagement of Miss Helen Frost, '21, to clubtand secretary of the Boxing and Harry Rath, '22, Friday night, at the Botr'cus Alpha Omicron Pi sorority of which Miss Frost is a member. Rath is a Patroni...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 11

…II :1 it F SUNDAY MAGAZINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 r , r THE CRITICS FALL OUT Over Webb Waidron's Book (By Delbert Clark) they fail to she a thing it cannot long chester Union, *or would be if Mr. One chapter which would probably Yhen Webb' Waldron Wrote "The exist, and that. the best remedy)/for Waldron was trying to make a real kindle the blush' of shame upon the ad t the World," he accomplished any evil is ignorance...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 12

…The New University Health Service. (By Mauriee Berman) some time during the summer months. show that the Health Service has an "We shall have pretty close to double average of about 4000 calls per month. Several mopths ago when we were the room in the new building that we He expects an even larger number of reading stories of the proposed new now have," was the opinion of Dr. calls next year, especially in view of Health Center for the Univers...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 13

…SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1' 1 -IEM I IUAIN IAIL x WiviAUAI.sM "THE MIND IN THE MAKING" (Continued) By James Harvey Robinson (Published by Harper & Brothers ) fundamental truths in regard to man raping control in spite of our best ef- is that he believes in too much gov- I. Our Medieval Intellectual Inherit- were assumed to be established once forts to prevent any thoroughgoing ferment. * * * ance and for all. The Greek thinkers had readjustment. We ins...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 14

…THE MICHIGAN, DAILY MAGAZINE SUNDAY, MAY 14, 1922 into bittern's5 and denounced their "The M ind in the 7aking" pponents is pig-headed obecurantits. (Continued from Page 3.) ceiter. All creatures were made to It is the avowed purpose of sciem- To the medieval theologa, man assist or to try man. God and the title thought to reduce the number of was by nature vile. We have seen that, devil were preoccupied with his fate, mysteries, and its succe...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 15

…A Review-and Addenda (By G.D. E) But the sad fact must be told. Bjlrk- the senile Brander Matthews who said ought to heave Bjrkman's novel into seldom that any writer has man is neither Englishman nor Amer- that Ludwig Lewisohn was refused a the gutter with Lewisohn's book and ael stortof an oy' ife ican. He was born in Sweden and job at Columbia not because he was a the works of Joseph Conrad. Sa real story of a boys fifelived there for twent...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 16

…hooks and Auduoi "THE CRITIC AND THE DRAMA" less valuable because of this fact.' By George Jean Nathan acting is not an art has long been (A Review by C. J. D.) of his favorite contentions, for Our dramatic critics are coming to ample. In the present volume he serve an important and unique func- devotes much space to the suppi tion in the life of that mysterious ani- this interesting theory. mal, the General Public. They as_ But in spite of th...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 17

…nervous instaoiity oc oo. in raris he falls in love with a shallow, in- sincere, extravagant, altogether worthless woman. The victim of an hereditary lack of balance and sense. of proportion, he allows this woman to consume his whole life. Her pres- ence keeps him from writing his nov- els. He is driven to desperate and un- scrupulous methods of . securing money to satisfy her whims. When she has exhausted his funds she turns to other lovers; ...…

May 14, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 163) • Page Image 18

…A REVIEW BY G. D. E. of value to both the layman and those (Continued-from Page 5) more scientifically inclined. n 1Be SURE it's a against Miss Bethany Lovell for the Those who have borrowed my books manner in which she at first acted in Toewohvbroedmbok "Arms and the Man" as given by the might start returning them. F R 0 S TT E Comedy club. Ifind outthat sheact- F R O S T B IT E etotelteofhiwspa.Te Sixteen dolts on a freshman's cheat, x. ed t...…

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