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November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…GOING SPIRO ONE BETTER See Editorial Page 1E lflr ian 4:3 a t 149 SNO-DOUBT High-35 Low-25 The Weatherman is in Washington Vol. LXXX, No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 14, 1969 , Ten Cents Eight Pages 71 PER CENT: Strikers win largeE ren~te cu By STEVE KOPPMAN Four rent striking tenants last night received the largest reduction in back rent awarded by a court since the Ann Arbor rent strike began. A six-woman District Court j...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 2

…F iwo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 14, 1969 Pci ~e Twci THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 14, 1969 -theatre-- . ce Flash bang wallop production 4 '4 1F lijimli4.M I1 Il lllJIDIinIIIEIIIIIIk II -1 LI I I h By JOH-N ALLEN There are several cures for Sophonmore Slump, one of them is S oph Show. Like turning 21, li~ga sophomore only happens Of.3and there's no reason not to t ake~ advantage of it--which is p!recisely w...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 3

…-~A Ila4e C4C Sfrii!tn 43atlij NEWS -0532I If your prevailing circumstances are not extraordinarily conducive to exemplary contentment with your personal appearance there is a reasonable probability that you should contemplate a transferance of patronage to our facilities. I NTERNATIONAL/HAIRSTYLISTS Sell a POT in Daily Classifieds Friday, November 14, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Threc Senate doves discuss postwar WASHINGTON J...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 4

…i The Mirhigan Date Servesty-n ine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan the jaundiced eye Stalking new political strategy with Nixon by ron IlandSmiani 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Ediorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in alt reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: J...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 5

…Friday, November 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. '557 FOR RENT LOST AND FOUND BUSINESS SERVICES UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES APT. FOR SUBLET-Modern bi-level on $10 REWARD for return of book en- EXPERIENCED TYPIST will type Catherine. For info. call Leonard, titled LABOR RELATIONS LAW. No theses, dissertations, etc. Call 971- 769-4512 immediately. 3...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN! DAILY Friday, November 14, 1969 Page Six THE MICHiGAN DAILY WATER IPOLO -F( )IRNEY GUILD HOUSE -802 Monroe- FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14 Noon Luncheon-25c Speaker: STEVEN BURGHARDT of the TENANTS UNION VON FINAL NOTICE Graduates ! M. . ichiga By ROD ROBERT Matt Mann Pool will be open- ing its doors a little early this year to the action and excite- ment of water sports. But it isn't because of swimming. Michigan will h...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 7

…Friday, November 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DRILY Page Seven Friday, November VI, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Knicks search and destroy to tie mark; MANDICH HEADS RECEIVERS: Hoosier lops By The Associated Press NEW YORK -- The racehorse New York Knickerbockers charged into the National Basketball As- sociation record book last night with a 114-99 victory over the Chicago Bulls. The victory gave the Knicks a 16-1 record, matching the m...…

November 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 62) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 14, 1969 P age Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, November 14, 1969 DISCUSS REFORMS Ed School plans class workshops Workshops, rallies mark local activity By SHARON WEINER Instead of going to class next Tuesday, most students and fac- ulty in the education school will attend "class-seminars" to dis- cuss innovation and reorgani- zational proposals. These proposals, an out- growth of a studen...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…:IAcCA1rN IIY IS )EAI See Page 2i icl: C' BkA&43 1 iIailA COOLER High 45-50 Low 35-40 Cloudy and windy; chance of showers Vol. LXXX, No. 35 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages (ONTENTI()N: Jury debates Tenants landlord sit-in case Union, agree e talk-s BUL LETIN The jury in the second LSA Bldg. sit-in trial was unable to reach a verdict early this morning and was sent to the Statler Hilton Hotel ...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…I CI:'" E l iC, THE MICHIGAN DAILY 4 Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Pci go iwo THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 14, 1969 ~cGrtney dead; new evidence brought to (_ U ' 1.U I I. I I .'" . i', ' . as n a." '. 1.a o n auk mVKiRe F ii 1 ' IdvemIr, l <r4, sa d nd e ls h ia bC re 1ng theirnrhang utbmuml eaietyi etlyd Nomer,n 1griui hases and lu1kerLing.- Pau imedin i Ason-- cMartin, stedi awa tred sad, an itO v ' h i-,)d sheahed bf,. twas ded...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

… second front page aloe Siri!Wn m tily NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Last Chance To Get Shot! I Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three :>: a for your MICHIGANENSIAN SENIOR PICTURE come to the 'Ensian office, 420 Maynard 10-12, 1-5, 7-8 U PREMIERE TONIGHT the news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service THE SENATE passed a compromise student loan program. The bill raises the interest ceiling on loans to...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

… A closer look at the bookstore's 1r £1r4,ithan Daitlj Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ledgers 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff wrjters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID SPURR I Tomorrow' s morator...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 5

…Tuesday, October 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCH ES 1 2.60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70 2 days 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4.55 4.95 4.95 9.50 13.50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6.10 6:65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.75 ...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAM}' Tuesday, Qcfi©ber 14, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 14, 1969 I "Chil61dren of the Damned by JOHN BRILEY (Author of "THE TRAITORS") A modern parable. The story of five interna- tional children with telephative, charismat- ic powers who symbolize man's potential for love and peace in confrontation with a world committed to power aggression and violence. SHOWING: Newman Center 1:30 Mark's Coffee House ...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 7

…Tuesday, October 14, 1 767 THE MICHIGAN GAILY Page Seven Tuesday, October 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Student Book Service , will be closed Oct. 15 To Support the National Mora- torium Against the Viet Nam War Rent your Roommate with a Classified Ad Fleming talks with students, fields issues during open forum PRESS CONFERENCE: Ginsberg poetry readings aid Sinclair, Argus defense fund n r I +rrr /FUNNYV OURL A GIRL... ONC...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 14, 1969 I IF YOU DO FEEL THAT THE WAR SHOULD STOP NOW: THEN DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT CONTACT: New Mobilization Committee Knicks Lakers lead struggle for Celtic's throne 2522 SAB 769-2570 In support of the Wednesday, Oct. 15 Moratorium on the War in Vietnam, the Newman Student Asso- ciation will hold a PEACE VIGIL TUESDAY, OCT. 14, 8:00 P.M.-1:00 A.M. ST. MARY'S CHAPEL . come any time...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 9

…Tuesday, October 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Nine Tuesday, October 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY M' looks to State, then roses We're on the road to the Rose............................. Bowl. Seriously. Even though Saturday's 31-20 victory over Purdue was the first Big Ten game of the season for BROAD-SIDE Michigan, the Wolverines proved 4 iR O \, i1 )1 that they have the strengths to vin the ticket to travel to Pasa- by robIn wri...…

October 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 35) • Page Image 10

…Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, October 14, 1969 Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY 7iI 11 F- 1111 R trike cli Ites FILMS' The Forgotten Village (screen play by John Steinbeck narration by Burgess Meredith) ANGELL AUDITORIUM B-11 :00-12:30-2:00-3:30-5:00 Gospel According to St. Matthew ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM-11:00-3:00 Salt of the Earth (sponsored by Radical Film Services, 75c) CANTERBURY HOUSE-4:00-7:00-9:00-11:00 Battle of Chica...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY DAILY See Editorial Page Y Ink A6 :4Iait,~ BRIGHT High-87 Low-58 Partly sunny and warm; Possible rain Vol. LXXX, No. 1 0 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 14, 1969 Ten Cents school: Student power an the comn By BARD MONTGOMERY Although it was initially under- pressed student members of the says Mrs. Sprague, "so we ap- "If he had indicated that he Der Hout from the faculty corn- sues w "The Executive Committee of stood that the...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1969 oqe Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1969 CIema 1r q A war with guns, but little By DEBORAH LINDERMA NN Shame, the latest film from Ingmar Bergman is about the disasters of war. After making a long series of psycho- logical and involuted films, full of pri- vate association s and still half em - bedded in his own mind, Bergman has Comle out of himself. This film, whi...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 3

…-- MICHIFISH Synchronized Swimming TRYOUTS START: SEPTEMBER 17 7:00 P.M. WOMEN'S POOL the n e stday b'V he Aw tocab d Pres., and C oli';<c Press Service Coed frats: Portnoy's solution? 4TH BIG WEEK NATONALPeiAALE CORPOATON FOX EASTERN THIEATRES 375 No. MAPLE RD. 769.1300 Mon.-Fri.. 7:00 & 9:30 Sat.-Sun.: 2:30 & 4:40 7:00 & 9:30 i GUILD HOUSE 802 MONROE ministry sponsored by United Church of Christ, Unitarian Churches? (A campuss D...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 4

…the Sunday dciily Number 8 Night Editor: David Spurr September 14, 1969 On going to America IT WAS NOT a bad summer. Rainy in A nn Arbor on weekends, but reasonably dry in Paris and Stockholm. Summer was long enough to go away from Ann Arbor for a while-to Europe or home in America. With all respects to Harper's, today's Sunday Daily writers give impressions of the view from there. Rick Perloff explains the workings of blind justice in Pi...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 5

…Sunday, September 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-0 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 557 UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES I day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCH ES 1 2 60 2 4.90 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70 2 days 1.60 2.15 2.60 3.00 3.40 3.75 4:15 4 55 4.95 4 95 9 50 13 .50 17.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3.75 4 35 4 95 5 50 6.10 6.65 7.15 7.15 13.80 19.7...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1969 Or anizers Neeed State: Triplett and the triple-option The Tenants Union still needs organizers to contact tenants in the fo llow i n g management companies. DAHLMANN POST WALDEN AMBASSADOR Tenants in these management companies and others interested in organizing come to the Tenants Union office or contact Nan Byam at 662-263...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 7

…Sunday, September 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Sunday, September 1 4, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven t h e c l i i l Bill Cusumano _ ___ JV1Iule(Ireamntg I reazed that... The Jets defensive line should give O. J. Simpson a few lessons today. Allie Sherman deserved to get canned long before Friday. Football will at least be a cleaner game when it is played on Tartan Turf. o. J. Simpson should give the Southern Cal publicity...…

September 14, 1969 (vol. 80, iss. 10) • Page Image 8

…Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, September 14, ~I 969 FLEMING'S HARD LINE: ROTC stand: The new image? Ed school i (Continiued from Page 1) "The public tolerance of Re- "If you look at the recent con- are invoked and almost inevitably thetical to the very purpose of the gents tolerating campus disrup- University," Fleming says - but tions is far more sensitive than it some students ...…

August 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…CHALLENGING THE MILITARY See Editorial Page Y Ink igaun D~alli WORSENING High-87 Low-65 Increasing cloudiness. chance of thundershowers Vol. LXXIX, No. 65-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, August 14, 1969 Ten Cents Four Pages BOTH CLAIM INVASION: China, Russia clash .Kelley bars at Sinkiang bor der, TOKYO sT) - Red Ch in a charged Soviet troops, sup- ported by tanks and helicop- ters, invaded Sinkiang Prov- ince yesterday a n d infl...…

August 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

… Itir Sirlhjan Dadj# Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynord St., Ann Arbor, Mich.h News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDY SARASOHN Challenging the military monolith ^^y L . U "C +G >. m ,a 4 ., ...…

August 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…Thursday, August 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three Thursday, August 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Three I Vi T DIAL 5-6290 TODAY at 1:30 and 8 P.M. .:*:*:*:*x} 4}:"?>t:%{r }.i ::...........l C; "a, ;. :r rr.}{"": :}^,'":.^."y gr,;..;.r: ::.::: i. ..wIY Er'}":v{:i":S::ti..{"1x eeildS, ,rr e "k :{*sosA °V:{:y"44}.:e."{mri"?A :X,"}..i.: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I 1 JUMBOV I F I ' 0A..PA.S. BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! "To Miss It...…

August 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…Page Four T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursdov_ Atlnufit 14 1969 5 i 'r "iz'.uyt fLIUbtI * 17V7 F ,BACK NO PROBLEM: I Palmer no-hits Oakland For Direct Classified Ad Service. Phone 764-0557 Monday through Friday, 10:00 to 3:00 I 'I BALTIMORE (M)-Baltimore's Jim Palmer, continuing his amaz- ing comeback following another spell on the disabled list, hurled a no-hitter against the Oakland Athletics as the Orioles won, 8-0 last night. The 23-y...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…IM FACILITIES FOR STUDENTS? See editorial page cl, 4r git 4ZUI !Iati AGAIN High-70 Low-41 Sunny in the morning cloudy by afternoon Vol. LXXIX, No. 27-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, June 14, 1969 ' Ten Cents Six Pages ASKS FEE RAISE: 111 report released By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Vice President for Academic Affairs Allen Smith yester- day released the controversial report of the Intramural Ad- visory Board which was drafted at a closed sess...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 2

…Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 14, 1969 Iage Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY cinema" poetry and prose Studentask #I Losing out with By DREW BOGEMA James Goldstone and Howard Rodman- recent graduates from television film- making--have directed and written a movie: Winning, now playing at the State. The movie makes it; not big, but, still, we are given an enjoyable episode in the saga of the American race-car driver. It doesn't comp...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 3

…THE MIDWEST'S MOTION.PITURE PALACE presents second front page 4P -wgdL Ia&- AMU 41P 711a 410 0-attu NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 BUSINESS PHONE: 764-0554 Saturday, June 14, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three i NICHOLAS RAY'S "Party Girl' 7 & 9P.M. and FRANK BORZAGE'S "Till We Meet Again" P.M. Monday, June 16 at THE ARK 1 75c 421 Hill Street NEXT WEEK: CARL DREYER'S "Vampyr!" Turning off the falls The American Falls of Niagara Falls ...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 4

…I running wild so" Ely£3idyi Baity Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Will Detroit burn? by lImuat c erot 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in oli reprints. SATURDAY, JUNE 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD ROSENTHAL i Buildin...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 5

…I Saturday, June 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five I For Direct Classified Service, Phone 764-04 Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. 5i57, UNCONTRACTED CLASSIFIED RATES LINES 1 day 2 1.00 3 1.10 4 1.35 5 1.55 6 1.80 7 2.00 8 r 2.20 9 2.40 10 2.60 INCHES 1 2.60 2 490 3 6.95 4 8.90 5 10.70, 2 days 1 60 2 15 2 60 3.00 3.40 3 75 4:15 4 55 4.95 4 95 9 50 13 50 1 7.35 21.10 3 days 2.35 3.10 3 75 4.35 4.95 5.50 6 10 6 65 7.15 7.15 13.8...…

June 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 27) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, June 14, 1969 Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Netters minus Dell limp to NCAA tourney By BILL DINNER In t h e words of Michigan's tennis coach Bill Murphy, the Wolverines have "possibly t h e best tennis team we have ever had, and although we don't have any superstars, the team h a s great balance and a lot of depth." Murphy's words were echoed to the letter when D i c k Dell grabbed t h e first singles...…

May 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 6) • Page Image 1

…DRAFT LOTTERY: JUST GAMBLING See editorial page Sir igan ~Iadj DRIPPY Hlgh-75 Low-48 Partly cloudy, chance of showers Vol LXXIX, No. 6-S Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, May 14, 1969 Ten Cents Four Pages NATIONAL GUARD ALERTED: 41000 students battle Nixon pro poses lottery police at Southern draft of rockis and bottles at police on Southern University's campus yesterday, drawing a tehar gas blasts in return. Gov. John J. McKeithen...…

May 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 6) • Page Image 2

… Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan .JAMES WECHSLER Unionism in' the South and in the unions Ar 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: HAROLD ROSENTHAL Drafting by lottery: Gam...…

May 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 6) • Page Image 3

… Page Three Wednesday, May 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY . ao- . Th r ,, _- _ the- news today by The Associated Press and College Press Service HRC asks action against policeman SENATE OPPONEN TS of the Nixon administration's Safe- guard antimissile system total 48, an Associated Press survey showed yesterday. Advocates of speedy installation of the limited antiballistic missile system proposed...…

May 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 6) • Page Image 4

…'Pag tour THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 14, 1969 Michigan rally falls just short as Broncos capture wild one, 10-9 By JOHN GLAJSER In a wild slugfest yesterday afternoon, Western Michigan end- ed the Wolverines' string of six straight baseball wins, 10-9. A ninth inning Michigan rally in which four runs were scored fel just short as the Broncos bare- ly held off a strong threat in a: game marred by bad weather and. sloppy fielding. T...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

… TRAINING TEACHERS FOR THE GHETTO See editorial page 43U :!Iat CRUMMY Hiigh-35 Partly cloudy with light snow Vol. LXXIX, No. 134 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, March 14, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages _.. .._ Blacks By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN The handful of black students attending the University's Flint College have unit- ed in an attempt to change what they consider the "white" and'sometimes "rac- ist".nature of their school. Students for Black...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…Page Two -film festival- Night of the winners? THE MICHI An end t By BRUCE HENSTELL The third night of tho Ann Arbor Film Festival may well turn out to be the night of the winners. It was a night of easy and occassionally serious view- ing, even if it lagged in parts. Several of the films were montages of images, far from a new or even necessarily in- teresting technique. But in sev- eral cases the juxtaposition called attention to the obi...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…Page Three Friday, March 14, 1969 RUSS GIBB presents in Detroit KILLER SHOW{ THE MICHIGAN DAILY TONIGHT and SATURDAY BARRY O'NEILL guitar, dulcimer, concertina, banjo '1 1421 Hill St. 8:30 P.M. FROM ENGLAND Demonstrations hit role of research 1!i a i I I it I'l FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JOHN MAYALL and SAVOY BROWN Blues Bands AND Admission $5.00 8:30 P.M.-l :00 A.M. SUNDAY-THE FROST AND THE TRAIN 7-11, $1.75 THE GRANDE BALLROOM Grand R...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…i El~cfl 3idligan Batty Seventy-eight years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ceteris patribus On dropping back in ...4,1i':: e'l: f.'. ,1'."," .1 " 1': ^ ".".'t" 1.41,. . .y .. :"titi1 "':'"'"' ti":{1'4 «""L" y: ""'":i' '4:1.1 ": 41y'{Y 1:.}:.'. . .'11.4::!i±i.::.v " "4".11r V:. J:J 1«"4 4 :. ..... i.: VLt.'t1 ..11{'. ::."::."."h1\Vti" 'i: l":4"}:". A.. r. [ y, '. .(.,, .L !. 1, , .41 ":1. 1...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

… I II Y I Y 11 1 Y YYYi FOR RENT WANTED-Fem. sr. or grad .for mod- ern bi-level apt. Jan.-Apr. Rent neg. Call 769-3250. C47 512 WALNUT STREET. Model No. 12, Beautiful 3-man furnished. New '2- bedroom, dishwasher. Summer or Fall. NO 8-6906. C19 FIRST HALF ONLY, 1 bedroom modern. NO 8-6906. C5 " '" 0 bi-level apt. balconies central air-cond. covered parking furnished bus service to campus MALE ROOMMATE needed for modern 2-rdan apt. near ...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 14, 1969 Page Sb THE MICHIGAN DAILY Fricloy. March 14. 1969 :.. FACULTY SPEECH: I SG;Cannroves prie nrot~st. -----r"-- ' """ Cohen makes debut jois suit against State Senate FOOD STRIKE Students protest meals cueIore ea, scnoQ~t By NADINE COHODAS "I'm a 'Very pragmatic man," said Wilbur Cohen newDean of the School of Education. Speaking to the school's faculty and students yesterday for t...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

…Page Seven Friday, March 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY __.. . *Protests hit role of research' (Continued from Page 3) The nation's nost interesting activity may have been at Hay- erford College outside Philadel- phia, Pa. Virtually every class at Haverford geared its discus- sion toward the responsibility of the sciences. A session on man's control of his environment kick- ed off the program, which in- cluded films and lectures. But the most...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 14, 1969 Organization of Arab Students-U. of M. Presents A Lecture on "THE CURRENT MIDDLE EAST CRISES" By DATE: March 14 at 8 P.M. Dr. Mae k Place: Multipurpose Room hamedShIkelf Undergraduate Library Ryun headlines NCAA track . .. i ALICE'S RESTAURANT "TH E ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD" Errol Flynn, Basil Rathbone, Claude Raines, Olivia De Haviland 8 and 10 P.M...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 9

…Friday, March 14, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY b,, . a .. __ rage "iUine Duke hires new cage coach; basketball to honor little man By The Associated Press. * DURHAM, N.C. - Reymond "Bucky" Waters resigned Wed- nesday after four years as basketball coach at West Virginia to return as head coach to Duke University. He was Vic Bubas' top assistant for six years. Waters, 34, succeeds Bubas, who once called him the best as- sistant coach in the co...…

March 14, 1969 (vol. 79, iss. 134) • Page Image 10

…Page 'T'ern THE MICHIGAN DAILY Friday, March 14, 1969 Page Ten THE MICI-flGAN DAILY Friday, March 14, 1969 Thenm By BILL CUSUMANO Associate Sports Editor When the doors of the Events Building closed on March 1 it signalled the end of another home basketball season. It also marked the end of the college career for a player who has thrilled Michigan fans for three years, Bob Sullivan. Sullivan played the exciting kind of individual game tha...…

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